WHC 2023
2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC)
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2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), July 10–13, 2023, Delft, Netherlands

WHC 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Agarwal, Priyanshu WHC '23: "Fingertip Wearable High-resolution ..." WHC '23: "Wearable 3D Shape Display ..."
Agobert, Quentin WHC '23: "Eyes-Free Fingertip Guidance ..."
Alam, Mahirah WHC '23: "A Magnetic Soft Device for ..."
Amemiya, Tomohiro WHC '23: "Influence of Electrical Stimulation ..."
An, Gyubin WHC '23: "Wireless Dual Mode Haptic ..."
Aoyama, Kazuma WHC '23: "Influence of Electrical Stimulation ..."
Azañón, Elena WHC '23: "The Tactile Distance Aftereffect ..."
Azechi, Mirai WHC '23: "Easy-to-Recognize Bump Shapes ..."
Baez, Hannah WHC '23: "Communication is a Two-Way ..."
Ban, Yuki WHC '23: "Enhancing Perceived Resistance ..."
Barcelli, Davide WHC '23: "Optimized Time-Domain Control ..."
Batmaz, Anil Ufuk WHC '23: "The Impact of Haptic Feedback ..."
Beattie, David WHC '23: "An Exploration of Just Noticeable ..."
Bernard, Corentin WHC '23: "Eyes-Free Fingertip Guidance ..."
Bhardwaj, Akshay WHC '23: "Communication is a Two-Way ..."
Bhardwaj, Amit WHC '23: "CatBoost for Haptic Modeling ..."
Bianchini, Gianni WHC '23: "Optimized Time-Domain Control ..."
Bjelland, Øystein WHC '23: "Implementation and Evaluation ..."
Black, David WHC '23: "Towards Differential Magnetic ..."
Blumenschein, Laura H. WHC '23: "Perception of and Response ..."
Boehm, Jacob R. WHC '23: "Shaping Human Movement via ..."
Bönnemann, Carsten WHC '23: "Wearable Sensory Substitution ..."
Brahimaj, Detjon WHC '23: "Temporal Detection Threshold ..."
Bruns, Carson J. WHC '23: "Fingertip Wearable High-resolution ..."
Bulea, Thomas WHC '23: "Wearable Sensory Substitution ..."
Burdet, Etienne WHC '23: "Concurrent Haptic, Audio, ..." WHC '23: "Active Haptic Exploration ..."
Bye, Robin T. WHC '23: "Implementation and Evaluation ..."
Cai, Yilin WHC '23: "Identifying Human Grasp Properties ..."
Cavdan, Müge WHC '23: "The Influence of Surface Roughness ..." WHC '23: "Design and Evaluation of a ..."
Celebi, Bora WHC '23: "Design and Evaluation of a ..."
Chan, Sonny WHC '23: "Wearable 3D Shape Display ..."
Chase, Elyse D. Z. WHC '23: "Realism of Visual, Auditory, ..."
Chassaing, etienne WHC '23: "Identifying Human Grasp Properties ..."
Cheng, Xiaoxiao WHC '23: "Active Haptic Exploration ..."
Chesler, Alexander WHC '23: "Wearable Sensory Substitution ..."
Chiaradia, Domenico WHC '23: "Flexos: A Portable, SEA-Based ..." WHC '23: "A Miniature Direct-Drive Hydraulic ..."
Chinello, Francesco WHC '23: "Haptic Mushroom: A 3-DoF Shape-Changing ..."
Choi, Dong-Soo WHC '23: "Wireless Dual Mode Haptic ..."
Choi, Seungmoon WHC '23: "Perceptual Simultaneity Between ..." WHC '23: "Human Recognition Performance ..." WHC '23: "Information Transfer of Full-Body ..."
Collignon, Olivier WHC '23: "Temporal Detection Threshold ..."
Colonnese, Nicholas WHC '23: "Fingertip Wearable High-resolution ..."
Cooperstock, Jeremy R. WHC '23: "Training to Understand Complex ..."
Costa, Jean WHC '23: "Communication is a Two-Way ..."
Costrell, Sarah WHC '23: "A Magnetic Soft Device for ..."
Courtin, Arthur WHC '23: "Temporal Detection Threshold ..."
Deshpande, Ashish WHC '23: "An Extended Virtual Proxy ..."
De Vargas, Mauricio Fontana WHC '23: "Training to Understand Complex ..."
Devillard, Alexis William Marcel WHC '23: "Concurrent Haptic, Audio, ..."
Dhiab, Ayoub Ben WHC '23: "Dynamic Pattern Recognition ..."
Dills, Patrick WHC '23: "Transparent, High-Force, and ..."
Dobson, Kelly WHC '23: "Controlling Human Perception ..."
Doerschner, Katja WHC '23: "The Influence of Surface Roughness ..."
Doshi, Megh WHC '23: "Handheld Haptic Device with ..."
Drewing, Knut WHC '23: "The Effects of Movement Direction ..." WHC '23: "The Influence of Surface Roughness ..." WHC '23: "Design and Evaluation of a ..." WHC '23: "The Tactile Distance Aftereffect ..."
Driscoll, Brendan WHC '23: "1-D Manual Tracing Based on ..."
Ebina, Kenta WHC '23: "Interpersonal Vibrotactile ..."
Esposito, Giulia WHC '23: "Temporal Detection Threshold ..."
Faux, Damien WHC '23: "Concurrent Haptic, Audio, ..."
Fey, Ann Majewicz WHC '23: "Shaping Human Movement via ..." WHC '23: "An Extended Virtual Proxy ..."
Fey, Nicholas P. WHC '23: "Shaping Human Movement via ..."
Follmer, Sean WHC '23: "Realism of Visual, Auditory, ..."
Fradin, Jenna WHC '23: "Humans Struggle to Perceive ..."
Frier, William WHC '23: "An Exploration of Just Noticeable ..."
Frisoli, Antonio WHC '23: "Flexos: A Portable, SEA-Based ..." WHC '23: "A Miniature Direct-Drive Hydraulic ..."
Fukasawa, Ayaka WHC '23: "Portable Self-propelled Force ..."
Galvan, Aldo Fabrizio WHC '23: "An Extended Virtual Proxy ..."
Georgiou, Orestis WHC '23: "An Exploration of Just Noticeable ..."
Gerling, Gregory John WHC '23: "Optical Measurements of the ..." WHC '23: "Human-Delivered Brushstroke ..."
Gerstenberg, Tobias WHC '23: "Realism of Visual, Auditory, ..."
Gideon, John WHC '23: "Communication is a Two-Way ..."
Gillespie, Brent WHC '23: "Communication is a Two-Way ..."
Giordano, Paolo Robuffo WHC '23: "Haptic Mushroom: A 3-DoF Shape-Changing ..."
GIRAUD, Frederic WHC '23: "Temporal Detection Threshold ..."
Gleicher, Michael WHC '23: "Handheld Haptic Device with ..."
Goetz, Dustin Thomas WHC '23: "Dynamic Feedback in Wave-Mediated ..."
Gong, Yijie WHC '23: "Naturalistic Vibrotactile ..."
Gueorguiev, David WHC '23: "Humans Struggle to Perceive ..." WHC '23: "Perception of Friction-Related ..."
Gulliksen, William WHC '23: "Implementation and Evaluation ..."
Gupta, Aakar WHC '23: "Fingertip Wearable High-resolution ..."
Hachisu, Taku WHC '23: "Interpersonal Vibrotactile ..."
Hadi Hosseinabadi, Amir Hossein WHC '23: "Towards Differential Magnetic ..."
Hagenow, Michael WHC '23: "Handheld Haptic Device with ..."
Haliyo, Sinan D. WHC '23: "Humans Struggle to Perceive ..."
Han, Sangyoon WHC '23: "Information Transfer of Full-Body ..."
Hartcher-O'Brien, Jess WHC '23: "Fingertip Wearable High-resolution ..."
Hasegawa, Shoichi WHC '23: "Portable Self-propelled Force ..."
Hashem, Mohammad Shadman WHC '23: "Wireless Dual Mode Haptic ..."
Hashimoto, Yuko WHC '23: "Measurement of Rhythmical ..."
Hayward, Vincent WHC '23: "Concurrent Haptic, Audio, ..."
Hecquard, Jeanne WHC '23: "Fostering Social Empathy in ..."
Hellevik, Alf-Inge WHC '23: "Implementation and Evaluation ..."
Heo, Yong Hae WHC '23: "Wireless Dual Mode Haptic ..."
Ho, Hsin-Ni WHC '23: "Determination of the Thermal-Tactile ..."
Horie, Arata WHC '23: "A Wearable System Integrating ..."
Hornbæk, Kasper WHC '23: "Mediated Social Touching: ..."
Huang, Helen WHC '23: "1-D Manual Tracing Based on ..."
Hudin, Charles WHC '23: "Dynamic Pattern Recognition ..."
Huloux, Nicolas WHC '23: "Eyes-Free Fingertip Guidance ..."
Ienaga, Naoto WHC '23: "Spatially Continuous Non-Contact ..."
Igarashi, Hiroshi WHC '23: "Effects on Perception when ..." WHC '23: "A User Study of a Cable Haptic ..."
Inami, Masahiko WHC '23: "A Wearable System Integrating ..."
Isern, Håkon WHC '23: "Implementation and Evaluation ..."
Iwabuchi, Sota WHC '23: "Performance Evaluation of ..."
Javot, Bernard WHC '23: "Naturalistic Vibrotactile ..."
Jeannin, Mathilde WHC '23: "Dynamic Pattern Recognition ..."
Jenkins, Alison WHC '23: "Controlling Human Perception ..."
Jeon, Seokhee WHC '23: "Wireless Dual Mode Haptic ..."
Jeschke, Michaela WHC '23: "The Tactile Distance Aftereffect ..."
Jo, Minjae WHC '23: "WriMouCon: Wrist-Mounted Haptic ..."
Jodai, Takuya WHC '23: "Determination of the Thermal-Tactile ..."
Jones, Lynette WHC '23: "Determination of the Thermal-Tactile ..."
Kajimoto, Hiroyuki WHC '23: "Manipulation of Body Sway ..." WHC '23: "3D Shape Presentation by Combination ..."
Kamigaki, Takaaki WHC '23: "Performance Evaluation of ..."
Kaneko, Akiko WHC '23: "Spatially Continuous Non-Contact ..."
Kao, Anika WHC '23: "Optical Measurements of the ..." WHC '23: "Human-Delivered Brushstroke ..."
Karmakar, Subhankar WHC '23: "Modeling and Simulation of ..."
Katircilar, Didem WHC '23: "The Effects of Movement Direction ..."
Kawagishi, Tomohiro WHC '23: "Enhancing Perceived Resistance ..."
Kiernan, Joel X. WHC '23: "Exploring Human Response Times ..."
Kim, Heeyeon WHC '23: "Human Recognition Performance ..."
Kim, Hyun-Jeong WHC '23: "Wireless Dual Mode Haptic ..."
Kim, Junwoo WHC '23: "Human Recognition Performance ..." WHC '23: "Information Transfer of Full-Body ..."
Kim, Sang-Youn WHC '23: "Wireless Dual Mode Haptic ..."
Kiso, Ritsuko WHC '23: "Measurement of Rhythmical ..."
Klatzky, Roberta L. WHC '23: "A Magnetic Soft Device for ..."
Kodali, Sreela WHC '23: "Wearable Sensory Substitution ..."
Kodama, Takayuki WHC '23: "Tactile Feedback Involving ..."
Komazaki, Kakagu WHC '23: "Spatiotemporal Perception ..."
Kuang, Lisheng WHC '23: "Haptic Mushroom: A 3-DoF Shape-Changing ..."
Kuchenbecker, Katherine J. WHC '23: "Naturalistic Vibrotactile ..."
Kuhara, Takumi WHC '23: "Spatiotemporal Perception ..."
Kumar, Gautam WHC '23: "CatBoost for Haptic Modeling ..."
Kurachi, Masahiko WHC '23: "Tactile Feedback Involving ..."
Kuroda, Yoshihiro WHC '23: "Spatially Continuous Non-Contact ..."
Kuzuoka, Hideaki WHC '23: "Influence of Electrical Stimulation ..."
Kwak, DongKyu WHC '23: "WriMouCon: Wrist-Mounted Haptic ..."
Kwiatkowski, Arkadiusz Damian WHC '23: "Implementation and Evaluation ..."
Landsman, Zackary Todd WHC '23: "Optical Measurements of the ..." WHC '23: "Human-Delivered Brushstroke ..."
Lauer, Anja Patricia Regina WHC '23: "Naturalistic Vibrotactile ..."
Le Carrou, Jean-Loïc WHC '23: "Perception of Friction-Related ..."
Lécuyer, Anatole WHC '23: "Fostering Social Empathy in ..."
Leonardis, Daniele WHC '23: "A Miniature Direct-Drive Hydraulic ..." WHC '23: "The Impact of Haptic Feedback ..."
Lin, Lisa Pui Yee WHC '23: "The Influence of Surface Roughness ..."
Linnander, Max WHC '23: "Dynamic Feedback in Wave-Mediated ..."
Liu, Ming WHC '23: "1-D Manual Tracing Based on ..."
Liu, Shiyi WHC '23: "Neural Correlates of Cooperation ..."
Loghmani, M. Terry WHC '23: "Optical Measurements of the ..."
Lutteroth, Christof WHC '23: "An Exploration of Just Noticeable ..."
Macé, Marc J.-M. WHC '23: "Fostering Social Empathy in ..."
Makino, Koyo WHC '23: "Spatially Continuous Non-Contact ..."
Makino, Yasutoshi WHC '23: "Performance Evaluation of ..."
Manabe, Mitsuki WHC '23: "Manipulation of Body Sway ..."
Marchal, Maud WHC '23: "Haptic Mushroom: A 3-DoF Shape-Changing ..."
Marchal-Crespo, Laura WHC '23: "Physics Engine-Based Whole-Hand ..."
Marino, David WHC '23: "Training to Understand Complex ..."
Martinez, Melisa Orta WHC '23: "A Magnetic Soft Device for ..."
Masia, Lorenzo WHC '23: "Flexos: A Portable, SEA-Based ..."
Matsumoto, Keigo WHC '23: "Influence of Electrical Stimulation ..."
Maunsbach, Martin WHC '23: "Mediated Social Touching: ..."
Mayet, Matej WHC '23: "Perception of Friction-Related ..."
McHenry, Michael E. WHC '23: "A Magnetic Soft Device for ..."
Mehta, Vatsal WHC '23: "Fingertip Wearable High-resolution ..."
Miyakami, Masahiro WHC '23: "3D Shape Presentation by Combination ..."
Mizoguchi, Izumi WHC '23: "Manipulation of Body Sway ..." WHC '23: "3D Shape Presentation by Combination ..."
Mouraux, Andre WHC '23: "Temporal Detection Threshold ..."
Mughrabi, Moaaz Hudhud WHC '23: "The Impact of Haptic Feedback ..."
Muniyandi, Manivannan WHC '23: "Modeling and Simulation of ..."
Mutlu, Bilge WHC '23: "Handheld Haptic Device with ..."
Nakatani, Masashi WHC '23: "Measurement of Rhythmical ..."
Nakayama, Shota WHC '23: "Manipulation of Body Sway ..."
Narita, Eifu WHC '23: "Manipulation of Body Sway ..."
Narumi, Takuji WHC '23: "Influence of Electrical Stimulation ..."
Nogami, Mika WHC '23: "Towards Differential Magnetic ..."
Nunez, Cara M. WHC '23: "Exploring Human Response Times ..."
Odagiri, Masashi WHC '23: "Tactile Feedback Involving ..."
Ohno, Masaki WHC '23: "Influence of Electrical Stimulation ..."
Okamoto, Shogo WHC '23: "Easy-to-Recognize Bump Shapes ..."
Okamura, Allison M. WHC '23: "Exploring Human Response Times ..." WHC '23: "Wearable Sensory Substitution ..."
O'Modhrain, Sile WHC '23: "Communication is a Two-Way ..."
Onishi, Ryoya WHC '23: "Performance Evaluation of ..."
Otaduy, Miguel A. WHC '23: "Haptic Rendering of Dynamic ..."
Pacaud, Paul WHC '23: "Identifying Human Grasp Properties ..."
Pacchierotti, Claudio WHC '23: "Optimized Time-Domain Control ..." WHC '23: "Haptic Mushroom: A 3-DoF Shape-Changing ..." WHC '23: "Fostering Social Empathy in ..."
Panëels, Sabrina WHC '23: "Dynamic Pattern Recognition ..."
Park, Chaeyong WHC '23: "Perceptual Simultaneity Between ..." WHC '23: "Human Recognition Performance ..." WHC '23: "Information Transfer of Full-Body ..."
Park, Jaejun WHC '23: "Information Transfer of Full-Body ..."
Park, Junseok WHC '23: "Information Transfer of Full-Body ..."
Poitrimol, Bastien Jacques Étienne WHC '23: "A User Study of a Cable Haptic ..."
Pol, Maxime WHC '23: "Towards Differential Magnetic ..."
Potet, Balthazar WHC '23: "Eyes-Free Fingertip Guidance ..."
Pradnyawira, Nicholas Rangga WHC '23: "Towards Differential Magnetic ..."
Prakash, Shashi WHC '23: "CatBoost for Haptic Modeling ..."
Prattichizzo, Domenico WHC '23: "Optimized Time-Domain Control ..."
Purnendu WHC '23: "Fingertip Wearable High-resolution ..."
Qu, Yatian WHC '23: "Wearable 3D Shape Display ..."
Radwin, Robert WHC '23: "Handheld Haptic Device with ..."
Ramasamy, Aruna WHC '23: "Concurrent Haptic, Audio, ..."
Ramirez, Job Donaldo WHC '23: "An Extended Virtual Proxy ..."
Rätz, Raphael WHC '23: "Physics Engine-Based Whole-Hand ..."
Reardon, Gregory WHC '23: "Dynamic Feedback in Wave-Mediated ..."
Rinaldi, Gianluca WHC '23: "Flexos: A Portable, SEA-Based ..."
Rueschen, Johannes WHC '23: "Vibrotactile Display of Distance ..."
Saint-Aubert, Justine WHC '23: "Fostering Social Empathy in ..."
Salcudean, Tim WHC '23: "Towards Differential Magnetic ..."
Salisbury, Kenneth WHC '23: "Identifying Human Grasp Properties ..."
Sanz, Ferran Argelaguet WHC '23: "Fostering Social Empathy in ..."
Sarac, Mine WHC '23: "The Impact of Haptic Feedback ..."
Sarter, Nadine WHC '23: "Communication is a Two-Way ..."
Sato, Masayuki WHC '23: "Tactile Feedback Involving ..."
SATO, Takumi WHC '23: "Portable Self-propelled Force ..."
Sawodny, Oliver WHC '23: "Naturalistic Vibrotactile ..."
Schlagenhauf, Franziska WHC '23: "Controlling Human Perception ..."
Seifi, Hasti WHC '23: "Mediated Social Touching: ..."
SEMAIL, Betty WHC '23: "Temporal Detection Threshold ..."
Shao, Yitian WHC '23: "Spatiotemporal Organization ..."
Shayestehpour, Mohammadamin WHC '23: "Implementation and Evaluation ..."
Shen, Weipeng WHC '23: "Haptic Rendering of Dynamic ..."
Shinoda, Hiroyuki WHC '23: "Performance Evaluation of ..."
Singhose, William WHC '23: "Controlling Human Perception ..."
Skavø, Martin WHC '23: "Implementation and Evaluation ..."
Stanley, Andrew WHC '23: "Wearable 3D Shape Display ..."
Steinert, Martin WHC '23: "Implementation and Evaluation ..."
Stephens-Fripp, Benjamin WHC '23: "Wearable 3D Shape Display ..."
Suga, Yui WHC '23: "3D Shape Presentation by Combination ..."
Suzuki, Shun WHC '23: "Performance Evaluation of ..."
Takeda, Michiya WHC '23: "Tactile Feedback Involving ..."
Tan, Hong Z. WHC '23: "Vibrotactile Display of Distance ..."
Tanacar, Nizamettin Taha WHC '23: "The Impact of Haptic Feedback ..."
Tanaka, Satoshi WHC '23: "Manipulation of Body Sway ..."
Tanaka, Yoshihiro WHC '23: "Spatiotemporal Perception ..." WHC '23: "Tactile Feedback Involving ..."
Taniguchi, Riho WHC '23: "Portable Self-propelled Force ..."
Terao, Masahiko WHC '23: "Determination of the Thermal-Tactile ..."
Tian, Bohao WHC '23: "Neural Correlates of Cooperation ..."
Tiseni, Luca WHC '23: "Flexos: A Portable, SEA-Based ..."
Tong, Qianqian WHC '23: "Haptic Rendering of Dynamic ..."
Tozuka, Keisuke WHC '23: "Effects on Perception when ..."
Tsuruoka, Moena WHC '23: "Tactile Feedback Involving ..."
Tummala, Neeli WHC '23: "Spatiotemporal Organization ..."
Ujitoko, Yusuke WHC '23: "Enhancing Perceived Resistance ..."
Usevitch, Nathan WHC '23: "Wearable 3D Shape Display ..."
Ushiyama, Keigo WHC '23: "Manipulation of Body Sway ..."
Uttayopas, Pakorn WHC '23: "Active Haptic Exploration ..."
Valdivia, Antonio Alvarez WHC '23: "Perception of and Response ..."
Van Delden, Derek WHC '23: "Controlling Human Perception ..."
Vasudevan, Madhan Kumar WHC '23: "Modeling and Simulation of ..."
Visell, Yon WHC '23: "Dynamic Feedback in Wave-Mediated ..." WHC '23: "Spatiotemporal Organization ..."
Vuong, Brian WHC '23: "Wearable Sensory Substitution ..."
Walker, Lynn M. WHC '23: "A Magnetic Soft Device for ..."
Wang, Dangxiao WHC '23: "Neural Correlates of Cooperation ..." WHC '23: "Haptic Rendering of Dynamic ..."
Warisawa, Shinichi WHC '23: "Enhancing Perceived Resistance ..."
Watanabe, Junji WHC '23: "Spatiotemporal Perception ..."