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ACM SIGPLAN X10 Workshop (X10 2015), June 14, 2015, Portland, OR, USA

X10 2015 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

ACM SIGPLAN X10 Workshop (X10 2015)


Title Page

Parallel Loops

Revisiting Loop Transformations with X10 Clocks
Tomofumi Yuki
(INRIA, France)
Local Parallel Iteration in X10
Josh Milthorpe
(IBM Research, USA)

Compilers and Runtimes

Cutting Out the Middleman: OS-Level Support for X10 Activities
Manuel Mohr, Sebastian Buchwald, Andreas Zwinkau, Christoph Erhardt, Benjamin Oechslein, Jens Schedel, and Daniel Lohmann
(KIT, Germany; University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
Optimization of X10 Programs with ROSE Compiler Infrastructure
Michihiro Horie, Mikio Takeuchi, Kiyokuni Kawachiya, and David Grove
(IBM Research, Japan; IBM Research, USA)
The APGAS Library: Resilient Parallel and Distributed Programming in Java 8
Olivier Tardieu
(IBM Research, USA)

Global Load Balancing

Towards an Efficient Fault-Tolerance Scheme for GLB
Claudia Fohry, Marco Bungart, and Jonas Posner
(University of Kassel, Germany)
Scalable Parallel Numerical Constraint Solver using Global Load Balancing
Daisuke Ishii, Kazuki Yoshizoe, and Toyotaro Suzumura
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; University of Tokyo, Japan; IBM Research, USA; University College Dublin, Ireland; JST, Ireland)

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