ICSE 2013
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), May 18–26, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

ICSE 2013 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File
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Title Page
Message from the Chairs

Technical Research

Wed, May 22, 10:30 - 12:00, Grand Ballroom A (Chair: Sebastian Uchitel)

Automatic Synthesis of Modular Connectors via Composition of Protocol Mediation Patterns
Paola Inverardi and Massimo Tivoli
(University of L'Aquila, Italy)
Robust Reconfigurations of Component Assemblies
Fabienne Boyer, Olivier Gruber, and Damien Pous
(Université Joseph Fourier, France; CNRS, France)
Drag-and-Drop Refactoring: Intuitive and Efficient Program Transformation
Yun Young Lee, Nicholas Chen, and Ralph E. Johnson
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Wed, May 22, 13:30 - 15:30, Grand Ballroom A (Chair: Valerie Issarny)

Managing Non-functional Uncertainty via Model-Driven Adaptivity
Carlo Ghezzi, Leandro Sales Pinto, Paola Spoletini, and Giordano Tamburrelli
(Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Università dell'Insubria, Italy)
GuideArch: Guiding the Exploration of Architectural Solution Space under Uncertainty
Naeem Esfahani, Sam Malek, and Kaveh Razavi
(George Mason University, USA)
Coupling Software Architecture and Human Architecture for Collaboration-Aware System Adaptation
Christoph Dorn and Richard N. Taylor
(TU Vienna, Austria; UC Irvine, USA)
Learning Revised Models for Planning in Adaptive Systems
Daniel Sykes, Domenico Corapi, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, and Katsumi Inoue
(Imperial College London, UK; National Institute of Informatics, Japan)

Wed, May 22, 16:00 - 17:30, Grand Ballroom A (Chair: Schahram Dustdar)

RERAN: Timing- and Touch-Sensitive Record and Replay for Android
Lorenzo Gomez, Iulian Neamtiu, Tanzirul Azim, and Todd Millstein
(UC Los Angeles, USA; UC Riverside, USA)
Inferring Likely Mappings between APIs
Amruta Gokhale, Vinod Ganapathy, and Yogesh Padmanaban
(Rutgers University, USA)
Estimating Mobile Application Energy Consumption using Program Analysis
Shuai Hao, Ding Li, William G. J. Halfond, and Ramesh Govindan
(University of Southern California, USA)

Wed, May 22, 10:30 - 12:00, Grand Ballroom B (Chair: Willem Visser)

Observable Modified Condition/Decision Coverage
Michael Whalen, Gregory Gay, Dongjiang You, Mats P. E. Heimdahl, and Matt Staats
(University of Minnesota, USA; KAIST, South Korea)
Creating a Shared Understanding of Testing Culture on a Social Coding Site
Raphael Pham, Leif Singer, Olga Liskin, Fernando Figueira Filho, and Kurt Schneider
(Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany; UFRN, Brazil)
Billions and Billions of Constraints: Whitebox Fuzz Testing in Production
Ella Bounimova, Patrice Godefroid, and David Molnar
(Microsoft Research, USA)

Test-Case Generation
Wed, May 22, 13:30 - 15:30, Grand Ballroom B (Chair: Lionel Briand)

Feedback-Directed Unit Test Generation for C/C++ using Concolic Execution
Pranav Garg, Franjo Ivancic, Gogul Balakrishnan, Naoto Maeda, and Aarti Gupta
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; NEC Labs, USA; NEC, Japan)
A Learning-Based Method for Combining Testing Techniques
Domenico Cotroneo, Roberto Pietrantuono, and Stefano Russo
(Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy; Lab CINI-ITEM Carlo Savy, Italy)
Human Performance Regression Testing
Amanda Swearngin, Myra B. Cohen, Bonnie E. John, and Rachel K. E. Bellamy
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA; IBM Research, USA)
Guided Test Generation for Web Applications
Suresh Thummalapenta, K. Vasanta Lakshmi, Saurabh Sinha, Nishant Sinha, and Satish Chandra
(IBM Research, India; Indian Institute of Science, India; IBM Research, USA)

Test-Case Selection
Wed, May 22, 16:00 - 17:30, Grand Ballroom B (Chair: Mauro Pezzè)

Comparing Multi-point Stride Coverage and Dataflow Coverage
Mohammad Mahdi Hassan and James H. Andrews
(University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Interaction-Based Test-Suite Minimization
Dale Blue, Itai Segall, Rachel Tzoref-Brill, and Aviad Zlotnick
(IBM, USA; IBM Research, Israel)
Bridging the Gap between the Total and Additional Test-Case Prioritization Strategies
Lingming Zhang, Dan Hao, Lu Zhang, Gregg Rothermel, and Hong Mei
(Peking University, China; University of Texas at Austin, USA; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)

Formal Analysis
Wed, May 22, 10:30 - 12:00, Grand Ballroom C (Chair: Robyn Lutz)

Detecting Spurious Counterexamples Efficiently in Abstract Model Checking
Cong Tian and Zhenhua Duan
(Xidian University, China)
Segmented Symbolic Analysis
Wei Le
(Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Explicating Symbolic Execution (xSymExe): An Evidence-Based Verification Framework
John Hatcliff, Robby, Patrice Chalin, and Jason Belt
(Kansas State University, USA)

Formal Specification
Wed, May 22, 13:30 - 15:30, Grand Ballroom C (Chair: Matt Dwyer)

Aluminum: Principled Scenario Exploration through Minimality
Tim Nelson, Salman Saghafi, Daniel J. Dougherty, Kathi Fisler, and Shriram Krishnamurthi
(Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA; Brown University, USA)
Counter Play-Out: Executing Unrealizable Scenario-Based Specifications
Shahar Maoz and Yaniv Sa'ar
(Tel Aviv University, Israel; Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Unifying FSM-Inference Algorithms through Declarative Specification
Ivan Beschastnikh, Yuriy Brun, Jenny Abrahamson, Michael D. Ernst, and Arvind Krishnamurthy
(University of Washington, USA; University of Massachusetts, USA)
What Good Are Strong Specifications?
Nadia Polikarpova, Carlo A. Furia, Yu Pei, Yi Wei, and Bertrand Meyer
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland; ITMO National Research University, Russia)

Wed, May 22, 16:00 - 17:30, Grand Ballroom C (Chair: Frank Tip)

Comparative Causality: Explaining the Differences between Executions
William N. Sumner and Xiangyu Zhang
(Purdue University, USA)
Automatic Testing of Sequential and Concurrent Substitutability
Michael Pradel and Thomas R. Gross
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Data Clone Detection and Visualization in Spreadsheets
Felienne Hermans, Ben Sedee, Martin Pinzger, and Arie van Deursen
(TU Delft, Netherlands)

Code Analysis
Thu, May 23, 10:30 - 12:00, Grand Ballroom A (Chair: Alessandro Orso)

Partition-Based Regression Verification
Marcel Böhme, Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira, and Abhik Roychoudhury
(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Automated Diagnosis of Software Configuration Errors
Sai Zhang and Michael D. Ernst
(University of Washington, USA)
Detecting Deadlock in Programs with Data-Centric Synchronization
Daniel Marino, Christian Hammer, Julian Dolby, Mandana Vaziri, Frank Tip, and Jan Vitek
(Symantec Research Labs, USA; Saarland University, Germany; IBM Research, USA; University of Waterloo, Canada; Purdue University, USA)

Thu, May 23, 13:30 - 15:30, Grand Ballroom A (Chair: Margaret Burnett)

The Design of Bug Fixes
Emerson Murphy-Hill, Thomas Zimmermann, Christian Bird, and Nachiappan Nagappan
(North Carolina State University, USA; Microsoft Research, USA)
PorchLight: A Tag-Based Approach to Bug Triaging
Gerald Bortis and André van der Hoek
(UC Irvine, USA)
Expositor: Scriptable Time-Travel Debugging with First-Class Traces
Yit Phang Khoo, Jeffrey S. Foster, and Michael Hicks
(University of Maryland, USA)
Chronicler: Lightweight Recording to Reproduce Field Failures
Jonathan Bell, Nikhil Sarda, and Gail Kaiser
(Columbia University, USA)

Bug Prediction
Thu, May 23, 16:00 - 17:30, Grand Ballroom A (Chair: Jane Hayes)

Does Bug Prediction Support Human Developers? Findings from a Google Case Study
Chris Lewis, Zhongpeng Lin, Caitlin Sadowski, Xiaoyan Zhu, Rong Ou, and E. James Whitehead Jr.
(UC Santa Cruz, USA; Google, USA; Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
Transfer Defect Learning
Jaechang Nam, Sinno Jialin Pan, and Sunghun Kim
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China; Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore)
It's Not a Bug, It's a Feature: How Misclassification Impacts Bug Prediction
Kim Herzig, Sascha Just, and Andreas Zeller
(Saarland University, Germany)

Big Data
Thu, May 23, 10:30 - 12:00, Grand Ballroom B (Chair: Prem Devanbu)

Assisting Developers of Big Data Analytics Applications When Deploying on Hadoop Clouds
Weiyi Shang, Zhen Ming Jiang, Hadi Hemmati, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan, and Patrick Martin
(Queen's University, Canada; Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
Broken Sets in Software Repository Evolution
Jérôme Vouillon and Roberto Di Cosmo
(University of Paris Diderot, France; CNRS, France; INRIA, France)
Boa: A Language and Infrastructure for Analyzing Ultra-Large-Scale Software Repositories
Robert Dyer, Hoan Anh Nguyen, Hridesh Rajan, and Tien N. Nguyen
(Iowa State University, USA)

Thu, May 23, 13:30 - 15:30, Grand Ballroom B (Chair: Paul Grünbacher)

How, and Why, Process Metrics Are Better
Foyzur Rahman and Premkumar Devanbu
(UC Davis, USA)
The Role of Domain Knowledge and Cross-Functional Communication in Socio-Technical Coordination
Daniela Damian, Remko Helms, Irwin Kwan, Sabrina Marczak, and Benjamin Koelewijn
(University of Victoria, Canada; Utrecht University, Netherlands; Oregon State University, USA; PUCRS, Brazil)
Dual Ecological Measures of Focus in Software Development
Daryl Posnett, Raissa D'Souza, Premkumar Devanbu, and Vladimir Filkov
(UC Davis, USA)
Not Going to Take This Anymore: Multi-objective Overtime Planning for Software Engineering Projects
Filomena Ferrucci, Mark Harman, Jian Ren, and Federica Sarro
(University of Salerno, Italy; University College London, UK)

Product Lines
Thu, May 23, 16:00 - 17:30, Grand Ballroom B (Chair: Jean-Marc Jézéquel)

Beyond Boolean Product-Line Model Checking: Dealing with Feature Attributes and Multi-features
Maxime Cordy, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Patrick Heymans, and Axel Legay
(University of Namur, Belgium; IRISA, France; INRIA, France; University of Liège, Belgium)
Strategies for Product-Line Verification: Case Studies and Experiments
Sven Apel, Alexander von Rhein, Philipp Wendler, Armin Größlinger, and Dirk Beyer
(University of Passau, Germany)
On the Value of User Preferences in Search-Based Software Engineering: A Case Study in Software Product Lines
Abdel Salam Sayyad, Tim Menzies, and Hany Ammar
(West Virginia University, USA)

Search-Based SE
Thu, May 23, 10:30 - 12:00, Grand Ballroom C (Chair: Mark Harman)

LASE: Locating and Applying Systematic Edits by Learning from Examples
Na Meng, Miryung Kim, and Kathryn S. McKinley
(University of Texas at Austin, USA; Microsoft Research, USA)
Search-Based Genetic Optimization for Deployment and Reconfiguration of Software in the Cloud
Sören Frey, Florian Fittkau, and Wilhelm Hasselbring
(Kiel University, Germany)
How to Effectively Use Topic Models for Software Engineering Tasks? An Approach Based on Genetic Algorithms
Annibale Panichella, Bogdan Dit, Rocco Oliveto, Massimiliano Di Penta, Denys Poshyvanyk, and Andrea De Lucia
(University of Salerno, Italy; College of William and Mary, USA; University of Molise, Italy; University of Sannio, Italy)

Thu, May 23, 13:30 - 15:30, Grand Ballroom C (Chair: Wilhelm Hasselbring)

Green Streams for Data-Intensive Software
Thomas W. Bartenstein and Yu David Liu
(SUNY Binghamton, USA)
Dynamic Synthesis of Local Time Requirement for Service Composition
Tian Huat Tan, Étienne André, Jun Sun, Yang Liu, Jin Song Dong, and Manman Chen
(National University of Singapore, Singapore; Université Paris 13, France; CNRS, France; Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Supporting Swift Reaction: Automatically Uncovering Performance Problems by Systematic Experiments
Alexander Wert, Jens Happe, and Lucia Happe
(KIT, Germany; SAP Research, Germany)
Toddler: Detecting Performance Problems via Similar Memory-Access Patterns
Adrian Nistor, Linhai Song, Darko Marinov, and Shan Lu
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)

Requirements Engineering
Thu, May 23, 16:00 - 17:30, Grand Ballroom C (Chair: Jon Whittle)

Departures from Optimality: Understanding Human Analyst's Information Foraging in Assisted Requirements Tracing
Nan Niu, Anas Mahmoud, Zhangji Chen, and Gary Bradshaw
(Mississippi State University, USA)
Analysis of User Comments: An Approach for Software Requirements Evolution
Laura V. Galvis Carreño and Kristina Winbladh
(University of Delaware, USA)
Requirements Modelling by Synthesis of Deontic Input-Output Automata
Emmanuel Letier and William Heaven
(University College London, UK)

Fri, May 24, 10:30 - 12:00, Grand Ballroom A (Chair: John C. Knight)

Automated Reliability Estimation over Partial Systematic Explorations
Esteban Pavese, Víctor Braberman, and Sebastian Uchitel
(Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Imperial College London, UK)
Safe Software Updates via Multi-version Execution
Petr Hosek and Cristian Cadar
(Imperial College London, UK)
Reliability Analysis in Symbolic Pathfinder
Antonio Filieri, Corina S. Păsăreanu, and Willem Visser
(University of Stuttgart, Germany; Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, USA; NASA Ames Research Center, USA; Stellenbosch University, South Africa)

Security and Privacy
Fri, May 24, 13:30 - 15:30, Grand Ballroom A (Chair: Robert B. France)

Engineering Adaptive Privacy: On the Role of Privacy Awareness Requirements
Inah Omoronyia, Luca Cavallaro, Mazeiar Salehie, Liliana Pasquale, and Bashar Nuseibeh
(University of Glasgow, UK; Lero, Ireland; University of Limerick, Ireland; Open University, UK)
Mining SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities using Hybrid Program Analysis
Lwin Khin Shar, Hee Beng Kuan Tan, and Lionel C. Briand
(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Path Sensitive Static Analysis of Web Applications for Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Detection
Yunhui Zheng and Xiangyu Zhang
(Purdue University, USA)
Automated Software Architecture Security Risk Analysis using Formalized Signatures
Mohamed Almorsy, John Grundy, and Amani S. Ibrahim
(Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)

Analysis Studies
Fri, May 24, 10:30 - 12:00, Grand Ballroom B (Chair: Jim Herbsleb)

Why Don't Software Developers Use Static Analysis Tools to Find Bugs?
Brittany Johnson, Yoonki Song, Emerson Murphy-Hill, and Robert Bowdidge
(North Carolina State University, USA; Google, USA)
Exploring the Impact of Inter-smell Relations on Software Maintainability: An Empirical Study
Aiko Yamashita and Leon Moonen
(Simula Research Laboratory, Norway)
An Empirical Study on the Developers' Perception of Software Coupling
Gabriele Bavota, Bogdan Dit, Rocco Oliveto, Massimiliano Di Penta, Denys Poshyvanyk, and Andrea De Lucia
(University of Salerno, Italy; College of William and Mary, USA; University of Molise, Italy; University of Sannio, Italy)

Empirical Studies
Fri, May 24, 13:30 - 15:30, Grand Ballroom B (Chair: Nachiappan Nagappan)

X-PERT: Accurate Identification of Cross-Browser Issues in Web Applications
Shauvik Roy Choudhary, Mukul R. Prasad, and Alessandro Orso
(Georgia Tech, USA; Fujitsu Labs, USA)
Expectations, Outcomes, and Challenges of Modern Code Review
Alberto Bacchelli and Christian Bird
(University of Lugano, Switzerland; Microsoft Research, USA)
UML in Practice
Marian Petre
(Open University, UK)
Cassandra: Proactive Conflict Minimization through Optimized Task Scheduling
Bakhtiar Khan Kasi and Anita Sarma
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)

Programming Support
Fri, May 24, 10:30 - 12:00, Grand Ballroom C (Chair: Mehdi Jazayeri)

Are Your Incoming Aliases Really Necessary? Counting the Cost of Object Ownership
Alex Potanin, Monique Damitio, and James Noble
(Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Efficient Construction of Approximate Call Graphs for JavaScript IDE Services
Asger Feldthaus, Max Schäfer, Manu Sridharan, Julian Dolby, and Frank Tip
(Aarhus University, Denmark; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; IBM Research, USA; University of Waterloo, Canada)
Improving Feature Location Practice with Multi-faceted Interactive Exploration
Jinshui Wang, Xin Peng, Zhenchang Xing, and Wenyun Zhao
(Fudan University, China; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Program Repair
Fri, May 24, 13:30 - 15:30, Grand Ballroom C (Chair: David Garlan)

SemFix: Program Repair via Semantic Analysis
Hoang Duong Thien Nguyen, Dawei Qi, Abhik Roychoudhury, and Satish Chandra
(National University of Singapore, Singapore; IBM Research, USA)
Automatic Recovery from Runtime Failures
Antonio Carzaniga, Alessandra Gorla, Andrea Mattavelli, Nicolò Perino, and Mauro Pezzè
(University of Lugano, Switzerland; Saarland University, Germany)
Program Transformations to Fix C Integers
Zack Coker and Munawar Hafiz
(Auburn University, USA)
Automatic Patch Generation Learned from Human-Written Patches
Dongsun Kim, Jaechang Nam, Jaewoo Song, and Sunghun Kim
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)

Fri, May 24, 13:30 - 15:30, Seacliff A/B (Chair: Wilhelm Schäfer)

Reverb: Recommending Code-Related Web Pages
Nicholas Sawadsky, Gail C. Murphy, and Rahul Jiresal
(University of British Columbia, Canada)
Dynamic Injection of Sketching Features into GEF Based Diagram Editors
Andreas Scharf and Till Amma
(University of Kassel, Germany)
Discovering Essential Code Elements in Informal Documentation
Peter C. Rigby and Martin P. Robillard
(Concordia University, Canada; McGill University, Canada)
Automatic Query Reformulations for Text Retrieval in Software Engineering
Sonia Haiduc, Gabriele Bavota, Andrian Marcus, Rocco Oliveto, Andrea De Lucia, and Tim Menzies
(Wayne State University, USA; University of Salerno, Italy; University of Molise, Italy; University of West Virginia, USA)


Are Software Patents Bad? (Keynote)
Pamela Samuelson
(UC Berkeley, USA)
The Connection between Movie Making and Software Development (Keynote)
Tony DeRose
(Pixar Research Group, USA)
Does Scale Really Matter? Ultra-Large-Scale Systems Seven Years after the Study (Keynote)
Linda Northrop

Software Engineering in Practice

Technical Debt: Past, Present, and Future
Wed, May 22, 10:30 - 12:00, Seacliff A/B (Chair: Steven Fraser)

Technical Debt: Past, Present, and Future (Panel)
Steven Fraser, Judith Bishop, Barry Boehm, Pradeep Kathail, Philippe Kruchten, Ipek Ozkaya, and Alexandra Szynkarski
(Cisco Systems, USA; Microsoft Research, USA; University of Southern California, USA; University of British Columbia, Canada; SEI, USA; CAST, USA)

Agile and Distributed Practices
Wed, May 22, 13:30 - 15:30, Seacliff A/B (Chair: Romain Robbes)

Scaling Agile Methods to Regulated Environments: An Industry Case Study
Brian Fitzgerald, Klaas-Jan Stol, Ryan O'Sullivan, and Donal O'Brien
(Lero, Ireland; University of Limerick, Ireland; QUMAS, Ireland)
Agility at Scale: Economic Governance, Measured Improvement, and Disciplined Delivery
Alan W. Brown, Scott Ambler, and Walker Royce
(University of Surrey, UK; Ambler and Associates, Canada; IBM, USA)
Distributed Development Considered Harmful?
Ekrem Kocaguneli, Thomas Zimmermann, Christian Bird, Nachiappan Nagappan, and Tim Menzies
(West Virginia University, USA; Microsoft Research, USA)

Software Architecture
Wed, May 22, 16:00 - 17:30, Seacliff A/B (Chair: Xavier Franch)

Measuring Architecture Quality by Structure Plus History Analysis
Robert Schwanke, Lu Xiao, and Yuanfang Cai
(Siemens, USA; Drexel University, USA)
Obtaining Ground-Truth Software Architectures
Joshua Garcia, Ivo Krka, Chris Mattmann, and Nenad Medvidovic
(University of Southern California, USA; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA)
MIDAS: A Design Quality Assessment Method for Industrial Software
Ganesh Samarthyam, Girish Suryanarayana, Tushar Sharma, and Shrinath Gupta
(Siemens, India)

Metrics and Evaluation
Wed, May 22, 16:00 - 17:30, Seacliff C/D (Chair: Carlos Castro-Herrera)

Evaluating Usefulness of Software Metrics: An Industrial Experience Report
Eric Bouwers, Arie van Deursen, and Joost Visser
(Software Improvement Group, Netherlands; TU Delft, Netherlands; Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Reducing Human Effort and Improving Quality in Peer Code Reviews using Automatic Static Analysis and Reviewer Recommendation
Vipin Balachandran
(VMware, India)
Estimating Software-Intensive Projects in the Absence of Historical Data
Aldo Dagnino
(ABB Research, USA)

Thu, May 23, 10:30 - 12:00, Seacliff A/B (Chair: Dongmei Zhang / Tao Xie)

Pathways to Technology Transfer and Adoption: Achievements and Challenges (Mini-Tutorial)
Dongmei Zhang and Tao Xie
(Microsoft Research, China; North Carolina State University, USA)

Case Studies
Thu, May 23, 13:30 - 15:30, Seacliff A/B (Chair: Erik Simmons)

User Involvement in Software Evolution Practice: A Case Study
Dennis Pagano and Bernd Brügge
(TU Munich, Germany)
A Characteristic Study on Failures of Production Distributed Data-Parallel Programs
Sihan Li, Hucheng Zhou, Haoxiang Lin, Tian Xiao, Haibo Lin, Wei Lin, and Tao Xie
(North Carolina State University, USA; Microsoft Research, China; Tsinghua University, China; Microsoft Bing, China; Microsoft Bing, USA)
Is Time-Zone Proximity an Advantage for Software Development? The Case of the Brazilian IT Industry
Rafael Prikladnicki and Erran Carmel
(PUCRS, Brazil; American University, USA)
A Study of Enabling Factors for Rapid Fielding: Combined Practices to Balance Speed and Stability
Stephany Bellomo, Robert L. Nord, and Ipek Ozkaya

Thu, May 23, 16:00 - 17:30, Seacliff A/B (Chair: Michael Whalen)

JST: An Automatic Test Generation Tool for Industrial Java Applications with Strings
Indradeep Ghosh, Nastaran Shafiei, Guodong Li, and Wei-Fan Chiang
(Fujitsu Labs, USA; York University, Canada; University of Utah, USA)
Efficient and Change-Resilient Test Automation: An Industrial Case Study
Suresh Thummalapenta, Pranavadatta Devaki, Saurabh Sinha, Satish Chandra, Sivagami Gnanasundaram, Deepa D. Nagaraj, and Sampathkumar Sathishkumar
(IBM Research, India; IBM Research, USA; IBM, India)
Automatic Detection of Performance Deviations in the Load Testing of Large Scale Systems
Haroon Malik, Hadi Hemmati, and Ahmed E. Hassan
(Queen's University, Canada; University of Waterloo, Canada)

Bug Detection
Fri, May 24, 10:30 - 12:00, Seacliff A/B (Chair: Robert Schwanke)

Detecting Inconsistencies in Wrappers: A Case Study
Henning Femmer, Dharmalingam Ganesan, Mikael Lindvall, and David McComas
(TU Munich, Germany; Fraunhofer CESE, USA; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA)
Categorizing Bugs with Social Networks: A Case Study on Four Open Source Software Communities
Marcelo Serrano Zanetti, Ingo Scholtes, Claudio Juan Tessone, and Frank Schweitzer
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Predicting Bug-Fixing Time: An Empirical Study of Commercial Software Projects
Hongyu Zhang, Liang Gong, and Steve Versteeg
(Tsinghua University, China; CA Technologies, Australia)

Software Engineering in Education

Problem-Based and Studio Learning
Wed, May 22, 13:30 - 15:30, Marina Room (Chair: Janet Burge)

Authentic Assessment in Software Engineering Education Based on PBL Principles: A Case Study in the Telecom Market
Simone C. dos Santos and Felipe S. F. Soares
(UFPE, Brazil; Recife Center of Advanced Studies and Systems, Brazil)
Studios in Software Engineering Education: Towards an Evaluable Model
Christopher N. Bull, Jon Whittle, and Leon Cruickshank
(Lancaster University, UK)
Enabling a Classroom Design Studio with a Collaborative Sketch Design Tool
Dastyni Loksa, Nicolas Mangano, Thomas D. LaToza, and André van der Hoek
(UC Irvine, USA)
A Framework to Evaluate Software Engineering Student Contests: Evaluation and Integration with Academic Programs
Amir Zeid
(American University of Kuwait, Kuwait)

Teaching Introductory Software Engineering
Wed, May 22, 16:00 - 18:00, Marina Room (Chair: Laurie Williams)

An Evaluation of Interactive Test-Driven Labs with WebIDE in CS0
David S. Janzen, John Clements, and Michael Hilton
(Cal Poly, USA)
POPT: A Problem-Oriented Programming and Testing Approach for Novice Students
Vicente Lustosa Neto, Roberta Coelho, Larissa Leite, Dalton S. Guerrero, and Andrea P. Mendonça
(UFRN, Brazil; UFCG, Brazil; IFAM, Brazil)
Teaching Developer Skills in the First Software Engineering Course
Václav Rajlich
(Wayne State University, USA)
Teaching and Learning Programming and Software Engineering via Interactive Gaming
Nikolai Tillmann, Jonathan de Halleux, Tao Xie, Sumit Gulwani, and Judith Bishop
(Microsoft Research, USA; North Carolina State University, USA)

Panel: Town Hall Discussion of SE 2004 Revisions
Thu, May 23, 13:30 - 15:30, Marina Room (Chair: Debra Richardson)

Town Hall Discussion of SE 2004 Revisions (Panel)
Mark Ardis, David Budgen, Gregory W. Hislop, Jeff Offutt, Mark Sebern, and Willem Visser
(Stevens Institute of Technology, USA; Durham University, UK; Drexel University, USA; George Mason University, USA; Milwaukee School of Engineering, USA; Stellenbosch University, South Africa)

Advanced Software Engineering Education
Thu, May 23, 16:00 - 17:45, Marina Room (Chair: Rafael Prikladnicki)

Teaching Students Global Software Engineering Skills using Distributed Scrum
Maria Paasivaara, Casper Lassenius, Daniela Damian, Petteri Räty, and Adrian Schröter
(Aalto University, Finland; University of Victoria, Canada)
Teaching Software Process Modeling
Marco Kuhrmann, Daniel Méndez Fernández, and Jürgen Münch
(TU Munich, Germany; University of Helsinki, Finland)
Industry Involvement in ICT Curriculum: A Comparative Survey
Chris J. Pilgrim
(Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
Vulnerability of the Day: Concrete Demonstrations for Software Engineering Undergraduates
Andrew Meneely and Samuel Lucidi
(Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)

New Ideas and Emerging Results

Dependability Perspectives
Wed, May 22, 10:30 - 12:00, Seacliff C/D (Chair: Paolo Tonella)

Eliminative Induction: A Basis for Arguing System Confidence
John B. Goodenough, Charles B. Weinstock, and Ari Z. Klein
Exploring the Internal State of User Interfaces by Combining Computer Vision Techniques with Grammatical Inference
Paul Givens, Aleksandar Chakarov, Sriram Sankaranarayanan, and Tom Yeh
(University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
Semantic Smells and Errors in Access Control Models: A Case Study in PHP
François Gauthier and Ettore Merlo
(Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
Practical Semantic Test Simplification
Sai Zhang
(University of Washington, USA)
Understanding Regression Failures through Test-Passing and Test-Failing Code Changes
Roykrong Sukkerd, Ivan Beschastnikh, Jochen Wuttke, Sai Zhang, and Yuriy Brun
(University of Washington, USA; University of Massachusetts, USA)

Supporting Tomorrow's Developer
Wed, May 22, 13:30 - 15:30, Seacliff C/D (Chair: Walter Tichy)

Temporal Code Completion and Navigation
Yun Young Lee, Sam Harwell, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Situational Awareness: Personalizing Issue Tracking Systems
Olga Baysal, Reid Holmes, and Michael W. Godfrey
(University of Waterloo, Canada)
GROPG: A Graphical On-Phone Debugger
Tuan Anh Nguyen, Christoph Csallner, and Nikolai Tillmann
(University of Texas at Arlington, USA; Microsoft Research, USA)
Why Did This Code Change?
Sarah Rastkar and Gail C. Murphy
(University of British Columbia, Canada)
Deciphering the Story of Software Development through Frequent Pattern Mining
Nicolas Bettenburg and Andrew Begel
(Queen's University, Canada; Microsoft Research, USA)

Collaborative Development
Thu, May 23, 10:30 - 12:00, Seacliff C/D (Chair: Daniela Damian)

Liberating Pair Programming Research from the Oppressive Driver/Observer Regime
Stephan Salinger, Franz Zieris, and Lutz Prechelt
(Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Pricing Crowdsourcing-Based Software Development Tasks
Ke Mao, Ye Yang, Mingshu Li, and Mark Harman
(ISCAS, China; UCAS, Cina; University College London, UK)
Building Test Suites in Social Coding Sites by Leveraging Drive-By Commits
Raphael Pham, Leif Singer, and Kurt Schneider
(Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
Supporting Application Development with Structured Queries in the Cloud
Michael Smit, Bradley Simmons, Mark Shtern, and Marin Litoiu
(York University, Canada)
Hunting for Smells in Natural Language Tests
Benedikt Hauptmann, Maximilian Junker, Sebastian Eder, Lars Heinemann, Rudolf Vaas, and Peter Braun
(TU Munich, Germany; CQSE, Germany; Munich Re, Germany; Validas, Germany)

Alternative Modeling
Thu, May 23, 13:30 - 15:30, Seacliff C/D (Chair: Nenad Medvidovic)

Bottom-Up Model-Driven Development
Hamid Bagheri and Kevin Sullivan
(University of Virginia, USA)
An Approach for Restructuring Text Content
Lerina Aversano, Gerardo Canfora, Giuseppe De Ruvo, and Maria Tortorella
(University of Sannio, Italy)
A Case for Human-Driven Software Development
Emilie Balland, Charles Consel, Bernard N'Kaoua, and Hélène Sauzéon
(University of Bordeaux, France; INRIA, France)
A Framework for Managing Cloned Product Variants
Julia Rubin and Marsha Chechik
(IBM Research, Israel; University of Toronto, Canada)
Sketching Software in the Wild
David Socha and Josh Tenenberg
(University of Washington, USA)

Wed, May 22, 19:00 - 20:30, Hospitality Room OR Ballroom Foyer

On Extracting Unit Tests from Interactive Live Programming Sessions
Adrian Kuhn
(University of British Columbia, Canada)
Towards Automated Testing and Fixing of Re-engineered Feature Models
Christopher Henard, Mike Papadakis, Gilles Perrouin, Jacques Klein, and Yves Le Traon
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; University of Namur, Belgium)
Computational Alignment of Goals and Scenarios for Complex Systems
Dalal Alrajeh, Alessandra Russo, James Lockerbie, Neil Maiden, Alistair Mavin, and Mark Novak
(Imperial College London, UK; City University London, UK; Rolls Royce, UK; Aero Engine Controls, UK)
Service Networks for Development Communities
Damian A. Tamburri, Patricia Lago, and Hans van Vliet
(VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Formal Specifications Better Than Function Points for Code Sizing
Mark Staples, Rafal Kolanski, Gerwin Klein, Corey Lewis, June Andronick, Toby Murray, Ross Jeffery, and Len Bass
(NICTA, Australia)
Using Mutation Analysis for a Model-Clone Detector Comparison Framework
Matthew Stephan, Manar H. Alalfi, Andrew Stevenson, and James R. Cordy
(Queen's University, Canada)
On the Relationships between Domain-Based Coupling and Code Clones: An Exploratory Study
Md Saidur Rahman, Amir Aryani, Chanchal K. Roy, and Fabrizio Perin
(University of Saskatchewan, Canada; Australian National University, Australia; University of Bern, Switzerland)
Quantitative Program Slicing: Separating Statements by Relevance
Raul Santelices, Yiji Zhang, Siyuan Jiang, Haipeng Cai, and Ying-Jie Zhang
(University of Notre Dame, USA; Tsinghua University, China)
Example-Driven Modeling: Model = Abstractions + Examples
Kacper Bąk, Dina Zayan, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Michał Antkiewicz, Zinovy Diskin, Andrzej Wąsowski, and Derek Rayside
(University of Waterloo, Canada; IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Towards Recognizing and Rewarding Efficient Developer Work Patterns
Will Snipes, Vinay Augustine, Anil R. Nair, and Emerson Murphy-Hill
(ABB Research, USA; ABB Research, India; North Carolina State University, USA)
Selecting Checkpoints along the Time Line: A Novel Temporal Checkpoint Selection Strategy for Monitoring a Batch of Parallel Business Processes
Xiao Liu, Yun Yang, Dahai Cao, and Dong Yuan
(East China Normal University, China; Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)

Formal Demonstrations

Formal Demonstrations 1
Thu, May 23, 13:30 - 15:30, Seacliff C/D (Chair: Yuanfang Cai)

LAMBDAFICATOR: From Imperative to Functional Programming through Automated Refactoring
Lyle Franklin, Alex Gyori, Jan Lahoda, and Danny Dig
(Ball State University, USA; Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania; Oracle, Czech Republic; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
JITTAC: A Just-in-Time Tool for Architectural Consistency
Jim Buckley, Sean Mooney, Jacek Rosik, and Nour Ali
(University of Limerick, Ireland; Lero, Ireland; University of Brighton, UK)
Seahawk: Stack Overflow in the IDE
Luca Ponzanelli, Alberto Bacchelli, and Michele Lanza
(University of Lugano, Switzerland)
DRC: A Detection Tool for Dangling References in PHP-Based Web Applications
Hung Viet Nguyen, Hoan Anh Nguyen, Tung Thanh Nguyen, and Tien N. Nguyen
(Iowa State University, USA)
TestEvol: A Tool for Analyzing Test-Suite Evolution
Leandro Sales Pinto, Saurabh Sinha, and Alessandro Orso
(Politecnico di Milano, Italy; IBM Research, India; Georgia Tech, USA)
Query Quality Prediction and Reformulation for Source Code Search: The Refoqus Tool
Sonia Haiduc, Giuseppe De Rosa, Gabriele Bavota, Rocco Oliveto, Andrea De Lucia, and Andrian Marcus
(Wayne State University, USA; University of Salerno, Italy; University of Molise, Italy)
A Large Scale Linux-Kernel Based Benchmark for Feature Location Research
Zhenchang Xing, Yinxing Xue, and Stan Jarzabek
(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; National University of Singapore, Singapore)
NavClus: A Graphical Recommender for Assisting Code Exploration
Seonah Lee, Sungwon Kang, and Matt Staats
(KAIST, South Korea)

Formal Demonstrations 2
Fri, May 24, 13:30 - 15:30, Marina Room (Chair: Ewan Tempero)

LASE: An Example-Based Program Transformation Tool for Locating and Applying Systematic Edits
John Jacobellis, Na Meng, and Miryung Kim
(University of Texas at Austin, USA)
CEL: Modeling Everywhere
Remo Lemma, Michele Lanza, and Fernando Olivero
(University of Lugano, Switzerland)
V:ISSUE:LIZER: Exploring Requirements Clarification in Online Communication over Time
Eric Knauss and Daniela Damian
(University of Victoria, Canada)
YODA: Young and newcOmer Developer Assistant
Gerardo Canfora, Massimiliano Di Penta, Stefano Giannantonio, Rocco Oliveto, and Sebastiano Panichella
(University of Sannio, Italy; University of Molise, Italy; University of Salerno, Italy)
RADAR: A Tool for Debugging Regression Problems in C/C++ Software
Fabrizio Pastore, Leonardo Mariani, and Alberto Goffi
(University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy; University of Lugano, Switzerland)
MCT: A Tool for Commenting Programs by Multimedia Comments
Yiyang Hao, Ge Li, Lili Mou, Lu Zhang, and Zhi Jin
(Peking University, China; Chinese Academy of Sciences-AMSS, China)
Memoise: A Tool for Memoized Symbolic Execution
Guowei Yang, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Corina S. Păsăreanu
(University of Texas at Austin, USA; Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, USA; NASA Ames Research Center, USA)
Controller Synthesis: From Modelling to Enactment
Víctor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nir Piterman, Daniel Sykes, and Sebastian Uchitel
(Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Imperial College London, UK; University of Leicester, UK)

Doctoral Symposium
Tue, May 21, 08:30 - 18:00, Bayview A (Chair: Gregor Engels / Paola Inverardi)

Short Papers

A Study of Variability Spaces in Open Source Software
Sarah Nadi
(University of Waterloo, Canada)
Implementing Database Access Control Policy from Unconstrained Natural Language Text
John Slankas
(North Carolina State University, USA)
Increasing Anomaly Handling Efficiency in Large Organizations using Applied Machine Learning
Leif Jonsson
(Ericsson, Sweden; Linköping University, Sweden)
Analyzing the Change-Proneness of Service-Oriented Systems from an Industrial Perspective
Daniele Romano
(TU Delft, Netherlands)
Supporting Maintenance Tasks on Transformational Code Generation Environments
Victor Guana
(University of Alberta, Canada)
An Approach to Documenting and Evolving Architectural Design Decisions
Meiru Che
(University of Texas at Austin, USA)
An Observable and Controllable Testing Framework for Modern Systems
Tingting Yu
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Toward a Software Product Line for Affective-Driven Self-Adaptive Systems
Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez
(Arizona State University, USA)
Normalizing Source Code Vocabulary to Support Program Comprehension and Software Quality
Latifa Guerrouj
(Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
Integrating Systematic Exploration, Analysis, and Maintenance in Software Development
Kıvanç Muşlu
(University of Washington, USA)


Fostering Software Quality Assessment
Martin Brandtner
(University of Zurich, Switzerland)
A Framework for Self-Healing Software Systems
Nicolò Perino
(University of Lugano, Switzerland)
Building High Assurance Secure Applications using Security Patterns for Capability-Based Platforms
Paul Rimba
(NICTA, Australia; UNSW, Australia)
Systematically Selecting a Software Module during Opportunistic Reuse
Naveen Kulkarni
(IIIT Hyderabad, India)
Informing Development Decisions: From Data to Information
Olga Baysal
(University of Waterloo, Canada)
Understanding and Simulating Software Evolution
Zhongpeng Lin
(UC Santa Cruz, USA)
An Ontology Toolkit for Problem Domain Concept Location in Program Comprehension
Nuno Ramos Carvalho
(University of Minho, Portugal)
Measuring the Forensic-Ability of Audit Logs for Nonrepudiation
Jason King
(North Carolina State University, USA)
SNIPR: Complementing Code Search with Code Retargeting Capabilities
Huascar Sanchez
(UC Santa Cruz, USA)

ACM Student Research Competition - Posters
Wed, May 22, 15:30 - 16:00, Bayview A

Program Analysis

Supporting Incremental Programming with Ghosts
Oscar Callaú
(University of Chile, Chile)
Novice Understanding of Program Analysis Tool Notifications
Brittany Johnson
(North Carolina State University, USA)
Energy Aware Self-Adaptation in Mobile Systems
Luca Ardito
(Politecnico di Torino, Italy)


ConfDiagnoser: An Automated Configuration Error Diagnosis Tool for Java Software
Sai Zhang
(University of Washington, USA)
Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures in House
Wei Jin
(Georgia Tech, USA)
Fault Comprehension for Concurrent Programs
Sangmin Park
(Georgia Tech, USA)

Process and Maintenance

A Proposal for the Improvement of Project's Cost Predictability using EVM and Historical Data of Cost
Adler Diniz de Souza
(UFRJ, Brazil)
Studying the Effect of Co-change Dispersion on Software Quality
Ehsan Kouroshfar
(George Mason University, USA)
A Roadmap for Software Maintainability Measurement
Juliana Saraiva
(UFPE, Brazil)

Models and Requirements

Reasoning with Qualitative Preferences to Develop Optimal Component-Based Systems
Zachary J. Oster
(Iowa State University, USA)
From Models to Code and Back: Correct-by-Construction Code from UML and ALF
Federico Ciccozzi
(Mälardalen University, Sweden)
Mitigating the Obsolescence of Specification Models of Service-Based Systems
Romina Torres
(Federico Santa María Technical University, Chile)
Decision Theoretic Requirements Prioritization: A Two-Step Approach for Sliding towards Value Realization
Nupul Kukreja
(University of Southern California, USA)

Developers and Users

Changeset Based Developer Communication to Detect Software Failures
Braden Simpson
(University of Victoria, Canada)
Identifying Failure Inducing Developer Pairs within Developer Networks
Jordan Ell
(University of Victoria, Canada)
On Identifying User Complaints of iOS Apps
Hammad Khalid
(Queen's University, Canada)

Tutorial Summaries

Automated Testing of GUI Applications: Models, Tools, and Controlling Flakiness
Atif M. Memon and Myra B. Cohen
(University of Maryland, USA; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Build Your Own Model Checker in One Month
Jin Song Dong, Jun Sun, and Yang Liu
(National University of Singapore, Singapore; Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Data Science for Software Engineering
Tim Menzies, Ekrem Kocaguneli, Fayola Peters, Burak Turhan, and Leandro L. Minku
(West Virginia University, USA; University of Oulu, Finland; University of Birmingham, UK)
Software Analytics: Achievements and Challenges
Dongmei Zhang and Tao Xie
(Microsoft Research, China; North Carolina State University, USA)
Developing Verified Programs with Dafny
K. Rustan M. Leino
(Microsoft Research, USA)
Software Metrics: Pitfalls and Best Practices
Eric Bouwers, Arie van Deursen, and Joost Visser
(Software Improvement Group, Netherlands; TU Delft, Netherlands; Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
A Hands-On Java PathFinder Tutorial
Peter Mehlitz, Neha Rungta, and Willem Visser
(NASA Ames Research Center, USA; Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
Efficient Quality Assurance of Variability-Intensive Systems
Patrick Heymans, Axel Legay, and Maxime Cordy
(University of Namur, Belgium; IRISA, France; INRIA, France)
Software Requirement Patterns
Xavier Franch
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)

Workshop Summaries

1st International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-Intensive Systems (ASSURE 2013)
Ewen Denney, Ganesh Pai, Ibrahim Habli, Tim Kelly, and John Knight
(SGT, USA; NASA Ames Research Center, USA; University of York, UK; University of Virginia, USA)
8th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST 2013)
Hong Zhu, Henry Muccini, and Zhenyu Chen
(Oxford Brookes University, UK; University of L'Aquila, Italy; Nanjing University, China)
1st International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry (CESI 2013)
Xavier Franch, Nazim H. Madhavji, Bill Curtis, and Larry Votta
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain; University of Western Ontario, Canada; CAST, USA; Brincos, USA)
6th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2013)
Rafael Prikladnicki, Rashina Hoda, Marcelo Cataldo, Helen Sharp, Yvonne Dittrich, and Cleidson R. B. de Souza
(PUCRS, Brazil; University of Auckland, New Zealand; Bosch Research, USA; Open University, UK; IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Vale Institute of Technology, Brazil)
1st International Workshop on Combining Modelling and Search-Based Software Engineering (CMSBSE 2013)
Mark Harman, Richard F. Paige, and James Williams
(University College London, UK; University of York, UK)
3rd International Workshop on Collaborative Teaching of Globally Distributed Software Development (CTGDSD 2013)
Stuart Faulk, Michal Young, Rafael Prikladnicki, David M. Weiss, and Lian Yu
(University of Oregon, USA; PUCRS, Brazil; Iowa State University, USA; Peking University, China)
1st International Workshop on Data Analysis Patterns in Software Engineering (DAPSE 2013)
Christian Bird, Tim Menzies, and Thomas Zimmermann
(Microsoft Research, USA; West Virginia University, USA)
1st FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE 2013)
Stefania Gnesi and Nico Plat
(ISTI-CNR, Italy; West Consulting BV, Netherlands)
3rd International Workshop on Games and Software Engineering: Engineering Computer Games to Enable Positive, Progressive Change (GAS 2013)
Kendra M. L. Cooper, Walt Scacchi, and Alf Inge Wang
(University of Texas at Dallas, USA; UC Irvine, USA; NTNU, Norway)
2nd International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS 2013)
Patricia Lago, Niklaus Meyer, Maurizio Morisio, Hausi A. Müller, and Giuseppe Scanniello
(VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands; Swiss Informatics Society, Switzerland; Politecnico di Torino, Italy; University of Victoria, Canada; University of Basilicata, Italy)
2nd SEMAT Workshop on a General Theory of Software Engineering (GTSE 2013)
Pontus Johnson, Ivar Jacobson, Michael Goedicke, and Mira Kajko-Mattsson
(KTH, Sweden; Ivar Jacobson Int., Switzerland; University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
7th International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC 2013)
Rainer Koschke, Elmar Juergens, and Juergen Rilling
(University of Bremen, Germany; CQSE, Germany; Concordia University, Canada)
1st International Workshop on Live Programming (LIVE 2013)
Brian Burg, Adrian Kuhn, and Chris Parnin
(University of Washington, USA; University of British Columbia, Canada; Georgia Tech, USA)
5th International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering (MiSE 2013)
Joanne M. Atlee, Robert Baillargeon, Marsha Chechik, Robert B. France, Jeff Gray, Richard F. Paige, and Bernhard Rumpe
(University of Waterloo, Canada; Sodius, USA; University of Toronto, Canada; Colorado State University, USA; University of Alabama, USA; University of York, UK; RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
1st International Workshop on the Engineering of Mobile-Enabled Systems (MOBS 2013)
Grace A. Lewis, Jeff Gray, Henry Muccini, Nachiappan Nagappan, David Rosenblum, and Emad Shihab
(SEI, USA; University of Alabama, USA; University of L'Aquila, Italy; Microsoft Research, USA; National University of Singapore, Singapore; Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
4th International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD 2013)
Philippe Kruchten, Robert L. Nord, and Ipek Ozkaya
(University of British Columbia, Canada; SEI, USA)
1st International Workshop on Natural Language Analysis in Software Engineering (NaturaLiSE 2013)
Lori Pollock, David Binkley, Dawn Lawrie, Emily Hill, Rocco Oliveto, Gabriele Bavota, and Alberto Bacchelli
(University of Delaware, USA; Loyola University Maryland, USA; Montclair State University, USA; University of Molise, Italy; University of Salerno, Italy; University of Lugano, Switzerland)
5th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS 2013)
Domenico Bianculli, Patricia Lago, Grace A. Lewis, and Hye-Young Paik
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands; SEI, USA; UNSW, Australia)
4th International Workshop on Product LinE Approaches in Software Engineering (PLEASE 2013)
Julia Rubin, Goetz Botterweck, Andreas Pleuss, and David M. Weiss
(IBM Research, Israel; Lero, Ireland; University of Limerick, Ireland; Iowa State University, USA)
2nd International Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering (RAISE 2013)
Rachel Harrison, Sol Greenspan, Tim Menzies, Marjan Mernik, Pedro Henriques, Daniela da Cruz, and Daniel Rodriguez
(Oxford Brookes University, UK; NSF, USA; West Virginia University, USA; University of Maribor, Slovenia; University of Minho, Portugal; University of Alcalá, Spain)
1st International Workshop on Release Engineering (RELENG 2013)
Bram Adams, Christian Bird, Foutse Khomh, and Kim Moir
(Polytechnique Montréal, Canada; Microsoft Research, USA; Mozilla, Canada)
5th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering (SE-CSE 2013)
Jeffrey C. Carver, Tom Epperly, Lorin Hochstein, Valerie Maxville, Dietmar Pfahl, and Jonathan Sillito
(University of Alabama, USA; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA; Nimbis Services, USA; iVEC, Australia; University of Tartu, Estonia; University of Calgary, Canada)
5th International Workshop on Software Engineering in Health Care (SEHC 2013)
Craig E. Kuziemsky and John Knight
(University of Ottawa, Canada; University of Virginia, USA)
4th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA 2013)
Christine Julien and Klaus Wehrle
(University of Texas at Austin, USA; RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for the Smart Grid (SE4SG 2013)
Ian Gorton, Yan Liu, Heiko Koziolek, Anne Koziolek, and Mazeiar Salehie
(Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA; Concordia University, Canada; ABB Research, Germany; KIT, Germany; Lero, Ireland)
3rd International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-Ins (TOPI 2013)
Michael Barnett, Martin Nordio, Judith Bishop, Karin K. Breitman, and Diego Garbervetsky
(Microsoft Research, USA; ETH Zurich, Switzerland; PUC-Rio, Brazil; Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
2nd International Workshop on the Twin Peaks of Requirements and Architecture (TwinPeaks 2013)
Paris Avgeriou, Janet E. Burge, Jane Cleland-Huang, Xavier Franch, Matthias Galster, Mehdi Mirakhorli, and Roshanak Roshandel
(University of Groningen, Netherlands; Miami University, USA; DePaul University, USA; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain; University of Canterbury, New Zealand; Seattle University, USA)
2nd International Workshop on User Evaluations for Software Engineering Researchers (USER 2013)
Andrew Begel and Caitlin Sadowski
(Microsoft Research, USA; Google, USA)
4th International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM 2013)
Steve Counsell, Michele L. Marchesi, Ewan Tempero, and Aaron Visaggio
(Brunel University, UK; University of Cagliari, Italy; University of Auckland, New Zealand; University of Sannio, Italy)

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