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24th ACM SIGSOFT International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software (SPIN 2017),
July 13–14, 2017,
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Invited Papers
The RERS 2017 Challenge and Workshop (Invited Paper)
Marc Jasper, Maximilian Fecke, Bernhard Steffen, Markus Schordan, Jeroen Meijer, Jaco van de Pol, Falk Howar, and Stephen F. Siegel
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA; TU Dortmund, Germany; University of Twente, Netherlands; TU Clausthal, Germany; University of Delaware, USA)
Symbolic Verification
Model Checking I
Code Verification
Runtime Enforcement
Runtime Enforcement using Büchi Games
Matthieu Renard, Antoine Rollet, and Yliès Falcone
(LaBRI, France; Bordeaux INP, France; University of Bordeaux, France; Grenoble Alpes University, France; Inria, France; CNRS, France; Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, France)
Model Checking - Short Papers
Program Synthesis
Practical Controller Synthesis for MTL0,∞
Guangyuan Li, Peter Gjøl Jensen, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Axel Legay, and Danny Bøgsted Poulsen
(Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Aalborg University, Denmark; Inria, France; University of Kiel, Germany)
Model Checking II
Program Sketching
Testing - Short Papers
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