POPL 2018 Co-Located Events
POPL 2018 Co-Located Events
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ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM 2018), January 8–9, 2018, Los Angeles, CA, USA

PEPM 2018 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM 2018)

Title Page
Message from the Chairs
Developments in Property-Based Testing (Invited Talk)
Jan Midtgaard
(University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Publisher's Version
A Guess-and-Assume Approach to Loop Fusion for Program Verification
Akifumi Imanishi, Kohei Suenaga, and Atsushi Igarashi
(Kyoto University, Japan)
Publisher's Version
Gradually Typed Symbolic Expressions
David Broman and Jeremy G. Siek
(KTH, Sweden; Indiana University, USA)
Publisher's Version
On the Cost of Type-Tag Soundness
Ben Greenman and Zeina Migeed
(Northeastern University, USA)
Publisher's Version Info
Selective CPS Transformation for Shift and Reset
Kenichi Asai and Chihiro Uehara
(Ochanomizu University, Japan)
Publisher's Version
Checking Cryptographic API Usage with Composable Annotations (Short Paper)
Duncan Mitchell, L. Thomas van Binsbergen, Blake Loring, and Johannes Kinder
(Royal Holloway University of London, UK)
Publisher's Version
Program Generation for ML Modules (Short Paper)
Takahisa Watanabe and Yukiyoshi Kameyama
(University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Publisher's Version
Recursive Programs in Normal Form (Short Paper)
Barry Jay
(University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
Publisher's Version

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