ESEC/FSE 2022 CoLos
30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022)
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1st International Workshop on Gamification of Software Development, Verification, and Validation (Gamify 2022), November 17, 2022, Singapore, Singapore

Gamify 2022 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

1st International Workshop on Gamification of Software Development, Verification, and Validation (Gamify 2022)


Title Page

Welcome from the Chairs
On behalf of the Program Committee, we are pleased to present the proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Gamification in Software Development, Verification, and Validation (Gamify 2022). The workshop is co-located with the 2022 edition of the ESEC/FSE conference, held in Singapore.


Gamifying Software Testing (Keynote)
Gordon Fraser
(University of Passau, Germany)
Writing good software tests is difficult and not every developer's favourite occupation. If an activity is so difficult, boring, or otherwise unattractive that people do not want to engage with it, then gamification offers a solution: By turning the activity into a fun and competitive task, participants engage, compete, and excel. In this talk, I will explore how this idea can be integrated into software testing tools (e.g. IDEs), processes (e.g. continuous integration), and education. Our experiences with gamified testing illustrate the potential of using gamification to address some of the many problems that we are facing today in software testing. There are, however, many challenges ahead, and I will outline some of the challenges and research opportunities related to gamifying software testing.

Publisher's Version


GERRY: A Gamified Browser Tool for GUI Testing
Giacomo Garaccione, Tommaso Fulcini, and Marco Torchiano
(Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Graphical User Interface (GUI) testing is a relevant step of the software development process which is not often performed thoroughly due to its unappealing nature, to the inherent fragility of test cases, and to the fact that test cases – composed of long and complicated sequences of operations – have to be manually written by testers. We propose GERRY , a Capture & Replay GUI testing tool which implements an approach based on Gamification, i.e., the application of gaming elements to non-ludic activities. The purpose of the tool is to increase the engagement of the testers when performing GUI test case definition tasks. The tool makes use of mechanics typical of games such as progress indicators, leaderboards, and unlockable rewards, to increase user interest and involvement. GERRY also generates reports (i.e., traces of all actions and milestones reached during a session), written logs of the performed testing sessions, and scripts compatible with existing GUI testing tools (SikuliX and Selenium) for replay purposes.

Publisher's Version
Gamification of Cybersecurity Training
Casimer DeCusatis, Erin Alvarico, and Omar Dirahoui
(Marist College, USA; SendHelp Studios, USA)
A large fraction of cybercrimes could be prevented with improved cybersecurity awareness training. We have developed a virtual cybersecurity escape room based on the three-dimensional Unity game development platform. This application is based on the proven Octalysis gamification framework, which has been shown to improve user engagement and knowledge retention. Following a discussion of the application design, this position paper presents playtesting results, work in progress, and experimental quantification based on eight gamification metrics.

Publisher's Version Video
Gamification of Exploratory Testing Process
Savas Ozturk
(Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey; TÜBİTAK BİLGEM, Turkey)
Exploratory testing is an experience-based testing technique often used in addition to formal ones. However, it can be used as a replacement for formal techniques when time is limited and/or documentation is poor. Conducting test charters and maximizing efficiency are seen as tough works due to their informal nature. Dividing test load to testers, scoring the severity level, consolidating the results, and reporting the issues are some challenges of this process. In this experience study, efforts of gamifying exploratory testing process are told. A public institution in Turkiye demanded software testing for their software for a limited timeframe and employed testers were motivated by gamification efforts. It was seen that gamification helped us detecting more critical faults quickly. Failure cases such as test contest organization attempts are told as well.

Publisher's Version

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