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2020 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software (Onward! 2020),
November 18-20, 2020,
Virtual, USA
Intrepydd: Performance, Productivity, and Portability for Data Science Application Kernels
Tong Zhou,
Jun Shirako, Anirudh Jain, Sriseshan Srikanth,
Thomas M. Conte, Richard Vuduc, and
Vivek Sarkar
(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; AMD Research, USA)
Publisher's Version
A Principled Approach to REPL Interpreters
L. Thomas van Binsbergen,
Mauricio Verano Merino,
Pierre Jeanjean,
Tijs van der Storm, Benoit Combemale, and
Olivier Barais
(CWI, Netherlands; Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; Inria, France; University of Rennes, France; CNRS, France; IRISA, France; University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version
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proc time: 3.06