DLS 2020
16th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Dynamic Languages (DLS 2020)
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16th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Dynamic Languages (DLS 2020), November 17, 2020, Virtual, USA

DLS 2020 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Welcome from the Chairs
DLS 2020 Organization


Amalgamating Different JIT Compilations in a Meta-tracing JIT Compiler Framework
Yusuke Izawa and Hidehiko Masuhara
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Publisher's Version Video
Wasm/k: Delimited Continuations for WebAssembly
Donald Pinckney, Arjun Guha, and Yuriy Brun
(Northeastern University, USA; University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA)
Publisher's Version Video Info
Pricing Python Parallelism: A Dynamic Language Cost Model for Heterogeneous Platforms
Dejice Jacob, Phil Trinder, and Jeremy Singer
(University of Glasgow, UK)
Publisher's Version Video
DelayRepay: Delayed Execution for Kernel Fusion in Python
John Magnus Morton, Kuba Kaszyk, Lu Li, Jiawen Sun, Christophe Dubach, Michel Steuwer, Murray Cole, and Michael F. P. O'Boyle
(University of Edinburgh, UK; McGill University, Canada)
Publisher's Version Video
Python 3 Types in the Wild: A Tale of Two Type Systems
Ingkarat Rak-amnouykit, Daniel McCrevan, Ana Milanova, Martin Hirzel, and Julian Dolby
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA; IBM Research, USA)
Publisher's Version Video Info
Framework-Aware Debugging with Stack Tailoring
Matteo Marra, Guillermo Polito, and Elisa Gonzalez Boix
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; CNRS, France; University of Lille, France; Inria, France)
Publisher's Version Video
Dynamic Pattern Matching with Python
Tobias Kohn, Guido van Rossum, Gary Brandt Bucher II, Talin, and Ivan Levkivskyi
(University of Cambridge, UK; Python Software Foundation, USA; Research Affiliates, USA; Dropbox, Ireland)
Publisher's Version Video
Sampling Optimized Code for Type Feedback
Olivier Flückiger, Andreas Wälchli, Sebastián Krynski, and Jan Vitek
(Northeastern University, USA; University of Bern, Switzerland; Czech Technical University, Czechia; National University of Quilmes, Argentina)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Video Info Artifacts Available
Sound, Heuristic Type Annotation Inference for Ruby
Milod Kazerounian, Brianna M. Ren, and Jeffrey S. Foster
(University of Maryland, USA; Tufts University, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Video Artifacts Available

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