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2013 3rd International Workshop on Comparing Requirements Modeling Approaches (CMA@RE),
July 16, 2013,
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2013 3rd International Workshop on Comparing Requirements Modeling Approaches (CMA@RE)
Welcome to the Third International Comparing *Requirements* Modeling Approaches (CMA@RE) workshop at the Requirements Engineering Conference 2013. The CMA workshop series brings together researchers and practitioners of different requirements modeling approaches to discuss and evaluate their various approaches in the context of a focused case study and provided comparison criteria of modeling approaches from different paradigms (e.g., aspect-oriented, feature-oriented, object-oriented, service-oriented). Such comparisons are critical to help practitioners know under which conditions different approaches are most applicable, and how they might be successfully generalized and combined to achieve end-to-end methods.
Case Study: Modeling a Crisis Management System using the AMoDE-RT Approach and DERAF
Marco A. Wehrmeister
(Federal University of Technology Parana, Brazil)
This paper describes the modeling phase of the Aspect-oriented Model-Driven Engineering for Real-Time systems (AMoDE-RT) design approach for embedded real-time system.
A Crisis Management System (bCMS) has been modeled with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and AMoDE-RT modeling guidelines, including the non-functional requirements specification using aspect-oriented concepts by means of using Distributed Embedded Real-time Aspects Framework (DERAF), Aspects Crosscutting Overview Diagram (ACOD), and Join Point Designation Diagram (JPDD).
bCMS static structure is depicted using the class diagram, and its overall behavior is shown using the UML state machine diagram.
The individual runtime scenarios are specified using sequence diagrams.
This case study demonstrates how AMoDE-RT might be used outside the context of the embedded systems domain, since the bCMS covers an information system and more resourceful computing systems.
author = {Marco A. Wehrmeister},
title = {Case Study: Modeling a Crisis Management System using the AMoDE-RT Approach and DERAF},
booktitle = {Proc.\ CMA@RE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {1--6},
doi = {},
year = {2013},
Coloured Petri Net Model of the bCMS System using CPN Tools
Isabel Sofia Brito and
João Paulo Barros
(Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Portugal)
This paper presents the content required for the selection of the modeling approach, a description of the modeling approach sufficient to understand the submitted model, and a description of the submitted model.
author = {Isabel Sofia Brito and João Paulo Barros},
title = {Coloured Petri Net Model of the bCMS System using CPN Tools},
booktitle = {Proc.\ CMA@RE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {7--12},
doi = {},
year = {2013},
Feature Modeling and Separation of Concerns with FAMILIAR
Philippe Collet and
Philippe Lahire
(Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France)
This paper presents a feature-oriented approach to requirement and design modeling using the FAMILIAR Domain Specific Language. This language is aimed at being used within different phases of software development, from early requirement definition to high-level design and in certain cases until runtime. Some experiments also demonstrate its usage when reverse engineering domain or technical variability information from various software artifacts. We illustrate the approach by capturing and
composing variability descriptions of several concerns in the bCMS-SPL and by showing how it could be related to some implementation concerns with technical variability.
FAMILIAR is available at http://familiar-project.github.io, with associated documentation and references to papers describing innovative operators, the language itself, as well as applications and results from case studies.
author = {Philippe Collet and Philippe Lahire},
title = {Feature Modeling and Separation of Concerns with FAMILIAR},
booktitle = {Proc.\ CMA@RE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {13--18},
doi = {},
year = {2013},
Modeling Car Crash Management with KAOS
Antoine Cailliau,
Christophe Damas,
Bernard Lambeau, and
Axel van Lamsweerde
(University of Louvain, Belgium)
Getting the right software requirements under the right environment assumptions is a critical precondition for developing the right software. KAOS is a goal-driven, model-based approach for elaborating a complete, adequate, consistent, and well-structured set of measurable software requirements and environment assumptions. The modeling language and method cover the intentional, structural, functional, and behavioral facets of the target system. Declarative and operational sub-models are integrated. Semi-formal and formal techniques complement each other for model construction, analysis and evolution. They support early and incremental reasoning on partial models for a variety of purposes including goal satisfaction arguments, property checks, animations, the evaluation of alternative options, the analysis of risks, threats and conflicts, and traceability management.
The paper illustrates the modeling language and method on a car crash management case study. The overall produced model integrates the goal, object, agent, operation and behavior sub-models of the system. The paper outlines some of the features supported by KAOS for incremental model elaboration, including goal identification and refinement, the structuring of domain concepts, risk analysis for increased requirements completeness, goal operationalization, the derivation of agent interfaces and the derivation of state machine behavior models.
author = {Antoine Cailliau and Christophe Damas and Bernard Lambeau and Axel van Lamsweerde},
title = {Modeling Car Crash Management with KAOS},
booktitle = {Proc.\ CMA@RE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {19--24},
doi = {},
year = {2013},
Requirements Modeling in SEAM: the Example of a Car Crash Management System
Alain Wegmann,
Biljana Bajić-Bizumić,
Arash Golnam,
George Popescu,
Gorica Tapandjieva,
Anshuman B. Saxena,
Maedeh Yassaee, and
Gil Regev
(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Université de Lausanne, Switzerland)
This paper presents how business and IT requirements are captured with the Systemic Enterprise Architecture Methodology (SEAM). The method is applied to the Car Crash Management System (CMS) - Software Product Line (SPL) case study. The existing business situation is analyzed. We identify the problems and list relevant solutions. We select one of these solutions for which we define the business and the IT requirements. We then present the two components of SEAM used in this paper, goal-belief and behavior modeling. We end the paper by presenting the systemic foundations of SEAM.
author = {Alain Wegmann and Biljana Bajić-Bizumić and Arash Golnam and George Popescu and Gorica Tapandjieva and Anshuman B. Saxena and Maedeh Yassaee and Gil Regev},
title = {Requirements Modeling in SEAM: the Example of a Car Crash Management System},
booktitle = {Proc.\ CMA@RE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {25--30},
doi = {},
year = {2013},
The Unified Requirements Modeling Language: Shifting the Focus to Early Requirements Elicitation
Florian Schneider,
Bernd Bruegge, and
Brian Berenbach
(Technische Universität München, Germany; Siemens, USA)
This paper gives an overview of the Unified Requirements Modeling Language (URML™) and shows how it integrates concepts from the hazard analysis, product line modeling, and goal modeling domains. The meta-model is explained by example diagrams showing the concepts and notation of the language. The notation is explained and its major icons are presented. The presentation of the language is followed by a summary of the model that will be presented at the workshop.
author = {Florian Schneider and Bernd Bruegge and Brian Berenbach},
title = {The Unified Requirements Modeling Language: Shifting the Focus to Early Requirements Elicitation},
booktitle = {Proc.\ CMA@RE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {31--36},
doi = {},
year = {2013},
Self-Adaptive Systems Requirements Modelling: Four Related Approaches Comparison
M. Ahmad,
João Araújo,
Nicolas Belloir,
Jean-Michel Bruel,
Christophe Gnaho,
Régine Laleau, and
Farida Semmak
(Université de Toulouse, France; UNL, Portugal; LIUPPA, France; Université Paris-Est Créteil, France)
When developing Self Adaptive Systems (SAS), their highly adaptiveness has to be taken into account as early as the requirements
elicitation. Because such systems modify their behaviour at run-time in response to changing environmental conditions, Non Functional Requirements (NFR's) play an important role. One has to identify as early as possible the requirements that are adaptable. Because of the inherent uncertainty in these systems, goal based approaches can help in the development of their requirements.
In order to cope with this purpose, we have defined a combined approach based on several requirements modelling techniques.
In this paper we use a common case study and well defined comparison criteria to illustrate the way those techniques
can benefit from each other. This submission is a synthesis and hence make some reference of more specific requirements
models submissions.
author = {M. Ahmad and João Araújo and Nicolas Belloir and Jean-Michel Bruel and Christophe Gnaho and Régine Laleau and Farida Semmak},
title = {Self-Adaptive Systems Requirements Modelling: Four Related Approaches Comparison},
booktitle = {Proc.\ CMA@RE},
publisher = {IEEE},
pages = {37--42},
doi = {},
year = {2013},
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