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2017 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), March 18-22, 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA

VR 2017 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Adcock, Matt VR '17: "Data Fragment: Virtual Reality ..."
Adipradana, Yonathan Widya VR '17: "The AR-Rift 2 Prototype ..."
Allan-Blitz, Elijah VR '17: "Defying the Nazis VR ..."
Allison, Robert S. VR '17: "Estimating the Motion-to-Photon ..."
Almeida, Marcio VR '17: "ArcheoVR: Exploring Itapeva's ..."
Amano, Toshiyuki VR '17: "Monocular Focus Estimation ..." VR '17: "Separation of Reflective and ..."
Ananth, Manasa VR '17: "Virginia Tech's Study ..."
Andersen, Thea VR '17: "A Preliminary Study of Users' ..."
Anglin, Julia VR '17: "REINVENT: A Low-Cost, Virtual ..." VR '17: "Transfer of a Skilled Motor ..."
Anisimovaite, Gintare VR '17: "A Preliminary Study of Users' ..."
Araujo, Astolfo VR '17: "ArcheoVR: Exploring Itapeva's ..."
Ard, Tyler VR '17: "NIVR: Neuro Imaging in Virtual ..." VR '17: "VRAIN: Virtual Reality Assisted ..."
Ardulov, Victor VR '17: "Immersive Data Interaction ..."
Azimi, Ehsan VR '17: "Robust Optical See-Through ..." VR '17: "Prioritization and Static ..."
Azmandian, Mahdi VR '17: "An Evaluation of Strategies ..."
Azuma, Makiko VR '17: "A Haptic Three-Dimensional ..."
Bacchetti, Rafael VR '17: "Immersive Virtual Training ..."
Ballaguer-Balester, Emili VR '17: "FACETEQ Interface Demo for ..."
Ban, Yuki VR '17: "Turn Physically Curved Paths ..."
Barbulescu, Adela VR '17: "A System for Creating Virtual ..."
Barmaki, Roghayeh VR '17: "Exploring Non-reversing Magic ..."
Bazin, Jean-Charles VR '17: "Demonstration: Rapid One-Shot ..." VR '17: "Rapid One-Shot Acquisition ..."
Beck, Stephan VR '17: "Sweeping-Based Volumetric ..."
Bednarz, Tomasz VR '17: "Virtual Reality to Save Endangered ..."
Begault, Antoine VR '17: "A System for Creating Virtual ..."
Bente, Gary VR '17: "Socially Immersive Avatar-Based ..."
Berthelsen, Theis VR '17: "Effect on High versus Low ..."
Beshay, Joseph D. VR '17: "Adaptive 360-Degree Video ..."
Bhadsavle, Sarang S. VR '17: "Immerj: A Novel System for ..."
Bhutra, Ghanshyam VR '17: "Coordinating Attention and ..."
Bian, Zhiyi VR '17: "MR Sand Table: Mixing Real-Time ..."
Biggs, Sierra J. VR '17: "Immerj: A Novel System for ..."
Blix, Michael VR '17: "Hypertextual Reality: VR on ..."
Bodenheimer, Bobby VR '17: "Prism Aftereffects for Throwing ..." VR '17: "A Comparison of Methods for ..."
Boettcher, Brady VR '17: "Uni-CAVE: A Unity3D Plugin ..."
Boissieux, Laurence VR '17: "A System for Creating Virtual ..."
Bolas, Mark VR '17: "NIVR: Neuro Imaging in Virtual ..." VR '17: "Rapid Creation of Photorealistic ..."
Bönsch, Andrea VR '17: "Peers at Work: Economic Real-Effort ..."
Borba, Eduardo Zilles VR '17: "ArcheoVR: Exploring Itapeva's ..." VR '17: "Itapeva 3D: Being Indiana ..." VR '17: "Advertising Perception with ..."
Bork, Felix VR '17: "Exploring Non-reversing Magic ..."
Borst, Christoph W. VR '17: "Virtual Field Trips with Networked ..."
Boulic, Ronan VR '17: "Virtual Zero Gravity Impact ..."
Bouyer, Guillaume VR '17: "Inducing Self-Motion Sensations ..."
Brandão, William Losina VR '17: "Using Augmented Reality to ..."
Brayda, Luca VR '17: "Experiencing Guidance in 3D ..."
Brenner, Robert B. VR '17: "Immerj: A Novel System for ..."
Broll, Wolfgang VR '17: "Comparing VR and Non-VR Driving ..."
Brooks Jr., Frederick P. VR '17: "Coherence Changes Gaze Behavior ..." VR '17: "Immersion and Coherence in ..."
Brown, Cullen VR '17: "Coordinating Attention and ..."
Bruder, Gerd VR '17: "Application of Redirected ..." VR '17: "Exploring the Effect of Vibrotactile ..." VR '17: "Biomechanical Analysis of ..."
Bryan-Kinns, Nick VR '17: "The Impact of Transitions ..."
Campbell, Julia VR '17: "Mixed Reality Training for ..."
Cani, Marie-Paule VR '17: "A System for Creating Virtual ..."
Canzoneri, Elisa VR '17: "Virtual Zero Gravity Impact ..."
Cao, Lizhou VR '17: "Hand Gesture Controls for ..."
Cardoso, Alexandre VR '17: "A Methodology for Optimized ..."
Cascone, Marcos H. VR '17: "Immersive Virtual Training ..."
Ceylan, Duygu VR '17: "6-DOF VR Videos with a Single ..."
Cha, Young-Woon VR '17: "Optimizing Placement of Commodity ..."
Chabra, Rohan VR '17: "Optimizing Placement of Commodity ..."
Chan, Leith K. Y. VR '17: "Corrective Feedback for Depth ..."
Chang, Benjamin VR '17: "Diving into the Multiplicity: ..."
Chang, Yun Suk VR '17: "Gesture-Based Augmented Reality ..."
Chardonnet, Jean-Rémy VR '17: "Asymetric Telecollaboration ..."
Chaudhary, Aashish VR '17: "Enhancements to VTK Enabling ..."
Chellali, Amine VR '17: "Inducing Self-Motion Sensations ..." VR '17: "Study of Interaction Fidelity ..."
Chen, Chih-Fan VR '17: "Rapid Creation of Photorealistic ..."
Chen, Xiaoming VR '17: "Immersive and Collaborative ..."
Chen, Zhibo VR '17: "Immersive and Collaborative ..."
Chen, Zhili VR '17: "6-DOF VR Videos with a Single ..."
Cheng, Haonan VR '17: "Efficient Sound Synthesis ..."
Cho, Hyunwoo VR '17: "Real-Time Interactive AR System ..."
Chok, Lionel VR '17: "Singapore Inside Out London ..."
Choromanski, Igor VR '17: "Mixed Reality Training for ..."
Christiansen, Anders VR '17: "A Preliminary Study of Users' ..."
Cleal, Andrew VR '17: "FACETEQ Interface Demo for ..."
Collingwoode-Williams, Tara VR '17: "The Effect of Lip and Arm ..."
Cook, Margaret VR '17: "Anatomy Builder VR: Applying ..."
Cordar, Andrew VR '17: "Repeat after Me: Using Mixed ..."
Cordeiro, Carlúcio S. VR '17: "Immersive Virtual Training ..."
Costa, Raphael VR '17: "Towards Usable Underwater ..."
Cox, Graeme VR '17: "FACETEQ Interface Demo for ..."
Creem-Regehr, Sarah VR '17: "Prism Aftereffects for Throwing ..."
Cruz, Marvis VR '17: "An Immersive Approach to Visualizing ..."
Daher, Salam VR '17: "Optical See-Through vs. Spatial ..."
Danieau, Fabien VR '17: "Attention Guidance for Immersive ..."
Dargahi, Javad VR '17: "Virtual Reality Based Training: ..."
Debarba, Henrique G. VR '17: "Virtual Zero Gravity Impact ..."
De Deus Lopes, Roseli VR '17: "Itapeva 3D: Being Indiana ..."
Deguchi, Daisuke VR '17: "Proposal of a Spectral Random ..."
De Jesus Oliveira, Victor Adriel VR '17: "Experiencing Guidance in 3D ..." VR '17: "Design and Assessment of Haptic ..."
Denn, Grant VR '17: "Group Immersive Education ..."
Diana, Rachel VR '17: "Virginia Tech's Study ..."
Domingues, Leonardo R. VR '17: "Immersive Virtual Training ..."
Doré, Renaud VR '17: "Attention Guidance for Immersive ..."
Duh, Henry Been-Lirn VR '17: "Effects of Using HMDs on Visual ..."
Dulery, Romain VR '17: "A System for Creating Virtual ..."
Duncan, Dominique VR '17: "NIVR: Neuro Imaging in Virtual ..." VR '17: "VRAIN: Virtual Reality Assisted ..."
Dunn, Charles VR '17: "Resolution-Defined Projections ..."
Eck, Ulrich VR '17: "Exploring Non-reversing Magic ..."
Ekong, Sam VR '17: "Virtual Field Trips with Networked ..."
Elvezio, Carmine VR '17: "Travel in Large-Scale Head-Worn ..."
Erfanian, Aida VR '17: "Mechanism of Integrating Force ..."
Essex, Ryan VR '17: "NIVR: Neuro Imaging in Virtual ..." VR '17: "VRAIN: Virtual Reality Assisted ..."
Fallavolita, Pascal VR '17: "Exploring Non-reversing Magic ..."
Fang, Qiang VR '17: "Acoustic VR in the Mouth: ..."
Fatoorechi, Mohsen VR '17: "FACETEQ Interface Demo for ..."
Feiner, Steven VR '17: "Travel in Large-Scale Head-Worn ..."
Fels, Sidney VR '17: "3DPS: An Auto-calibrated Three-Dimensional ..."
Feng, Lele VR '17: "MagicToon: A 2D-to-3D Creative ..."
Feng, Yengzhou VR '17: "Immerj: A Novel System for ..."
Ferdous, Sharif Mohammad Shahnewaz VR '17: "Improve Accessibility of Virtual ..."
Fernando, Charith Lasantha VR '17: "Observation of Mirror Reflection ..." VR '17: "Classification Method of Tactile ..."
Fisher, Joshua A. VR '17: "Designing Intentional Impossible ..."
Fohl, Wolfgang VR '17: "Curvature Gains in Redirected ..."
Freiberg, Jacob VR '17: "Development and Evaluation ..."
Freitag, Sebastian VR '17: "Approximating Optimal Sets ..." VR '17: "Assisted Travel Based on Common ..."
Friston, Sebastian VR '17: "The AR-Rift 2 Prototype ..."
Froehlich, Bernd VR '17: "Sweeping-Based Volumetric ..."
Froeschl, Mario VR '17: "VROnSite: Towards Immersive ..."
Fuchs, Henry VR '17: "Optimizing Placement of Commodity ..."
Fuerst, Bernhard VR '17: "Exploring Non-reversing Magic ..."
Fuhrmann, Arnulph VR '17: "Socially Immersive Avatar-Based ..."
Gadbem, Edgar V. VR '17: "Immersive Virtual Training ..."
Gallo, Guilherme Alcarde VR '17: "Immersive Virtual Training ..."
Garcia, Maxime VR '17: "A System for Creating Virtual ..."
Garcia Estrada, Jose VR '17: "Recommender System for Physical ..."
Garg, Amit VR '17: "Designing Intentional Impossible ..."
Gatterer, Clemens VR '17: "VRRobot: Robot Actuated Props ..."
Georgiev, Georgi V. VR '17: "Augmenting Creative Design ..."
Gillies, Marco VR '17: "The Effect of Lip and Arm ..."
Giraldi Jr., Olavo VR '17: "Immersive Virtual Training ..."
Goellner, Johannes VR '17: "VROnSite: Towards Immersive ..."
González-Zúñiga, Diego VR '17: "Hypertextual Reality: VR on ..."
Grandi, Jerônimo G. VR '17: "Design of Collaborative 3D ..."
Grani, Francesco VR '17: "Sound Design in Virtual Reality ..."
Grechkin, Timofey VR '17: "An Evaluation of Strategies ..."
Grubert, Jens VR '17: "mpCubee: Towards a Mobile ..." VR '17: "Towards Ad Hoc Mobile Multi-display ..."
Grund, Christian VR '17: "Peers at Work: Economic Real-Effort ..."
Guillo, Antoine VR '17: "Attention Guidance for Immersive ..."
Gulberti, Alessandro VR '17: "Biomechanical Analysis of ..."
Gunkel, Simon VR '17: "WebVR Meets WebRTC: Towards ..."
Guo, Jie VR '17: "Effects of Using HMDs on Visual ..."
Guo, Rongkai VR '17: "Towards Usable Underwater ..."
Gürerk, Özgür VR '17: "Peers at Work: Economic Real-Effort ..."
Gutenko, Ievgeniia VR '17: "Automatic Speed and Direction ..."
Ha, Gyutae VR '17: "A Mixed Reality Tele-presence ..."
Hagita, Norihiro VR '17: "Diminished Reality for Acceleration ..."
Hakulinen, Jaakko VR '17: "Interaction with WebVR 360° ..."
Halsey, Jordan VR '17: "Defying the Nazis VR ..."
Hamada, Takeo VR '17: "Jogging with a Virtual Runner ..."
Hamasaki, Takumi VR '17: "HySAR: Hybrid Material Rendering ..."
Hamedi, Mahyar VR '17: "FACETEQ Interface Demo for ..."
Han, Dustin T. VR '17: "Simulating Anthropomorphic ..."
Handa, Takuya VR '17: "A Haptic Three-Dimensional ..."
Hansberger, Jeffrey T. VR '17: "Hand Gesture Controls for ..."
Harbring, Christine VR '17: "Peers at Work: Economic Real-Effort ..."
Hashemian, Abraham M. VR '17: "Lean into It: Exploring Leaning-Based ..."
Hassard, Amelia Shivani VR '17: "The Impact of Transitions ..."
He, Tianyu VR '17: "Immersive and Collaborative ..."
He, Ying VR '17: "Immersive and Collaborative ..."
Heinish, Pierre VR '17: "A System for Creating Virtual ..."
Heller, Christina VR '17: "Defying the Nazis VR ..."
Hentschel, Bernd VR '17: "Towards a Design Space Characterizing ..."
Herald, Brad VR '17: "Virginia Tech's Study ..."
Herbelin, Bruno VR '17: "Virtual Zero Gravity Impact ..."
Hiroi, Yuichi VR '17: "HySAR: Hybrid Material Rendering ..."
Hirose, Michitaka VR '17: "Turn Physically Curved Paths ..."
Hirota, Koichi VR '17: "Evaluation of Airflow Effect ..." VR '17: "KKse: Safety Education System ..."
Høeg, Emil R. VR '17: "An Exploration of Input Conditions ..."
Hoesch, Anne VR '17: "Comparing VR and Non-VR Driving ..."
Hogan, Brendan J. VR '17: "The Pull ..."
Höllerer, Tobias VR '17: "Gesture-Based Augmented Reality ..." VR '17: "Notes on Virtual and Augmented ..." VR '17: "Augmented Reality: Principles ..."
Hosseini, Mohammad VR '17: "View-Aware Tile-Based Adaptations ..."
Hou, Junhui VR '17: "Immersive and Collaborative ..."
Hu, Yaoping VR '17: "Mechanism of Integrating Force ..."
Huang, Jingwei VR '17: "6-DOF VR Videos with a Single ..."
Huang, Ping VR '17: "Texturing of Augmented Reality ..."
Huerta, Ivan VR '17: "Demonstration: Rapid One-Shot ..." VR '17: "Rapid One-Shot Acquisition ..."
Hulin, Thomas VR '17: "Evaluation of a Penalty and ..."
Hunsdale, Jamie VR '17: "The Pull ..."
Hussein, Mohamed VR '17: "A Preliminary Study of Users' ..."
Hvass, Jonatan S. VR '17: "The Effect of Geometric Realism ..." VR '17: "Effect on High versus Low ..."
Ide, Ichiro VR '17: "Proposal of a Spectral Random ..."
Ienaga, Naoto VR '17: "Diminished Hand: A Diminished ..."
Ikei, Yasushi VR '17: "Evaluation of Airflow Effect ..."
Ilie, Adrian VR '17: "Optimizing Placement of Commodity ..."
Inoue, Yasuyuki VR '17: "Observation of Mirror Reflection ..." VR '17: "Classification Method of Tactile ..."
Ito, Ken VR '17: "Evaluation of Airflow Effect ..."
Itoh, Yuta VR '17: "Recognition and Mapping of ..." VR '17: "HySAR: Hybrid Material Rendering ..." VR '17: "Monocular Focus Estimation ..."
Iwai, Daisuke VR '17: "HySAR: Hybrid Material Rendering ..."
Jaisimha, Rahul VR '17: "Immerj: A Novel System for ..."
Janeh, Omar VR '17: "Biomechanical Analysis of ..."
Jee, Hyung-Keun VR '17: "Real-Time Interactive AR System ..."
Jennings, Sion VR '17: "Estimating the Motion-to-Photon ..."
Jerald, Jason VR '17: "Human-Centered Design for ..."
Jhaveri, Sankhesh VR '17: "Enhancements to VTK Enabling ..."
Jin, Hailin VR '17: "6-DOF VR Videos with a Single ..."
Jokela, Tero VR '17: "Interaction with WebVR 360° ..."
Joukowsky, Artemis VR '17: "Defying the Nazis VR ..."
Jung, Byunghoo VR '17: "High-Definition Wireless Personal ..."
Jung, Jinwoong VR '17: "Upright Adjustment of 360 ..."
Jung, Sung-Uk VR '17: "Real-Time Interactive AR System ..."
Kai, Toshihiro VR '17: "Measurement of 3D-Velocity ..."
Kajimoto, Hiroyuki VR '17: "Wearable Tactile Device using ..."
Kanbara, Masayuki VR '17: "Diminished Reality for Acceleration ..."
Kang, Hyo Jeong VR '17: "Designing Next Generation ..."
Kang, Sin-Hwa VR '17: "Motor Adaptation in Response ..."
Kangas, Jari VR '17: "Interaction with WebVR 360° ..."
Kato, Fumihiro VR '17: "Observation of Mirror Reflection ..." VR '17: "Classification Method of Tactile ..."
Kaufman, Arie E. VR '17: "Automatic Speed and Direction ..."
Kaufmann, Hannes VR '17: "VRRobot: Robot Actuated Props ..." VR '17: "VROnSite: Towards Immersive ..."
Kazanzides, Peter VR '17: "Robust Optical See-Through ..." VR '17: "Prioritization and Static ..."
Khooshabeh, Peter VR '17: "Mixed Reality Training for ..."
Kim, Byungmoon VR '17: "Upright Adjustment of 360 ..."
Kim, June VR '17: "Virtual Reality to Save Endangered ..."
Kim, Shiho VR '17: "A Mixed Reality Tele-presence ..."
Kitazaki, Michiteru VR '17: "Jogging with a Virtual Runner ..." VR '17: "Evaluation of Airflow Effect ..."
Kitson, Alexandra VR '17: "Lean into It: Exploring Leaning-Based ..." VR '17: "Development and Evaluation ..."
Kittsteiner, Thomas VR '17: "Peers at Work: Economic Real-Effort ..."
Kiyokawa, Kiyoshi VR '17: "Monocular Focus Estimation ..."
Klaudiny, Martin VR '17: "Demonstration: Rapid One-Shot ..." VR '17: "Rapid One-Shot Acquisition ..."
Knott, Brian VR '17: "Resolution-Defined Projections ..."
Kobori, Norimasa VR '17: "Proposal of a Spectral Random ..."
Kondo, Satoru VR '17: "A Haptic Three-Dimensional ..."
Kooten, Kees van VR '17: "Towards a Design Space Characterizing ..."
Kopper, Regis VR '17: "ArcheoVR: Exploring Itapeva's ..." VR '17: "Emotional Qualities of VR ..." VR '17: "6 Degrees-of-Freedom Manipulation ..." VR '17: "Itapeva 3D: Being Indiana ..."
Koreska, Lars VR '17: "Effect on High versus Low ..."
Kosek, Maggie VR '17: "Demonstration: Rapid One-Shot ..." VR '17: "Rapid One-Shot Acquisition ..."
Kostakos, Vassilis VR '17: "Augmenting Creative Design ..."
Kranz, Matthias VR '17: "mpCubee: Towards a Mobile ..." VR '17: "Towards Ad Hoc Mobile Multi-display ..."
Kruijff, Ernst VR '17: "Lean into It: Exploring Leaning-Based ..." VR '17: "Navigation Interfaces for ..."
Krum, David M. VR '17: "NIVR: Neuro Imaging in Virtual ..." VR '17: "Motor Adaptation in Response ..." VR '17: "Mixed Reality Training for ..." VR '17: "REINVENT: A Low-Cost, Virtual ..."
Kuhlen, Torsten W. VR '17: "Peers at Work: Economic Real-Effort ..." VR '17: "Approximating Optimal Sets ..." VR '17: "BlowClick 2.0: A Trigger Based ..." VR '17: "Towards a Design Space Characterizing ..." VR '17: "Assisted Travel Based on Common ..." VR '17: "Comparison of a Speech-Based ..."
Kumazawa, Itsuo VR '17: "Measurement of 3D-Velocity ..." VR '17: "Tactile Feedback Enhanced ..." VR '17: "Air Cushion: A Pilot Study ..."
Kurosawa, Masato VR '17: "Evaluation of Airflow Effect ..."
Lamounier Jr., Edgard VR '17: "A Methodology for Optimized ..."
Lampotang, Samsun VR '17: "Repeat after Me: Using Mixed ..."
Langbehn, Eike VR '17: "Application of Redirected ..." VR '17: "Biomechanical Analysis of ..."
Larsen, Oliver VR '17: "The Effect of Geometric Realism ..."
Latoschik, Marc Erich VR '17: "Socially Immersive Avatar-Based ..."
Lau, Henry Y. K. VR '17: "Corrective Feedback for Depth ..."
Leal, Steven VR '17: "Anatomy Builder VR: Applying ..."
Lécuyer, Anatole VR '17: "Inducing Self-Motion Sensations ..."
Lee, Hojun VR '17: "A Mixed Reality Tele-presence ..."
Lee, Joon-Young VR '17: "Upright Adjustment of 360 ..."
Lee, Myungho VR '17: "Exploring the Effect of Vibrotactile ..."
Lee, Sangho VR '17: "A Mixed Reality Tele-presence ..."
Lee, Seungyong VR '17: "Upright Adjustment of 360 ..."
Li, Gang VR '17: "Evaluation of Labelling Layout ..."
Li, Ye VR '17: "Immersive and Collaborative ..."
Liew, Sook-Lei VR '17: "REINVENT: A Low-Cost, Virtual ..." VR '17: "Transfer of a Skilled Motor ..."
Lind, Rasmus B. VR '17: "Sound Design in Virtual Reality ..."
Lindemann, Patrick VR '17: "A Diminished Reality Simulation ..."
Liu, Sen VR '17: "Immersive and Collaborative ..."
Liu, Shiguang VR '17: "Efficient Sound Synthesis ..."
Liu, Yue VR '17: "RIDE: Region-Induced Data ..." VR '17: "Effects of Using HMDs on Visual ..." VR '17: "Evaluation of Labelling Layout ..."
Löbbert, Clemens VR '17: "Approximating Optimal Sets ..."
Lok, Benjamin VR '17: "Repeat after Me: Using Mixed ..."
Lombart, Cindy VR '17: "A Study on the Use of an Immersive ..."
Lonie, David VR '17: "Enhancements to VTK Enabling ..."
Lopes, Roseli VR '17: "ArcheoVR: Exploring Itapeva's ..."
Lu, Wenhuan VR '17: "Acoustic VR in the Mouth: ..."
Luan, Bo VR '17: "Gesture-Based Augmented Reality ..."
Lubos, Paul VR '17: "Application of Redirected ..."
Lund, Carol VR '17: "A Preliminary Study of Users' ..."
Luo, Ran VR '17: "Acoustic VR in the Mouth: ..."
Ma, Zixiang VR '17: "The Impact of Transitions ..."
Maciel, Anderson VR '17: "Experiencing Guidance in 3D ..."
MacQuarrie, Andrew VR '17: "Cinematic Virtual Reality: ..."
Maezawa, Momoko VR '17: "Diminished Hand: A Diminished ..."
Mahzari, Anahita VR '17: "Adaptive 360-Degree Video ..."
Malleson, Charles VR '17: "Demonstration: Rapid One-Shot ..." VR '17: "Rapid One-Shot Acquisition ..."
Malone, Erica VR '17: "Anatomy Builder VR: Applying ..."
Mann, Jessie VR '17: "Virginia Tech's Study ..."
Marino, Joseph VR '17: "Automatic Speed and Direction ..."
Martin, Ken VR '17: "Enhancements to VTK Enabling ..."
Masai, Katsutoshi VR '17: "Recognition and Mapping of ..."
Matsumoto, Keigo VR '17: "Turn Physically Curved Paths ..."
Mavridou, Ifigeneia VR '17: "FACETEQ Interface Demo for ..."
McCall, Cade VR '17: "The Effect of Lip and Arm ..."
McCann, Brian C. VR '17: "An Immersive Approach to Visualizing ..." VR '17: "Immerj: A Novel System for ..."
McGhee, James T. VR '17: "FACETEQ Interface Demo for ..."
McKenzie, Sandy VR '17: "Enhancements to VTK Enabling ..."
McMahan, Ryan P. VR '17: "Emotional Qualities of VR ..."
McNamara, Timothy P. VR '17: "A Comparison of Methods for ..."
Mehra, Ravish VR '17: "Efficient Construction of ..."
Men, Liang VR '17: "The Impact of Transitions ..."
Merienne, Frédéric VR '17: "Mechanism of Integrating Force ..."
Messmer, Peter VR '17: "Towards a Design Space Characterizing ..."
Michalski, Quba VR '17: "The Pull ..."
Milesen, Victor VR '17: "Sound Design in Virtual Reality ..."
Miller, Gregor VR '17: "3DPS: An Auto-calibrated Three-Dimensional ..."
Mine, Mark VR '17: "Demonstration: Rapid One-Shot ..." VR '17: "Rapid One-Shot Acquisition ..."
Mirhosseini, Seyedkoosha VR '17: "Automatic Speed and Direction ..."
Mitchell, Kenny VR '17: "Demonstration: Rapid One-Shot ..."