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International Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM 2016), October 30, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands

DSM 2016 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message from the Chairs


Run-Time Code Generators for Model-Level Debugging in Domain-Specific Modeling
Verislav Djukić, Aleksandar Popović, and Zhenli Lu
(Djukic Software, Germany; University of Montenegro, Montenegro; Changshu Institute of Technology, China)
A DSL-Based Approach for Elasticity Testing of Cloud Systems
Michel Albonico, Amine Benelallam, Jean-Marie Mottu, and Gerson Sunyé
(AtlanMod, France; Federal University of Technology Paraná, Brazil; École des Mines de Nantes, France; Université de Nantes, France)
DesignScript: A Domain Specific Language for Architectural Computing
Robert Aish and Emmanuel Mendoza
(University College London, UK; ARM, UK)

Robotics and Safety

Model-Driven Separation of Concerns for Service Robotics
Kai Adam, Arvid Butting, Robert Heim, Oliver Kautz, Bernhard Rumpe, and Andreas Wortmann
(RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Improving Maintenance by Creating a DSL for Configuring a Fieldbus
Mathijs Schuts and Jozef Hooman
(Philips, Netherlands; TNO, Netherlands; Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
CPAL: High-Level Abstractions for Safe Embedded Systems
Nicolas Navet and Loïc Fejoz
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; RTaW, France)
A Safe Autonomous Vehicle Trajectory Domain Specific Modeling Language for Non-expert Development
Matt Bunting, Yegeta Zeleke, Kennon McKeever, and Jonathan Sprinkle
(University of Arizona, USA; University of California at Santa Cruz, USA)
Applying Test-Driven Development for Creating and Refining Domain-Specific Modeling Languages and Generators
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen
(MetaCase, Finland)
Instance Modeling Assisted by an Optional Meta Level
Riccardo Solmi
(Whole Factory, Italy)

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