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2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Companion 2015), October 25–30, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

SPLASH Companion 2015 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Welcome from the SPLASH 2015 General Chair
SPLASH 2015 Workshop Chairs' Welcome
SPLASH 2015 Organization
SPLASH 2015 Sponsors and Supporters


Tomorrow's Network Operators Will Be Programmers (Keynote)
Nick Feamster
(Princeton University, USA)
How Dart Learned from Past Object-Oriented Systems (Keynote)
Lars Bak
(Google, USA)
Modern Software Is All about Data. Development Environments Should Be, Too. (Keynote)
Rob DeLine
(Microsoft Research, USA)


Consensus-Based Mining of API Preconditions in Big Code
Hoan Anh Nguyen, Robert Dyer, Tien N. Nguyen, and Hridesh Rajan
(Iowa State University, USA; Bowling Green State University, USA)
Custom Full-Coverage Dynamic Program Analysis for Android
Haiyang Sun, Yudi Zheng, Lubomír Bulej, Walter Binder, and Stephen Kell
(University of Lugano, Switzerland; University of Cambridge, UK)
Heterogeneous Device Hopping: Bridging the Mobile Cross-Platform Gap via a Declarative Query Language
Sanchit Chadha, Antuan Byalik, and Eli Tilevich
(Virginia Tech, USA)
Making Live Programming Practical by Bridging the Gap between Trial-and-Error Development and Unit Testing
Tomoki Imai, Hidehiko Masuhara, and Tomoyuki Aotani
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Demonstrating Programming Language Feature Mining using Boa
Robert Dyer, Hridesh Rajan, Tien N. Nguyen, and Hoan Anh Nguyen
(Bowling Green State University, USA; Iowa State University, USA)
GTInspector: A Moldable Domain-Aware Object Inspector
Andrei Chiş, Oscar Nierstrasz, Aliaksei Syrel, and Tudor Gîrba
(University of Bern, Switzerland; tudorgirba.com, Switzerland)
Fraglight: Shedding Light on Broken Pointcuts in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software
Raffi Khatchadourian, Awais Rashid, Hidehiko Masuhara, and Takuya Watanabe
(City University of New York, USA; Lancaster University, UK; Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; Edirium, Japan)
Video Info
Ultra Lightweight JavaScript Engine for Internet of Things
Evgeny Gavrin, Sung-Jae Lee, Ruben Ayrapetyan, and Andrey Shitov
(Samsung, Russia; Samsung, South Korea)

Doctoral Symposium

Trace Register Allocation
Josef Eisl
(JKU Linz, Austria)
Trace Oblivious Computation
Chang Liu
(University of Maryland, USA)
Privacy and Security Constraints for Code Contributions
Rodrigo Andrade
(Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
Panini: A Concurrent Programming Model with Modular Reasoning
Mehdi Bagherzadeh
(Iowa State University, USA)
The Spreadsheet Paradigm: A Basis for Powerful and Accessible Programming
Gary Miller
(University of Technology Sydney, Australia)


Shiranui: A Live Programming with Support for Unit Testing
Tomoki Imai, Hidehiko Masuhara, and Tomoyuki Aotani
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Exploiting Parallelism in Mobile Devices
Arghya Chatterjee, Timothy Newton, Tom Roush, Hunter Tidwell, and Vivek Sarkar
(Rice University, USA)
ModeSens: An Approach for Multi-modal Mobile Sensing
Ahmed Abdel Moamen and Nadeem Jamali
(University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
Towards Transitory Encapsulation
Sebastian Fleissner
(Australian National University, Australia)
Statik: An Incremental Compiler Generator
Michael Biggs
(Broadway Technology, USA)
Toward Incremental Type Checking for Java
Edlira Kuci, Sebastian Erdweg, and Mira Mezini
(TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Pyrlang: A High Performance Erlang Virtual Machine Based on RPython
Ruochen Huang, Hidehiko Masuhara, and Tomoyuki Aotani
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Conf.Researchr.Org: Towards a Domain-Specific Content Management System for Managing Large Conference Websites
Elmer van Chastelet, Eelco Visser, and Craig Anslow
(Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Middlesex University, UK)
Evaluating Work Distribution Patterns for Parallel Bitmap Compression over SMPs
Ben McCamish, Xinghui Zhao, David Chiu, Jason Sawin, and Guadalupe Canahuate
(Oregon State University, USA; Washington State University, USA; University of Puget Sound, USA; University of St. Thomas, USA; University of Iowa, USA)
Spotter: Towards a Unified Search Interface in IDEs
Aliaksei Syrel, Andrei Chiş, Tudor Gîrba, Juraj Kubelka, Oscar Nierstrasz, and Stefan Reichhart
(University of Bern, Switzerland; tudorgirba.com, Switzerland; University of Chile, Chile)
Toward a Java Based Infrastructure for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Yu David Liu and Lukasz Ziarek
(SUNY Binghamton, USA; SUNY Buffalo, USA)
Porting the NetBeans Java 8 Enhanced for Loop Lambda Expression Refactoring to Eclipse
Md. Arefin and Raffi Khatchadourian
(City University of New York, USA)


Software Professionalism – Is it "Good Enough?" (Panel)
Steven D. Fraser, Dennis Mancl, Nancy R. Mead, Mary Shaw, and Werner Wild
(Innoxec, USA; Alcatel-Lucent, USA; Software Engineering Institute, USA; Carnegie Mellon University, USA; University of Innsbruck, Austria)
The Future of Programming Languages and Programmers (Panel)
Steven D. Fraser, Lars Bak, Rob DeLine, Nick Feamster, Lindsey Kuper, Cristina V. Lopes, and Peng Wu
(Innoxec, USA; Google, USA; Microsoft Research, USA; Princeton University, USA; Intel Labs, USA; University of California at Irvine, USA; Huawei, USA)

Student Research Competition

Efficient Support for Strong Semantics in Transactional and Non-transactional Programs
Aritra Sengupta
(Ohio State University, USA)
Automatic Array Property Detection via Static Analysis
Alisa J. Maas
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
KinEdit: A Tool to Help Developers Refactor Manually
Josh Terrell
(California Polytechnic State University, USA)
Finding Bugs in Spreadsheets using Reference Counting
Nima Joharizadeh
(University of California at Davis, USA)
Viser: Providing Serializability in Hardware with Simplified Cache Coherence
Swarnendu Biswas
(Ohio State University, USA)
Concurrency Control for Multithreaded Reactive Programming
Ragnar Mogk
(TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Gradual Mode Types for Energy-Aware Programming
Anthony Canino
(SUNY Binghamton, USA)
Race-Driven UI-Level Test Generation for JavaScript-Based Web Applications
Martin Billes
(TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Contributions of the Under-Appreciated: Gender Bias in an Open-Source Ecology
Andrew Kofink
(North Carolina State University, USA)
Safely Evolving Configurable Systems
Flávio Medeiros
(Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil)
SIRe: An Efficient Snapshot Isolation-Based Memory Model for Detecting and Tolerating Region Conflicts
Minjia Zhang
(Ohio State University, USA)
The Oprop Verification Tool: Object Propositions in Action
Ligia Nistor
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

Workshop Previews

Workshop Preview of the 2015 Eclipse Technology eXchange Workshop (ETX 2015)
Tim Verbelen and Michael G. Burke
(Ghent University, Belgium; Rice University, USA)
Workshop Preview of the 3rd International Workshop on Mobile Development Lifecycle (MobileDeLi 2015)
Aharon Abadi, Lori Flynn, and Jeff Gray
(IBM Research, Israel; Carnegie Mellon University, USA; University of Alabama, USA)
Workshop Preview of the 2nd International Workshop on Software for Parallel Systems (SEPS 2015)
Ali Jannesari, Siegfried Benkner, Xinghui Zhao, Ehsan Atoofian, and Yukionri Sato
(TU Darmstadt, Germany; University of Vienna, Austria; Washington State University, USA; Lakehead University, Canada; Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Workshop Preview of the 13th International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis (WODA 2015)
Guoqing Xu and Walter Binder
(University of California at Irvine, USA; University of Lugano, Switzerland)
Workshop Preview of the 2015 Workshop on Programming based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control (AGERE! 2015)
Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Philipp Haller, Alessandro Ricci, and Carlos Varela
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; KTH, Sweden; University of Bologna, Italy; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Workshop Preview of the 15th Workshop on Domain Specific Modeling (DSM 2015)
Jeff Gray, Jonathan Sprinkle, Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, and Matti Rossi
(University of Alabama, USA; University of Arizona, USA; MetaCase, Finland; Aalto University, Finland)
Workshop Preview of the 3rd International Workshop on Programming for Mobile and Touch (PROMOTO 2015)
Steven D. Fraser and Alberto Sillitti
(Innoxec, USA; Free University of Bolzano, Italy)
Workshop Preview of the 2015 Workshop on New Object-Oriented Languages (NOOL 2015)
Alex Potanin and James Noble
(Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Workshop Preview of the 3rd Workshop on Parsing Programming Languages (Parsing@SLE 2015)
Loek Cleophas and Ali Afroozeh
(Umeå University, Sweden; Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; Stellenbosch University, South Africa; CWI, Netherlands)
Workshop Preview of the 2015 Workshop on Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems (REBLS 2015)
Guido Salvaneschi, Wolfgang De Meuter, Patrick Eugster, and Lukasz Ziarek
(TU Darmstadt, Germany; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; Purdue University, USA; State University of New York, USA)
Workshop Preview of the 2015 Workshop on Smart Software Strategies: 15 Years after Y2K – Everything Old Is New Again (SMART 2015)
Dennis Mancl, Steven D. Fraser, and Bill Opdyke
(Alcatel-Lucent, USA; Innoxec, USA; JP Morgan Chase, USA)

Workshop Summaries

Workshop Summary of the 3rd International Workshop on Programming for Mobile and Touch (PROMOTO 2015)
Steven D. Fraser and Alberto Sillitti
(Innoxec, USA; Center for Applied Software Engineering, Italy; CINI, Italy)
Workshop Summary of the 2015 Workshop on Smart Software Strategies: 15 Years after Y2K – Everything Old Is New Again (SMART 2015)
Dennis Mancl, Steven D. Fraser, and Bill Opdyke
(Alcatel-Lucent, USA; Innoxec, USA; JP Morgan Chase, USA)

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