SANER 2018 Workshops
Workshops of the 2018 IEEE 25th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER)
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2018 IEEE 1st International Workshop on Mining and Analyzing Interaction Histories (MAINT), March 20, 2018, Campobasso, Italy

MAINT 2018 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

2018 IEEE 1st International Workshop on Mining and Analyzing Interaction Histories (MAINT)


Title Page

Message from the Chairs
Welcome to the first International Workshop on Mining and Analyzing Interaction Histories (MAINT 2018), co-located with SANER 2018, the 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, held in Campobasso, Italy on the 20th of March 2018.


The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Usage Data in RobotStudio (Keynote)
David C. Shepherd
Instrumenting development environments and auto-matically uploading anonymized data has a concrete cost. With the cautionary tale of the Eclipse IDE’s failed data collection effort looming over us, we must examine for ourselves the question: Is the cost worth it? In this talk I’ll do a deep dive into ABB’s own data collection effort for a robotics-focused development environment, Robot-Studio, weighing the costs and benefits from this particular case. We’ll discuss how usage data saved the team person years’ of effort, how team leaders’ increased the visibility of this data by co-locating it with the cafeteria’s lunch menu, and we’ll open up discussion as to what we should explore next.

Programmer Reactions, Privacy, and Code Changes

CodeCAM: Capturing Programmer's Reaction during Coding Session
Yusuke Shinyama, Yoshitaka Arahori, and Katsuhiko Gondow
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Software development has been plagued with the lack of documentation. We focus on ways to augment existing code comments with various external data sources such as a developer's monologue or facial expression, allowing its user to track the accompanying non-textual information from a final source code. We propose CodeCAM, a framework to capture a developer's reaction as well as its complete screenshot during a coding session as a video stream. A novel method is introduced to associate these streams with the corresponding portion of a source code. Our method does not require modifying existing tools or IDEs. We then applied facial expression analysis in attempt to capture a developer's sentiment toward the source code during its development. Our preliminary experiments revealed that a developer tends to make a certain type of face (e.g. puzzled) when dealing with a difficult part of a program.

Privacy Preservation in Interaction History on Integrated Development Environments
Takayuki Omori
(Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
The interaction history in a software development environment allows us to analyze how developers change source code and how they use tools on the integrated development environment. Sharing the interaction history with tool providers increases the chances that developers obtain better tools. However, the interaction history sometimes contains privacy-sensitive information, which is an obstacle in collecting and using the interaction history. As an attempt to tackle this issue, this paper proposes a technique to replace sensitive text in a recorded interaction history. This paper describes the proposed technique, its current implementation, the results of a preliminary survey on how potential privacy-sensitive information exists in recorded interaction histories, and how privacy issues in sharing interaction histories can be ameliorated.

Integrating Source Code Search into Git Client for Effective Retrieving of Change History
Miwa Sasaki, Shinsuke Matsumoto, and Shinji Kusumoto
(Osaka University, Japan)
In order to achieve effective development management, it is important to manipulate and understand the change histories of source code in a repository.Although general version control systems provide change history manipulation, these systems are restricted to line-based and textual operations such as grep and diff. As such, these systems cannot follow the syntax/semantics of the source code. While various studies have examined querying and searching source codes, these methods cannot follow historical changes. The key concept of this paper is the integration of a source code search technique into Git commands that manipulate historical data in a repository. This paper presents MJgit, a prototype tool for achieving the above goal. In order to evaluate the proposed tool, we conducted a performance experiment using actual software repositories.

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