ICFP Workshops 2019
24th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2019)
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7th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling, and Design (FARM 2019), August 23, 2019, Berlin, Germany

FARM 2019 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

7th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling, and Design (FARM 2019)


Title Page
Message from the Chairs

Music Generation

Music as Language: Putting Probabilistic Temporal Graph Grammars to Good Use
Orestis Melkonian
(Utrecht University, Netherlands)
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A Functional Model of Jazz Improvisation
Donya Quick and Kelland Thomas
(Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
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Demo: Counterpoint by Construction
Youyou Cong and John Leo
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; Halfaya Research, USA)
Publisher's Version

Games and Graphics

Fun with Interfaces (SVG Interfaces for Musical Expression)
Benedict R. Gaster, Nathan Renney, and Carinna Parraman
(University of West of England, UK)
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Mobile Game Programming in Haskell
Christina Zeller and Ivan Perez
(Keera Studios, UK)
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Demo: Kaleidogen
Joachim Breitner
(DFINITY Foundation, USA)
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Demo: Functors and Music
Heinrich Apfelmus
Publisher's Version
The Sound of Lambda
Felipe Ignacio Noriega and Anne Veinberg
(Robot Theater Electronics, Netherlands; CodeKlavier, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version


Csound-Expression: Haskell Framework for Computer Music
Anton Kholomiov
(HXR team, Russia)
Publisher's Version
Screaming in the IO Monad: A Realtime Audio Processing and Control Experiment in Haskell
David Janin
(LaBRI, France; University of Bordeaux, France)
Publisher's Version

Musical Patterns

Representing Music with Prefix Trees
Yan Han, Nada Amin, and Neel Krishnaswami
(University of Cambridge, UK)
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What Constitutes a Musical Pattern?
Orestis Melkonian, Iris Yuping Ren, Wouter Swierstra, and Anja Volk
(Utrecht University, Netherlands)
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