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19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2017),
November 13–17, 2017,
Glasgow, UK
Invited Talks
Main Track
Oral Session 1: Children and Interaction
Oral Session 2: Understanding Human Behaviour
Oral Session 3: Touch and Gesture
Oral Session 4: Sound and Interaction
Oral Session 5: Methodology
Oral Session 6: Artificial Agents and Wearable Sensors
Data Augmentation of Wearable Sensor Data for Parkinson’s Disease Monitoring using Convolutional Neural Networks
Terry T. Um,
Franz M. J. Pfister,
Daniel Pichler,
Satoshi Endo,
Muriel Lang,
Sandra Hirche,
Urban Fietzek, and
Dana Kulić
(University of Waterloo, Canada; LMU Munich, Germany; TU Munich, Germany; Schön Klinik München Schwabing, Germany)
Poster Session 1
The NoXi Database: Multimodal Recordings of Mediated Novice-Expert Interactions
Angelo Cafaro,
Johannes Wagner,
Tobias Baur,
Soumia Dermouche,
Mercedes Torres Torres,
Catherine Pelachaud,
Elisabeth André, and
Michel Valstar
(CNRS, France; UPMC, France; University of Augsburg, Germany; University of Nottingham, UK)
Poster Session 2
Gender and Emotion Recognition with Implicit User Signals
Maneesh Bilalpur,
Seyed Mostafa Kia,
Manisha Chawla,
Tat-Seng Chua, and
Ramanathan Subramanian
(IIIT Hyderabad, India; Radboud University, Netherlands; IIT Gandhinagar, India; National University of Singapore, Singapore; University of Glasgow, UK; Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore)
Evaluating Content-Centric vs. User-Centric Ad Affect Recognition
Abhinav Shukla,
Shruti Shriya Gullapuram,
Harish Katti,
Karthik Yadati,
Mohan Kankanhalli, and
Ramanathan Subramanian
(IIIT Hyderabad, India; Indian Institute of Science, India; Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; National University of Singapore, Singapore; University of Glasgow at Singapore, Singapore)
Demonstrations 1
SAM: The School Attachment Monitor
Dong-Bach Vo,
Mohammad Tayarani,
Maki Rooksby,
Rui Huan,
Alessandro Vinciarelli,
Helen Minnis, and
Stephen A. Brewster
(University of Glasgow, UK)
The Boston Massacre History Experience
David Novick,
Laura Rodriguez,
Aaron Pacheco,
Aaron Rodriguez,
Laura Hinojos,
Brad Cartwright,
Marco Cardiel,
Ivan Gris Sepulveda,
Olivia Rodriguez-Herrera, and
Enrique Ponce
(University of Texas at El Paso, USA; Black Portal Productions, USA)
Demonstrations 2
Evaluating Robot Facial Expressions
Ruth Aylett,
Frank Broz,
Ayan Ghosh,
Peter McKenna,
Gnanathusharan Rajendran,
Mary Ellen Foster,
Giorgio Roffo, and
Alessandro Vinciarelli
(Heriot-Watt University, UK; University of Glasgow, UK)
Grand Challenge
Doctoral Consortium
Workshop Summaries
MHFI 2017: 2nd International Workshop on Multisensorial Approaches to Human-Food Interaction (Workshop Summary)
Carlos Velasco,
Anton Nijholt,
Marianna Obrist,
Katsunori Okajima,
Rick Schifferstein, and
Charles Spence
(BI Norwegian Business School, Norway; University of Twente, Netherlands; University of Sussex, UK; Yokohama National University, Japan; TU Delft, Netherlands; University of Oxford, UK)
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