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1st International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering (RCoSE 2014), June 3, 2014, Hyderabad, India

RCoSE 2014 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

1st International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering (RCoSE 2014)


Title Page
Message from the Chairs


Continuous Software Engineering and Beyond: Trends and Challenges
Brian Fitzgerald and Klaas-Jan Stol
(Lero, Ireland; University of Limerick, Ireland)

Technology Aspects

Rapid Requirements Checks with Requirements Smells: Two Case Studies
Henning Femmer, Daniel Méndez Fernández, Elmar Juergens, Michael Klose, Ilona Zimmer, and Jörg Zimmer
(TU München, Germany; CQSE, Germany; Wacker Chemie, Germany; MBtech Group, Germany; Daimler, Germany)
Rapidly Locating and Understanding Errors using Runtime Monitoring of Architecture-Carrying Code
Marco Konersmann
(University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Building Blocks for Continuous Experimentation
Fabian Fagerholm, Alejandro Sanchez Guinea, Hanna Mäenpää, and Jürgen Münch
(University of Helsinki, Finland)

Process Aspects

Supported Approach for Agile Methods Adaptation: An Adoption Study
Hajer Ayed, Benoît Vanderose, and Naji Habra
(University of Namur, Belgium)
Rugby: An Agile Process Model Based on Continuous Delivery
Stephan Krusche, Lukas Alperowitz, Bernd Bruegge, and Martin O. Wagner
(TU München, Germany)
Scrum for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Process Proposal
Stefan Wagner
(University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Cross-Cutting Concerns

Personalised Continuous Software Engineering
Efi Papatheocharous, Marios Belk, Jaana Nyfjord, Panagiotis Germanakos, and George Samaras
(SICS, Sweden; University of Cyprus, Cyprus; SAP, Germany)

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