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2023 ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM 2023),
January 16-17, 2023,
Boston, MA, USA
2023 ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM 2023)
Message from the Chairs
We are pleased to present the proceedings of the 2023 ACM
SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation
(PEPM 2023), held January 16-17th, 2023 in Boston, in affiliation with the annual
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2023).
PEPM has a history going back to 1991 and originated with the
discoveries of useful automated techniques for evaluating
programs with only partial input. Over the years, the scope of PEPM
has expanded to include a variety of research areas centered around the
theme of semantics-based program manipulation - the systematic
exploitation of treating programs not only as subjects to black-box
execution but also as data structures that can be generated,
analysed, and transformed while establishing or maintaining important
semantic properties.
Semantic Transformation Framework for Rewriting Rules
Jihee Park,
Jaemin Hong, and
Sukyoung Ryu
(KAIST, South Korea)
Semantics-preserving source-to-source program transformations, such as optimization and refactoring, are essential for software development. Such transformations are often defined by rewriting rules describing which part of a program must be replaced with which subprogram. The main obstacle to designing a transformation is to prove its semantics preservation. Rewriting-rule-based frameworks alleviate this difficulty by giving proof guidelines or automating the proofs. Unfortunately, each framework is applicable to a restricted set of transformations due to a fixed definition of semantics preservation. Cousot and Cousot’s semantic transformation framework resolves this problem by leaving a space for its users to define a proper semantics preservation property. However, the framework does not exploit the characteristic of rewriting rules and fails to ease the proofs. In this work, we define a semantic transformation framework tailored to rewriting rules by refining Cousot and Cousot’s framework. Our framework facilitates modular proofs by providing syntax-directed guidelines and theorems that simplify proofs. We show the versatility of our framework by proving the semantics preservation of six well-known transformations.
author = {Jihee Park and Jaemin Hong and Sukyoung Ryu},
title = {Semantic Transformation Framework for Rewriting Rules},
booktitle = {Proc.\ PEPM},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {1--13},
doi = {10.1145/3571786.3573016},
year = {2023},
Publisher's Version
Symbolic Execution of Hadamard-Toffoli Quantum Circuits
Jacques Carette,
Gerardo Ortiz, and
Amr Sabry
(McMaster University, Canada; Indiana University, USA)
The simulation of quantum programs by classical computers is a critical endeavor
for several reasons: it provides proof-of-concept validation of
quantum algorithms; it provides opportunities to experiment with new
programming abstractions suitable for the quantum domain; and most
significantly it is a way to explore the elusive boundary at which a
quantum advantage may materialize. Here, we show that traditional
techniques of symbolic evaluation and partial evaluation yield
surprisingly efficient classical simulations for some instances of
textbook quantum algorithms that include the Deutsch, Deutsch-Jozsa,
Bernstein-Vazirani, Simon, Grover, and Shor's algorithms. The success
of traditional partial evaluation techniques in this domain is due
to one simple insight: the quantum bits used in these algorithms can
be modeled by a symbolic boolean variable while still keeping track
of the correlations due to superposition and entanglement. More
precisely, the system of constraints generated over the symbolic
variables contains all the necessary quantum correlations and hence
the answer to the quantum algorithms. With a few programming tricks
explained in the paper, quantum circuits with millions of gates can
be symbolically executed in seconds. Paradoxically, other circuits
with as few as a dozen gates take exponential time. We reflect on
the significance of these results in the conclusion.
author = {Jacques Carette and Gerardo Ortiz and Amr Sabry},
title = {Symbolic Execution of Hadamard-Toffoli Quantum Circuits},
booktitle = {Proc.\ PEPM},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {14--26},
doi = {10.1145/3571786.3573018},
year = {2023},
Publisher's Version
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Generating Programs for Polynomial Multiplication with Correctness Assurance
Ryo Tokuda and
Yukiyoshi Kameyama
(University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Program-generation techniques prevail in domains that
need high performance, such as linear algebra, image processing,
and database. Yet, it is hard to generate
high-performance programs with correctness assurance,
and cryptography needs both.
Masuda and Kameyama proposed a DSL-based framework
for implementing a program generator, an analyzer, and
a formula generator,
and obtained
an efficient and correct implementation
of Number-Theoretic Transform (NTT) that is necessary
for many cryptographic algorithms.
This paper advances their study in two ways.
First, we develop a generation-and-analysis framework
so that program generation is driven by program analysis.
As a concrete result,
we have found an optimization missed in previous studies.
we investigate whether the framework can be applied to other algorithms,
including inverse NTT.
By combining generated programs,
we have obtained
an efficient and correct implementation
of polynomial multiplication,
the key for several post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.
author = {Ryo Tokuda and Yukiyoshi Kameyama},
title = {Generating Programs for Polynomial Multiplication with Correctness Assurance},
booktitle = {Proc.\ PEPM},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {27--40},
doi = {10.1145/3571786.3573017},
year = {2023},
Publisher's Version
Efficient Embedding of Strategic Attribute Grammars via Memoization
José Nuno Macedo,
Emanuel Rodrigues,
Marcos Viera, and
João Saraiva
(HASLab - INESC TEC, Portugal; University of Minho, Portugal; Universidad de la República, Uruguay)
Strategic term re-writing and attribute grammars are two powerful programming techniques widely used in language engineering. The former relies on strategies to apply term re-write rules in defining large-scale language transformations, while the latter is suitable to express context-dependent language processing algorithms. These two techniques can be expressed and combined via a powerful navigation abstraction: generic zippers. This results in a concise zipper-based embedding offering the expressiveness of both techniques.
Such elegant embedding has a severe limitation since it recomputes attribute values. This paper presents a proper and efficient embedding of both techniques. First, attribute values are memoized in the zipper data structure, thus avoiding their re-computation. Moreover, strategic zipper based functions are adapted to access such memoized values. We have implemented our memoized embedding as the Ztrategic library and we benchmarked it against the state-of-the-art Strafunski and Kiama libraries. Our first results show that we are competitive against those two well established libraries.
author = {José Nuno Macedo and Emanuel Rodrigues and Marcos Viera and João Saraiva},
title = {Efficient Embedding of Strategic Attribute Grammars via Memoization},
booktitle = {Proc.\ PEPM},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {41--54},
doi = {10.1145/3571786.3573019},
year = {2023},
Publisher's Version
Towards a Reflection for Effect Handlers
Youyou Cong and
Kenichi Asai
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; Ochanomizu University, Japan)
A reflection is a relationship between compiling and decompiling functions.
This concept has been studied as a means to ensure correctness of compilers,
in particular, those for languages featuring control effects.
We aim to develop a reflection for algebraic effects and handlers.
As a first step towards this goal, we investigate what we obtain by following
the existing recipe for control operators.
We show that, if we use the simplest CPS translation as the compiling
function, we can prove most but not all theorems required of a reflection.
From this result, we identify two conditions of the CPS translation that
would lead to a reflection for effect handlers.
author = {Youyou Cong and Kenichi Asai},
title = {Towards a Reflection for Effect Handlers},
booktitle = {Proc.\ PEPM},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {55--65},
doi = {10.1145/3571786.3573015},
year = {2023},
Publisher's Version
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