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9th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST 2014), May 31 – June 1, 2014, Hyderabad, India

AST 2014 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

9th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST 2014)


Title Page
Message from the Chairs

Security and Performance Testing

Attack Pattern-Based Combinatorial Testing
Josip Bozic, Dimitris E. Simos, and Franz Wotawa
(Graz University of Technology, Austria; SBA Research, Austria)
An Automated Testing Approach for Inter-application Security in Android
Chenkai Guo, Jing Xu, Hongji Yang, Ying Zeng, and Shuang Xing
(Nankai University, China; Bath Spa University, UK)
Categorizing Configuration Parameters of Smartphones for Energy Performance Testing
Kshirasagar Naik, Yasir Ali, Veluppillai Mahinthan, Ajit Singh, and Abdulhakim Abogharaf
(University of Waterloo, Canada; Aljabal Algharby University, Libya)

Test and Change Coverage

Social Coverage for Customized Test Adequacy and Selection Criteria
Breno Miranda and Antonia Bertolino
(University of Pisa, Italy; ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Selecting Manual Regression Test Cases Automatically using Trace Link Recovery and Change Coverage
Sebastian Eder, Benedikt Hauptmann, Maximilian Junker, Rudolf Vaas, and Karl-Heinz Prommer
(TU München, Germany; Munich Re, Germany)
Effective Unit-Testing in Model-Based Software Development
Damodaram Kamma and Pooja Maruthi
(Bosch, India)

Property Checking and Debugging

Verification of Non-functional Properties of Cloud-Based Distributed System Services
Kaliappa Ravindran and Arun Adiththan
(City University of New York, USA)
Improved Semantics and Implementation through Property-Based Testing with QuickCheck
Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
(University of Kent, UK)
Reduce First, Debug Later
Alexander Elyasov, Wishnu Prasetya, Jurriaan Hage, and Andreas Nikas
(Utrecht University, Netherlands)

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