SANER 2020
2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER)
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2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), February 18-21, 2020, London, ON, Canada

SANER 2020 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message from the General Chairs and Program Co-Chairs
Program Committees

Main Research

Referee: A Pattern-Guided Approach for Auto Design in Compiler-Based Analyzers
Fang Lv, Hao Li, Lei Wang, Ying Liu, Huimin Cui, Jingling Xue, and Xiaobing Feng
(Institute of Computing Technology at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; UNSW, Australia)
Web APIs in Android through the Lens of Security
Pascal Gadient, Mohammad Ghafari, Marc-Andrea Tarnutzer, and Oscar Nierstrasz
(University of Bern, Switzerland)
SMARTSHIELD: Automatic Smart Contract Protection Made Easy
Yuyao Zhang, Siqi Ma, Juanru Li, Kailai Li, Surya Nepal, and Dawu Gu
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Data61 at CSIRO, Australia)
Automatically Extracting Subroutine Summary Descriptions from Unstructured Comments
Zachary Eberhart, Alexander LeClair, and Collin McMillan
(University of Notre Dame, USA)
Resource Race Attacks on Android
Yan Cai, Yutian Tang, Haicheng Li, Le Yu, Hao Zhou, Xiapu Luo, Liang He, and Purui Su
(Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Peng Cheng Laboratory, China)
We Are Family: Analyzing Communication in GitHub Software Repositories and Their Forks
Scott Brisson, Ehsan Noei, and Kelly Lyons
(University of Toronto, Canada)
Exploring Type Inference Techniques of Dynamically Typed Languages
C. M. Khaled Saifullah, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, and Chanchal K. Roy
(University of Saskatchewan, Canada; Queen's University, Canada)
How Do Python Framework APIs Evolve? An Exploratory Study
Zhaoxu Zhang, Hengcheng Zhu, Ming Wen, Yida Tao, Yepang Liu, and Yingfei Xiong
(Southern University of Science and Technology, China; Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China; Shenzhen University, China; Peking University, China)
Associating Code Clones with Association Rules for Change Impact Analysis
Manishankar Mondal, Banani Roy, Chanchal K. Roy, and Kevin A. Schneider
(University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
LibDX: A Cross-Platform and Accurate System to Detect Third-Party Libraries in Binary Code
Wei Tang, Ping Luo, Jialiang Fu, and Dan Zhang
(Tsinghua University, China)
EthPloit: From Fuzzing to Efficient Exploit Generation against Smart Contracts
Qingzhao Zhang, Yizhuo Wang, Juanru Li, and Siqi Ma
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Data61 at CSIRO, Australia)
Sequence Directed Hybrid Fuzzing
Hongliang Liang, Lin Jiang, Lu Ai, and Jinyi Wei
(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
LESSQL: Dealing with Database Schema Changes in Continuous Deployment
Ariel Afonso, Altigran da Silva, Tayana Conte, Paulo Martins, João Cavalcanti, and Alessandro Garcia
(Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil; PUC-Rio, Brazil)
Cross-Dataset Design Discussion Mining
Alvi Mahadi, Karan Tongay, and Neil A. Ernst
(University of Victoria, Canada)
C-3PR: A Bot for Fixing Static Analysis Violations via Pull Requests
Antônio Carvalho, Welder Luz, Diego Marcílio, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Gustavo Pinto, and Edna Dias Canedo
(University of Brasília, Brazil; USI Lugano, Switzerland; Federal University of Pará, Brazil)
Automated Bug Detection and Replay for COTS Linux Kernel Modules with Concolic Execution
Bo Chen, Zhenkun Yang, Li Lei, Kai Cong, and Fei Xie
(Intel, USA; Portland State University, USA)
Ultra-Large-Scale Repository Analysis via Graph Compression
Paolo Boldi, Antoine Pietri, Sebastiano Vigna, and Stefano Zacchiroli
(University of Milan, Italy; Inria, France; University Paris Diderot, France)
Studying Developer Reading Behavior on Stack Overflow during API Summarization Tasks
Jonathan A. Saddler, Cole S. Peterson, Sanjana Sama, Shruthi Nagaraj, Olga Baysal, Latifa Guerrouj, and Bonita Sharif
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA; Youngstown State University, USA; Carleton University, Canada; ETS, Canada)
On the Adoption of Kotlin on Android Development: A Triangulation Study
Victor Oliveira, Leopoldo Teixeira, and Felipe Ebert
(Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil; Tempest Security Intelligence, Brazil)
Energy Refactorings for Android in the Large and in the Wild
Marco Couto, João Saraiva, and João Paulo Fernandes
(University of Minho, Portugal; University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Essential Sentences for Navigating Stack Overflow Answers
Sarah Nadi and Christoph Treude
(University of Alberta, Canada; University of Adelaide, Australia)
HistoRank: History-Based Ranking of Co-change Candidates
Manishankar Mondal, Banani Roy, Chanchal K. Roy, and Kevin A. Schneider
(University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
D-Goldilocks: Automatic Redistribution of Remote Functionalities for Performance and Efficiency
Kijin An and Eli Tilevich
(Virginia Tech, USA)
Detecting Code Clones with Graph Neural Network and Flow-Augmented Abstract Syntax Tree
Wenhan Wang, Ge Li, Bo Ma, Xin Xia, and Zhi Jin
(Peking University, China; Monash University, Australia)
SAGA: Efficient and Large-Scale Detection of Near-Miss Clones with GPU Acceleration
Guanhua Li, Yijian Wu, Chanchal K. Roy, Jun Sun, Xin Peng, Nanjie Zhan, Bin Hu, and Jingyi Ma
(Fudan University, China; Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science, China; University of Saskatchewan, Canada; Singapore Management University, Singapore)
CORE: Automating Review Recommendation for Code Changes
Jing Kai Siow, Cuiyun Gao, Lingling Fan, Sen Chen, and Yang Liu
(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Distinguishing Similar Design Pattern Instances through Temporal Behavior Analysis
Renhao Xiong, David Lo, and Bixin Li
(Southeast University, China; Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Relationship between the Effectiveness of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization and Bug-Fix Types in JavaScript Programs
Béla Vancsics, Attila Szatmári, and Árpád Beszédes
(University of Szeged, Hungary)
Incremental Map-Reduce on Repository History
Johannes Härtel and Ralf Lämmel
(University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
How EvoStreets Are Observed in Three-Dimensional and Virtual Reality Environments
Marcel Steinbeck, Rainer Koschke, and Marc O. Rüdel
(University of Bremen, Germany)
Are the Code Snippets What We Are Searching for? A Benchmark and an Empirical Study on Code Search with Natural-Language Queries
Shuhan Yan, Hang Yu, Yuting Chen, Beijun Shen, and Lingxiao Jiang
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Automatically Learning Patterns for Self-Admitted Technical Debt Removal
Fiorella Zampetti, Alexander Serebrenik, and Massimiliano Di Penta
(University of Sannio, Italy; Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Refactoring Graphs: Assessing Refactoring over Time
Aline Brito, Andre Hora, and Marco Tulio Valente
(Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
On Relating Technical, Social Factors, and the Introduction of Bugs
Filipe Falcão, Caio Barbosa, Baldoino Fonseca, Alessandro Garcia, Márcio Ribeiro, and Rohit Gheyi
(Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil; PUC-Rio, Brazil; Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil)
Characterizing Architectural Drifts of Adaptive Systems
Daniel San Martín, Bento Siqueira, Valter Camargo, and Fabiano Ferrari
(Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil)
Using Productive Collaboration Bursts to Analyze Open Source Collaboration Effectiveness
Samridhi Choudhary, Christopher Bogart, Carolyn Rose, and James Herbsleb
(Amazon, USA; Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Slice-Based Cognitive Complexity Metrics for Defect Prediction
Basma S. Alqadi and Jonathan I. Maletic
(Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia; Kent State University, USA)
The Silent Helper: The Impact of Continuous Integration on Code Reviews
Nathan Cassee, Bogdan Vasilescu, and Alexander Serebrenik
(Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Heap Memory Snapshot Assisted Program Analysis for Android Permission Specification
Lannan Luo
(University of South Carolina, USA)
A Code-Description Representation Learning Model Based on Attention
Qing Huang, An Qiu, Maosheng Zhong, and Yuan Wang
(Jiangxi Normal University, China)
Suggesting Comment Completions for Python using Neural Language Models
Adelina Ciurumelea, Sebastian Proksch, and Harald C. Gall
(University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Leveraging Contextual Information from Function Call Chains to Improve Fault Localization
Árpád Beszédes, Ferenc Horváth, Massimiliano Di Penta, and Tibor Gyimóthy
(University of Szeged, Hungary; University of Sannio, Italy)
Deep Learning Based Identification of Suspicious Return Statements
Guangjie Li, Hui Liu, Jiahao Jin, and Qasim Umer
(Beijing Institute of Technology, China)
Clone Detection in Test Code: An Empirical Evaluation
Brent van Bladel and Serge Demeyer
(University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Are SonarQube Rules Inducing Bugs?
Valentina Lenarduzzi, Francesco Lomio, Heikki Huttunen, and Davide Taibi
(Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, Finland; Tampere University, Finland)


Enhancing Source Code Refactoring Detection with Explanations from Commit Messages
Rrezarta Krasniqi and Jane Cleland-Huang
(University of Notre Dame, USA)
Unleashing the Potentials of Immersive Augmented Reality for Software Engineering
Leonel Merino, Mircea Lungu, and Christoph Seidl
(University of Stuttgart, Germany; IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Reflection on Building Hybrid Access Control by Configuring RBAC and MAC Features
Dae-Kyoo Kim, Hua Ming, and Lunjin Lu
(Oakland University, USA)
Is Developer Sentiment Related to Software Bugs: An Exploratory Study on GitHub Commits
Syed Fatiul Huq, Ali Zafar Sadiq, and Kazi Sakib
(University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
The Python/C API: Evolution, Usage Statistics, and Bug Patterns
Mingzhe Hu and Yu Zhang
(University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Revisiting the Challenges and Opportunities in Software Plagiarism Detection
Xi Xu, Ming Fan, Ang Jia, Yin Wang, Zheng Yan, Qinghua Zheng, and Ting Liu
(Xi'an Jiaotong University, China; Xidian University, China; Aalto University, Finland)
Req2Lib: A Semantic Neural Model for Software Library Recommendation
Zhensu Sun, Yan Liu, Ziming Cheng, Chen Yang, and Pengyu Che
(Tongji University, China)
Dependency Solving Is Still Hard, but We Are Getting Better at It
Pietro Abate, Roberto Di Cosmo, Georgios Gousios, and Stefano Zacchiroli
(Nomadic Labs, France; Inria, France; University Paris Diderot, France; Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
A Reflection on “An Exploratory Study on Exception Handling Bugs in Java Programs”
Felipe Ebert, Fernando Castor, and Alexander Serebrenik
(Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil; Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
A Preliminary Study on Open-Source Memory Vulnerability Detectors
Yu Nong and Haipeng Cai
(Washington State University, USA)
A Reflection on the Predictive Accuracy of Dynamic Impact Analysis
Haipeng Cai
(Washington State University, USA)
JavaScript API Deprecation in the Wild: A First Assessment
Romulo Nascimento, Aline Brito, Andre Hora, and Eduardo Figueiredo
(Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
A Semantic-Based Framework for Analyzing App Users’ Feedback
Aman Yadav, Rishab Sharma, and Fatemeh H. Fard
(NIT, India; University of British Columbia, Canada)
MobiLogLeak: A Preliminary Study on Data Leakage Caused by Poor Logging Practices
Rui Zhou, Mohammad Hamdaqa, Haipeng Cai, and Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj
(Concordia University, Canada; Reykjavik University, Iceland; Washington State University, USA)
Identifying Vulnerable IoT Applications using Deep Learning
Hajra Naeem and Manar H. Alalfi
(Ryerson University, Canada)
A Mutation Framework for Evaluating Security Analysis Tools in IoT Applications
Sajeda Parveen and Manar H. Alalfi
(Ryerson University, Canada)


Pull Requests or Commits? Which Method Should We Use to Study Contributors’ Behavior?
Marcus Bertoncello, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Scaliante Wiese, and Igor Steinmacher
(State University of Maringá, Brazil; Federal University of Paraná, Brazil; Federal University of Technology Paraná, Brazil; Northern Arizona University, USA)
Automated Deprecated-API Usage Update for Android Apps: How Far Are We?
Ferdian Thung, Stefanus A. Haryono, Lucas Serrano, Gilles Muller, Julia Lawall, David Lo, and Lingxiao Jiang
(Singapore Management University, Singapore; Sorbonne University, France; LIP6, France; Inria, France)


Experience Report: How Effective Is Automated Program Repair for Industrial Software?
Kunihiro Noda, Yusuke Nemoto, Keisuke Hotta, Hideo Tanida, and Shinji Kikuchi
(Fujitsu Labs, Japan)
Reducing Code Complexity through Code Refactoring and Model-Based Rejuvenation
Arjan J. Mooij, Jeroen Ketema, Steven Klusener, and Mathijs Schuts
(ESI/TNO, Netherlands; Philips, Netherlands)
Leveraging Machine Learning for Software Redocumentation
Verena Geist, Michael Moser, Josef Pichler, Stefanie Beyer, and Martin Pinzger
(Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria; University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria; University of Klagenfurt, Austria)
Automated Code Transformations: Dealing with the Aftermath
Stefan Strobl, Christina Zoffi, Christoph Haselmann, Mario Bernhart, and Thomas Grechenig
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

Tool Demonstrations

CryptoExplorer: An Interactive Web Platform Supporting Secure Use of Cryptography APIs
Mohammadreza Hazhirpasand, Mohammad Ghafari, and Oscar Nierstrasz
(University of Bern, Switzerland)
AUSearch: Accurate API Usage Search in GitHub Repositories with Type Resolution
Muhammad Hilmi Asyrofi, Ferdian Thung, David Lo, and Lingxiao Jiang
(Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Clone Notifier: Developing and Improving the System to Notify Changes of Code Clones
Shogo Tokui, Norihiro Yoshida, Eunjong Choi, and Katsuro Inoue
(Osaka University, Japan; Nagoya University, Japan; Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Mining Version Control Systems and Issue Trackers with LibVCS4j
Marcel Steinbeck
(University of Bremen, Germany)
SpojitR: Intelligently Link Development Artifacts
Michael Rath, Mihaela Todorova Tomova, and Patrick Mäder
(DLR, Germany; TU Ilmenau, Germany)
Video Info
ChangeBeadsThreader: An Interactive Environment for Tailoring Automatically Untangled Changes
Satoshi Yamashita, Shinpei Hayashi, and Motoshi Saeki
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

Late Breaking Ideas

Reinforcement Learning Guided Symbolic Execution
Jie Wu, Chengyu Zhang, and Geguang Pu
(East China Normal University, China)
Live Replay of Screen Videos: Automatically Executing Real Applications as Shown in Recordings
Rudolf Ramler, Marko Gattringer, and Josef Pichler
(Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria; University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria)
Documentation of Machine Learning Software
Yalda Hashemi, Maleknaz Nayebi, and Giuliano Antoniol
(Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
Building an Inclusive Distributed Ledger System
Cynthia Dookie

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