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1st International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practices (SER&IPs 2014), June 1, 2014, Hyderabad, India

SER&IPs 2014 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

1st International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practices (SER&IPs 2014)

Title Page
Confessions of an Industrial Researcher: A Typical Bollywood Story (Invited Talk)
Thomas Zimmermann
(Microsoft Research, USA)
Certus: Glimpses of a Centre for Research-Based Innovation in Software Verification and Validation
Sagar Sen
(Simula Research Laboratory, Norway)
Making Sense of Academia-Industry Gap in the Evolving Cloud Service Brokerage
Bimlesh Wadhwa, Aditi Jaitly, and Bharti Suri
(National University of Singapore, Singapore; University of Delhi, India; GGS Indraprastha University, India)
Overcoming Challenges in Collaboration between Research and Practice: The Agile Research Network
Helen Sharp, Laura Plonka, Katie Taylor, and Peggy Gregory
(Open University, UK; University of Central Lancashire, UK)
An Exploratory Study on Reuse at Google
Veronika Bauer, Jonas Eckhardt, Benedikt Hauptmann, and Manuel Klimek
(TU München, Germany; Google, Germany)
Why Is Dynamic Analysis Not Used as Extensively as Static Analysis: An Industrial Study
Radhika D. Venkatasubramanyam and Sowmya G. R.
(Siemens, India)
A Formal Systems Engineering Approach in Practice: An Experience Report
Wolfgang Böhm, Maximilian Junker, Andreas Vogelsang, Sabine Teufl, Ralf Pinger, and Karsten Rahn
(TU München, Germany; fortiss, Germany; Siemens, Germany)

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