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2014 Software Evolution Week --- IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering, and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE), February 3-6, 2014, Antwerp, Belgium

CSMR-WCRE 2014 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message from the Chairs


Using Biology and Ecology as Inspiration for Software Maintenance? (Keynote Abstract)
Philippe Grosjean
(University of Mons, Belgium)
Mitigating the Risk of Software Change in Practice: Retrospective on More Than 50 Architecture Evaluations in Industry (Keynote Paper)
Jens Knodel and Matthias Naab
(Fraunhofer IESE, Germany)
The Vision of Software Clone Management: Past, Present, and Future (Keynote Paper)
Chanchal K. Roy, Minhaz F. Zibran, and Rainer Koschke
(University of Saskatchewan, Canada; University of Bremen, Germany)

Main Research

Code Search

NL-Based Query Refinement and Contextualized Code Search Results: A User Study
Emily Hill, Manuel Roldan-Vega, Jerry Alan Fails, and Greg Mallet
(Montclair State University, USA)
Automated Construction of a Software-Specific Word Similarity Database
Yuan Tian, David Lo, and Julia Lawall
(Singapore Management University, Singapore; INRIA, France; LIP6, France)
A Case Study of Paired Interleaving for Evaluating Code Search Techniques
Kostadin Damevski, David Shepherd, and Lori Pollock
(Virginia State University, USA; ABB, USA; University of Delaware, USA)

Software Evolution

Broken Promises: An Empirical Study into Evolution Problems in Java Programs Caused by Library Upgrades
Jens Dietrich, Kamil Jezek, and Premek Brada
(Massey University, New Zealand; University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic)
Detecting Infeasible Branches Based on Code Patterns
Sun Ding, Hongyu Zhang, and Hee Beng Kuan Tan
(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Tsinghua University, China)
Web API Growing Pains: Stories from Client Developers and Their Code
Tiago Espinha, Andy Zaidman, and Hans-Gerhard Gross
(Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)

Software Clones

An Empirical Study on the Fault-Proneness of Clone Migration in Clone Genealogies
Shuai Xie, Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, and Iman Keivanloo
(Queen's University, Canada; Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
Unification and Refactoring of Clones
Giri Panamoottil Krishnan and Nikolaos Tsantalis
(Concordia University, Canada)
Automatic Ranking of Clones for Refactoring through Mining Association Rules
Manishankar Mondal, Chanchal K. Roy, and Kevin A. Schneider
(University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

Fault Understanding

Follow the Path: Debugging State Anomalies along Execution Histories
Michael Perscheid, Tim Felgentreff, and Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany)
Video Info
Towards More Accurate Multi-label Software Behavior Learning
Xin Xia, Yang Feng, David Lo, Zhenyu Chen, and Xinyu Wang
(Zhejiang University, China; Nanjing University, China; Singapore Management University, Singapore)
An Empirical Study of Long Lived Bugs
Ripon K. Saha, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Dewayne E. Perry
(University of Texas at Austin, USA)

Where the Faults Lie

Identifying Risky Areas of Software Code in Agile/Lean Software Development: An Industrial Experience Report
Vard Antinyan, Miroslaw Staron, Wilhelm Meding, Per Österström, Erik Wikström, Johan Wranker, Anders Henriksson, and Jörgen Hansson
(Chalmers, Sweden; University of Gothenburg, Sweden; Ericsson, Sweden; Volvo, Sweden)
Cross-Project Defect Prediction Models: L'Union Fait la Force
Annibale Panichella, Rocco Oliveto, and Andrea De Lucia
(University of Salerno, Italy; University of Molise, Italy)
An Empirical Study of Bug Report Field Reassignment
Xin Xia, David Lo, Ming Wen, Emad Shihab, and Bo Zhou
(Zhejiang University, China; Singapore Management University, Singapore; Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)

Software Quality Improvement

Supporting Continuous Integration by Mashing-Up Software Quality Information
Martin Brandtner, Emanuel Giger, and Harald Gall
(University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Towards a Context-Aware IDE-Based Meta Search Engine for Recommendation about Programming Errors and Exceptions
Mohammad Masudur Rahman, Shamima Yeasmin, and Chanchal K. Roy
(University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
Test Suite Reduction for Fault Detection and Localization: A Combined Approach
László Vidács, Árpád Beszédes, Dávid Tengeri, István Siket, and Tibor Gyimóthy
(MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, Hungary; University of Szeged, Hungary)


In Medio Stat Virtus: Extract Class Refactoring through Nash Equilibria
Gabriele Bavota, Rocco Oliveto, Andrea De Lucia, Andrian Marcus, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, and Giuliano Antoniol
(University of Salerno, Italy; University of Molise, Italy; Wayne State University, USA; Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
Remodularization Analysis using Semantic Clustering
Gustavo Santos, Marco Tulio Valente, and Nicolas Anquetil
(UFMG, Brazil; INRIA, France)
Mc2for: A Tool for Automatically Translating Matlab to Fortran 95
Xu Li and Laurie Hendren
(McGill University, Canada)

Empirical Investigation

Does Return Null Matter?
Shuhei Kimura, Keisuke Hotta, Yoshiki Higo, Hiroshi Igaki, and Shinji Kusumoto
(Osaka University, Japan)
Extracting Relative Thresholds for Source Code Metrics
Paloma Oliveira, Marco Tulio Valente, and Fernando Paim Lima
(UFMG, Brazil; IFMG, Brazil)
Reverse Engineering Web Configurators
Ebrahim Khalil Abbasi, Mathieu Acher, Patrick Heymans, and Anthony Cleve
(University of Namur, Belgium; University of Rennes 1, France)

Patterns and Anti-patterns

A Contextual Approach for Effective Recovery of Inter-process Communication Patterns from HPC Traces
Luay Alawneh, Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, Syed Shariyar Murtaza, and Yan Liu
(Concordia University, Canada; Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan)
Transition and Defect Patterns of Components in Dependency Cycles during Software Evolution
Tosin Daniel Oyetoyan, Daniela Soares Cruzes, and Reidar Conradi
(NTNU, Norway; SINTEF, Norway)
Anti-pattern Detection with Model Queries: A Comparison of Approaches
Zoltán Ujhelyi, Ákos Horváth, Dániel Varró, Norbert István Csiszár, Gábor Szőke, László Vidács, and Rudolf Ferenc
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary; University of Szeged, Hungary; Refactoring 2011, Hungary; MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, Hungary)

Early Research Achievements

Maintenance and Co

Examining the Relationship between Topic Model Similarity and Software Maintenance
Scott Grant and James R. Cordy
(Queen's University, Canada)
On the Maintainability of CRAN Packages
Maëlick Claes, Tom Mens, and Philippe Grosjean
(University of Mons, Belgium)
Formal Foundations for Semi-parsing
Vadim Zaytsev
(University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
On the Use of Positional Proximity in IR-Based Feature Location
Emily Hill, Bunyamin Sisman, and Avinash Kak
(Montclair State University, USA; Purdue University, USA)
Recommending Verbs for Rename Method using Association Rule Mining
Yuki Kashiwabara, Yuya Onizuka, Takashi Ishio, Yasuhiro Hayase, Tetsuo Yamamoto, and Katsuro Inoue
(Osaka University, Japan; University of Tsukuba, Japan; Nihon University, Japan)
An Algorithm for Keyword Search on an Execution Path
Toshihiro Kamiya
(Future University Hakodate, Japan)
Comparison of Feature Implementations across Languages, Technologies, and Styles
Ralf Lämmel, Martin Leinberger, Thomas Schmorleiz, and Andrei Varanovich
(University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
Spotting Automatically Cross-Language Relations
Federico Tomassetti, Giuseppe Rizzo, and Marco Torchiano
(Politecnico di Torino, Italy; Università di Torino, Italy; EURECOM, France)

Change and Co-evolution

Mining Frequent Bug-Fix Code Changes
Haidar Osman, Mircea Lungu, and Oscar Nierstrasz
(University of Bern, Switzerland)
Orchestrating Change: An Artistic Representation of Software Evolution
Shane McIntosh, Katie Legere, and Ahmed E. Hassan
(Queen's University, Canada)
Co-evolving Code-Related and Database-Related Changes in a Data-Intensive Software System
Mathieu Goeminne, Alexandre Decan, and Tom Mens
(University of Mons, Belgium)
Improving the Detection Accuracy of Evolutionary Coupling by Measuring Change Correspondence
Manishankar Mondal, Chanchal K. Roy, and Kevin A. Schneider
(University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

Industry Track

Fact Extraction from Bash in Support of Script Migration
Ian J. Davis, Richard C. Holt, and Ron Mraz
(University of Waterloo, Canada; Owl Computing Technologies, USA)
Lightweight Runtime Reverse Engineering of Binary File Format Variants
Jeroen van den Bos
(Netherlands Forensic Institute, Netherlands)
Towards Tool Support for Analyzing Legacy Systems in Technical Domains
Claus Klammer and Josef Pichler
(Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria)
Analysis and Clustering of Model Clones: An Automotive Industrial Experience
Manar H. Alalfi, James R. Cordy, and Thomas R. Dean
(Queen's University, Canada)
Experience on Applying Software Architecture Recovery to Automotive Embedded Systems
Xinhai Zhang, Magnus Persson, Mattias Nyberg, Behrooz Mokhtari, Anton Einarson, Henrik Linder, Jonas Westman, DeJiu Chen, and Martin Törngren
(KTH, Sweden; Scania, Sweden; HiQ, Sweden)
Towards Recovering and Exploiting Domain Knowledge from C Code: A Case Study on Automotive Software
Jochen Quante, Mohammed Tarabain, and Janet Siegmund
(Bosch, Germany; University of Magdeburg, Germany; University of Passau, Germany)
Migrating Legacy Spreadsheets-Based Systems to Web MVC Architecture: An Industrial Case Study
Domenico Amalfitano, Anna Rita Fasolino, Valerio Maggio, Porfirio Tramontana, Giancarlo Di Mare, Ferdinando Ferrara, and Stefano Scala
(University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Fiat Group Automobiles, Italy)

Project Track

CHOReOS: Large Scale Choreographies for the Future Internet
Marco Autili, Paola Inverardi, and Massimo Tivoli
(University of L'Aquila, Italy)
DIVERSIFY: Ecology-Inspired Software Evolution for Diversity Emergence
Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus, Cendrine Mony, Franck Chauvel, Franck Fleurey, and Siobhán Clarke
(INRIA, France; University of Rennes 1, France; SINTEF, Norway; Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
The MARKet for Open Source: An Intelligent Virtual Open Source Marketplace
Gabriele Bavota, Alicja Ciemniewska, Ilknur Chulani, Antonio De Nigro, Massimiliano Di Penta, Davide Galletti, Roberto Galoppini, Thomas F. Gordon, Pawel Kedziora, Ilaria Lener, Francesco Torelli, Roberto Pratola, Juliusz Pukacki, Yacine Rebahi, and Sergio García Villalonga
(University of Sannio, Italy; Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland; ATOS Research, Spain; Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Italy; Slashdot Media, UK; Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany; T6 ECO, Italy)
ECOS: Ecological Studies of Open Source Software Ecosystems
Tom Mens, Maëlick Claes, and Philippe Grosjean
(University of Mons, Belgium)
FITTEST: A New Continuous and Automated Testing Process for Future Internet Applications
Tanja Vos, Paolo Tonella, Wishnu Prasetya, Peter M. Kruse, Alessandra Bagnato, Mark Harman, and Onn Shehory
(Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy; Utrecht University, Netherlands; Berner & Mattner, Germany; SOFTEAM, France; University College London, UK; IBM Research, Israel)
Model Inference and Security Testing in the SPaCIoS Project
Matthias Büchler, Karim Hossen, Petru Florin Mihancea, Marius Minea, Roland Groz, and Catherine Oriat
(Technische Universität München, Germany; University of Grenoble, France; LIG, France; Institute e-Austria Timisoara, Romania; Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania)

Tool Demonstrations

Tool Demonstrations 1

in*Bug: Visual Analytics of Bug Repositories
Tommaso Dal Sasso and Michele Lanza
(University of Lugano, Switzerland)
APIEvolutionMiner: Keeping API Evolution under Control
André Hora, Anne Etien, Nicolas Anquetil, Stéphane Ducasse, and Marco Tulio Valente
(INRIA, France; UFMG, Brazil)
How the Sando Search Tool Recommends Queries
Xi Ge, David Shepherd, Kostadin Damevski, and Emerson Murphy-Hill
(North Carolina State University, USA; ABB, USA; Virginia State University, USA)
Building Development Tools Interactively using the Ekeko Meta-Programming Library
Coen De Roover and Reinout Stevens
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Bit-Error Injection for Software Developers
Marcel Heing-Becker, Timo Kamph, and Sibylle Schupp
(Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
Video Info
QualityGate SourceAudit: A Tool for Assessing the Technical Quality of Software
Tibor Bakota, Péter Hegedűs, István Siket, Gergely Ladányi, and Rudolf Ferenc
(FrontEndART Software, Hungary; MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, Hungary; University of Szeged, Hungary)

Tool Demonstrations 2

Follow the Path: Debugging Tools for Test-Driven Fault Navigation
Michael Perscheid and Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany)
jModex: Model Extraction for Verifying Security Properties of Web Applications
Petru Florin Mihancea and Marius Minea
(Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania; Institute e-Austria Timisoara, Romania)
PHP AiR: Analyzing PHP Systems with Rascal
Mark Hills and Paul Klint
(East Carolina University, USA; CWI, Netherlands; INRIA, France)
Mc2for Demo: A Tool for Automatically Translating Matlab to Fortran 95
Xu Li and Laurie Hendren
(McGill University, Canada)
Dahlia: A Visual Analyzer of Database Schema Evolution
Loup Meurice and Anthony Cleve
(University of Namur, Belgium)

Doctoral Symposium

SENSEI: Software Evolution Service Integration
Jan Jelschen
(University of Oldenburg, Germany)
Understanding the Evolution of Socio-technical Aspects in Open Source Ecosystems
Mathieu Goeminne
(University of Mons, Belgium)

Workshop Descriptions

International Workshop on Software Clones
Rainer Koschke, Nils Göde, and Yoshiki Higo
(University of Bremen, Germany; CQSE, Germany; Osaka University, Japan)
International Workshop on Open and Original Problems in Software Language Engineering
Anya Helene Bagge and Vadim Zaytsev
(University of Bergen, Norway; CWI, Netherlands; University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
International Workshop on Software Quality and Maintainability
Lodewijk Bergmans, Steven Raemaekers, and Tom Mens
(Software Improvement Group, Netherlands; University of Mons, Belgium)

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