ICSE 2013 Workshops
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2013 5th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS)
May 26, 2013
San Francisco, CA, USA
PESOS 2013 – Proceedings
5th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS)
Title Page
RESTful Business Process Management in the Cloud
Alessio Gambi
Cesare Pautasso
(University of Lugano, Switzerland; TU Vienna, Austria)
Towards QoS Prediction Based on Composition Structure Analysis and Probabilistic Environment Models
Dragan Ivanović
Peerachai Kaowichakorn
, and
Manuel Carro
(UPM, Spain; IMDEA Software Institute, Spain)
Building Reliable Dynamic Applications for Ubiquitous Computing
Jacky Estublier
German Vega
(LIG, France; Grenoble University, France)
Dynamic Program Code Distribution in Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds
Rostyslav Zabolotnyi
Philipp Leitner
, and
Schahram Dustdar
(TU Vienna, Austria)
Storm Prediction in a Cloud
Ian Davis
Hadi Hemmati
Richard C. Holt
Michael W. Godfrey
Douglas Neuse
, and
Serge Mankovskii
(University of Waterloo, Canada; CA Technologies, USA)
Framework for Evaluating Reusability of Component-as-a-Service (CaaS)
Hyun Jung La
Jin Sun Her
, and
Soo Dong Kim
(Soongsil University, South Korea)
The Dark Side of SOA Testing: Towards Testing Contemporary SOAs Based on Criticality Metrics
Philipp Leitner
Stefan Schulte
Schahram Dustdar
Ingo Pill
Marco Schulz
, and
Franz Wotawa
(TU Vienna, Austria; TU Graz, Austria)
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