DLS 2019
15th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Dynamic Languages (DLS 2019)
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15th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Dynamic Languages (DLS 2019), October 20, 2019, Athens, Greece

DLS 2019 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Welcome from the Chairs

Research Papers

First-Class Dynamic Types
Michael Homer, Timothy Jones, and James Noble
(Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; Montoux, USA)
Publisher's Version
Lazy Pointer Update for Low Heap Compaction Pause Times
Clément Béra, Eliot Miranda, and Elisa Gonzalez Boix
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; Feenk, USA)
Publisher's Version
Optimizing and Evaluating Transient Gradual Typing
Michael M. Vitousek, Jeremy G. Siek, and Avik Chaudhuri
(Indiana University, USA; Facebook, USA)
Publisher's Version
Python Programmers Have GPUs too: Automatic Python Loop Parallelization with Staged Dependence Analysis
Dejice Jacob, Phil Trinder, and Jeremy Singer
(University of Glasgow, UK)
Publisher's Version Info
R Melts Brains: An IR for First-Class Environments and Lazy Effectful Arguments
Olivier Flückiger, Guido Chari, Jan Ječmen, Ming-Ho Yee, Jakob Hain, and Jan Vitek
(Northeastern University, USA; Czech Technical University, Czechia)
Publisher's Version
Sindarin: A Versatile Scripting API for the Pharo Debugger
Thomas Dupriez, Guillermo Polito, Steven Costiou, Vincent Aranega, and Stéphane Ducasse
(University of Lille, France; CNRS, France; Inria, France; CRIStAL, France)
Publisher's Version

Experience Papers

Language-Independent Development Environment Support for Dynamic Runtimes
Daniel Stolpe, Tim Felgentreff, Christian Humer, Fabio Niephaus, and Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany; Oracle Labs, Germany; Oracle Labs, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
Reflections on the Compatibility, Performance, and Scalability of Parallel Python
Remigius Meier and Thomas R. Gross
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
Standard Object Out: Streaming Objects with Polymorphic Write Streams
Marcel Weiher and Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany)
Publisher's Version

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