<Programming> 2021 Companion
5th International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2021 Companion)
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5th International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2021 Companion)
March 22–26, 2021
Virtual, UK
<Programming> 2021 Companion – Companion Proceedings
Title Page
Welcome from the Chairs
5th International Workshop on Programming Technology for the Future Web (ProWeb 2021)
7th International Workshop on Programming Experience (PX/21)
4th Raincode Labs Compiler Coding Dojo (CoCoDo 2021)
ProWeb 2021
Rec.HTML: Declarative HTML
Bob Reynders
Kwanghoon Choi
(Chonnam National University, South Korea)
Publisher's Version
Oron: Towards a Dynamic Analysis Instrumentation Platform for AssemblyScript
Aäron Munsters
Angel Luis Scull Pupo
Jim Bauwens
, and
Elisa Gonzalez Boix
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Publisher's Version
Exploring Modal Locking in Window Manipulation: Why Programmers Should Stash, Duplicate, Split, and Link Composite Views
Marcel Taeumel
Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany; University of Potsdam, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Improving on the Experience of Hand-Assembling Programs for Application-Specific Architectures
Ian Piumarta
(Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Japan)
Publisher's Version
Javardeye: Gaze Input for Cursor Control in a Structured Editor
André L. Santos
(ISCTE-IUL, Portugal)
Publisher's Version
Studying Programmer Behaviour at Scale: A Case Study using Amazon Mechanical Turk
Jason T. Jacques
Per Ola Kristensson
(University of Cambridge, UK)
Publisher's Version
Towards End-User Web Scraping for Customization
Kapaya Katongo
Geoffrey Litt
, and
Daniel Jackson
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Publisher's Version
Toward Exploratory Understanding of Software using Test Suites
Dominik Meier
Toni Mattis
, and
Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany; University of Potsdam, Germany)
Publisher's Version
CoCoDo 2021
From ASTs to Machine Code with LLVM
Dimitri Racordon
(University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
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