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3rd International Workshop on Programming for Mobile and Touch (PROMOTO 2015), October 27, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

PROMOTO 2015 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message from the Chairs

Apps Development

Measuring the Usability and Capability of App Inventor to Create Mobile Applications
Benjamin Xie, Isra Shabir, and Hal Abelson
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
A Flow-Based Programming Framework for Mobile App Development
Jesse Zaman, Lode Hoste, and Wolfgang De Meuter
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)

Touch Programming

Supporting "What-If" in Touch-Screen Web Applications
Peter Simonyi, Jeff Wilson, Judith M. Brown, and Robert Biddle
(Carleton University, Canada)
Collaborative Annotations for Large Touchscreen Web Applications
Miran Mirza, Jeff Wilson, and Robert Biddle
(Carleton University, Canada)

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