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43nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2022)
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11th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis (SOAP 2022), June 14, 2022, San Diego, CA, USA

SOAP 2022 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

11th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis (SOAP 2022)


Title Page
Welcome from the Chairs


BinFPE: Accurate Floating-Point Exception Detection for GPU Applications
Ignacio Laguna, Xinyi Li, and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA; University of Utah, USA)
Publisher's Version
Modeling Code Manipulation in JIT Compilers
HeuiChan Lim, Xiyu Kang, and Saumya Debray
(University of Arizona, USA)
Publisher's Version
Statically Detecting Data Leakages in Data Science Code
Pavle Subotić, Uroš Bojanić, and Milan Stojić
(Microsoft, Serbia)
Publisher's Version
Ensuring Determinism in Blockchain Software with GoLiSA: An Industrial Experience Report
Luca Olivieri, Fabio Tagliaferro, Vincenzo Arceri, Marco Ruaro, Luca Negrini, Agostino Cortesi, Pietro Ferrara, Fausto Spoto, and Enrico Talin
(University of Verona, Italy; Corvallis, Italy;, Italy; University of Parma, Italy; Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy)
Publisher's Version
ADA: A Tool for Visualizing the Architectural Overview of Open-Source Repositories
Md Rakib Hossain Misu, Aleksandar Saša Janjanin, Zhiqiang Bian, Valentin-Sebastian Burlacu, and Naum Anteski
(University College London, UK)
Publisher's Version
Abstract Interpretation of Michelson Smart-Contracts
Guillaume Bau, Antoine Miné, Vincent Botbol, and Mehdi Bouaziz
(Sorbonne University, France; CNRS, France; LIP6, France; Nomadic Labs, France)
Publisher's Version Archive submitted (8.2 kB)
Towards an Implementation of Differential Dynamic Logic in PVS
J. Tanner Slagel, César Muñoz, Swee Balachandran, Mariano Moscato, Aaron Dutle, Paolo Masci, and Lauren White
(NASA Langley Research Center, USA; National Institute of Aerospace, USA)
Publisher's Version

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