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2014 Workshop on Joining AcadeMiA and Industry Contributions to Test Automation and Model-Based Testing (JAMAICA), July 21, 2014, San Jose, CA, USA

JAMAICA 2014 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

2014 Workshop on Joining AcadeMiA and Industry Contributions to Test Automation and Model-Based Testing (JAMAICA)


Title Page
Message from the Chairs

Testing Techniques
Mon, Jul 21, 10:30 - 12:00, University Room

Testing Methods Used in the Automotive Industry: Results from a Survey
Harald Altinger, Franz Wotawa, and Markus Schurius
(Audi Electronics Venture, Germany; Graz University of Technology, Austria)
A Framework-Based Approach for Automated Testing of CNC Firmware
Marcus Thoss, Kai Beckmann, Reinhold Kroeger, Marco Muenchhof, and Christian Mellert
(RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Eckelmann, Germany)
Echo: A Middleware Architecture for Domain-Specific UI Test Automation
Jorge Martinez, Troy Thomas, and Tariq M. King
(Ultimate Software, USA)

Web and Distributed Applications
Mon, Jul 21, 13:30 - 15:00, University Room

On the Applicability of Combinatorial Testing to Web Application Security Testing: A Case Study
Bernhard Garn, Ioannis Kapsalis, Dimitris E. Simos, and Severin Winkler
(SBA Research, Austria; Security Research, Austria)
Towards an Automated Approach to Use Expert Systems in the Performance Testing of Distributed Systems
A. Omar Portillo-Dominguez, Miao Wang, John Murphy, Damien Magoni, Nick Mitchell, Peter F. Sweeney, and Erik Altman
(Lero, Ireland; University College Dublin, Ireland; University of Bordeaux, France; IBM Research, USA)
Modeling Mobile Application Test Platform and Environment: Testing Criteria and Complexity Analysis
Chuanqi Tao and Jerry Gao
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China; San Jose State University, USA)

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