ISSTA 2017
26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2017)
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26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2017), July 10–14, 2017, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

ISSTA 2017 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message from the Chairs
ISSTA 2017 Conference Organization

Technical Papers

Improving Testing

One Test to Rule Them All
Alex Groce, Josie Holmes, and Kevin Kellar
(Northern Arizona University, USA; Pennsylvania State University, USA; Crescent Valley High School, USA)
Reinforcement Learning for Automatic Test Case Prioritization and Selection in Continuous Integration
Helge Spieker, Arnaud Gotlieb, Dusica Marijan, and Morten Mossige
(Simula Research Laboratory, Norway; University of Stavanger, Norway; ABB Robotics, Norway)
PerfRanker: Prioritization of Performance Regression Tests for Collection-Intensive Software
Shaikh Mostafa, Xiaoyin Wang, and Tao Xie
(University of Texas at San Antonio, USA; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Artifacts Functional
Compiler-Assisted Test Acceleration on GPUs for Embedded Software
Vanya Yaneva, Ajitha Rajan, and Christophe Dubach
(University of Edinburgh, UK)


Targeted Property-Based Testing
Andreas Löscher and Konstantinos Sagonas
(Uppsala University, Sweden)
Info Artifacts Functional
Generating Unit Tests with Descriptive Names Or: Would You Name Your Children Thing1 and Thing2?
Ermira Daka, José Miguel Rojas, and Gordon Fraser
(University of Sheffield, UK)
Info Artifacts Functional

Symbolic Execution

Accelerating Array Constraints in Symbolic Execution
David M. Perry, Andrea Mattavelli, Xiangyu Zhang, and Cristian Cadar
(Purdue University, USA; Imperial College London, UK)
Info Artifacts Functional
Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of Symbolic Testing Techniques for Transport Protocol Implementations under Packet Dynamics
Wei Sun, Lisong Xu, and Sebastian Elbaum
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Artifacts Functional
Combining Symbolic Execution and Search-Based Testing for Programs with Complex Heap Inputs
Pietro Braione, Giovanni Denaro, Andrea Mattavelli, and Mauro Pezzè
(University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy; Imperial College London, UK; University of Lugano, Switerland)
Artifacts Functional


Efficient Computation of Happens-Before Relation for Event-Driven Programs
Pallavi Maiya and Aditya Kanade
(IISc Bangalore, India)
Info Artifacts Functional
Automatic Detection and Validation of Race Conditions in Interrupt-Driven Embedded Software
Yu Wang, Linzhang Wang, Tingting Yu, Jianhua Zhao, and Xuandong Li
(Nanjing University, China; University of Kentucky, USA)
Monitoring Decentralized Specifications
Antoine El-Hokayem and Yliès Falcone
(Grenoble Alpes University, France; Inria, France; CNRS, France; Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, France)
Info Artifacts Functional

Dynamic Analysis

Effective Online Software Anomaly Detection
Yizhen Chen, Ming Ying, Daren Liu, Adil Alim, Feng Chen, and Mei-Hwa Chen
(SUNY Albany, USA)
Semi-automated Discovery of Server-Based Information Oversharing Vulnerabilities in Android Applications
William Koch, Abdelberi Chaabane, Manuel Egele, William Robertson, and Engin Kirda
(Boston University, USA; Northeastern University, USA)
CPR: Cross Platform Binary Code Reuse via Platform Independent Trace Program
Yonghwi Kwon, Weihang Wang, Yunhui Zheng, Xiangyu Zhang, and Dongyan Xu
(Purdue University, USA; IBM Research, USA)
An Actionable Performance Profiler for Optimizing the Order of Evaluations
Marija Selakovic, Thomas Glaser, and Michael Pradel
(TU Darmstadt, Germany)

The Web

Testing and Analysis of Web Applications using Page Models
Snigdha Athaiya and Raghavan Komondoor
(IISc Bangalore, India)
Artifacts Functional
Automated Layout Failure Detection for Responsive Web Pages without an Explicit Oracle
Thomas A. Walsh, Gregory M. Kapfhammer, and Phil McMinn
(University of Sheffield, UK; Allegheny College, USA)
Test Execution Checkpointing for Web Applications
Marco Guarnieri, Petar Tsankov, Tristan Buchs, Mohammad Torabi Dashti, and David Basin
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland; EPFL, Switzerland)

Experience Report

Experience Paper: A Study on Behavioral Backward Incompatibilities of Java Software Libraries
Shaikh Mostafa, Rodney Rodriguez, and Xiaoyin Wang
(University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)

Program Repair and Patching

Identifying Test-Suite-Overfitted Patches through Test Case Generation
Qi Xin and Steven P. Reiss
(Brown University, USA)
Impact of Tool Support in Patch Construction
Anil Koyuncu, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Dongsun Kim, Jacques Klein, Martin Monperrus, and Yves Le Traon
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; Inria, France; University of Lille, France)
Automated Repair of Layout Cross Browser Issues using Search-Based Techniques
Sonal Mahajan, Abdulmajeed Alameer, Phil McMinn, and William G. J. Halfond
(University of Southern California, USA; University of Sheffield, UK)
Artifacts Functional

Fault Localization and Mutation Testing

Boosting Spectrum-Based Fault Localization using PageRank
Mengshi Zhang, Xia Li, Lingming Zhang, and Sarfraz Khurshid
(University of Texas at Austin, USA; University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
FLUCCS: Using Code and Change Metrics to Improve Fault Localization
Jeongju Sohn and Shin Yoo
(KAIST, South Korea)
Inferring Mutant Utility from Program Context
René Just, Bob Kurtz, and Paul Ammann
(University of Massachusetts, USA; George Mason University, USA)
Artifacts Functional
Faster Mutation Analysis via Equivalence Modulo States
Bo Wang, Yingfei Xiong, Yangqingwei Shi, Lu Zhang, and Dan Hao
(Peking University, China)

Static Analysis

Just-in-Time Static Analysis
Lisa Nguyen Quang Do, Karim Ali, Benjamin Livshits, Eric Bodden, Justin Smith, and Emerson Murphy-Hill
(Fraunhofer IEM, Germany; University of Alberta, Canada; Imperial College London, UK; University of Paderborn, Germany; North Carolina State University, USA)
Video Info Artifacts Functional
Refining Interprocedural Change-Impact Analysis using Equivalence Relations
Alex Gyori, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, and Nimrod Partush
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Microsoft Research, USA; Technion, Israel)
Boosting the Precision of Virtual Call Integrity Protection with Partial Pointer Analysis for C++
Xiaokang Fan, Yulei Sui, Xiangke Liao, and Jingling Xue
(UNSW, Australia; National University of Defense Technology, China)
Artifacts Functional
Lightweight Detection of Physical Unit Inconsistencies without Program Annotations
John-Paul Ore, Carrick Detweiler, and Sebastian Elbaum
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Artifacts Functional


Phriky-Units: A Lightweight, Annotation-Free Physical Unit Inconsistency Detection Tool
John-Paul Ore, Carrick Detweiler, and Sebastian Elbaum
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA; University on Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
A Suite of Tools for Making Effective Use of Automatically Generated Tests
Josie Holmes and Alex Groce
(Pennsylvania State University, USA; Northern Arizona University, USA)
ReDeCheck: An Automatic Layout Failure Checking Tool for Responsively Designed Web Pages
Thomas A. Walsh, Gregory M. Kapfhammer, and Phil McMinn
(University of Sheffield, UK; Allegheny College, USA)
CUT: Automatic Unit Testing in the Cloud
Alessio Gambi, Sebastian Kappler, Johannes Lampel, and Andreas Zeller
(Saarland University, Germany)
XFix: An Automated Tool for the Repair of Layout Cross Browser Issues
Sonal Mahajan, Abdulmajeed Alameer, Phil McMinn, and William G. J. Halfond
(University of Southern California, USA; University of Sheffield, UK)
THEMIS: A Tool for Decentralized Monitoring Algorithms
Antoine El-Hokayem and Yliès Falcone
(Grenoble Alpes University, France; Inria, France; CNRS, France; Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, France)
JFIX: Semantics-Based Repair of Java Programs via Symbolic PathFinder
Xuan-Bach D. Le, Duc-Hiep Chu, David Lo, Claire Le Goues, and Willem Visser
(Singapore Management University, Singapore; IST, Austria; Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
ArtForm: A Tool for Exploring the Codebase of Form-Based Websites
Ben Spencer, Michael Benedikt, Anders Møller, and Franck van Breugel
(University of Oxford, UK; Aarhus University, Denmark; York University, Canada)
Video Info
ParTeCL: Parallel Testing using OpenCL
Vanya Yaneva, Ajitha Rajan, and Christophe Dubach
(University of Edinburgh, UK)
Verifying Digital Systems with MATLAB
Lennon Chaves, Iury Bessa, Lucas Cordeiro, Daniel Kroening, and Eddie Lima
(Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil; University of Oxford, UK; Samsung Electronics, Brazil)
Video Info
SealTest: A Simple Library for Test Sequence Generation
Sylvain Hallé and Raphaël Khoury
(Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada)
GitcProc: A Tool for Processing and Classifying GitHub Commits
Casey Casalnuovo, Yagnik Suchak, Baishakhi Ray, and Cindy Rubio-González
(University of California at Davis, USA; University of Virginia, USA)
Caret-HM: Recording and Replaying Android User Sessions with Heat Map Generation using UI State Clustering
Dmitry Nurmuradov and Renee Bryce
(University of North Texas, USA)
Video Info
LabPal: Repeatable Computer Experiments Made Easy
Sylvain Hallé
(Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada)
Video Info

Doctoral Symposium


Consistency Checking in Requirements Analysis
Jaroslav Bendík
(Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Inferring Page Models for Web Application Analysis
Snigdha Athaiya
(IISc Bangalore, India)
Path Cost Analysis for Side Channel Detection
Tegan Brennan
(University of California at Santa Barbara, USA)

Modeling and Learning

Automatically Inferring and Enforcing User Expectations
Jenny Hotzkow
(Saarland University, Germany)
Understanding Intended Behavior using Models of Low-Level Signals
Deborah S. Katz
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Version Space Learning for Verification on Temporal Differentials
Mark Santolucito
(Yale University, USA)


Data Flow Oriented UI Testing: Exploiting Data Flows and UI Elements to Test Android Applications
Nataniel P. Borges Jr.
(Saarland University, Germany)
Dynamic Tainting for Automatic Test Case Generation
Björn Mathis
(Saarland University, Germany)
Mapping Hardness of Automated Software Testing
Carlos Oliveira
(Monash University, Australia)
Oracle Problem in Software Testing
Gunel Jahangirova
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy; University College London, UK)

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