HOPL 2020
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 4, Number HOPL
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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 4, Number HOPL, June 14–16, 2020, London, UK

HOPL – Journal Issue

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page

Editorial Message
The Proceedings of the ACM series presents the highest-quality research conducted in diverse areas of computer science, as represented by the ACM Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The ACM Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL) focuses on research on all aspects of programming languages, from design to implementation and from mathematical formalisms to empirical studies. The journal operates in close collaboration with the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN) and is committed to making high-quality peer-reviewed scientific research in programming languages free of restrictions on both access and use. This issue of the PACMPL journal publishes 19 articles that were submitted in response to a call for papers, as well as “letters of encouragement” sent by the program chairs to 62 specific language designers and implementation teams, seeking contributions that discuss and analyze the historical development of individual programming languages, programming language families, language features, design themes, and other strong influences on the direction of programming language design, implementation, and usage.


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