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2014 IEEE 2nd International Workshop on Usability and Accessibility focused Requirements Engineering (UsARE), August 25, 2014, Karlskrona, Sweden

UsARE 2014 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

2014 IEEE 2nd International Workshop on Usability and Accessibility focused Requirements Engineering (UsARE)


Title Page

We would like to welcome you to the Second International Workshop on Usability and Accessibility focused Requirements Engineering (UsARE 2014), where we address the integration of system usability and accessibility requirements into the requirements engineering process and processes for managing and controlling the evaluation of these requirements in a systematic way.

User-Centric RE
Mon, Aug 25, 09:00 - 18:00

User-Oriented Requirements Engineering
Alistair Sutcliffe
(University of Manchester, UK)
A method for eliciting user requirements in affect-laden applications is described. The method extends personal RE where requirements are for individual users and their needs. Theories from psychology of emotion and motivation are introduced and applied in a top-down pathway motivated by system goals to influence users, and a bottom-up scenario-based path to analyse affective situations which might be produced by user-oriented RE. Use of agent technology in storyboards and scenario analysis of affective situations is described and illustrated with a case study in health informatics.

User-Centered-Design in Agile RE through an On-Site User Experience Consultant
Edna Kropp and Kolja Koischwitz
(akquinet, Germany)
This paper is about experiences with user-centered design (UCD) and agile requirements engineering (RE) in fixed-price projects. Efficiently incorporating usability and UCD into RE remains a challenge. In this paper we describe our experience with the introduction of a team role called 'On-site User Experience Consultant' which supports integrating UCD activities tightly in agile RE. We name UCD activities and how they fit in our industrial projects. Also, we describe how old habits in communication and interaction have to change to establish UCD within the project team and with the clients.

User Studies
Mon, Aug 25, 09:00 - 18:00

Accessibility Requirements for Blind and Visually Impaired in a Regional Context: An Exploratory Study
Mexhid Ferati, Bujar Raufi, Arianit Kurti, and Bahtijar Vogel
(South East European University, Macedonia; Linnaeus University, Sweden)
At the time when we are debating the Internet as a human right, an access to basic online information is a challenge for blind and visually impaired community. Steps taken for their digital inclusion, such as, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are often insufficient. In this paper we present initial requirements gathered during three workshops organized with various stakeholders coming from three different countries. Initial results suggest that the context of use and the cultural dimension play a crucial role in making digital content accessible for this community. Additionally, a one-solution-fits-all model is inadequate without considering levels of visual impairment when providing customized web and mobile experience. Finally, we lay out challenges that with comprehensive requirements gathering in the future, could address various problems that blind and visually impaired face.

Design Science Research Based Blended Approach for Usability Driven Requirements Gathering and Application Development
Lasanthi De Silva, Jeevani Goonetillake, Gihan Wikramanayake, Athula Ginige, Tamara Ginige, Giuliana Vitiello, Monica Sebillo, Pasquale Di Giovanni, Genoveffa Tortora, and Maurizio Tucci
(University of Colombo, Sri Lanka; University of Western Sydney, Australia; Australian Catholic University, Australia; University of Salerno, Italy)
Extracting user requirements in designing innovative ICT based solutions for emerging vague problems is a challenge. We successfully addressed this challenge by blending several techniques in Software Engineering (SE) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) within a Design Science Research (DSR) framework. These techniques were traditional surveys and interviews, causal analysis, scenario creation and transformation, use of paper-based and functional prototypes for communicating with users and capturing their feedback, user centered design, and incremental development. This approach enabled us to better capture requirements based on usability aspects and guided us to design a successful solution. We present a framework derived from this research for wider applicability.

Mon, Aug 25, 09:00 - 18:00

Analysis of Trends in the Occurrence of Eyeblinks for an Eyeblink Input Interface
Shogo Matsuno, Naoaki Itakura, Minoru Ohyama, Shoichi Ohi, and Kiyohiko Abe
(University of Electro-Communications, Japan; Tokyo Denki University, Japan; Kanto Gakuin University, Japan)
This paper presents the results of the analysis of trends in the occurrence of eyeblinks for devising new input channels in handheld and wearable information devices. However, engineering a system that can distinguish between voluntary and spontaneous blinks is difficult. The study analyzes trends in the occurrence of eyeblinks of 50 subjects to classify blink types via experiments. However, noticeable differences between voluntary and spontaneous blinks exist for each subject. Three types of trends based on shape feature parameters (duration and amplitude) of eyeblinks were discovered. This study determines that the system can automatically and effectively classify voluntary and spontaneous eyeblinks.

Designing for Usability in 3D Virtual Environments
William Sawyerr and Mike Hobbs
(Anglia Ruskin University, UK)
This paper is about designing 3D applications and the software design process in desktop virtual environments. Here, we introduce parts of our work on a design-focused approach to usability engineering and software development for 3D desktop virtual environments. We begin by discussing some of the current limitations in virtual environment research. We then introduce alternate perspectives for improving the usability of virtual environment applications. We highlight the need for a software development approach to designing virtual environment applications and provide some arguments for this. Finally, we conclude by providing a summary of our work-in-progress solution.

Application in Health
Mon, Aug 25, 09:00 - 18:00

Health in Hand: Putting mHealth Design in Context
Sara Eriksén, Mattias Georgsson, Malin Hofflander, Lina Nilsson, and Jenny Lundberg
(Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden; Lund University, Sweden)
Wireless technologies, cloud computing and connectivity have enabled mobile services that extend the coverage of health services, resulting in a branch of eHealth now commonly referred to as mHealth. However, at least in Sweden, where the healthcare sector is heavily institutionalized and regulated, mHealth has so far mainly evolved in the form of applications for support of healthy life-style and self-management of chronic diseases, implemented outside of the firewalls of traditional healthcare delivery environments. In this paper we present an on-going Indo-Swedish research and development project in which we are putting mHealth design into context both from a patient’s perspective and from the perspective of a healthcare team working within a professional healthcare organization. Our research approach is inspired by the Scandinavian tradition of Participatory Design of ICT and informed by studies of how to measure usability, user experience and impact of mHealth interventions. The involved research teams are multi-disciplinary, including researchers from engineering, computing and health sciences. The project includes, on the Swedish side, a partner from the public healthcare sector, three SME:s and an industrial partner who is currently providing Electronic Patient Record and other healthcare information system solutions and who is interested in developing mobile solutions for healthcare professionals. We are currently in the process of collaborative articulation and specification of problems, goals and requirements within the framework of the first Swedish case study of the project, focused on mobile support for patients with diabetes type 2 and their healthcare teams.

Building up a Virtual Community for Home-Based Chronic Diseases Healthcare
Yan Hu and Guohua Bai
(Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
With the development of Internet, social networks get more and more popular, it brings us an idea of designing a virtual community for home-based chronic diseases healthcare. In this paper, we conduct a questionnaire to gather the requirements of the community and describe them with user stories. Afterwards, a conceptual prototype is developed based on the requirements. The proposed virtual community involves healthcare providers, healthcare recipients and other people relevant to the home-based healthcare into one platform. It will solve the interoperability problems of current healthcare systems, as well as provide a technical solution of home-based healthcare.

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