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1st International Workshop on Just-in-Time RE (JIT RE 2015),
August 25, 2015,
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Welcome to the 1st International Workshop on Just-in-Time Requirements Engineering (JIT RE 2015), which is collocated with the 23rd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2015) in Ottawa, Canada. We hope you will all enjoy the location as much as the workshop and the main conference. The birth of the JIT RE workshop results mainly from the differences between RE in agile and open source settings and RE in more conventional development settings. In particular, these requirements tend to be more ad-hoc and ‘just-in-time’, developed as needed rather than upfront. The goals of the one-day workshop are to share ongoing research in this area, engage a keynote speaker to stimulate discussion, and define a concrete list of open problems for the wider community. JIT RE 2015 will feature a keynote by Maya Daneva from the University of Twente, The Netherlands. Maya is a renowned researcher in requirements engineering and information systems. Her research focuses on requirements elicitation, empirical software engineering, and agile development. Maya has a strong industrial exposure and has been a leading member of several industry-university research projects. We are certain that the workshop participants will thoroughly enjoy Maya’s keynote. The program committee consists of 14 members who contributed to the review process. Among the 6 submissions, 5 papers were accepted and will be presented in the workshop. The topics are wide and varied, reflecting the broad range of interests by the community. The accepted papers discuss the quality criteria for JIT requirements, the elicitation and communication of JIT requirements, and the practices of requirements tracing and resolution in open source software development. These papers, together with the keynote, will provoke collaborative activities among the workshop participants to list concrete open problems reshaping the landscape and themes of JIT RE. We hope you will have a great time and a productive experience at JIT RE 2015.
Quality Criteria for Just-in-Time Requirements: Just Enough, Just-in-Time?
Petra Heck and Andy Zaidman
(Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands; Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Just-in-time (JIT) requirements drive agile teams in planning and implementing software systems. In this paper, we start with the hypothesis that performing informal verification of JIT requirements is useful. For this purpose we propose a framework for quality criteria for JIT requirements. This framework can be used by JIT teams to define ‘just-enough’ quality criteria. The framework also includes a time dimension such that quality criteria can be defined as ‘just-in-time’. We demonstrate the application of this framework to feature requests in open source projects and explain how it could be customized for other JIT environments. We present our results for feature requests in open source projects, to show that there is a difference between creation-time quality and just-in-time quality. As this is ongoing research, we also list several points for discussion and future work.
author = {Petra Heck and Andy Zaidman},
title = {Quality Criteria for Just-in-Time Requirements: Just Enough, Just-in-Time?},
booktitle = {Proc.\ JITRE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {1--4},
doi = {},
year = {2015},
Time-Constrained Requirements Elicitation: Reusing GitHub Content
Roxana Lisette Quintanilla Portugal, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite, and Eduardo Almentero
(PUC-Rio, Brazil; Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Requirements elicitation is the activity of identifying facts that compose the system requirements. One of the steps of this activity is the identification of information sources, which is a time-consuming task. Text documents are typically an important and abundant information source. However, their analysis to gather useful information is also time consuming and hard to automate. Because of its characteristics, the identification of information sources and analysis of text documents are critical in time-constrained projects, which are typically addressed through agile approaches. This paper presents a strategy for time-constrained elicitation, which is based on mining GitHub content. The strategy aims the identification of information sources (similar projects) and the automatic analysis of textual documents (projects content) through text mining techniques. Furthermore, it maintains the traceability between the data mined and its sources, boosting the reuse of existing information. A tool is being created to support the strategy.
author = {Roxana Lisette Quintanilla Portugal and Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite and Eduardo Almentero},
title = {Time-Constrained Requirements Elicitation: Reusing GitHub Content},
booktitle = {Proc.\ JITRE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {5--8},
doi = {},
year = {2015},
Smart RE: Using Smart Devices to Support Face-to-Face Meetings
Natalia Mannov and Walid Maalej
(University of Hamburg, Germany)
Communication barriers in Requirements Engineering (RE) are various, including different levels of experience, different backgrounds, cultures, and personalities of stakeholders. Such barriers can lead to communication gaps and project failures. This paper introduces the Smart RE framework, an approach to reduce communication gaps in RE by using the advantages of personal smart devices, which are very popular nowadays. As RE communication often occurs in regular face-to-face meetings, which commonly involve presentations and discussions, the framework captures the meeting context on the stakeholder's smart devices and provides personalized additional information such as explanations of the discussed terms.
author = {Natalia Mannov and Walid Maalej},
title = {Smart RE: Using Smart Devices to Support Face-to-Face Meetings},
booktitle = {Proc.\ JITRE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {9--12},
doi = {},
year = {2015},
Continuously Delivered? Periodically Updated? Never Changed? Studying an Open Source Project's Releases of Code, Requirements, and Trace Matrix
Wentao Wang, Arushi Gupta, and Yingbo Wu
(University of Cincinnati, USA; Chongqing University, China)
Many open source software projects deliver code continuously. How are the project’s requirements updated? What about the traceability information of those requirements? To answer these questions, this paper reports our initial analyses of the iTrust medical care project’s all publicly accessible releases. The results show that, as iTrust releases two versions per year, the code growth is smooth but the requirements growth experiences periodic mass updates. The asynchronous evolving paces cause
the RTM stagnant, outdated, and inaccurate. Our work provides concrete insights into what updates should be applied to the requirements and the RTM in the face of the code changes, and illustrates the need for new ways to automatically keep requirements in sync over continuous release cycles.
author = {Wentao Wang and Arushi Gupta and Yingbo Wu},
title = {Continuously Delivered? Periodically Updated? Never Changed? Studying an Open Source Project's Releases of Code, Requirements, and Trace Matrix},
booktitle = {Proc.\ JITRE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {13--16},
doi = {},
year = {2015},
Resolution Trend of Just-in-Time Requirements in Open Source Software Development
Tanmay Bhowmik and Sandeep Reddivari
(Northwest Missouri State University, USA; University of North Florida, USA)
Research in "just-in-time" requirements engineering has recently emerged. Some research has explored the nature of just-in-time requirements analysis in open source software (OSS) systems. Whereas, others have focused on techniques, such as traceability-enabled refactoring and horizontal traceability, in order to help manage just-in-time requirements. Little is known, however, about the resolution trends of just-in-time requirements in OSS development. In this position paper, we analyze the resolution time of the requirements of Firefox and Mylyn, and identify interesting patterns throughout their development history. Our analysis instigates five intriguing questions regarding the characteristics of just-in-time requirements engineering for OSS systems, and opens further research avenues in this area.
author = {Tanmay Bhowmik and Sandeep Reddivari},
title = {Resolution Trend of Just-in-Time Requirements in Open Source Software Development},
booktitle = {Proc.\ JITRE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {17--20},
doi = {},
year = {2015},
proc time: 0.02