30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022)
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30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022), November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore

ESEC/FSE 2022 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message from the Chairs
ESEC/FSE 2022 Organization
ESEC/FSE 2022 Sponsors and Supporters

Invited Contributions


AI-Assisted Programming: Applications, User Experiences, and Neuro-Symbolic Techniques (Keynote)
Sumit Gulwani
(Microsoft, USA)
Publisher's Version
On Safety, Assurance, and Reliability: A Software Engineering Perspective (Keynote)
Marsha Chechik
(University of Toronto, Canada)
Publisher's Version

Impact Award Paper Keynote

Task Modularity and the Emergence of Software Value Streams (Impact Award Paper Keynote)
Gail C. Murphy and Mik Kersten
(University of British Columbia, Canada; Tasktop Technologies, Canada)
Publisher's Version

Invited Tutorials

Academic Prototyping (Invited Tutorial)
Andreas Zeller
(CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Multi-perspective Representation Learning for Source Code Analytics (Invited Tutorial)
Zhi Jin
(Peking University, China)
Publisher's Version

Main Research

Machine Learning I

Adaptive Fairness Improvement Based on Causality Analysis
Mengdi Zhang and Jun Sun
(Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version
NatGen: Generative Pre-training by “Naturalizing” Source Code
Saikat Chakraborty, Toufique Ahmed, Yangruibo Ding, Premkumar T. Devanbu, and Baishakhi Ray
(Columbia University, USA; University of California at Davis, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available

Software Testing I

Testing of Autonomous Driving Systems: Where Are We and Where Should We Go?
Guannan Lou, Yao Deng, Xi Zheng, Mengshi Zhang, and Tianyi Zhang
(Macquarie University, Australia; Meta, USA; Purdue University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Fuzzing Deep-Learning Libraries via Automated Relational API Inference
Yinlin Deng, Chenyuan Yang, Anjiang Wei, and Lingming Zhang
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Stanford University, USA)
Publisher's Version
SEDiff: Scope-Aware Differential Fuzzing to Test Internal Function Models in Symbolic Execution
Penghui Li, Wei Meng, and Kangjie Lu
(Chinese University of Hong Kong, China; University of Minnesota, USA)
Publisher's Version
Perfect Is the Enemy of Test Oracle
Ali Reza Ibrahimzada, Yigit Varli, Dilara Tekinoglu, and Reyhaneh Jabbarvand
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Middle East Technical University, USA; University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Scenario-Based Test Reduction and Prioritization for Multi-Module Autonomous Driving Systems
Yao Deng, Xi Zheng, Mengshi Zhang, Guannan Lou, and Tianyi Zhang
(Macquarie University, Australia; Meta, USA; Purdue University, USA)
Publisher's Version
MOSAT: Finding Safety Violations of Autonomous Driving Systems using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm
Haoxiang Tian, Yan Jiang, Guoquan Wu, Jiren Yan, Jun Wei, Wei Chen, Shuo Li, and Dan Ye
(Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing College, China; China Southern Power Grid, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Chongqing School, China; Nanjing Institute of Software Technology, China)
Publisher's Version

Empirical I

Are We Building on the Rock? On the Importance of Data Preprocessing for Code Summarization
Lin Shi, Fangwen Mu, Xiao Chen, Song Wang, Junjie Wang, Ye Yang, Ge Li, Xin Xia, and Qing Wang
(Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; York University, Canada; Stevens Institute of Technology, USA; Peking University, China; Huawei, China)
Publisher's Version
Correlates of Programmer Efficacy and Their Link to Experience: A Combined EEG and Eye-Tracking Study
Norman Peitek, Annabelle Bergum, Maurice Rekrut, Jonas Mucke, Matthias Nadig, Chris Parnin, Janet Siegmund, and Sven Apel
(Saarland University, Germany; German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany; Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany; North Carolina State University, USA)
Publisher's Version Info
What Motivates Software Practitioners to Contribute to Inner Source?
Zhiyuan Wan, Xin Xia, Yun Zhang, David Lo, Daibing Zhou, Qiuyuan Chen, and Ahmed E. Hassan
(Zhejiang University, China; Huawei, China; Zhejiang University City College, China; Singapore Management University, Singapore; Queen’s University, Canada)
Publisher's Version


A Retrospective Study of One Decade of Artifact Evaluations
Stefan Winter, Christopher S. Timperley, Ben Hermann, Jürgen Cito, Jonathan Bell, Michael Hilton, and Dirk Beyer
(LMU Munich, Germany; Carnegie Mellon University, USA; TU Dortmund, Germany; TU Wien, Austria; Northeastern University, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
Quantifying Community Evolution in Developer Social Networks
Liang Wang, Ying Li, Jierui Zhang, and Xianping Tao
(Nanjing University, China)
Publisher's Version Info
Understanding Skills for OSS Communities on GitHub
Jenny T. Liang, Thomas Zimmermann, and Denae Ford
(University of Washington, USA; Microsoft Research, USA)
Publisher's Version Info

Software Evolution

Accurate Method and Variable Tracking in Commit History
Mehran Jodavi and Nikolaos Tsantalis
(Concordia University, Canada)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Classifying Edits to Variability in Source Code
Paul Maximilian Bittner, Christof Tinnes, Alexander Schultheiß, Sören Viegener, Timo Kehrer, and Thomas Thüm
(University of Ulm, Germany; Siemens, Germany; Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany; University of Bern, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
The Evolution of Type Annotations in Python: An Empirical Study
Luca Di Grazia and Michael Pradel
(University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
UTANGO: Untangling Commits with Context-Aware, Graph-Based, Code Change Clustering Learning Model
Yi Li, Shaohua Wang, and Tien N. Nguyen
(New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA; University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Publisher's Version Info

Program Analysis I

Static Executes-Before Analysis for Event Driven Programs
Rekha Pai, Abhishek Uppar, Akshatha Shenoy, Pranshul Kushwaha, and Deepak D'Souza
(IISc Bangalore, India; TCS Research, India)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Security Code Smells in Apps: Are We Getting Better?
Steven Arzt
(Fraunhofer SIT, Germany; ATHENE, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Large-Scale Analysis of Non-Termination Bugs in Real-World OSS Projects
Xiuhan Shi, Xiaofei Xie, Yi Li, Yao Zhang, Sen Chen, and Xiaohong Li
(Tianjin University, China; Singapore Management University, Singapore; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available
On-the-Fly Syntax Highlighting using Neural Networks
Marco Edoardo Palma, Pasquale Salza, and Harald C. Gall
(University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available
Declarative Smart Contracts
Haoxian Chen, Gerald Whitters, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Yuepeng Wang, and Boon Thau Loo
(University of Pennsylvania, USA; Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional

Human/Computer Interaction

Asynchronous Technical Interviews: Reducing the Effect of Supervised Think-Aloud on Communication Ability
Mahnaz Behroozi, Chris Parnin, and Chris Brown
(IBM, USA; North Carolina State University, USA; Virginia Tech, USA)
Publisher's Version
How to Formulate Specific How-To Questions in Software Development?
Mingwei Liu, Xin Peng, Andrian Marcus, Christoph Treude, Jiazhan Xie, Huanjun Xu, and Yanjun Yang
(Fudan University, China; University of Texas at Dallas, USA; University of Melbourne, Australia)
Publisher's Version
Pair Programming Conversations with Agents vs. Developers: Challenges and Opportunities for SE Community
Peter Robe, Sandeep K. Kuttal, Jake AuBuchon, and Jacob Hart
(University of Tulsa, USA)
Publisher's Version
Psychologically-Inspired, Unsupervised Inference of Perceptual Groups of GUI Widgets from GUI Images
Mulong Xie, Zhenchang Xing, Sidong Feng, Xiwei Xu, Liming Zhu, and Chunyang Chen
(Australian National University, Australia; CSIRO’s Data61, Australia; Monash University, Australia; UNSW, Australia)
Publisher's Version Info
Toward Interactive Bug Reporting for (Android App) End-Users
Yang Song, Junayed Mahmud, Ying Zhou, Oscar Chaparro, Kevin Moran, Andrian Marcus, and Denys Poshyvanyk
(College of William and Mary, USA; George Mason University, USA; University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable

Machine Learning II

Understanding Performance Problems in Deep Learning Systems
Junming Cao, Bihuan Chen, Chao Sun, Longjie Hu, Shuaihong Wu, and Xin Peng
(Fudan University, China)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
API Recommendation for Machine Learning Libraries: How Far Are We?
Moshi Wei, Yuchao Huang, Junjie Wang, Jiho Shin, Nima Shiri Harzevili, and Song Wang
(York University, Canada; Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Publisher's Version
No More Fine-Tuning? An Experimental Evaluation of Prompt Tuning in Code Intelligence
Chaozheng Wang, Yuanhang Yang, Cuiyun Gao, Yun Peng, Hongyu Zhang, and Michael R. Lyu
(Harbin Institute of Technology, China; Chinese University of Hong Kong, China; University of Newcastle, Australia)
Publisher's Version

Software Testing II

Cross-Device Record and Replay for Android Apps
Cong Li, Yanyan Jiang, and Chang Xu
(Nanjing University, China)
Publisher's Version Info
Online Testing of RESTful APIs: Promises and Challenges
Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés
(University of Seville, Spain)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
Avgust: Automating Usage-Based Test Generation from Videos of App Executions
Yixue Zhao, Saghar Talebipour, Kesina Baral, Hyojae Park, Leon Yee, Safwat Ali Khan, Yuriy Brun, Nenad Medvidović, and Kevin Moran
(University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA; University of Southern California, USA; George Mason University, USA; Sharon High School, USA; Valley Christian High School, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Detecting Non-crashing Functional Bugs in Android Apps via Deep-State Differential Analysis
Jue Wang, Yanyan Jiang, Ting Su, Shaohua Li, Chang Xu, Jian Lu, and Zhendong Su
(Nanjing University, China; East China Normal University, China; ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available
RoboFuzz: Fuzzing Robotic Systems over Robot Operating System (ROS) for Finding Correctness Bugs
Seulbae Kim and Taesoo Kim
(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable

Empirical II

AgileCtrl: A Self-Adaptive Framework for Configuration Tuning
Shu Wang, Henry Hoffmann, and Shan Lu
(LinkedIn, USA; University of Chicago, USA)
Publisher's Version
Using Nudges to Accelerate Code Reviews at Scale
Qianhua Shan, David Sukhdeo, Qianying Huang, Seth Rogers, Lawrence Chen, Elise Paradis, Peter C. Rigby, and Nachiappan Nagappan
(Meta, USA; Concordia University, Canada)
Publisher's Version
First Come First Served: The Impact of File Position on Code Review
Enrico Fregnan, Larissa Braz, Marco D'Ambros, Gül Çalıklı, and Alberto Bacchelli
(University of Zurich, Switzerland; USI Lugano, Switzerland; University of Glasgow, UK)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
Code, Quality, and Process Metrics in Graduated and Retired ASFI Projects
Ștefan Stănciulescu, Likang Yin, and Vladimir Filkov
(University of California at Davis, USA)
Publisher's Version
CommentFinder: A Simpler, Faster, More Accurate Code Review Comments Recommendation
Yang Hong, Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn, Patanamon Thongtanunam, and Aldeida Aleti
(Monash University, Australia; University of Melbourne, Australia)
Publisher's Version

Machine Learning III

AutoPruner: Transformer-Based Call Graph Pruning
Thanh Le-Cong, Hong Jin Kang, Truong Giang Nguyen, Stefanus Agus Haryono, David Lo, Xuan-Bach D. Le, and Quyet Thang Huynh
(Singapore Management University, Singapore; University of Melbourne, Australia; Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Lighting Up Supervised Learning in User Review-Based Code Localization: Dataset and Benchmark
Xinwen Hu, Yu Guo, Jianjie Lu, Zheling Zhu, Chuanyi Li, Jidong Ge, Liguo Huang, and Bin Luo
(Nanjing University, China; Southern Methodist University, USA)
Publisher's Version
CORMS: A GitHub and Gerrit Based Hybrid Code Reviewer Recommendation Approach for Modern Code Review
Prahar Pandya and Saurabh Tiwari
(DA-IICT Gandhinagar, India)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available
Hierarchical Bayesian Multi-kernel Learning for Integrated Classification and Summarization of App Reviews
Moayad Alshangiti, Weishi Shi, Eduardo Lima, Xumin Liu, and Qi Yu
(University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Publisher's Version
Semi-supervised Pre-processing for Learning-Based Traceability Framework on Real-World Software Projects
Liming Dong, He Zhang, Wei Liu, Zhiluo Weng, and Hongyu Kuang
(Nanjing University, China)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available

Formal Methods

Input Invariants
Dominic Steinhöfel and Andreas Zeller
(CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Germany)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
Modus: A Datalog Dialect for Building Container Images
Chris Tomy, Tingmao Wang, Earl T. Barr, and Sergey Mechtaev
(University College London, UK)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
Multi-Phase Invariant Synthesis
Daniel Riley and Grigory Fedyukovich
(Florida State University, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Parasol: Efficient Parallel Synthesis of Large Model Spaces
Clay Stevens and Hamid Bagheri
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Publisher's Version
Neural Termination Analysis
Mirco Giacobbe, Daniel Kroening, and Julian Parsert
(University of Birmingham, UK; University of Oxford, UK)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available


PaReco: Patched Clones and Missed Patches among the Divergent Variants of a Software Family
Poedjadevie Kadjel Ramkisoen, John Businge, Brent van Bladel, Alexandre Decan, Serge Demeyer, Coen De Roover, and Foutse Khomh
(University of Antwerp, Belgium; Flanders Make, Belgium; University of Nevada at Las Vegas, USA; University of Mons, Belgium; F.R.S.-FNRS, Belgium; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Fault Localization to Detect Co-change Fixing Locations
Yi Li, Shaohua Wang, and Tien N. Nguyen
(New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA; University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Publisher's Version Info
The Best of Both Worlds: Integrating Semantic Features with Expert Features for Defect Prediction and Localization
Chao Ni, Wei Wang, Kaiwen Yang, Xin Xia, Kui Liu, and David Lo
(Zhejiang University, China; Huawei, China; Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version

Mining Software Repositories

An Exploratory Study on the Predominant Programming Paradigms in Python Code
Robert Dyer and Jigyasa Chauhan
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
Making Python Code Idiomatic by Automatic Refactoring Non-idiomatic Python Code with Pythonic Idioms
Zejun Zhang, Zhenchang Xing, Xin Xia, Xiwei Xu, and Liming Zhu
(Australian National University, Australia; CSIRO’s Data61, Australia; Huawei, China)
Publisher's Version
An Empirical Study of Blockchain System Vulnerabilities: Modules, Types, and Patterns
Xiao Yi, Daoyuan Wu, Lingxiao Jiang, Yuzhou Fang, Kehuan Zhang, and Wei Zhang
(Chinese University of Hong Kong, China; Singapore Management University, Singapore; Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
Publisher's Version
How to Better Utilize Code Graphs in Semantic Code Search?
Yucen Shi, Ying Yin, Zhengkui Wang, David Lo, Tao Zhang, Xin Xia, Yuhai Zhao, and Bowen Xu
(Northeastern University, China; Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore; Singapore Management University, Singapore; Macau University of Science and Technology, China; Huawei, China)
Publisher's Version
23 Shades of Self-Admitted Technical Debt: An Empirical Study on Machine Learning Software
David OBrien, Sumon Biswas, Sayem Imtiaz, Rabe Abdalkareem, Emad Shihab, and Hridesh Rajan
(Iowa State University, USA; Carleton University, Canada; Concordia University, Canada)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional

Program Analysis II

NeuDep: Neural Binary Memory Dependence Analysis
Kexin Pei, Dongdong She, Michael Wang, Scott Geng, Zhou Xuan, Yaniv David, Junfeng Yang, Suman Jana, and Baishakhi Ray
(Columbia University, USA; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; Purdue University, USA)
Publisher's Version
DynaPyt: A Dynamic Analysis Framework for Python
Aryaz Eghbali and Michael Pradel
(University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Cross-Language Android Permission Specification
Chaoran Li, Xiao Chen, Ruoxi Sun, Minhui Xue, Sheng Wen, Muhammad Ejaz Ahmed, Seyit Camtepe, and Yang Xiang
(Swinburne University of Technology, Australia; Monash University, Australia; University of Adelaide, Australia; CSIRO’s Data61, Australia)
Publisher's Version
Peahen: Fast and Precise Static Deadlock Detection via Context Reduction
Yuandao Cai, Chengfeng Ye, Qingkai Shi, and Charles Zhang
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China; Ant Group, China)
Publisher's Version


A Case Study of Implicit Mentoring, Its Prevalence, and Impact in Apache
Zixuan Feng, Amreeta Chatterjee, Anita Sarma, and Iftekhar Ahmed
(Oregon State University, USA; University of California at Irvine, USA)
Publisher's Version
Software Security during Modern Code Review: The Developer’s Perspective
Larissa Braz and Alberto Bacchelli
(University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available
Program Merge Conflict Resolution via Neural Transformers
Alexey Svyatkovskiy, Sarah Fakhoury, Negar Ghorbani, Todd Mytkowicz, Elizabeth Dinella, Christian Bird, Jinu Jang, Neel Sundaresan, and Shuvendu K. Lahiri
(Microsoft, USA; Washington State University, USA; University of California at Irvine, USA; Microsoft Research, USA; University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Publisher's Version


Automated Unearthing of Dangerous Issue Reports
Shengyi Pan, Jiayuan Zhou, Filipe Roseiro Cogo, Xin Xia, Lingfeng Bao, Xing Hu, Shanping Li, and Ahmed E. Hassan
(Zhejiang University, China; Huawei, Canada; Huawei, China; Queen’s University, Canada)
Publisher's Version
On the Vulnerability Proneness of Multilingual Code
Wen Li, Li Li, and Haipeng Cai
(Washington State University, USA; Monash University, Australia)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
Tracking Patches for Open Source Software Vulnerabilities
Congying Xu, Bihuan Chen, Chenhao Lu, Kaifeng Huang, Xin Peng, and Yang Liu
(Fudan University, China; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version
DeJITLeak: Eliminating JIT-Induced Timing Side-Channel Leaks
Qi Qin, JulianAndres JiYang, Fu Song, Taolue Chen, and Xinyu Xing
(ShanghaiTech University, China; Birkbeck University of London, UK; Northwestern University, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable


Quantitative Relational Modelling with QAlloy
Pedro Silva, José N. Oliveira, Nuno Macedo, and Alcino Cunha
(University of Minho, Portugal; INESC TEC, Portugal; University of Porto, Portugal)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Demystifying the Underground Ecosystem of Account Registration Bots
Yuhao Gao, Guoai Xu, Li Li, Xiapu Luo, Chenyu Wang, and Yulei Sui
(University of Technology Sydney, Australia; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China; Harbin Institute of Technology, China; Monash University, Australia; Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)
Publisher's Version
Using Graph Neural Networks for Program Termination
Yoav Alon and Cristina David
(University of Bristol, UK)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional

Program Repair/Synthesis

PyTER: Effective Program Repair for Python Type Errors
Wonseok Oh and Hakjoo Oh
(Korea University, South Korea)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
VulRepair: A T5-Based Automated Software Vulnerability Repair
Michael Fu, Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn, Trung Le, Van Nguyen, and Dinh Phung
(Monash University, Australia; University of Adelaide, Australia)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
DeepDev-PERF: A Deep Learning-Based Approach for Improving Software Performance
Spandan Garg, Roshanak Zilouchian Moghaddam, Colin B. Clement, Neel Sundaresan, and Chen Wu
(Microsoft, USA; Microsoft, China)
Publisher's Version
Less Training, More Repairing Please: Revisiting Automated Program Repair via Zero-Shot Learning
Chunqiu Steven Xia and Lingming Zhang
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Publisher's Version
NL2Viz: Natural Language to Visualization via Constrained Syntax-Guided Synthesis
Zhengkai Wu, Vu Le, Ashish Tiwari, Sumit Gulwani, Arjun Radhakrishna, Ivan Radiček, Gustavo Soares, Xinyu Wang, Zhenwen Li, and Tao Xie
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Microsoft, USA; University of Michigan, USA; Peking University, China)
Publisher's Version

Online Presentations

AccessiText: Automated Detection of Text Accessibility Issues in Android Apps
Abdulaziz Alshayban and Sam Malek
(University of California at Irvine, USA)
Publisher's Version
Actionable and Interpretable Fault Localization for Recurring Failures in Online Service Systems
Zeyan Li, Nengwen Zhao, Mingjie Li, Xianglin Lu, Lixin Wang, Dongdong Chang, Xiaohui Nie, Li Cao, Wenchi Zhang, Kaixin Sui, Yanhua Wang, Xu Du, Guoqiang Duan, and Dan Pei
(Tsinghua University, China; China Construction Bank, China; BizSeer, China)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available
AUGER: Automatically Generating Review Comments with Pre-training Models
Lingwei Li, Li Yang, Huaxi Jiang, Jun Yan, Tiejian Luo, Zihan Hua, Geng Liang, and Chun Zuo
(Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Wuhan University, China; Sinosoft, China)
Publisher's Version
Automatically Deriving JavaScript Static Analyzers from Specifications using Meta-level Static Analysis
Jihyeok Park, Seungmin An, and Sukyoung Ryu
(Oracle, Australia; KAIST, South Korea)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
Automating Code Review Activities by Large-Scale Pre-training
Zhiyu Li, Shuai Lu, Daya Guo, Nan Duan, Shailesh Jannu, Grant Jenks, Deep Majumder, Jared Green, Alexey Svyatkovskiy, Shengyu Fu, and Neel Sundaresan
(Peking University, China; Microsoft Research, China; Sun Yat-sen University, China; LinkedIn, USA; Microsoft, USA)
Publisher's Version
Corporate Dominance in Open Source Ecosystems: A Case Study of OpenStack
Yuxia Zhang, Klaas-Jan Stol, Hui Liu, and Minghui Zhou
(Beijing Institute of Technology, China; Lero, Ireland; University College Cork, Ireland; Peking University, China)
Publisher's Version
Detecting Simulink Compiler Bugs via Controllable Zombie Blocks Mutation
Shikai Guo, He Jiang, Zhihao Xu, Xiaochen Li, Zhilei Ren, Zhide Zhou, and Rong Chen
(Dalian Maritime University, China; Dalian University of Technology, China)
Publisher's Version
Diet Code Is Healthy: Simplifying Programs for Pre-trained Models of Code
Zhaowei Zhang, Hongyu Zhang, Beijun Shen, and Xiaodong Gu
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; University of Newcastle, Australia)
Publisher's Version
Do Bugs Lead to Unnaturalness of Source Code?
Yanjie Jiang, Hui Liu, Yuxia Zhang, Weixing Ji, Hao Zhong, and Lu Zhang
(Beijing Institute of Technology, China; Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Peking University, China)
Publisher's Version
Generating Realistic Vulnerabilities via Neural Code Editing: An Empirical Study
Yu Nong, Yuzhe Ou, Michael Pradel, Feng Chen, and Haipeng Cai
(Washington State University, USA; University of Texas at Dallas, USA; University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Generic Sensitivity: Customizing Context-Sensitive Pointer Analysis for Generics
Haofeng Li, Jie Lu, Haining Meng, Liqing Cao, Yongheng Huang, Lian Li, and Lin Gao
(Institute of Computing Technology at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; TianqiSoft, China)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available
MAAT: A Novel Ensemble Approach to Addressing Fairness and Performance Bugs for Machine Learning Software
Zhenpeng Chen, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, and Mark Harman
(University College London, UK; King’s College London, UK)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
Minerva: Browser API Fuzzing with Dynamic Mod-Ref Analysis
Chijin Zhou, Quan Zhang, Mingzhe Wang, Lihua Guo, Jie Liang, Zhe Liu, Mathias Payer, and Yu Jiang
(Tsinghua University, China; Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China; EPFL, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
NMTSloth: Understanding and Testing Efficiency Degradation of Neural Machine Translation Systems
Simin Chen, Cong Liu, Mirazul Haque, Zihe Song, and Wei Yang
(University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Publisher's Version
Putting Them under Microscope: A Fine-Grained Approach for Detecting Redundant Test Cases in Natural Language
Zhiyuan Chang, Mingyang Li, Junjie Wang, Qing Wang, and Shoubin Li
(Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Publisher's Version
RULER: Discriminative and Iterative Adversarial Training for Deep Neural Network Fairness
Guanhong Tao, Weisong Sun, Tingxu Han, Chunrong Fang, and Xiangyu Zhang
(Purdue University, USA; Nanjing University, China)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available
SamplingCA: Effective and Efficient Sampling-Based Pairwise Testing for Highly Configurable Software Systems
Chuan Luo, Qiyuan Zhao, Shaowei Cai, Hongyu Zhang, and Chunming Hu
(Beihang University, China; Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Newcastle, Australia)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Artifacts Available Artifacts Reusable
SPINE: A Scalable Log Parser with Feedback Guidance
Xuheng Wang, Xu Zhang, Liqun Li, Shilin He, Hongyu Zhang, Yudong Liu, Lingling Zheng, Yu Kang, Qingwei Lin, Yingnong Dang, Saravanakumar Rajmohan, and Dongmei Zhang
(Tsinghua University, China; Microsoft Research, China; University of Newcastle, Australia; Microsoft Azure, USA; Microsoft 365, USA)
Publisher's Version
SymMC: Approximate Model Enumeration and Counting using Symmetry Information for Alloy Specifications
Wenxi Wang, Yang Hu, Kenneth L. McMillan, and Sarfraz Khurshid
(University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Publisher's Version
TraceCRL: Contrastive Representation Learning for Microservice Trace Analysis
Chenxi Zhang, Xin Peng, Tong Zhou, Chaofeng Sha, Zhenghui Yan, Yiru Chen, and Hong Yang
(Fudan University, China)
Publisher's Version
You See What I Want You to See: Poisoning Vulnerabilities in Neural Code Search
Yao Wan, Shijie Zhang, Hongyu Zhang, Yulei Sui, Guandong Xu, Dezhong Yao, Hai Jin, and Lichao Sun
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China; University of Newcastle, Australia; University of Technology Sydney, Australia; Lehigh University, USA)
Publisher's Version


Machine Learning

Nalanda: A Socio-technical Graph Platform for Building Software Analytics Tools at Enterprise Scale
Chandra Maddila, Suhas Shanbhogue, Apoorva Agrawal, Thomas Zimmermann, Chetan Bansal, Nicole Forsgren, Divyanshu Agrawal, Kim Herzig, and Arie van Deursen
(Microsoft Research, USA; Microsoft Research, India; Microsoft, USA; Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version Info
Uncertainty-Aware Transfer Learning to Evolve Digital Twins for Industrial Elevators
Qinghua Xu, Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue, and Maite Arratibel
(Simula Research Laboratory, Norway; University of Oslo, Norway; Orona, Spain)
Publisher's Version
All You Need Is Logs: Improving Code Completion by Learning from Anonymous IDE Usage Logs
Vitaliy Bibaev, Alexey Kalina, Vadim Lomshakov, Yaroslav Golubev, Alexander Bezzubov, Nikita Povarov, and Timofey Bryksin
(JetBrains, Serbia; JetBrains, Germany; JetBrains, Russia; JetBrains Research, Serbia; JetBrains, Netherlands; JetBrains Research, Cyprus)
Publisher's Version
Testing of Machine Learning Models with Limited Samples: An Industrial Vacuum Pumping Application
Ayan Chatterjee, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Erik Hallin, and Anton Engman
(Karlstad University, Sweden; Uddeholms, Sweden)
Publisher's Version
Improving ML-Based Information Retrieval Software with User-Driven Functional Testing and Defect Class Analysis
Junjie Zhu, Teng Long, Wei Wang, and Atif Memon
(Apple, USA)
Publisher's Version


What Improves Developer Productivity at Google? Code Quality
Lan Cheng, Emerson Murphy-Hill, Mark Canning, Ciera Jaspan, Collin Green, Andrea Knight, Nan Zhang, and Elizabeth Kammer
(Google, USA)
Publisher's Version Archive submitted (330 kB)
Understanding Why We Cannot Model How Long a Code Review Will Take: An Industrial Case Study
Lawrence Chen, Peter C. Rigby, and Nachiappan Nagappan
(Meta, USA; Concordia University, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Leveraging Test Plan Quality to Improve Code Review Efficacy
Lawrence Chen, Rui Abreu, Tobi Akomolede, Peter C. Rigby, Satish Chandra, and Nachiappan Nagappan
(Meta Platforms, USA; Concordia University, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Are Elevator Software Robust against Uncertainties? Results and Experiences from an Industrial Case Study
Liping Han, Tao Yue, Shaukat Ali, Aitor Arrieta, and Maite Arratibel
(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China; Simula Research Laboratory, Norway; Mondragon University, Spain; Orona, Spain)
Publisher's Version


Achievement Unlocked: A Case Study on Gamifying DevOps Practices in Industry
Patrick Ayoup, Diego Elias Costa, and Emad Shihab
(Concordia University, Canada; Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
Publisher's Version

Software Evolution

Sometimes You Have to Treat the Symptoms: Tackling Model Drift in an Industrial Clone-and-Own Software Product Line
Christof Tinnes, Wolfgang Rössler, Uwe Hohenstein, Torsten Kühn, Andreas Biesdorf, and Sven Apel
(Siemens, Germany; Siemens Mobility, Germany; Saarland University, Germany)
Publisher's Version

Program Analysis

Input Splitting for Cloud-Based Static Application Security Testing Platforms
Maria Christakis, Thomas Cottenier, Antonio Filieri, Linghui Luo, Muhammad Numair Mansur, Lee Pike, Nicolás Rosner, Martin Schäf, Aritra Sengupta, and Willem Visser
(MPI-SWS, Germany; Amazon Web Services, USA; Amazon Web Services, Germany)
Publisher's Version


Metadata-Based Retrieval for Resolution Recommendation in AIOps
Harshit Kumar, Ruchi Mahindru, and Debanjana Kar
(IBM Research, India; IBM Research, USA)
Publisher's Version


Workgraph: Personal Focus vs. Interruption for Engineers at Meta
Yifen Chen, Peter C. Rigby, Yulin Chen, Kun Jiang, Nader Dehghani, Qianying Huang, Peter Cottle, Clayton Andrews, Noah Lee, and Nachiappan Nagappan
(Meta, USA; Concordia University, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Understanding Automated Code Review Process and Developer Experience in Industry
Hyungjin Kim, Yonghwi Kwon, Sangwoo Joh, Hyukin Kwon, Yeonhee Ryou, and Taeksu Kim
(Samsung Research, South Korea)
Publisher's Version


Unite: An Adapter for Transforming Analysis Tools to Web Services via OSLC
Ondřej Vašíček, Jan Fiedor, Tomáš Kratochvíla, Bohuslav Křena, Aleš Smrčka, and Tomáš Vojnar
(Brno University of Technology, Czechia; Honeywell International, Czechia)
Publisher's Version
Discovering Feature Flag Interdependencies in Microsoft Office
Michael Schröder, Katja Kevic, Dan Gopstein, Brendan Murphy, and Jennifer Beckmann
(TU Wien, Austria; Microsoft, UK; Microsoft, USA)
Publisher's Version
What Did You Pack in My App? A Systematic Analysis of Commercial Android Packers
Zikan Dong, Hongxuan Liu, Liu Wang, Xiapu Luo, Yao Guo, Guoai Xu, Xusheng Xiao, and Haoyu Wang
(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China; Peking University, China; Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China; Case Western Reserve University, USA; Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
Publisher's Version


An Empirical Study of Deep Transfer Learning-Based Program Repair for Kotlin Projects
Misoo Kim, Youngkyoung Kim, Hohyeon Jeong, Jinseok Heo, Sungoh Kim, Hyunhee Chung, and Eunseok Lee
(Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea; Samsung Electronics, South Korea)
Publisher's Version

Online Presentations

An Empirical Investigation of Missing Data Handling in Cloud Node Failure Prediction
Minghua Ma, Yudong Liu, Yuang Tong, Haozhe Li, Pu Zhao, Yong Xu, Hongyu Zhang, Shilin He, Lu Wang, Yingnong Dang, Saravanakumar Rajmohan, and Qingwei Lin
(Microsoft Research, China; University of Newcastle, Australia; Microsoft, USA)
Publisher's Version
An Empirical Study of Log Analysis at Microsoft
Shilin He, Xu Zhang, Pinjia He, Yong Xu, Liqun Li, Yu Kang, Minghua Ma, Yining Wei, Yingnong Dang, Saravanakumar Rajmohan, and Qingwei Lin
(Microsoft Research, China; Chinese University of Hong Kong at Shenzhen, China; Microsoft Azure, China; Microsoft Azure, USA; Microsoft 365, USA)
Publisher's Version
AutoTSG: Learning and Synthesis for Incident Troubleshooting
Manish Shetty, Chetan Bansal, Sai Pramod Upadhyayula, Arjun Radhakrishna, and Anurag Gupta
(Microsoft Research, India; Microsoft, USA)
Publisher's Version
Demystifying “Removed Reviews” in iOS App Store
Liu Wang, Haoyu Wang, Xiapu Luo, Tao Zhang, Shangguang Wang, and Xuanzhe Liu
(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China; Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China; Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China; Macau University of Science and Technology, China; Peking University, China)
Publisher's Version
Exploring and Evaluating Personalized Models for Code Generation
Andrei Zlotchevski, Dawn Drain, Alexey Svyatkovskiy, Colin B. Clement, Neel Sundaresan, and Michele Tufano
(McGill University, Canada; Anthropic, USA; Microsoft, USA)
Publisher's Version
FlakeRepro: Automated and Efficient Reproduction of Concurrency-Related Flaky Tests
Tanakorn Leesatapornwongsa, Xiang Ren, and Suman Nath
(Microsoft Research, USA; University of Toronto, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Group-Based Corpus Scheduling for Parallel Fuzzing
Taotao Gu, Xiang Li, Shuaibing Lu, Jianwen Tian, Yuanping Nie, Xiaohui Kuang, Zhechao Lin, Chenyifan Liu, Jie Liang, and Yu Jiang
(Academy of Military Sciences, China; National University of Defense Technology, China; Tsinghua University, China)
Publisher's Version
Incorporating Domain Knowledge through Task Augmentation for Front-End JavaScript Code Generation
Sijie Shen, Xiang Zhu, Yihong Dong, Qizhi Guo, Yankun Zhen, and Ge Li
(Peking University, China; Alibaba Group, China)
Publisher's Version
Industry Experiences with Large-Scale Refactoring
James Ivers, Robert L. Nord, Ipek Ozkaya, Chris Seifried, Christopher S. Timperley, and Marouane Kessentini
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Oakland University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Industry Practice of Configuration Auto-tuning for Cloud Applications and Services
Runzhe Wang, Qinglong Wang, Yuxi Hu, Heyuan Shi, Yuheng Shen, Yu Zhan, Ying Fu, Zheng Liu, Xiaohai Shi, and Yu Jiang
(Alibaba Group, China; Central South University, China; Tsinghua University, China; Ant Group, China; Zhejiang University, China)
Publisher's Version
Investigating and Improving Log Parsing in Practice
Ying Fu, Meng Yan, Jian Xu, Jianguo Li, Zhongxin Liu, Xiaohong Zhang, and Dan Yang
(Chongqing University, China; Ant Group, China; Zhejiang University, China)
Publisher's Version
Towards Developer-Centered Automatic Program Repair: Findings from Bloomberg
Emily Rowan Winter, Vesna Nowack, David Bowes, Steve Counsell, Tracy Hall, Sæmundur Haraldsson, John Woodward, Serkan Kirbas, Etienne Windels, Olayori McBello, Abdurahman Atakishiyev, Kevin Kells, and Matthew Pagano
(Lancaster University, UK; Brunel University London, UK; University of Stirling, UK; Queen Mary University of London, UK; Bloomberg, UK)
Publisher's Version
Trace Analysis Based Microservice Architecture Measurement
Xin Peng, Chenxi Zhang, Zhongyuan Zhao, Akasaka Isami, Xiaofeng Guo, and Yunna Cui
(Fudan University, China; Alibaba Group, China)
Publisher's Version

Ideas, Visions, and Reflections


In War and Peace: The Impact of World Politics on Software Ecosystems
Raula Gaikovina Kula and Christoph Treude
(NAIST, Japan; University of Melbourne, Australia)
Publisher's Version

Machine Learning

Discrepancies among Pre-trained Deep Neural Networks: A New Threat to Model Zoo Reliability
Diego Montes, Pongpatapee Peerapatanapokin, Jeff Schultz, Chengjun Guo, Wenxin Jiang, and James C. Davis
(Purdue University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Exploring the Under-Explored Terrain of Non-open Source Data for Software Engineering through the Lens of Federated Learning
Shriram Shanbhag and Sridhar Chimalakonda
(IIT Tirupati, India)
Publisher's Version


Reflections on Software Failure Analysis
Paschal C. Amusuo, Aishwarya Sharma, Siddharth R. Rao, Abbey Vincent, and James C. Davis
(Purdue University, USA)
Publisher's Version

Program Analysis

Language-Agnostic Dynamic Analysis of Multilingual Code: Promises, Pitfalls, and Prospects
Haoran Yang, Wen Li, and Haipeng Cai
(Washington State University, USA)
Publisher's Version

Online Presentations

A Study on Identifying Code Author from Real Development
Siyi Gong and Hao Zhong
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Publisher's Version
Paving the Way for Mature Secondary Research: The Seven Types of Literature Review
Paul Ralph and Sebastian Baltes
(Dalhousie University, Canada; University of Adelaide, Australia)
Publisher's Version



iTiger: An Automatic Issue Title Generation Tool
Ting Zhang, Ivana Clairine Irsan, Ferdian Thung, DongGyun Han, David Lo, and Lingxiao Jiang
(Singapore Management University, Singapore; Royal Holloway University of London, UK)
Publisher's Version Video
CodeMatcher: A Tool for Large-Scale Code Search Based on Query Semantics Matching
Chao Liu, Xuanlin Bao, Xin Xia, Meng Yan, David Lo, and Ting Zhang
(Chongqing University, China; Huawei, China; Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version Video Info

Software Evolution

Context-Aware Code Recommendation in Intellij IDEA
Shamsa Abid, Hamid Abdul Basit, and Shafay Shamail
(Singapore Management University, Singapore; Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia; Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan)
Publisher's Version Video
Python-by-Contract Dataset
Jiyang Zhang, Marko Ristin, Phillip Schanely, Hans Wernher van de Venn, and Milos Gligoric
(University of Texas at Austin, USA; Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version

Human/Computer Interaction

MultIPAs: Applying Program Transformations to Introductory Programming Assignments for Data Augmentation
Pedro Orvalho, Mikoláš Janota, and Vasco Manquinho
(INESC-ID, Portugal; University of Lisbon, Portugal; Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Video Info Artifacts Available
PolyFax: A Toolkit for Characterizing Multi-language Software
Wen Li, Li Li, and Haipeng Cai
(Washington State University, USA; Monash University, Australia)
Publisher's Version

Software Testing

CLIFuzzer: Mining Grammars for Command-Line Invocations
Abhilash Gupta, Rahul Gopinath, and Andreas Zeller
(CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Germany)
Publisher's Version
RecipeGen++: An Automated Trigger Action Programs Generator
Imam Nur Bani Yusuf, Diyanah Binte Abdul Jamal, Lingxiao Jiang, and David Lo
(Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Video Info Artifacts Available


TAPHSIR: Towards AnaPHoric Ambiguity Detection and ReSolution In Requirements
Saad Ezzini, Sallam Abualhaija, Chetan Arora, and Mehrdad Sabetzadeh
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; Deakin University, Australia; University of Ottawa, Canada)
Publisher's Version
COREQQA: A COmpliance REQuirements Understanding using Question Answering Tool
Sallam Abualhaija, Chetan Arora, and Lionel C. Briand
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; Deakin University, Australia; University of Ottawa, Canada)
Publisher's Version

Formal Methods

SolSEE: A Source-Level Symbolic Execution Engine for Solidity
Shang-Wei Lin, Palina Tolmach, Ye Liu, and Yi Li
(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; IHPC at A*STAR, Singapore)
Publisher's Version Video Info
MpBP: Verifying Robustness of Neural Networks with Multi-path Bound Propagation
Ye Zheng, Jiaxiang Liu, and Xiaomu Shi
(Shenzhen University, China)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Video Info Artifacts Available


eGEN: An Energy-Saving Modeling Language and Code Generator for Location-Sensing of Mobile Apps
Kowndinya Boyalakuntla, Marimuthu Chinnakali, Sridhar Chimalakonda, and Chandrasekaran K
(IIT Tirupati, India; National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India)
Publisher's Version Video
SFLKit: A Workbench for Statistical Fault Localization
Marius Smytzek and Andreas Zeller
(CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Germany; Saarland University, Germany)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Video Info Artifacts Available

Mining Software Repositories

WikiDoMiner: Wikipedia Domain-Specific Miner
Saad Ezzini, Sallam Abualhaija, and Mehrdad Sabetzadeh
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; University of Ottawa, Canada)
Publisher's Version
RegMiner: Mining Replicable Regression Dataset from Code Repositories
Xuezhi Song, Yun Lin, Yijian Wu, Yifan Zhang, Siang Hwee Ng, Xin Peng, Jin Song Dong, and Hong Mei
(Fudan University, China; Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; National University of Singapore, Singapore; Peking University, China)
Publisher's Version Video Info

Program Analysis

FIM: Fault Injection and Mutation for Simulink
Ezio Bartocci, Leonardo Mariani, Dejan Ničković, and Drishti Yadav
(TU Wien, Austria; University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy; AIT, Austria)
Publisher's Version
JSIMutate: Understanding Performance Results through Mutations
Thomas Laurent, Paolo Arcaini, Catia Trubiani, and Anthony Ventresque
(Lero, Ireland; University College Dublin, Ireland; National Institute of Informatics, Japan; Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy)
Publisher's Version


VulCurator: A Vulnerability-Fixing Commit Detector
Truong Giang Nguyen, Thanh Le-Cong, Hong Jin Kang, Xuan-Bach D. Le, and David Lo
(Singapore Management University, Singapore; University of Melbourne, Australia)
Publisher's Version
KVS: A Tool for Knowledge-Driven Vulnerability Searching
Xingqi Cheng, Xiaobing Sun, Lili Bo, and Ying Wei
(Yangzhou University, China; Heidelberg University, Germany; Nanjing University, China)
Publisher's Version Video Info
MANDO-GURU: Vulnerability Detection for Smart Contract Source Code by Heterogeneous Graph Embeddings
Hoang H. Nguyen, Nhat-Minh Nguyen, Hong-Phuc Doan, Zahra Ahmadi, Thanh-Nam Doan, and Lingxiao Jiang
(Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany; Singapore Management University, Singapore; Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
Publisher's Version Video Info
FastKLEE: Faster Symbolic Execution via Reducing Redundant Bound Checking of Type-Safe Pointers
Haoxin Tu, Lingxiao Jiang, Xuhua Ding, and He Jiang
(Singapore Management University, Singapore; Dalian University of Technology, China)
Publisher's Version Video Info

Online Presentations

Clang __usercall: Towards Native Support for User Defined Calling Conventions
Jared Widberg, Sashank Narain, and Yimin Chen
(University of Massachusetts at Lowell, USA)
Publisher's Version
GFI-Bot: Automated Good First Issue Recommendation on GitHub
Hao He, Haonan Su, Wenxin Xiao, Runzhi He, and Minghui Zhou
(Peking University, China)
Publisher's Version
SemCluster: A Semi-supervised Clustering Tool for Crowdsourced Test Reports with Deep Image Understanding
Mingzhe Du, Shengcheng Yu, Chunrong Fang, Tongyu Li, Heyuan Zhang, and Zhenyu Chen
(Nanjing University, China)
Publisher's Version
TSA: A Tool to Detect and Quantify Network Side-Channels
İsmet Burak Kadron and Tevfik Bultan
(University of California at Santa Barbara, USA)
Publisher's Version

Doctoral Symposium

Session 1

Blackbox Adversarial Attacks and Explanations for Automatic Speech Recognition
Xiaoliang Wu
(University of Edinburgh, UK)
Publisher's Version

Session 2

This Is Your Cue! Assisting Search Behaviour with Resource Style Properties
Deeksha M. Arya
(McGill University, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Infrastructure as Code for Dynamic Deployments
Daniel Sokolowski
(University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
Automated Capacity Analysis of Limitation-Aware Microservices Architectures
Rafael Fresno-Aranda
(University of Seville, Spain)
Publisher's Version

Session 3

Change-Aware Mutation Testing for Evolving Systems
Miloš Ojdanić
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Publisher's Version
Effective and Scalable Fault Injection using Bug Reports and Generative Language Models
Ahmed Khanfir
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Publisher's Version
Explaining and Debugging Pathological Program Behavior
Martin Eberlein
(Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)
Publisher's Version

Session 4

Sentiment in Software Engineering: Detection and Application
Nathan Cassee
(Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version

Student Research Competition

Online Presentations

A Practical Call Graph Construction Method for Python
Jiacheng Zhong
(Nanjing University, China)
Publisher's Version
Automated Generation of Test Oracles for RESTful APIs
Juan C. Alonso
(University of Seville, Spain)
Publisher's Version
CheapET-3: Cost-Efficient Use of Remote DNN Models
Michael Weiss
(USI Lugano, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
Improving IDE Code Inspections with Tree Automata
Yunjeong Lee
(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Publisher's Version
RESTInfer: Automated Inferring Parameter Constraints from Natural Language RESTful API Descriptions
Yi Liu
(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Publisher's Version


Program Analysis using WALA (Tutorial)
Joanna C. S. Santos and Julian Dolby
(University of Notre Dame, USA; IBM Research, USA)
Publisher's Version
Dynamic Data Race Prediction: Fundamentals, Theory, and Practice (Tutorial)
Umang Mathur and Andreas Pavlogiannis
(National University of Singapore, Singapore; Aarhus University, Denmark)
Publisher's Version
Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Automating Software Testing (Tutorial)
Mauro Pezzè
(USI Lugano, Switzerland; Schaffhausen Institute of Technology, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
Performing Large-Scale Mining Studies: From Start to Finish (Tutorial)
Robert Dyer and Samuel W. Flint
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Publisher's Version

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