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15th International Conference on Modularity (MODULARITY Companion 2016),
March 14–17, 2016,
Málaga, Spain
Tool Demonstrations
Student Research Competition
Workshop on Constrained and Reactive Objects (CROW 2016)
Automatically Selecting and Optimizing Constraint Solver Procedures for Object-Constraint Languages
Tim Felgentreff, Stefan Lehmann,
Robert Hirschfeld, Sebastian Gerstenberg, Jakob Reschke, Lars Rückert, Patrick Siegler, Jan Graichen, Christian Nicolai, and Malte Swart
(HPI, Germany)
Workshop on Foundations Of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2016)
Language Modularity À La Mode (LaMOD 2016)
Workshop on Live Adaptation of Software Systems (LASSY 2016)
Adaptation Scoping
Software Processes
Alternative Adaptation Models
Workshop on Modularity Across the System Stack (MASS 2016)
Modular Real-Time Systems
Systems and Contexts
Systems and Aspects
Workshop on Modularity in Modelling (MOMO 2016)
Separation of Concerns in Epidemiological Modelling
Thi Mai Anh Bui, Mikal Ziane, Serge Stinckwich, Tuong Vinh Ho, Benjamin Roche, and Nick Papoulias
(Vietnam National University, Vietnam; UMMISCO, France; UPMC, France; Paris Descartes University, France; LIP6, France)
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