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2014 IEEE 1st International Workshop on the Interrelations between Requirements Engineering and Business Process Management (REBPM), August 25, 2014, Karlskrona, Sweden

REBPM 2014 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

2014 IEEE 1st International Workshop on the Interrelations between Requirements Engineering and Business Process Management (REBPM)

Title Page

While RE is concerned with eliciting and managing requirements related to a particular (software) system, BPM deals with modeling and managing organizational processes and business objectives. The goal of this workshop is to analyze and discuss the relations between both domains in order to get an understanding of their joint usefulness and mutual benefits in organizational management and process and software development from both a research and practical point of view so that methods and shared models can be developed in the future. REBPM 2014 is an initial workshop on this topic. Therefore, it is planned as a work meeting with discussion groups. The groups shall be inspired by some paper presentations in order to foster discussion.

An IT-Driven Business Model Design Methodology and Its Evaluation
Masahiro Ide, Tomoko Kishida, Mikio Aoyama, and Yasuhiro Kikushima
(QUNIE, Japan; Nanzan University, Japan)
IT has changed business model and business process, and has become an essential ingredient for the competitive advantage. Under such circumstances, a conventional requirements engineering methodology is not sufficient. We propose an IT-driven business model design methodology in order to take advantage of innovative information technologies. The proposed methodology includes XBMC (eXtended BMC), an extension of BMC (Business Model Canvas) of BMG (Business Model Generation) as a framework to visualize a business architecture with a holistic view, and SMC (System Model Canvas) as a new model to visualize overall system architecture, correspondingly. In addition, we propose BSTM (Business-System Translation Meta-model) to align business architecture and system architecture based on the business meta-model and goal model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology by applying it to the case of a mobile music delivery business.

Towards Business Alignment of IT Services in Universities: Challenges in Elicitations of Requirements for IT Services
Christian Erfurth and Ivonne Erfurth
(University of Applied Sciences Jena, Germany; FSU Jena, Germany)
Universities tackle with requirement elicitation for suitable IT support. The integration of stakeholders is challenging. Furthermore, business processes in administration, education and research of universities are not available for all subjects or not with necessary details. IT departments work in traditional ways to provide IT systems. A coupling between university governance and IT organization with regard to content is missing mostly. IT frameworks like ITIL and COBIT are promising to achieve an alignment of the IT to business demands. However, the frameworks need an adaption to university contexts. Furthermore a cultural change might be necessary to enable universities for the application of such frameworks – an organizational development of IT might help as well as the introduction of IT service management and IT governance.

Requirements Engineering Process Improvement: Analyzing the Organizational Culture Impact and Implementing an Empirical Study to Evaluate the Benefits of Improvement
Jiyoung Jung, Sanghee Lee, Sangho Choi, and Seok-Won Lee
(LG Electronics, South Korea; Ajou University, South Korea)
This paper describes an industrial experience of requirements engineering for the business process improvement in one of the biggest electronics companies in Korea. To improve the definition of the TV department business process requirements, we have applied a few methods to facilitate communications amongst stakeholders, based on their requirements. Our methods include iterative review processes, shared templates, and professional technical writing training. After applying our methods in a pilot project, the project stakeholders have confirmed that the approach provides a better requirements understanding and has improved requirements elicitation for the given examples. While implementing the project, we were also able to learn about both technical and nontechnical obstacles. Nontechnical obstacles were created by the organizational culture, including issues such as reduced empowerment, low levels of communication with other stakeholders, and a non-uniformly defined and not clearly understood mission statement. Most of the developers are very good at accomplishing their goals. They are very quick to respond to their management’s requests, without excuses. However, often times, stakeholders have usually emphasized the importance of the results, rather than focusing on developing a strong quality process. The quality of work was highly dependent on the product development process. Therefore, in this study, the authors have analyzed the impact on the requirements gathering created by the stakeholders having a manufacturing process background and evaluating most decisions from a manufacturing perspective. The impact of the national cultural work style on the requirements engineering processes was also examined. In the future, we will continue to apply and expand the mentioned findings to further improve the requirements business process management.

Deriving User Requirements from Business Process Models for Automation: A Case Study
Banu Aysolmaz and Onur Demirörs
(Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
The knowledge captured in business process models is essential to identify user requirements of the process aware information system to execute the processes. Frequently, relations between the models and requirements are either not established or only partially available. This results in increased effort, broken traceability, completeness and consistency problems for user requirements. We proposed a unified business process modeling method, UPROM, to analyze and develop models for business processes and user requirements. These models are utilized to automatically generate textual user requirements. We present a multiple case study to evaluate UPROM in two e-government projects initiated for developing workflow management systems. We applied UPROM to identify most of the user requirements and prepare the technical contracts. The multiple case study shows that by applying UPROM, user requirements and business processes can be analyzed in a unified way and textual requirements can be generated automatically. The results proved to be helpful in real life settings.

On the Requirements Analysis Process for Domain-Specific Languages in the Realm of Multi-Perspective Hospital Modelling
Michael Heß, Ulrich Frank, Monika Kaczmarek, Lars Podleska, and Georg Täger
(University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany; University Hospital of Essen, Germany)
The analysis of requirements for Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (DSMLs) can be very challenging, since prospective users often do not have a clear idea of a DSML. This is especially the case if prospective users lack a technical background. This paper reports on the use of a dedicated method to support the analysis of requirements for DSMLs in hospitals. Apart from an elaborate process model, the method recommends developing a specific kind of use scenarios that serve as a medium to get users involved. The presented work was part of a larger project that is aimed at developing multi-perspective hospital models.

Requirements-Based Development of BPMN Extensions: The Case of Clinical Pathways
Richard Braun and Hannes Schlieter
(TU Dresden, Germany)
In recent years, the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) has evolved to one of the most applied modelling General Purpose Languages (GPL) in the Business Process Management discipline. Due to its application in different domains, it becomes frequently necessary to extend the BPMN by domain-specific concepts. Extending the BPMN fosters an adequate communication between system engineers and domain experts and enhances the semantically well-defined representation of the domain. Therefore, the BPMN meta-model provides an extension mechanism for the definition of valid domain-specific elements. However, there is a remarkable lack in procedure models for the design of such extensions. This research article outlines an extension method that focuses on domain analysis, extension requirements and the derivation of domain-specific extension concepts within BPMN. Therefore, the method of STROPPI ET AL. (2011) is extended in regard to domain analysis. The approach is motivated and demonstrated by the case of clinical pathways.

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