ICSE 2013 Workshops
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2013 4th International Workshop on Product LinE Approaches in Software Engineering (PLEASE), May 20, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

PLEASE 2013 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

4th International Workshop on Product LinE Approaches in Software Engineering (PLEASE)


Title Page

PLE in the Large

System-of-Systems Platform Scoping
John Klein and John D. McGregor
(SEI, USA; Clemson University, USA)
Variability Support for Variability-Rich Software Ecosystems
Klaus Schmid
(University of Hildesheim, Germany)
Moving Towards Industrial Software Ecosystems: Are Our Software Architectures Fit for the Future?
Klaus-Benedikt Schultis, Christoph Elsner, and Daniel Lohmann
(Siemens, Germany; University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
How to Exploit Domain Knowledge in Multiple Software Product Lines?
Simon Urli, Sébastien Mosser, Mireille Blay-Fornarino, and Philippe Collet
(University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France)

Application of PLE in Domains

What Makes It Hard to Apply Software Product Lines to Educational Technologies?
Sridhar Chimalakonda and Kesav V. Nori
(IIIT Hyderabad, India)
Challenges in Managing Behavior Variability of Production Control Software
Miao Fang, Georg Leyh, Christoph Elsner, and Jörg Dörr
(Siemens, Germany; Fraunhofer IESE, Germany)
Graphical User Interfaces in Dynamic Software Product Lines
Dean Kramer, Samia Oussena, Peter Komisarczuk, and Tony Clark
(University of West London, UK; Middlesex University, UK)
Knowledge-Assisted Product Requirements Configurator
Preethu Rose Anish, Shashi Kant Sharma, Manish Motwani, and Smita Ghaisas
(Tata Consultancy Services, India)
Variability in Software Process Models: Requirements for Adoption in Industrial Settings
Jocelyn Simmonds, María Cecilia Bastarrica, Luis Silvestre, and Alcides Quispe
(Federico Santa María Technical University, Chile; University of Chile, Chile)

Migration Towards Product Lines

Products as Product Lines
Grady H. Campbell, Jr.
(domain-specific.com, USA)
Domain Analysis for Mining Software Repositories: Towards Feature-Based DSL Construction
Changyun Huang, Kazuhiro Yamashita, Yasutaka Kamei, Kenji Hisazumi, and Naoyasu Ubayashi
(Kyushu University, Japan)
RECoVar: A Solution Framework towards Reverse Engineering Variability
Bo Zhang and Martin Becker
(University of Kaiserslautern, Germany; Fraunhofer IESE, Germany)

Validation for Product Lines

Requirements-Based Delta-Oriented SPL Testing
Michael Dukaczewski, Ina Schaefer, Remo Lachmann, and Malte Lochau
(TU Braunschweig, Germany; TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Feature Interaction Testing of Variability Intensive Systems
Sachin Patel, Priya Gupta, and Vipul Shah
(Tata Consultancy Services, India)

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