MPLR 2023
20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR 2023)
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20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR 2023), October 22, 2023, Cascais, Portugal

MPLR 2023 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Welcome from the Chairs

Session 1

Is Wasm Becoming Garbage? (Keynote)
Andreas Rossberg
(Independent, Germany)
Publisher's Version
On the Applicability of Annotation-Based Source Code Modification in Kotlin (Work in Progress)
Daniel Pfeffer and Markus Weninger
(JKU Linz, Austria)
Publisher's Version
CloudJIT: A Just-in-Time FaaS Optimizer (Work in Progress)
Serhii Ivanenko, Rodrigo Bruno, Jovan Stevanovic, Luís Veiga, and Vojin Jovanovic
(INESC-ID, Portugal; IST-ULisboa, Portugal; Oracle Labs, Serbia; Oracle Labs, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version

Session 2

Evaluating YJIT’s Performance in a Production Context: A Pragmatic Approach
Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert, Takashi Kokubun, Noah Gibbs, Si Xing (Alan) Wu, Aaron Patterson, and Jemma Issroff
(Shopify, Canada; Shopify, USA; Shopify, UK)
Publisher's Version
CacheIR: The Benefits of a Structured Representation for Inline Caches
Jan de Mooij, Matthew Gaudet, Iain Ireland, Nathan Henderson, and J. Nelson Amaral
(Mozilla, Netherlands; Mozilla, Canada; University of Alberta, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Diagnosing Compiler Performance by Comparing Optimization Decisions
Andrej Pečimúth, David Leopoldseder, and Petr Tůma
(Oracle Labs, Czechia; Charles University, Czechia; Oracle Labs, Austria)
Publisher's Version
Morello MicroPython: A Python Interpreter for CHERI
Duncan Lowther, Dejice Jacob, and Jeremy Singer
(University of Glasgow, UK)
Publisher's Version

Session 3

A Multifaceted Memory Analysis of Java Benchmarks
Orion Papadakis, Andreas Andronikakis, Nikos Foutris, Michail Papadimitriou, Athanasios Stratikopoulos, Foivos S. Zakkak, Polychronis Xekalakis, and Christos Kotselidis
(University of Manchester, UK; Red Hat, Greece; Nvidia, USA)
Publisher's Version
Improving Garbage Collection Observability with Performance Tracing
Claire Huang, Stephen M. Blackburn, and Zixian Cai
(Australian National University, Australia; Google, Australia)
Publisher's Version
Don’t Trust Your Profiler: An Empirical Study on the Precision and Accuracy of Java Profilers
Humphrey Burchell, Octave Larose, Sophie Kaleba, and Stefan Marr
(University of Kent, UK)
Publisher's Version
Heap Size Adjustment with CPU Control
Sanaz Tavakolisomeh, Marina Shimchenko, Erik Österlund, Rodrigo Bruno, Paulo Ferreira, and Tobias Wrigstad
(University of Oslo, Norway; Uppsala University, Sweden; Oracle, Sweden; INESC-ID - IST-ULisboa, Portugal)
Publisher's Version

Session 4

Comparing Rapid Type Analysis with Points-To Analysis in GraalVM Native Image
David Kozak, Vojin Jovanovic, Codrut Stancu, Tomáš Vojnar, and Christian Wimmer
(Brno University of Technology, Czechia; Oracle Labs, Switzerland; Oracle Labs, USA)
Publisher's Version
Unified Shared Memory: Friend or Foe? Understanding the Implications of Unified Memory on Managed Heaps
Juan Fumero, Florin Blanaru, Athanasios Stratikopoulos, Steve Dohrmann, Sandhya Viswanathan, and Christos Kotselidis
(University of Manchester, UK; Axelera AI, Netherlands; Intel, USA)
Publisher's Version
Beyond RSS: Towards Intelligent Dynamic Memory Management (Work in Progress)
Christos Panagiotis Lamprakos, Sotirios Xydis, Peter Kourzanov, Manu Perumkunnil, Francky Catthoor, and Dimitrios Soudris
(National Technical University of Athens, Greece; KU Leuven, Belgium; IMEC, Belgium)
Publisher's Version
Towards Safe HPC: Productivity and Performance via Rust Interfaces for a Distributed C++ Actors Library (Work in Progress)
John Parrish, Nicole Wren, Tsz Hang Kiang, Akihiro Hayashi, Jeffrey Young, and Vivek Sarkar
(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; Block, USA)
Publisher's Version
Generating Java Interfaces for Accessing Foreign Objects in GraalVM (Work in Progress)
Julian Garn, Florian Angerer, and Hanspeter Mössenböck
(JKU Linz, Austria; Oracle Labs, Austria)
Publisher's Version


Diagnosing Compiler Performance by Comparing Optimization Decisions (Poster Abstract)
Andrej Pečimúth, David Leopoldseder, and Petr Tůma
(Oracle Labs, Czechia; Charles University, Czechia; Oracle Labs, Austria)
Publisher's Version
CloudJIT: A Just-in-Time FaaS Optimizer (Poster Abstract)
Serhii Ivanenko, Rodrigo Bruno, Jovan Stevanovic, Luís Veiga, and Vojin Jovanovic
(INESC-ID, Portugal; IST-ULisboa, Portugal; Oracle Labs, Serbia; Oracle Labs, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
Don’t Trust Your Profiler: An Empirical Study on the Precision and Accuracy of Java Profilers (Poster Abstract)
Humphrey Burchell, Octave Larose, Sophie Kaleba, and Stefan Marr
(University of Kent, UK)
Publisher's Version
Capable VMs Project Overview (Poster Abstract)
Jacob Bramley, Dejice Jacob, Andrei Lascu, Duncan Lowther, Jeremy Singer, and Laurence Tratt
(Arm, UK; University of Glasgow, UK; King’s College London, UK)
Publisher's Version

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