GPCE 2020
19th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 2020)
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19th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 2020), November 16-17, 2020, Virtual, USA

GPCE 2020 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page

Welcome from the Chairs
Welcome to the 19th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE’20). GPCE is the premiere venue for researchers and practitioners interested in techniques that use program generation to increase programmer productivity, improve software quality, and shorten the time-to-market of software products. In addition to exploring cutting-edge techniques of generative software, GPCE seeks to foster cross-fertilization between the software engineering and the programming languages research communities

GPCE 2020 Organization


Modeling Black-Box Components with Probabilistic Synthesis
Bruce Collie, Jackson Woodruff, and Michael F. P. O'Boyle
(University of Edinburgh, UK)
This paper is concerned with synthesizing programs based on black-box oracles: we are interested in the case where there exists an executable implementation of a component or library, but its internal structure is unknown. We are provided with just an API or function signature, and aim to synthesize a program with equivalent behavior.
To attack this problem, we detail Presyn: a program synthesizer designed for flexible interoperation with existing programs and compiler toolchains. Presyn uses high-level imperative control-flow structures and a pair of cooperating predictive models to efficiently narrow the space of potential programs. These models can be trained effectively on small corpora of synthesized examples.
We evaluate Presyn against five leading program synthesizers on a collection of 112 synthesis benchmarks collated from previous studies and real-world software libraries. We show that Presyn is able to synthesize a wider range of programs than each of them with less human input. We demonstrate the application of our approach to real-world code and software engineering problems with two case studies: accelerator library porting and detection of duplicated library reimplementations.

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Automated Variability Injection for Graphical Modelling Languages
Antonio Garmendia, Manuel Wimmer, Esther Guerra, Elena Gómez-Martínez, and Juan de Lara
(JKU Linz, Austria; Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain)
Model-based development approaches, such as Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), heavily rely on the use of modelling languages to achieve and automate software development tasks. To enable the definition of model variants (e.g., supporting the compact description of system families), one solution is to combine MDE with Software Product Lines. However, this is technically costly as it requires adapting many MDE artefacts associated to the modelling language -- especially the meta-models and graphical environments. To alleviate this situation, we propose a method for the automated injection of variability into graphical modelling languages. Given the meta-model and graphical environment of a particular language, our approach permits configuring the allowed model variability, and the graphical environment is automatically adapted to enable creating models with variability. Our solution is implemented atop the Eclipse Modeling Framework and Sirius, and synthesizes adapted graphical editors integrated with FeatureIDE.

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Correctness-by-Construction for Feature-Oriented Software Product Lines
Tabea Bordis, Tobias Runge, and Ina Schaefer
(TU Braunschweig, Germany)
Software product lines are increasingly used to handle the growing demand of custom-tailored software variants. They provide systematic reuse of software paired with variability mechanisms in the code to implement whole product families rather than single software products. A common domain of application for product lines are safety-critical systems, which require behavioral correctness to avoid dangerous situations in-field. While most approaches concentrate on post-hoc verification for product lines, we argue that a stepwise approach to create correct programs may be beneficial for developers to manage the growing variability. Correctness-by-construction is such a stepwise approach to create programs using a set of small, tractable refinement rules that guarantee the correctness of the program with regard to its specification. In this paper, we propose the first approach to develop correct-by-construction software product lines using feature-oriented programming. First, we extend correctness-by-construction by two refinement rules for variation points in the code. Second, we give a proof for the soundness of the proposed rules. Third, we implement our technique in a tool called VarCorC and show the applicability of the tool by conducting two case studies.

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Multi-stage Programming in the Large with Staged Classes
Lionel Parreaux and Amir Shaikhha
(EPFL, Switzerland; University of Edinburgh, UK)
Multi-stage programming (MSP) holds great promise, allowing the reliable generation of specialized, partially-evaluated code with static type- and scope-safety guarantees. Yet, we argue that MSP has not reached its full potential yet, as it has been traditionally limited to generating expressions, and has lacked principled facilities for generating modular programs and data structures. In that sense, we argue that MSP has been reserved for programming “in the small,” focused on generating efficient kernels of computation on the scale of single function bodies. We present a novel technique called staged classes, which extends MSP with the ability to manipulate class definitions as first-class constructs. This lets programmers use MSP “in the large,” on the level of applications, rather than mere functions. This way, applications can be designed in an abstract and modular way without runtime cost, as staged classes guarantee the removal of all staging-time abstractions, resulting in the generation of efficient specialized modules and data structures. We describe the design of a prototype relational database system in Scala, which uses several stages of runtime compilation to maximize the efficiency of query execution and data storage. We also show that staged classes can be used for defining type- and scope-safe implementations of type providers.

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Reorganizing Queries with Grouping
Rui Okura and Yukiyoshi Kameyama
(University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Language-integrated query has attracted much attention from researchers and engineers. It enables one to write a database query with high-level abstractions, which makes it possible to compose, iterate, and reuse queries. An important issue in language-integrated query is the N+1 query problem, and Cheney et al. proposed a program-transformation approach to solve it for a core language of Microsoft’s LINQ. In our previous work, we extended their language to grouping (GROUP BY in SQL) and aggregate functions, and showed that any term can be transformed to a single SQL query. It still has a problem in that the resulting queries may be unnecessarily large and inefficient.
This paper solves the problem. Our key idea is re-organization of queries with nested control structures. While our previous work decomposes grouping into finer primitives before transformation, the new algorithm fuses nested control structures after transformation, while keeping the absence of nested data structures. Our algorithm also eliminates correlated subqueries as much as possible, to obtain better performance. We have conducted performance measurements, which shows that our new algorithm reduces the size of generated queries and improves the performance for several examples.

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Manipulating GUI Structures Declaratively
Knut Anders Stokke, Mikhail Barash, and Jaakko Järvi
(University of Bergen, Norway; University of Turku, Finland)
GUIs often contain structures that are incidental, not properly manipulatable through well-defined APIs. For example, modifying a list of items in a GUI's model may require extraneous bookkeeping operations in the view, such as adding and removing event handlers, and updating the menu structure. Observing GUIs in practice gives an indication that programmers may find it difficult or tedious to implement complete and convenient sets of operations for manipulating various structures: useful operations for adding, inserting, swapping, or reordering elements are often missing, inconsistent, or limited. This paper introduces a DSL for programming operations that manipulate such incidental structures. The programmer specifies structures via relations between elements, concretely by defining methods that unestablish and establish a relation. This gives the programmer an ability to describe structural transformations via rules that control which relations should hold before and after a rule is applied. The API for structure manipulation is generated from these rules. Our DSL can give an abstract view on ad-hoc structures, making it easier to provide the necessary set of operations for their convenient manipulation.

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PReGO: A Generative Methodology for Satisfying Real-Time Requirements on COTS-Based Systems: Definition and Experience Report
Benjamin Rouxel, Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Benny Akesson, Jesper Holst, Ole Jørgensen, and Clemens Grelck
(University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; University of Southern Denmark, Denmark; TNO, Netherlands; Sky-Watch, Denmark)
Satisfying real-time requirements in cyber-physical systems is challenging as timing behaviour depends on the application software, the embedded hardware, as well as the execution environment. This challenge is exacerbated as real-world, industrial systems often use unpredictable hardware and software libraries or operating systems with timing hazards and proprietary device drivers. All these issues limit or entirely prevent the application of established real-time analysis techniques.
In this paper we propose PReGO, a generative methodology for satisfying real-time requirements in industrial commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) systems. We report on our experience in applying PReGO to a use-case: a Search & Rescue application running on a fixed-wing drone with COTS components, including an NVIDIA Jetson board and a stock Ubuntu/Linux. We empirically evaluate the impact of each integration step and demonstrate the effectiveness of our methodology in meeting real-time application requirements in terms of deadline misses and energy consumption.

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VarSem: Declarative Expression and Automated Inference of Variable Usage Semantics
Yin Liu and Eli Tilevich
(Virginia Tech, USA)
Programmers declare variables to serve specific implementation purposes that we refer to as variable usage semantics (VUS). Understanding VUS is required for various software engineering tasks, including program comprehension, code audits, and vulnerability detection. To help programmers understand VUS, we present a new program analysis that infers a variable's usage semantics from its textual and context information (e.g., symbolic name, type, scope, information flow). To support this analysis, we introduce VarSem, a domain-specific language, in which a variable's semantic category is expressed as a set of declarative rules. VarSem's execution determines which program variables belong to a given semantic category. VarSem translates high-level declarative rules into low-level program analysis techniques, including natural language processing and data flow, and provides a highly extensible architecture for specifying new rules and analysis techniques. We evaluate VarSem with eight real-world systems to identify their personally identifiable information variables. The evaluation results show that VarSem infers variable semantics with satisfying accuracy/precision and passable recall, thus potentially benefiting both software and security engineers.

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Fluid Quotes: Metaprogramming across Abstraction Boundaries with Dependent Types
Shadaj Laddad and Koushik Sen
(University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Object-oriented programming, functional programming, and metaprogramming each offer a unique axis of abstraction that enables modular code. Macros, a common technique for metaprogramming, capture ASTs as quotes to let users manipulate them in the host language. However, macros are often at odds with other programming techniques since they can only process code written at the call-site and cannot analyze code behind abstraction boundaries such as variables and methods. Furthermore, the quotes generated for macro expansion exist only at compile-time and cannot be passed around in user code. Multi-stage programming treats quotes as runtime values to address this problem, but introduces the cost of running the compiler when splicing quotes. This forces developers to choose between low runtime overhead and modularity. What if we could have the best of both worlds? We introduce fluid quotes, a new technique that uses dependent types to let users pass quotes through abstraction boundaries in runtime code while splicing them ahead-of-time. This technique enables new metaprogramming capabilities by eliminating the traditional requirement of co-locating parameter expressions with call-sites. Fluid quotes capture not only source code but also associated runtime context to ensure correctness. In addition, they can be composed into larger expressions without any macro code. We demonstrate the capabilities of fluid quotes through two specific applications: optimizing data processing pipelines and making language integrated queries more flexible.

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A Domain-Specific Language for Filtering in Application-Level Gateways
Hampus Balldin and Christoph Reichenbach
(Advenica, Sweden; Lund University, Sweden)
Application-level packet filtering is a technique for network access control in which an “application-level gateway” intercepts network packets at the application level (e.g., HTTP, FTP), scans them for security concerns and optionally logs, rewrites or discards them. Existing application-level filters express their filtering rules in general-purpose languages, which limits the correctness guarantees available for them.
We present the first declarative language for application-level network filtering, developed at Advenica AB. Our DSL uses security assertions to express properties that packets must have to be allowed through the network (e.g., “IMAP packet contains no executable attachment” or “SQL reply contains only explicitly permitted columns”), along with remedies that either reject or rewrite undesirable packets.
We have designed the language around the needs of network filter developers, with a focus on correctness: our language can statically verify several properties of filter programs, such as well-formedness of the outcome, confluence, and termination, with the help of an off-the-shelf SMT solver.
Our initial results show that the language can express many typical filtering tasks, closely maps to the application domain, and provides strong correctness guarantees.

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eFLINT: A Domain-Specific Language for Executable Norm Specifications
L. Thomas van Binsbergen, Lu-Chi Liu, Robert van Doesburg, and Tom van Engers
(CWI, Netherlands; University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; Leibniz Institute, Netherlands; TNO, Netherlands)
Software systems that share potentially sensitive data are subjected to laws, regulations, policies and/or contracts. The monitoring, control and enforcement processes applied to these systems are currently to a large extent manual, which we rather automate by embedding the processes as dedicated and adaptable software services in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness. This approach requires such regulatory services to be closely aligned with a formal description of the relevant norms.
This paper presents eFLINT, a domain-specific language developed for formalizing norms. The theoretical foundations of the language are found in transition systems and in Hohfeld's framework of legal fundamental conceptions. The language can be used to formalize norms from a large variety of sources. The resulting specifications are executable and support several forms of reasoning such as automatic case assessment, manual exploration and simulation. Moreover, the specifications can be used to develop regulatory services for several types of monitoring, control and enforcement. The language is evaluated through a case study formalizing articles 6(1)(a) and 16 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A prototype implementation of eFLINT is discussed and is available online.

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