ISSTA 2021 Workshops
30th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2021)
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5th ACM International Workshop on Verification and mOnitoring at Runtime EXecution (VORTEX 2021), July 12, 2021, Virtual, Denmark

VORTEX 2021 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

5th ACM International Workshop on Verification and mOnitoring at Runtime EXecution (VORTEX 2021)


Title Page

Message from the Chairs
Welcome to the International Workshop on Verification and mOnitoring at Runtime EXecution (VORTEX 2021), virtually hosted in Aarhus, Denmark, July 12, 2021, co-located with ECOOP/ISSTA 2021.


Invited Keynotes

Increasing Confidence in Autonomous Systems
Michael Fisher, Angelo Ferrando, and Rafael C. Cardoso
(University of Manchester, UK; University of Genoa, Italy)
This presentation will describe how we are using, and aiming to use, runtime verification, along with other varieties of formal verification and simulation-based testing, to together provide increased confidence in a range of autonomous systems.

Publisher's Version
Synchronous and Asynchronous Stream Runtime Verification
César Sánchez
(IMDEA Software Institute, Spain)
We revisit the topic of Stream Runtime Verification (SRV) both for synchronous and asynchronous systems. Stream Runtime Verification is a formalism to express monitors using streams, which results in a simple and expressive specification language. This language is not restricted to describe correctness/failure assertions, but can also collect richer information (including statistical measures) for system profiling and coverage analysis. The monitors generated in SRV are useful for testing, under actual deployment, and to analyze logs.
The steps in many algorithms proposed in runtime verification are based on temporal logics and similar formalisms, which generate Boolean verdicts. The key idea of Stream Runtime Verification is that these algorithms can be generalized to compute richer information if a different data domain is used. Hence, the keystone of SRV is to separate the temporal dependencies in the monitoring algorithm from the concrete operations performed at each step.
Early SRV languages, pioneered by Lola, considered that the observations arrive in a periodic fashion, so the model of time is synchronous sequences like in linear temporal logic. Newer systems, like TeSSLa, RTLola and Striver, have adapted SRV to real-time event streams, where input and output streams can contain events of data at any point.
We will revisit the notions of SRV for synchronous and asynchronous systems. Then, we will justify that synchronous SRV can be modeled by real-time SRV and finally present conditions under which synchronous SRV can simulate real-time SRV.

Publisher's Version
The E-ACSL Perspective on Runtime Assertion Checking
Julien Signoles
(University of Paris-Saclay, France; CEA LIST, France)
Runtime Assertion Checking (RAC) is the discipline of verifying program assertions at runtime, i.e. when executing the code. Nowadays, RAC usually relies on Behavioral Interface Specification Languages (BISL) à la Eiffel for writing powerful code specifications. Since now more than 20 years, several works have studied RAC. Most of them have focused on BISL. Some others have also considered combinations of RAC with others techniques, e.g. deductive verification (DV). Very few tackle RAC as a verification technique that soundly generates efficient code from formal annotations. Here, we revisit these three RAC's research areas by emphasizing the works done in E-Acsl, which is both a BISL and a RAC tool for C code. We also compare it to others languages and tools.

Publisher's Version

Extended Abstracts

RM for Users’ Safety and Security in the Built Environment
Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Giuseppe Di Giuda, Silvia Meschini, Laura Pellegrini, Elena Seghezzi, Lavinia Chiara Tagliabue, Lorenzo Testa, and Gianluca Torta
(University of Turin, Italy; Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Reply, Italy)
As the cost of computing devices continues to decrease, swarms of low-end intelligent devices become a more interesting solution for safety-critical applications. The safe execution of such systems, however, usually requires mechanisms ensuring that relevant global properties, expressed as logical formulas, are satisfied. These formulas need to capture properties of the system evolution in time, and of its distribution in space, thus requiring a mix of spatial and temporal logic modalities. Furthermore, in scenarios where access to the cloud might not be available, monitoring their validity should be performed autonomously by the distributed system itself. Previous works show that through the aggregate computing approach, and targeting the field calculus language, automatic translations of spatial or temporal logic formulas into distributed decentralized monitors are possible. However, the definition and translation of properties mixing space and time has not been considered so far. In this paper, we start the investigation on integrating space and time modalities through examples, outlining a roadmap for a fully-fledged distributed monitoring of space-time properties.

Publisher's Version
Test’n’Mo: A Collaborative Platform for Human Testers and Intelligent Monitoring Agents
Filippo Ricca, Viviana Mascardi, and Alessandro Verri
(University of Genoa, Italy)
Many software bugs have disruptive consequences, both in financial terms and in loss of life. Software Testing is one widely used approach to detect software bugs and ensure software quality but the testing activity, conducted either manually or using testing frameworks, is repetitive and expensive. Runtime Monitoring, differently from Software Testing, does not require test cases to be designed and executed and – once the property to be monitored has been specified – it does not rely on human beings performing any further actions, unless a violation is detected. However the property to be monitored, that must feed the monitor along with the trace or stream of observed events, may be very hard to identify and specify. In this extended abstract we present the Test'n'Mo vision which goes in the direction of exploiting Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning as enabling techniques for a hybrid platform for Software Testing and Runtime Monitoring. In Test'n'Mo, human testers and software agents of different kinds – 'Learning Agents' and 'Runtime Monitoring and Testing Agents' – collaborate to achieve their common testing goal. Although Test'n'Mo is meant to address User Interface testing of web/mobile apps, the Test'n'Mo approach may be adapted to other software testing activities.

Publisher's Version
RVPLAN: A General Purpose Framework for Replanning using Runtime Verification
Angelo Ferrando and Rafael C. Cardoso
(University of Genoa, Italy; University of Manchester, UK)
We present RVPLAN, a general purpose framework for replanning that combines classical planning with runtime verification. RVPLAN uses runtime monitors to report violations of the planner’s assumptions over the system, effectively detecting plan failures. Re-planning is triggered when such violations are detected, using the feedback from the monitors to update the model of environment. We illustrate the use of our framework with a remote inspection running example.

Publisher's Version
Towards Aggregate Monitoring of Spatio-temporal Properties
Giorgio Audrito and Gianluca Torta
(University of Turin, Italy)
As the cost of computing devices continues to decrease, swarms of low-end intelligent devices become a more interesting solution for safety-critical applications. The safe execution of such systems, however, usually requires mechanisms ensuring that relevant global properties, expressed as logical formulas, are satisfied. These formulas need to capture properties of the system evolution in time, and of its distribution in space, thus requiring a mix of spatial and temporal logic modalities. Furthermore, in scenarios where access to the cloud might not be available, monitoring their validity should be performed autonomously by the distributed system itself.
Previous works show that through the aggregate computing approach, and targeting the field calculus language, automatic translations of spatial or temporal logic formulas into distributed decentralized monitors are possible. However, the definition and translation of properties mixing space and time has not been considered so far. In this paper, we start the investigation on integrating space and time modalities through examples, outlining a roadmap for a fully-fledged distributed monitoring of space-time properties.

Publisher's Version
Runtime Verification for Trustworthy Secure Shell Deployment
Axel Curmi, Christian Colombo, and Mark Vella
(University of Malta, Malta)
Incorrect cryptographic protocol implementation and malware attacks targeting its runtime may lead to insecure execution even if the protocol design has been proven safe. This research focuses on adapting a runtime-verification-centric trusted execution environment (RV-TEE) solution to a cryptographic protocol deployment --- particularly that of the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH). We aim to show that our approach, which does not require any specific security hardware or operating system modifications, is feasible through the design of a framework and work-in-progress empirical evaluation. We provide: (i) The design of the setup involving SSH, (ii) The provision of the RV-TEE setup with SSH implementation, including (iii) An overview of the property extraction process through a methodical analysis of the SSH protocol specifications.

Publisher's Version
Optional Monitoring for Long-Lived Transactions
Joshua Ellul and Gordon J. Pace
(University of Malta, Malta)
Runtime monitoring comes at a runtime cost. Overheads induced by monitoring and verification code may be necessary, and yet prohibitive in certain circumstances. When verification is local to a single unit of execution in a system, one can choose whether or not to monitor based on the risk of that individual unit. In this paper, we propose a monitoring and verification approach for a class of long-lived transaction-based systems whose execution can be partitioned into separate subtraces, one for each such transaction, and which are independent of each other from a correctness perspective. We focus on the use of this approach for the monitoring of smart contracts on distributed ledger technologies to show how we can reduce overheads in this manner.

Publisher's Version

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