ICSSP 2012
2012 International Conference on Software and System Process (ICSSP)
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2012 International Conference on Software and System Process (ICSSP), June 2–3, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

ICSSP 2012 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Title Page


Process Analysis and Optimization in Emergency Medicine (Keynote Abstract)
Rolf H. van Lengen
(Fraunhofer IESE, Germany)
System Processes are Software Too (Keynote Abstract)
Leon J. Osterweil
(University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA)

Process Simulation 1
Sat, Jun 2, 11:00 - 12:30 (Chair: Thomas Birkhölzer)

Simulation Modeling of a Large-Scale Formal Verification Process
He Zhang, Gerwin Klein, Mark Staples, June Andronick, Liming Zhu, and Rafal Kolanski
(NICTA, Australia; UNSW, Australia)
Simulation-Based Decision Support for Bringing a Project Back on Track: The Case of RUP-Based Software Construction
Elham Paikari, Guenther Ruhe, and Prashanth Harish Southekel
(University of Calgary, Canada; Accenture, Canada)
Modeling Kanban Processes in Systems Engineering
Richard Turner, Raymond Madachy, Dan Ingold, and Jo Ann Lane
(Stevens Institute of Technology, USA; Naval Postgraduate School, USA; University of Southern California, USA)

Process Frameworks 1
Sat, Jun 2, 11:00 - 12:30 (Chair: Ove Armbrust)

COTIPMO: A COnstructive Team Improvement Process MOdel
Pongtip Aroonvatanaporn, Supannika Koolmanojwong, and Barry Boehm
(University of Southern California, USA)
Towards Patterns for MDE-Related Processes to Detect and Handle Changeability Risks
Regina Hebig, Gregor Gabrysiak, and Holger Giese
(HPI, Germany)
Generation of Dynamic Process Models for Multi-metamodel Applications
Fahad R. Golra and Fabien Dagnat
(IRISA, France; Université Européenne de Bretagne, France; Telecom Bretagne, France)

New Horizons
Sat, Jun 2, 14:00 - 15:30 (Chair: Dewayne E. Perry)

Introducing Software Process Tailoring to BPMN: BPMNt
Raquel M. Pillat, Toacy C. Oliveira, and Fabio L. Fonseca
(UFRJ, Brazil)
Improving the Development Process for Automotive Diagnostics
Ingolf Krüger, Massimiliano Menarini, Filippo Seracini, Maximilian Fuchs, and Jens Kohl
(UC San Diego, USA; BMW Group, Germany)
Process Implications of Social Networking-Based Requirements Negotiation Tools
Nupul Kukreja and Barry Boehm
(University of Southern California, USA)
Developer Experience: Concept and Definition
Fabian Fagerholm and Jürgen Münch
(University of Helsinki, Finland)

Process Frameworks 2
Sat, Jun 2, 14:00 - 15:30 (Chair: Dan Houston)

Improving Systems Engineering Effectiveness in Rapid Response Development Environments
Richard Turner, Raymond Madachy, Dan Ingold, and Jo Ann Lane
(Stevens Institute of Technology, USA; Naval Postgraduate School, USA; University of Southern California, USA)
Identifying Criteria for Designing a Process Architecture in a Multimodel Environment
Mery Pesantes, Cuauhtémoc Lemus, Hugo A. Mitre, and Jezreel Mejía
(CIMAT, Mexico)
Supporting Quantitative Reasoning of Non-functional Requirements: A Process-Oriented Approach
Amy Affleck and Aneesh Krishna
(Curtin University, Australia)

Process Modeling
Sun, Jun 3, 11:00 - 12:30 (Chair: María Cecilia Bastarrica)

Elements of a Generalized Duration Forecasting Model of Test-and-Fix Cycles
Dan Houston
(Aerospace Corporation, USA)
Software Team Processes: A Taxonomy
Pierre N. Robillard and Mathieu Lavallée
(École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada)
An Approach to Modeling and Supporting the Rework Process in Refactoring
Xiang Zhao and Leon J. Osterweil
(University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA)

Process Improvement
Sun, Jun 3, 11:00 - 12:30

Supporting Collaborative Development Using Process Models: An Integration-Focused Approach
Komlan Akpédjé Kedji, Redouane Lbath, Bernard Coulette, Mahmoud Nassar, Laurent Baresse, and Florin Racaru
(IRIT, France; University of Toulouse, France; Université Mohammed V- Souissi, Morocco; AKKA Technologies, France)
Architectural Design and Documentation: Waste in Agile Development?
Christian R. Prause and Zoya Durdik
(Fraunhofer FIT, Germany; FZI, Germany)
ReMo: A Recommendation Model for Software Process Improvement
Sujin Choi, Dae-Kyoo Kim, and Sooyong Park
(Sogang University, South Korea; Oakland University, USA)

Case Studies
Sun, Jun 3, 14:00 - 15:30 (Chair: Peter Kaiser)

From Scrum to Scrumban: A Case Study of a Process Transition
Natalja Nikitina, Mira Kajko-Mattsson, and Magnus Stråle
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Comparing Two Software Emergency Process Models
Joakim Snygg, Mira Kajko-Mattsson, and Emil Hammargren
(Stockholm University, Sweden; KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Assessing Team Performance from a Socio-technical Congruence Perspective
Li Jiang, Kathleen M. Carley, and Armin Eberlein
(University of Adelaide, Australia; CMU, USA; American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)

Process Tailoring
Sun, Jun 3, 14:00 - 15:30 (Chair: LiGuo Huang)

Building Software Process Lines with CASPER
Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría and María Cecilia Bastarrica
(Universidad del Cauca, Colombia; University of Chile, Chile)
Risk Management in Software Product Lines: An Industrial Case Study
Luanna Lopes Lobato, Paulo Anselmo da Mota Silveira Neto, Ivan do Carmo Machado, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, and Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira
(Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil; Federal University of Goiás, Brazil; Federal University of Bahia, Brazil)
A Reduced Set of RUP Roles to Small Software Development Teams
Paula Monteiro, Pedro Borges, Ricardo J. Machado, and Pedro Ribeiro
(University of Minho, Portugal; ESTGF, Portugal)

Process Simulation 2
Sun, Jun 3, 16:00 - 17:00 (Chair: Ross Jeffery)

Systematic Mapping of Recommendation Systems for Requirements Engineering
Jamshaid G. Mohebzada, Guenther Ruhe, and Armin Eberlein
(University of Calgary, Canada; American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)
Modeling and Analysis of Software Development Management as Closed Loop Control
Thea Schlüter and Thomas Birkhölzer
(University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, Germany)

Sat, Jun 2, 16:00 - 17:30 (Chair: He Zhang)

Special Panel: Software Process Simulation - At a Crossroads?
He Zhang
(NICTA, Australia; UNSW, Australia)
Broadening Software Process Perspectives
Raymond Madachy
(Naval Postgraduate School, USA)
Research and Practice Reciprocity in Software Process Simulation
Dan Houston
(Aerospace Corporation, USA)
Advancing Process Modeling, Simulation, and Analytics in Practice
Stanley M. Sutton, Jr.
(IBM Research, USA)
Software Process Simulation Is Simulation Too - What Can Be Learned from Other Domains of Simulation?
Thomas Birkhölzer
(University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, Germany)
Evolving Process Simulators by Using Validated Learning
Jürgen Münch
(University of Helsinki, Finland)
Simulation Modeling of Evolving Software Processes
He Zhang
(NICTA, Australia; UNSW, Australia)
Process Simulation Will Soon Come of Age: Where's the Party?
David Raffo
(Portland State University, USA)

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