SPLASH Workshops 2020
2020 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Workshops 2020)
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12th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages (VMIL 2020)
November 17, 2020
Virtual, USA
VMIL 2020 – Proceedings
12th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages (VMIL 2020)
Title Page
Welcome from the Chairs
Invited Talks
Racket’s Intermediate Language for Control (Invited Talk)
Matthew Flatt
(University of Utah, USA)
Publisher's Version
In Pursuit of Easy(er) JITs (Invited Talk)
Mark Stoodley
(IBM, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Understanding Graal IR (Invited Talk)
Chris Seaton
(Shopify, USA)
Publisher's Version
10 Years of Dart (Invited Talk)
Vyacheslav Egorov
(Google, Denmark)
Publisher's Version
Programming Microcontrollers through High-Level Abstractions
Steven Varoumas, Basile Pesin, Benoît Vaugon, and Emmanuel Chailloux
(Sorbonne University, France; CNRS, France; LIP6, France; Inria, France; Armadillo, France)
Publisher's Version
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