ASE 2018
33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2018)
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33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2018), September 3–7, 2018, Montpellier, France

ASE 2018 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message from the Chairs
ASE 2018 Conference Organization
ASE 2018 Sponsors


Software Heritage: Collecting, Preserving, and Sharing All Our Source Code (Keynote)
Roberto Di Cosmo
(Inria, France; University Paris Diderot, France)
Publisher's Version
Automated Requirements Engineering Challenges with Examples from Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (Keynote)
Jane Cleland-Huang
(University of Notre Dame, USA)
Publisher's Version
Implementation Science for Software Engineering: Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice (Keynote)
Lauren Herckis
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Publisher's Version
The Need for Context in Software Engineering (IEEE CS Harlan Mills Award Keynote)
Gail C. Murphy
(University of British Columbia, Canada)
Publisher's Version

Technical Research Papers


On Adopting Linters to Deal with Performance Concerns in Android Apps
Sarra Habchi, Xavier Blanc, and Romain Rouvoy
(Inria, France; University of Lille, France; University of Bordeaux, France)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available
PerfLearner: Learning from Bug Reports to Understand and Generate Performance Test Frames
Xue Han, Tingting Yu, and David Lo
(University of Kentucky, USA; Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version
AutoConfig: Automatic Configuration Tuning for Distributed Message Systems
Liang Bao, Xin Liu, Ziheng Xu, and Baoyin Fang
(Xidian University, China; University of California at Davis, USA)
Publisher's Version
Is This Class Thread-Safe? Inferring Documentation using Graph-Based Learning
Andrew Habib and Michael Pradel
(TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Publisher's Version Info

Testing Studies

A Large-Scale Study of Test Coverage Evolution
Michael Hilton, Jonathan Bell, and Darko Marinov
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA; George Mason University, USA; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Publisher's Version
Effectiveness and Challenges in Generating Concurrent Tests for Thread-Safe Classes
Valerio Terragni and Mauro Pezzè
(University of Lugano, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version

Build and Test Automation

Scalable Incremental Building with Dynamic Task Dependencies
Gabriël Konat, Sebastian Erdweg, and Eelco Visser
(Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version
Noise and Heterogeneity in Historical Build Data: An Empirical Study of Travis CI
Keheliya Gallaba, Christian Macho, Martin Pinzger, and Shane McIntosh
(McGill University, Canada; University of Klagenfurt, Austria)
Publisher's Version

Quality Assurance for Machine Learning Techniques

Automated Directed Fairness Testing
Sakshi Udeshi, Pryanshu Arora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay
(Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore; BITS Pilani, India)
Publisher's Version
Concolic Testing for Deep Neural Networks
Youcheng Sun, Min Wu, Wenjie Ruan, Xiaowei Huang, Marta Kwiatkowska, and Daniel Kroening
(University of Oxford, UK; University of Liverpool, UK)
Publisher's Version
DeepGauge: Multi-Granularity Testing Criteria for Deep Learning Systems
Lei Ma, Felix Juefei-Xu, Fuyuan Zhang, Jiyuan Sun, Minhui Xue, Bo Li, Chunyang Chen, Ting Su, Li Li, Yang Liu, Jianjun Zhao, and Yadong Wang
(Harbin Institute of Technology, China; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Kyushu University, Japan; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Monash University, Australia)
Publisher's Version
DeepRoad: GAN-Based Metamorphic Testing and Input Validation Framework for Autonomous Driving Systems
Mengshi Zhang, Yuqun Zhang, Lingming Zhang, Cong Liu, and Sarfraz Khurshid
(University of Texas at Austin, USA; Southern University of Science and Technology, China; University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Publisher's Version


Testing Autonomous Cars for Feature Interaction Failures using Many-Objective Search
Raja Ben Abdessalem, Annibale Panichella, Shiva Nejati, Lionel C. Briand, and Thomas Stifter
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; IEE, Luxembourg)
Publisher's Version
Tackling Combinatorial Explosion: A Study of Industrial Needs and Practices for Analyzing Highly Configurable Systems
Mukelabai Mukelabai, Damir Nešić, Salome Maro, Thorsten Berger, and Jan-Philipp Steghöfer
(Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; University of Gothenburg, Sweden; KTH, Sweden)
Publisher's Version Info
Understanding and Detecting Evolution-Induced Compatibility Issues in Android Apps
Dongjie He, Lian Li, Lei Wang, Hengjie Zheng, Guangwei Li, and Jingling Xue
(Institute of Computing Technology at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; UNSW, Australia)
Publisher's Version

Mining and Crowd Sourcing

Characterizing the Natural Language Descriptions in Software Logging Statements
Pinjia He, Zhuangbin Chen, Shilin He, and Michael R. Lyu
(Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Publisher's Version
Assessing the Type Annotation Burden
John-Paul Ore, Sebastian Elbaum, Carrick Detweiler, and Lambros Karkazis
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Publisher's Version
Mining File Histories: Should We Consider Branches?
Vladimir Kovalenko, Fabio Palomba, and Alberto Bacchelli
(Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version Info
Tell Them Apart: Distilling Technology Differences from Crowd-Scale Comparison Discussions
Yi Huang, Chunyang Chen, Zhenchang Xing, Tian Lin, and Yang Liu
(Australian National University, Australia; Monash University, Australia; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version Info


ReScue: Crafting Regular Expression DoS Attacks
Yuju Shen, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Ping Yu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu
(Nanjing University, China)
Publisher's Version Info
TDroid: Exposing App Switching Attacks in Android with Control Flow Specialization
Jie Liu, Diyu Wu, and Jingling Xue
(UNSW, Australia)
Publisher's Version
Model-Driven Run-Time Enforcement of Complex Role-Based Access Control Policies
Ameni Ben Fadhel, Domenico Bianculli, and Lionel C. Briand
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Publisher's Version
ContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Smart Contracts for Vulnerability Detection
Bo Jiang, Ye Liu, and W. K. Chan
(Beihang University, China; City University of Hong Kong, China)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available

Developer Tools

SEEDE: Simultaneous Execution and Editing in a Development Environment
Steven P. Reiss, Qi Xin, and Jeff Huang
(Brown University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Effective API Recommendation without Historical Software Repositories
Xiaoyu Liu, LiGuo Huang, and Vincent Ng
(Southern Methodist University, USA; University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Publisher's Version
API Method Recommendation without Worrying about the Task-API Knowledge Gap
Qiao Huang, Xin Xia, Zhenchang Xing, David Lo, and Xinyu Wang
(Zhejiang University, China; Monash University, Australia; Australian National University, Australia; Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version
An Automated Approach to Estimating Code Coverage Measures via Execution Logs
Boyuan Chen, Jian Song, Peng Xu, Xing Hu, and Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang
(York University, Canada; Baidu, China)
Publisher's Version

Static Analysis

How Many of All Bugs Do We Find? A Study of Static Bug Detectors
Andrew Habib and Michael Pradel
(TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Publisher's Version Info
TRIMMER: Application Specialization for Code Debloating
Hashim Sharif, Muhammad Abubakar, Ashish Gehani, and Fareed Zaffar
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan; SRI International, USA)
Publisher's Version
A Unified Lattice Model and Framework for Purity Analyses
Dominik Helm, Florian Kübler, Michael Eichberg, Michael Reif, and Mira Mezini
(TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Publisher's Version

Verification 1

Control Flow-Guided SMT Solving for Program Verification
Jianhui Chen and Fei He
(Tsinghua University, China)
Publisher's Version
PaMpeR: Proof Method Recommendation System for Isabelle/HOL
Yutaka Nagashima and Yilun He
(Czech Technical University, Czechia; University of Innsbruck, Austria; University of Sydney, Australia)
Publisher's Version

Maintenance and Machine Learning

Neural-Machine-Translation-Based Commit Message Generation: How Far Are We?
Zhongxin Liu, Xin Xia, Ahmed E. Hassan, David Lo, Zhenchang Xing, and Xinyu Wang
(Zhejiang University, China; Monash University, Australia; Queen's University, Canada; Singapore Management University, Singapore; Australian National University, Australia)
Publisher's Version
Deep Learning Based Feature Envy Detection
Hui Liu, Zhifeng Xu, and Yanzhen Zou
(Beijing Institute of Technology, China; Peking University, China)
Publisher's Version
Improving Automatic Source Code Summarization via Deep Reinforcement Learning
Yao Wan, Zhou Zhao, Min Yang, Guandong Xu, Haochao Ying, Jian Wu, and Philip S. Yu
(Zhejiang University, China; Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Technology Sydney, Australia; University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
Publisher's Version

Symbolic Execution

Template-Guided Concolic Testing via Online Learning
Sooyoung Cha, Seonho Lee, and Hakjoo Oh
(Korea University, South Korea)
Publisher's Version
Android Testing via Synthetic Symbolic Execution
Xiang Gao, Shin Hwei Tan, Zhen Dong, and Abhik Roychoudhury
(National University of Singapore, Singapore; Southern University of Science and Technology, China)
Publisher's Version
PARTI: A Multi-interval Theory Solver for Symbolic Execution
Oscar Soria Dustmann, Klaus Wehrle, and Cristian Cadar
(RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Imperial College London, UK)
Publisher's Version


Client-Specific Equivalence Checking
Federico Mora, Yi Li, Julia Rubin, and Marsha Chechik
(University of Toronto, Canada; University of British Columbia, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Replay without Recording of Production Bugs for Service Oriented Applications
Nipun Arora, Jonathan Bell, Franjo Ivančić, Gail Kaiser, and Baishakhi Ray
(Dropbox, USA; George Mason University, USA; Google, USA; Columbia University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Reducing Interactive Refactoring Effort via Clustering-Based Multi-objective Search
Vahid Alizadeh and Marouane Kessentini
(University of Michigan, USA)
Publisher's Version

Software Quality

FairFuzz: A Targeted Mutation Strategy for Increasing Greybox Fuzz Testing Coverage
Caroline Lemieux and Koushik Sen
(University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Publisher's Version
Efficiently Manifesting Asynchronous Programming Errors in Android Apps
Lingling Fan, Ting Su, Sen Chen, Guozhu Meng, Yang Liu, Lihua Xu, and Geguang Pu
(East China Normal University, China; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; New York University Shanghai, China)
Publisher's Version
Expandable Group Identification in Spreadsheets
Wensheng Dou, Shi Han, Liang Xu, Dongmei Zhang, and Jun Wei
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Microsoft Research, China)
Publisher's Version
Break the Dead End of Dynamic Slicing: Localizing Data and Control Omission Bug
Yun Lin, Jun Sun, Lyly Tran, Guangdong Bai, Haijun Wang, and Jinsong Dong
(National University of Singapore, Singapore; Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore; Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version

Architecture and Requirements

A Genetic Algorithm for Goal-Conflict Identification
Renzo Degiovanni, Facundo Molina, Germán Regis, and Nazareno Aguirre
(National University of Río Cuarto, Argentina; CONICET, Argentina)
Publisher's Version Info

Mobile Analysis

Understanding and Detecting Callback Compatibility Issues for Android Applications
Huaxun Huang, Lili Wei, Yepang Liu, and Shing-Chi Cheung
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China; Southern University of Science and Technology, China)
Publisher's Version
Detecting and Summarizing GUI Changes in Evolving Mobile Apps
Kevin Moran, Cody Watson, John Hoskins, George Purnell, and Denys Poshyvanyk
(College of William and Mary, USA)
Publisher's Version
Empirically Assessing Opportunities for Prefetching and Caching in Mobile Apps
Yixue Zhao, Paul Wat, Marcelo Schmitt Laser, and Nenad Medvidović
(University of Southern California, USA)
Publisher's Version
Safe Stream-Based Programming with Refinement Types
Benno Stein, Lazaro Clapp, Manu Sridharan, and Bor-Yuh Evan Chang
(University of Colorado Boulder, USA; Uber Technologies, USA)
Publisher's Version


Automated Model Repair for Alloy
Kaiyuan Wang, Allison Sullivan, and Sarfraz Khurshid
(University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Publisher's Version
PFix: Fixing Concurrency Bugs Based on Memory Access Patterns
Huarui Lin, Zan Wang, Shuang Liu, Jun Sun, Dongdi Zhang, and Guangning Wei
(Tianjin University, China; Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)
Publisher's Version
Generating Reusable Web Components from Mockups
Mohammad Bajammal, Davood Mazinanian, and Ali Mesbah
(University of British Columbia, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Semantic Crash Bucketing
Rijnard van Tonder, John Kotheimer, and Claire Le Goues
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Publisher's Version

Verification 2

A Symbolic Model Checking Approach to the Analysis of String and Length Constraints
Hung-En Wang, Shih-Yu Chen, Fang Yu, and Jie-Hong R. Jiang
(National Taiwan University, Taiwan; National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
Publisher's Version Info
Domain-Independent Multi-threaded Software Model Checking
Dirk Beyer and Karlheinz Friedberger
(LMU Munich, Germany)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available
Scheduling Constraint Based Abstraction Refinement for Weak Memory Models
Liangze Yin, Wei Dong, Wanwei Liu, and Ji Wang
(National University of Defense Technology, China)
Publisher's Version

Code Differencing and Merging

Datalog-Based Scalable Semantic Diffing of Concurrent Programs
Chungha Sung, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, Constantin Enea, and Chao Wang
(University of Southern California, USA; Microsoft Research, USA; University of Paris Diderot, France)
Publisher's Version Info
αDiff: Cross-Version Binary Code Similarity Detection with DNN
Bingchang Liu, Wei Huo, Chao Zhang, Wenchao Li, Feng Li, Aihua Piao, and Wei Zou
(Institute of Information Engineering at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Tsinghua University, China)
Publisher's Version
ClDiff: Generating Concise Linked Code Differences
Kaifeng Huang, Bihuan Chen, Xin Peng, Daihong Zhou, Ying Wang, Yang Liu, and Wenyun Zhao
(Fudan University, China; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version

Mobile Security

Characterizing and Identifying Misexposed Activities in Android Applications
Jiwei Yan, Xi Deng, Ping Wang, Tianyong Wu, Jun Yan, and Jian Zhang
(Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Publisher's Version
A Tale of Two Cities: How WebView Induces Bugs to Android Applications
Jiajun Hu, Lili Wei, Yepang Liu, Shing-Chi Cheung, and Huaxun Huang
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China; Southern University of Science and Technology, China)
Publisher's Version
Dual-Force: Understanding WebView Malware via Cross-Language Forced Execution
Zhenhao Tang, Juan Zhai, Minxue Pan, Yousra Aafer, Shiqing Ma, Xiangyu Zhang, and Jianhua Zhao
(Nanjing University, China; Purdue University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Self-Protection of Android Systems from Inter-component Communication Attacks
Mahmoud Hammad, Joshua Garcia, and Sam Malek
(University of California at Irvine, USA)
Publisher's Version

Experience Papers

An Empirical Study of Android Test Generation Tools in Industrial Cases
Wenyu Wang, Dengfeng Li, Wei Yang, Yurui Cao, Zhenwen Zhang, Yuetang Deng, and Tao Xie
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; University of Texas at Dallas, USA; Tencent, China)
Publisher's Version
Achieving Test Automation with Testers without Coding Skills: An Industrial Report
Davrondzhon Gafurov, Arne Erik Hurum, and Martin Markman
(Norwegian Directorate of eHealth, Norway)
Publisher's Version
Navigating the Maze: The Impact of Configurability in Bioinformatics Software
Mikaela Cashman, Myra B. Cohen, Priya Ranjan, and Robert W. Cottingham
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
Publisher's Version Info
Automatically Testing Implementations of Numerical Abstract Domains
Alexandra Bugariu, Valentin Wüstholz, Maria Christakis, and Peter Müller
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland; MPI-SWS, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Experiences Applying Automated Architecture Analysis Tool Suites
Ran Mo, Will Snipes, Yuanfang Cai, Srini Ramaswamy, Rick Kazman, and Martin Naedele
(Central China Normal University, China; ABB Corporate Research, USA; Drexel University, USA; ABB, USA; Carnegie Mellon University, USA; University of Hawaii, USA; ABB, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version

New Ideas Papers

Continuous Code Quality: Are We (Really) Doing That?
Carmine Vassallo, Fabio Palomba, Alberto Bacchelli, and Harald C. Gall
(University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
RUDSEA: Recommending Updates of Dockerfiles via Software Environment Analysis
Foyzul Hassan, Rodney Rodriguez, and Xiaoyin Wang
(University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
Publisher's Version
Delta Debugging Microservice Systems
Xiang Zhou, Xin Peng, Tao Xie, Jun Sun, Wenhai Li, Chao Ji, and Dan Ding
(Fudan University, China; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)
Publisher's Version
Personalized Teammate Recommendation for Crowdsourced Software Developers
Luting Ye, Hailong Sun, Xu Wang, and Jiaruijue Wang
(Beihang University, China; Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Big Data and Brain Computing, China)
Publisher's Version
S-gram: Towards Semantic-Aware Security Auditing for Ethereum Smart Contracts
Han Liu, Chao Liu, Wenqi Zhao, Yu Jiang, and Jiaguang Sun
(Tsinghua University, China; Peking University, China; Ant Financial, China)
Publisher's Version
An Evolutionary Approach for Analyzing Alloy Specifications
Jianghao Wang, Hamid Bagheri, and Myra B. Cohen
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Publisher's Version
A Neural Framework for Retrieval and Summarization of Source Code
Qingying Chen and Minghui Zhou
(Peking University, China)
Publisher's Version
An Empirical Investigation into Learning Bug-Fixing Patches in the Wild via Neural Machine Translation
Michele Tufano, Cody Watson, Gabriele Bavota, Massimiliano Di Penta, Martin White, and Denys Poshyvanyk
(College of William and Mary, USA; University of Lugano, Switzerland; University of Sannio, Italy)
Publisher's Version
Loop Path Reduction by State Pruning
Jianxiong Gao and Steven S. Lumetta
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Publisher's Version
node2defect: Using Network Embedding to Improve Software Defect Prediction
Yu Qu, Ting Liu, Jianlei Chi, Yangxu Jin, Di Cui, Ancheng He, and Qinghua Zheng
(Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
Publisher's Version
Towards Automating Disambiguation of Regulations: Using the Wisdom of Crowds
Manasi Patwardhan, Abhishek Sainani, Richa Sharma, Shirish Karande, and Smita Ghaisas
(TCS Research, India)
Publisher's Version

Tool Demonstrations

jStanley: Placing a Green Thumb on Java Collections
Rui Pereira, Pedro Simão, Jácome Cunha, and João Saraiva
(INESC TEC, Portugal; University of Minho, Portugal; NOVA-LINCS, Portugal; Universidade Nova Lisboa, Portugal)
Publisher's Version Info
SRCIROR: A Toolset for Mutation Testing of C Source Code and LLVM Intermediate Representation
Farah Hariri and August Shi
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Publisher's Version
Lightweight Source Code Monitoring with Triggr
Alim Ozdemir, Ayse Tosun, Hakan Erdogmus, and Rui Abreu
(Istanbul Technical University, Turkey; Carnegie Mellon University, USA; University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Publisher's Version
OCELOT: A Search-Based Test-Data Generation Tool for C
Simone Scalabrino, Giovanni Grano, Dario Di Nucci, Michele Guerra, Andrea De Lucia, Harald C. Gall, and Rocco Oliveto
(University of Molise, Italy; University of Zurich, Switzerland; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; University of Salerno, Italy)
Publisher's Version
Live Versioning of Web Applications through Refactoring
Julián Grigera, Juan Cruz Gardey, Alejandra Garrido, and Gustavo Rossi
(National University of La Plata, Argentina; CIC, Argentina; CONICET, Argentina)
Publisher's Version Video
code_call_lens: Raising the Developer Awareness of Critical Code
Andrea Janes, Michael Mairegger, and Barbara Russo
(Free University of Bolzano, Italy)
Publisher's Version
Code2graph: Automatic Generation of Static Call Graphs for Python Source Code
Gharib Gharibi, Rashmi Tripathi, and Yugyung Lee
(University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA)
Publisher's Version Video
The Electrum Analyzer: Model Checking Relational First-Order Temporal Specifications
Julien Brunel, David Chemouil, Alcino Cunha, and Nuno Macedo
(ONERA, France; University of Toulouse, France; INESC TEC, Portugal; University of Minho, Portugal)
Publisher's Version Video Info
ESBMC 5.0: An Industrial-Strength C Model Checker
Mikhail R. Gadelha, Felipe R. Monteiro, Jeremy Morse, Lucas C. Cordeiro, Bernd Fischer, and Denis A. Nicole
(University of Southampton, UK; Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil; University of Bristol, UK; University of Manchester, UK; Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
Publisher's Version Video Info
L-CMP: An Automatic Learning-Based Parameterized Verification Tool
Jialun Cao, Yongjian Li, and Jun Pang
(Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Publisher's Version
VulSeeker: A Semantic Learning Based Vulnerability Seeker for Cross-Platform Binary
Jian Gao, Xin Yang, Ying Fu, Yu Jiang, and Jiaguang Sun
(Tsinghua University, China)
Publisher's Version
CPA-SymExec: Efficient Symbolic Execution in CPAchecker
Dirk Beyer and Thomas Lemberger
(LMU Munich, Germany)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Video Info Artifacts Available
CANAL: A Cache Timing Analysis Framework via LLVM Transformation
Chungha Sung, Brandon Paulsen, and Chao Wang
(University of Southern California, USA)
Publisher's Version Video Info
Descartes: A PITest Engine to Detect Pseudo-Tested Methods: Tool Demonstration
Oscar Luis Vera-Pérez, Martin Monperrus, and Benoit Baudry
(Inria, France; KTH, Sweden)
Publisher's Version Info
DKVF: A Framework for Rapid Prototyping and Evaluating Distributed Key-Value Stores
Mohammad Roohitavaf and Sandeep Kulkarni
(Michigan State University, USA)
Publisher's Version Video Info
DroidMate-2: A Platform for Android Test Generation
Nataniel P. Borges Jr., Jenny Hotzkow, and Andreas Zeller
(Saarland University, Germany)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available

Doctoral Symposium

Session 1

Assessing and Evaluating Functional Suitability of Software
Philipp Haindl
(JKU Linz, Austria)
Publisher's Version

Session 2

Automatic Mining of Constraints for Monitoring Systems of Systems
Thomas Krismayer
(JKU Linz, Austria)
Publisher's Version
Towards Automatic Restrictification of CUDA Kernel Arguments
Rokiatou Diarra
(University of Paris-Sud, France)
Publisher's Version
A DSL for Requirements in the Context of a Seamless Approach
Florian Galinier
(IRIT, France; University of Toulouse, France)
Publisher's Version

Session 3

A Multi-objective Framework for Effective Performance Fault Injection in Distributed Systems
Luca Traini
(University of L'Aquila, Italy)
Publisher's Version
Top-Down Model-Driven Engineering of Web Services from Extended OpenAPI Models
David Sferruzza
(LS2N, France)
Publisher's Version
Differential Program Analysis with Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution
Yannic Noller
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Software Engineering Techniques Applied to Relational Databases
Julien Delplanque
(University of Lille, France; CNRS, France; Inria, France)
Publisher's Version

Journal-First Papers

Automatically Quantifying the Impact of a Change in Systems (Journal-First Abstract)
Nada Almasri, Luay Tahat, and Bogdan Korel
(Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait; Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Publisher's Version
Estimating the Number of Remaining Links in Traceability Recovery (Journal-First Abstract)
Davide Falessi, Massimiliano Di Penta, Gerardo Canfora, and Giovanni Cantone
(California Polytechnic State University, USA; University of Sannio, Italy; University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
Publisher's Version
Bounded Model Checking of C++ Programs Based on the Qt Cross-Platform Framework (Journal-First Abstract)
Felipe R. Monteiro, Mário A. P. Garcia, Lucas C. Cordeiro, and Eddie B. de Lima Filho
(Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil; University of Manchester, UK; TPV Technology, Brazil)
Publisher's Version Video Info
Understanding Semi-structured Merge Conflict Characteristics in Open-Source Java Projects (Journal-First Abstract)
Paola Accioly, Paulo Borba, and Guilherme Cavalcanti
(Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
Publisher's Version

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