ISMM 2016
ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM 2016)
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ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM 2016), June 14, 2016, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

ISMM 2016 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page

Concurrent Memory Management

Block-Free Concurrent GC: Stack Scanning and Copying
Erik Österlund and Welf Löwe
(Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Characterizing Emerging Heterogeneous Memory
Du Shen, Xu Liu, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin
(College of William and Mary, USA; Purdue University, USA)
Hardware Support for Protective and Collaborative Cache Sharing
Raj Parihar, Jacob Brock, Chen Ding, and Michael C. Huang
(University of Rochester, USA)
Fast Non-intrusive Memory Reclamation for Highly-Concurrent Data Structures
Dave Dice, Maurice Herlihy, and Alex Kogan
(Oracle Labs, USA; Brown University, USA)

Non-traditional and Datacenter Scale Memory System

Understanding and Improving JVM GC Work Stealing at the Data Center Scale
Wessam Hassanein
(Google, USA)
Persistence Programming Models for Non-volatile Memory
Hans-J. Boehm and Dhruva R. Chakrabarti
(HP Labs, USA)
CBufs: Efficient, System-Wide Memory Management and Sharing
Yuxin Ren, Gabriel Parmer, Teo Georgiev, and Gedare Bloom
(George Washington University, USA; Howard University, USA)
A Bounded Memory Allocator for Software-Defined Global Address Spaces
François Gindraud, Fabrice Rastello, Albert Cohen, and François Broquedis
(Joseph Fourier University, France; Inria, France; Grenoble INP, France)

Modeling, Characterization, and Tools

Rust as a Language for High Performance GC Implementation
Yi Lin, Stephen M. Blackburn, Antony L. Hosking, and Michael Norrish
(Australian National University, Australia; Data61, Australia; Purdue University, USA)
Prescient Memory: Exposing Weak Memory Model Behavior by Looking into the Future
Man Cao, Jake Roemer, Aritra Sengupta, and Michael D. Bond
(Ohio State University, USA)
Rethinking a Heap Hierarchy as a Cache Hierarchy: A Higher-Order Theory of Memory Demand (HOTM)
Pengcheng Li, Hao Luo, and Chen Ding
(University of Rochester, USA)
Liveness-Based Garbage Collection for Lazy Languages
Prasanna Kumar K., Amitabha Sanyal, and Amey Karkare
(IIT Bombay, India; IIT Kanpur, India)

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