ICFP Workshops 2018
23nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2018)
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11th ACM SIGPLAN International Haskell Symposium (Haskell 2018), September 27-28, 2018, St. Louis, MO, USA

Haskell 2018 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

11th ACM SIGPLAN International Haskell Symposium (Haskell 2018)


Title Page
Message from the Chair


Branching Processes for QuickCheck Generators
Agustín Mista, Alejandro Russo, and John Hughes
(Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina; Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Publisher's Version Info
A Promise Checked Is a Promise Kept: Inspection Testing
Joachim Breitner
(University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Publisher's Version


AutoBench: Comparing the Time Performance of Haskell Programs
Martin A. T. Handley and Graham Hutton
(University of Nottingham, UK)
Publisher's Version
Autobahn 2.0: Minimizing Bangs while Maintaining Performance (System Demonstration)
Marilyn Sun and Kathleen Fisher
(Tufts University, USA)
Publisher's Version

Generic Programming

Generic Programming of All Kinds
Alejandro Serrano and Victor Cacciari Miraldo
(Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version
Deriving Via: or, How to Turn Hand-Written Instances into an Anti-pattern
Baldur Blöndal, Andres Löh, and Ryan Scott
(Well-Typed, UK; Indiana University at Bloomington, USA)
Publisher's Version

Type Classes

Improving Typeclass Relations by Being Open
Guido Martínez, Mauro Jaskelioff, and Guido De Luca
(CONICET, Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)
Publisher's Version
Coherent Explicit Dictionary Application for Haskell
Thomas Winant and Dominique Devriese
(KU Leuven, Belgium)
Publisher's Version

Type Extensions

Type Variables in Patterns
Richard A. Eisenberg, Joachim Breitner, and Simon Peyton Jones
(Bryn Mawr College, USA; University of Pennsylvania, USA; Microsoft, UK)
Publisher's Version
The Thoralf Plugin: For Your Fancy Type Needs
Divesh Otwani and Richard A. Eisenberg
(Haverford College, USA; Bryn Mawr College, USA)
Publisher's Version


Ghosts of Departed Proofs (Functional Pearl)
Matt Noonan
(Kataskeue, USA)
Publisher's Version Info
Theorem Proving for All: Equational Reasoning in Liquid Haskell (Functional Pearl)
Niki Vazou, Joachim Breitner, Rose Kunkel, David Van Horn, and Graham Hutton
(University of Maryland, USA; University of Pennsylvania, USA; University of Nottingham, UK)
Publisher's Version Info

Domain Specific Languages

Rhine: FRP with Type-Level Clocks
Manuel Bärenz and Ivan Perez
(University of Vienna, Austria; National Institute of Aerospace, USA)
Publisher's Version
Embedding Invertible Languages with Binders: A Case of the FliPpr Language
Kazutaka Matsuda and Meng Wang
(Tohoku University, Japan; University of Bristol, UK)
Publisher's Version

Experience Reports

A High-Performance Multicore IO Manager Based on libuv (Experience Report)
Dong Han and Tao He
(Beijing Bytedance, China)
Publisher's Version
Suggesting Valid Hole Fits for Typed-Holes (Experience Report)
Matthías Páll Gissurarson
(Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Publisher's Version

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