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16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR 2019),
October 21-22, 2019,
Athens, Greece
Welcome from the Chairs
Welcome to MPLR 2019, the 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes. This is a successor to the conference series Managed Languages and Runtimes (ManLang). MPLR is a premier forum for presenting and discussing novel results in all aspects of managed programming languages and runtime systems, which serve as building blocks for some of the most important computing systems around, ranging from small-scale (embedded and real-time systems) to large-scale (cloud-computing and big-data platforms) and anything in between (mobile, IoT, and wearable applications).
Virtual Machines
Supporting On-Stack Replacement in Unstructured Languages by Loop Reconstruction and Extraction
Raphael Mosaner, David Leopoldseder,
Manuel Rigger,
Roland Schatz, and
Hanspeter Mössenböck
(JKU Linz, Austria; ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Oracle Labs, Austria)
On-stack replacement (OSR) is a common technique employed by dynamic compilers to reduce program warm-up time. OSR allows switching from interpreted to compiled code during the execution of this code. The main targets are long running loops, which need to be represented explicitly, with dedicated information about condition and body, to be optimized at run time. Bytecode interpreters, however, represent control flow implicitly via unstructured jumps and thus do not exhibit the required high-level loop representation. To enable OSR also for jump-based - often called unstructured - languages, we propose the partial reconstruction of loops in order to explicitly represent them in a bytecode interpreter. Besides an outline of the general idea, we implemented our approach in Sulong, a bytecode interpreter for LLVM bitcode, which allows the execution of C/C++. We conducted an evaluation with a set of C benchmarks, which showed speed-ups in warm-up of up to 9x for certain benchmarks. This facilitates execution of programs with long-running loops in rarely called functions, which would yield significant slowdown without OSR. While shown with a prototype implementation, the overall idea of our approach is generalizable for all bytecode interpreters.
author = {Raphael Mosaner and David Leopoldseder and Manuel Rigger and Roland Schatz and Hanspeter Mössenböck},
title = {Supporting On-Stack Replacement in Unstructured Languages by Loop Reconstruction and Extraction},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {1--13},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361030},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
GraalSqueak: Toward a Smalltalk-Based Tooling Platform for Polyglot Programming
Fabio Niephaus, Tim Felgentreff, and
Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany; Oracle Labs, Germany)
Polyglot programming provides software developers with a broader choice in terms of software libraries and frameworks available for building applications. Previous research and engineering activities have focused on language interoperability and the design and implementation of fast polyglot runtimes.
To make polyglot programming more approachable for developers, novel software development tools are needed that help them build polyglot applications. We believe a suitable prototyping platform helps to more quickly evaluate new ideas for such tools.
In this paper we present GraalSqueak, a Squeak/Smalltalk virtual machine implementation for the GraalVM. We report our experience implementing GraalSqueak, evaluate the performance of the language and the programming environment, and discuss how the system can be used as a tooling platform for polyglot programming.
author = {Fabio Niephaus and Tim Felgentreff and Robert Hirschfeld},
title = {GraalSqueak: Toward a Smalltalk-Based Tooling Platform for Polyglot Programming},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {14--26},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361024},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
WARDuino: A Dynamic WebAssembly Virtual Machine for Programming Microcontrollers
Robbert Gurdeep Singh and
Christophe Scholliers
(Ghent University, Belgium)
It is extremely hard and time-consuming to make correct and efficient programs for microcontrollers. Usually microcontrollers are programmed in a low level programming language such as C which makes them hard to debug and maintain. To raise the abstraction level, many high level programming languages have provided support for programming microcontrollers. Examples include Python, Lua, C# and JavaScript. Using these languages has the downside that they are orders of magnitude slower than the low-level languages. Moreover, they often provide no remote debugging support.
In this paper we investigate the feasibility of using WebAssembly to program Arduino compatible microcontrollers. Our experiments lead to extending the standard WebAssembly VM with: 1) safe live code updates for functions and data 2) remote debugging support at the VM level 3) programmer configurable (Arduino) modules in order to keep the virtual machine’s footprint as small as possible. The resulting WARDuino VM enables the programmer to have better performance than an interpreted approach while simultaneously increasing the ease of development.
To evaluate our approach, we implemented a simple breakout game and conducted micro benchmarks which show that the VM runs approximately 5 times faster than Espruino, a popular JavaScript interpreter for the ESP32 microcontroller.
author = {Robbert Gurdeep Singh and Christophe Scholliers},
title = {WARDuino: A Dynamic WebAssembly Virtual Machine for Programming Microcontrollers},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {27--36},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361029},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
Concurrency and Parallelism
Dynamic One-to-One Mapping of Ownership Records for STM using Versioned Weak References
Martin Bättig and Thomas R. Gross
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Software transactional memory (STM) stores information regarding ownership of
memory locations in ownership records. We present a scheme to realize a
one-to-one mapping of ownership records to memory locations that has moderate
memory overhead and is suitable for STM implementations on top of managed
To reduce memory overhead, STM implementations typically map multiple memory
locations to a single ownership record. These one-to-many mappings reduce
conflict detection granularity and result in false sharing. Further, one-to-many
mappings based on hashes of memory addresses suffer from performance anomalies.
The proposed mapping scheme works without knowledge of memory addresses and thus
avoids these performance anomalies. The scheme uses weak references and chunking
to map memory locations to ownership records. Weak references allow recycling of
unused ownership records and thus reduce memory overhead. To enable a fast
garbage collection, the scheme uses a versioned managed heap and versioned weak
references. Further, we describe optimizations enabled by the one-to-one mapping
that compensate overhead introduced by the additional managed heap.
An evaluation of the method using the Deuce framework and JStamp benchmarks
shows that, on average, the dynamic one-to-one mapping provides better performance than
hash-based one-to-many mappings at the cost of a moderate memory overhead.
author = {Martin Bättig and Thomas R. Gross},
title = {Dynamic One-to-One Mapping of Ownership Records for STM using Versioned Weak References},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {37--49},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361020},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
A Type System for Data Independence of Loop Iterations in a Directive-Based PGAS Language
Tatsuya Abe
(Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan)
Data independence of iterations of a loop statement in a
partitioned global address space (PGAS) language is a sufficient
condition to enable parallel processing of the loop iterations on
distributed memories. However, checking data independence is
generally difficult. In this paper, we propose the
non-interference property of statements and design a sub-language
of a directive-based PGAS language XcalableMP with a type system
using the notion of vertex centricity. Although data
independence and non-interference are generally mutually
orthogonal, non-interference of a statement in the sub-language,
which can be checked easily on the type system, implies data
independence. We also implemented type checking on the Omni
compiler for XcalableMP and confirmed the effectiveness of our
approach using case studies of directive-based parallelization
and temporal blocking optimization of stencil kernels.
author = {Tatsuya Abe},
title = {A Type System for Data Independence of Loop Iterations in a Directive-Based PGAS Language},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {50--62},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361021},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
Hosting OpenMP Programs on Java Virtual Machines
Swapnil Gaikwad, Andy Nisbet, and
Mikel Luján
(University of Manchester, UK)
To leverage existing virtual machine infrastructures is attractive for programming language implementors because competitive runtime performance may be achieved with a reduced effort. For example, the Truffle framework has enabled Ruby (TruffleRuby), and C (Sulong)guest language implementations to be hosted on a Java Virtual Machine(JVM). In this paper, we present Sulong-OpenMP, the first Truffle-based implementation to support parallel programs written in C/C++ and OpenMP. Our implementation adds OpenMP support to Sulongthat executes LLVM Intermediate Representation (LLVM IR) for C/C++ programs on a JVM.
We outline the challenges faced in supporting OpenMP execution semantics, and the current limitations of Sulong-OpenMP. The geometric mean overhead of 1 thread Sulong-OpenMP compared to sequential Sulong execution was 2.6% for the NAS Parallel Benchmark suite, at peak runtime performance. Although this paper focuses on the correctness of our implementation concerning the OpenMP memory model, we also highlight the diminishing performance gap between the native execution with clang -O2 and our Sulong-OpenMP as only 1.2x in the best case using 4 OpenMP threads.
author = {Swapnil Gaikwad and Andy Nisbet and Mikel Luján},
title = {Hosting OpenMP Programs on Java Virtual Machines},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {63--71},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361031},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
Program Analysis
Predicting All Data Race Pairs for a Specific Schedule
Martin Sulzmann and Kai Stadtmüller
(Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
We consider the problem of data race prediction where the program's behavior
is represented by a trace. A trace is a sequence of program events recorded
during the execution of the program.
We employ the schedulable happens-before relation to characterize
all pairs of events that are in a race for the schedule as manifested in the trace.
Compared to the classic happens-before relation, the schedulable happens-before relations
properly takes care of write-read dependencies and thus avoids false positives.
The challenge is to efficiently identify all (schedulable) data race pairs.
We present a refined linear time vector clock algorithm
to predict many of the schedulable data race pairs.
We introduce a quadratic time post-processing algorithm to predict
all remaining data race pairs.
This improves the state of the art in the area and our experiments
show that our approach scales to real-world examples.
Thus, the user can systematically examine and fix all program locations that are in a race
for a particular schedule.
author = {Martin Sulzmann and Kai Stadtmüller},
title = {Predicting All Data Race Pairs for a Specific Schedule},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {72--84},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361022},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
Towards Efficient, Multi-Language Dynamic Taint Analysis
Jacob Kreindl,
Daniele Bonetta, and
Hanspeter Mössenböck
(JKU Linz, Austria; Oracle Labs, USA)
Dynamic taint analysis is a program analysis technique in which data is marked and its propagation is tracked while the program is executing. It is applied to solve problems in many fields, especially in software security. Current taint analysis platforms are limited to a single programming language, and therefore cannot support programs which, as is common today, are implemented in multiple programming languages. Current implementations of dynamic taint analysis also incur a significant performance overhead.
In this paper we address both these limitations (1) by presenting our vision of a multi-language dynamic taint analysis platform, which is built around a language-agnostic core framework that is extended by language-specific front-ends and (2) by discussing the use of speculative optimization and dynamic compilation to reduce the execution overhead of dynamic taint analysis applications. An implementation of such a platform would enable dynamic taint analyses that can target multiple languages in one analysis implementation and can track tainted data across language boundaries. We describe this approach in the context of the GraalVM runtime and its included JIT compiler, Graal, which allows us to target both dynamic and static languages.
author = {Jacob Kreindl and Daniele Bonetta and Hanspeter Mössenböck},
title = {Towards Efficient, Multi-Language Dynamic Taint Analysis},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {85--94},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361028},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
Detection of Suspicious Time Windows in Memory Monitoring
Markus Weninger, Elias Gander, and
Hanspeter Mössenböck
(JKU Linz, Austria)
Modern memory monitoring tools do not only offer analyses at a single point in time, but also offer features to analyze the memory evolution over time.
These features provide more detailed insights into an application's behavior, yet they also make the tools more complex and harder to use.
Analyses over time are typically performed on certain time windows within which the application behaves abnormally.
Such suspicious time windows first have to be detected by the users, which is a non-trivial task, especially for novice users that have no experience in memory monitoring.
In this paper, we present algorithms to automatically detect suspicious time windows that exhibit (1) continuous memory growth, (2) high GC utilization, or (3) high memory churn.
For each of these problems we also discuss its root causes and implications.
To show the feasibility of our detection techniques, we integrated them into AntTracks, a memory monitoring tool developed by us.
Throughout the paper, we present their usage on various problems and real-world applications.
author = {Markus Weninger and Elias Gander and Hanspeter Mössenböck},
title = {Detection of Suspicious Time Windows in Memory Monitoring},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {95--104},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361025},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
Compilation and Code Manipulation
Static TypeScript: An Implementation of a Static Compiler for the TypeScript Language
Thomas Ball,
Peli de Halleux, and Michał Moskal
(Microsoft Research, USA)
While the programming of microcontroller-based embeddable devices typically is the realm of the C language, such devices are now finding their way into the classroom for CS education, even at the level of middle school. As a result, the use of scripting languages (such as JavaScript and Python) for microcontrollers is on the rise.
We present Static TypeScript (STS), a subset of TypeScript (itself, a gradually typed superset of JavaScript), and its compiler/linker toolchain, which is implemented fully in TypeScript and runs in the web browser. STS is designed to be useful in practice (especially in education), while being amenable to static compilation targeting small devices. A user’s STS program is compiled to machine code in the browser and linked against a precompiled C++ runtime, producing an executable that is more efficient than the prevalent embedded interpreter approach, extending battery life and making it possible to run on devices with as little as 16 kB of RAM (such as the BBC micro:bit).
This paper is primarily a description of the STS system and the technical challenges of implementing embedded programming platforms in the classroom.
author = {Thomas Ball and Peli de Halleux and Michał Moskal},
title = {Static TypeScript: An Implementation of a Static Compiler for the TypeScript Language},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {105--116},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361032},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
PorcE: A Deparallelizing Compiler
Arthur Michener Peters, John A. Thywissen, and
Christopher J. Rossbach
(University of Texas at Austin, USA; VMware, USA)
Concurrent and parallel programming environments must balance three competing goals: performance, productivity, and generality. Most current environments take a sequential specification and parallelize it through a series of program analyses and transformations. Programmer productivity is determined by how much the programmer is involved in specifying the transform. A programming environment’s generality is determined by how much it restricts its programming model to enable the transform to be more automatic or provide better performance. Productivity and generality impact the performance of the resulting code, giving rise to a performance–productivity–generality trade-off space.
PorcE takes a different approach: PorcE starts from a maximally concurrent program, which it deparallelizes. We hypothesize that this dramatically changes the accessible regions of the performance–productivity–generality space, because the complexity of deparallelization is quite different than for parallelization. PorcE uses a novel combination of optimizations that enable multicore scaling with performance similar to popular high-level languages, such as Python. Benchmarks show that optimized PorcE is 56 times faster than unoptimized excessively parallel PorcE. It is 4 times slower than hand-parallelized Scala, on average, when using existing Scala code for core sequential computations, which is similar to Python. This shows the potential for practical performance of pervasively concurrent programs.
author = {Arthur Michener Peters and John A. Thywissen and Christopher J. Rossbach},
title = {PorcE: A Deparallelizing Compiler},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {117--130},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361023},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
An Analysis of Call-Site Patching without Strong Hardware Support for Self-Modifying-Code
Tim Hartley, Foivos S. Zakkak,
Christos Kotselidis, and
Mikel Luján
(University of Manchester, UK)
With micro-services continuously gaining popularity and low-power processors making their way into data centers, efficient execution of managed runtime systems on low-power architectures is also gaining interest. Apart from the inherent performance differences between high and low power processors, porting a managed runtime system to a low-power architecture may result in spuriously introducing additional overheads and design trade-offs.
In this work we investigate how the lack of strong hardware support for Self Modifying Code (SMC) in low-power architectures, influences Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation and execution in modern virtual machines. In particular, we examine how low-power architectures, with no or limited hardware support for SMC, impose restrictions on call-site implementations, when the latter need to be patchable by the runtime system. We present four different memory-safe implementations for call-site generation and discuss their advantages and disadvantages in the absence of strong hardware support for SMC. Finally, we evaluate each technique on different workloads using micro-benchmarks and we evaluate the best two techniques on the Dacapo benchmark suite showcasing performance differences up to 15%.
author = {Tim Hartley and Foivos S. Zakkak and Christos Kotselidis and Mikel Luján},
title = {An Analysis of Call-Site Patching without Strong Hardware Support for Self-Modifying-Code},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {131--143},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361027},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
Performance of an OO Compute Kernel on the JVM: Revisiting Java as a Language for Scientific Computing Applications
Malin Källén and
Tobias Wrigstad
(Uppsala University, Sweden)
The study of Java as a programming language for scientific computing is
warranted by simpler, more extensible and more easily maintainable code.
Previous work on refactoring a C++ scientific computing code base to follow
best practises of object-oriented software development revealed a coupling of
such practises and considerable slowdowns due to indirections introduced by
abstractions. In this paper, we explore how Java's JIT compiler handle such
abstraction-induced indirection using a typical scientific computing compute
kernel extracted from a linear solver written in C++. We find that the
computation times for large workloads on one machine can be on-pair for C++ and
Java. However, for distributed computations, a better parallelisation strategy
needs to be found for non-blocking communication. We also report on the impact
on performance for common "gripes": garbage collection, array bounds checking,
and dynamic binding.
author = {Malin Källén and Tobias Wrigstad},
title = {Performance of an OO Compute Kernel on the JVM: Revisiting Java as a Language for Scientific Computing Applications},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {144--156},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361026},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
Asynchronous Snapshots of Actor Systems for Latency-Sensitive Applications
Dominik Aumayr,
Stefan Marr, Elisa Gonzalez Boix, and
Hanspeter Mössenböck
(JKU Linz, Austria; University of Kent, UK; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
The actor model is popular for many types of server applications. Efficient snapshotting of applications is crucial in the deployment of pre-initialized applications or moving running applications to different machines, e.g for debugging purposes. A key issue is that snapshotting blocks all other operations. In modern latency-sensitive applications, stopping the application to persist its state needs to be avoided, because users may not tolerate the increased request latency. In order to minimize the impact of snapshotting on request latency, our approach persists the application’s state asynchronously by capturing partial heaps, completing snapshots step by step. Additionally, our solution is transparent and supports arbitrary object graphs. We prototyped our snapshotting approach on top of the Truffle/Graal platform and evaluated it with the Savina benchmarks and the Acme Air microservice application. When performing a snapshot every thousand Acme Air requests, the number of slow requests ( 0.007% of all requests) with latency above 100ms increases by 5.43%. Our Savina microbenchmark results detail how different utilization patterns impact snapshotting cost. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first system that enables asynchronous snapshotting of actor applications, i.e. without stop-the-world synchronization, and thereby minimizes the impact on latency. We thus believe it enables new deployment and debugging options for actor systems.
author = {Dominik Aumayr and Stefan Marr and Elisa Gonzalez Boix and Hanspeter Mössenböck},
title = {Asynchronous Snapshots of Actor Systems for Latency-Sensitive Applications},
booktitle = {Proc.\ MPLR},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {157--171},
doi = {10.1145/3357390.3361019},
year = {2019},
Publisher's Version
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