STOC 2023
55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2023)
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55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2023), June 20–23, 2023, Orlando, FL, USA

STOC 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aaronson, Scott STOC '23: "Certified Randomness from ..."
Abboud, Amir STOC '23: "Stronger 3-SUM Lower Bounds ..."
Aggarwal, Divesh STOC '23: "Lattice Problems beyond Polynomial ..."
Aharonov, Dorit STOC '23: "A Polynomial-Time Classical ..."
Alabi, Daniel STOC '23: "Privately Estimating a Gaussian: ..."
Alman, Josh STOC '23: "Faster Walsh-Hadamard and ..."
Alrabiah, Omar STOC '23: "A Near-Cubic Lower Bound for ..."
Amit, Noga STOC '23: "Constant-Round Arguments from ..."
Anari, Nima STOC '23: "Parallel Discrete Sampling ..."
Anshu, Anurag STOC '23: "NLTS Hamiltonians from Good ..."
Applebaum, Benny STOC '23: "The Round Complexity of Statistical ..." STOC '23: "Succinct Computational Secret ..."
Armbruster, Alexander STOC '23: "A PTAS for Minimizing Weighted ..."
Arora, Atul Singh STOC '23: "Quantum Depth in the Random ..."
Assadi, Sepehr STOC '23: "On Regularity Lemma and Barriers ..." STOC '23: "(Noisy) Gap Cycle Counting ..."
Atserias, Albert STOC '23: "On the Consistency of Circuit ..."
Bakshi, Ainesh STOC '23: "A New Approach to Learning ..."
Balogh, József STOC '23: "Nearly All 𝑘-SAT Functions ..."
Bamas, Étienne STOC '23: "Better Trees for Santa Claus ..."
Bansal, Nikhil STOC '23: "Resolving Matrix Spencer Conjecture ..."
Bartusek, James STOC '23: "Obfuscation of Pseudo-Deterministic ..."
Behnezhad, Soheil STOC '23: "On Regularity Lemma and Barriers ..." STOC '23: "Sublinear Time Algorithms ..."
Beimel, Amos STOC '23: "Succinct Computational Secret ..."
Bennett, Huck STOC '23: "Lattice Problems beyond Polynomial ..." STOC '23: "Parameterized Inapproximability ..."
Beyhaghi, Hedyeh STOC '23: "Pandora’s Problem with Nonobligatory ..."
Bhangale, Amey STOC '23: "On Approximability of Satisfiable ..." STOC '23: "On Approximability of Satisfiable ..."
Bhargava, Vishwas STOC '23: "Linear Independence, Alternants, ..."
Bhattacharya, Sayan STOC '23: "Sublinear Algorithms for (1.5+𝜖)-Approximate ..."
Bhattacharya, Sudatta STOC '23: "Locally Consistent Decomposition ..."
Bilò, Davide STOC '23: "Approximate Distance Sensitivity ..."
Black, Hadley STOC '23: "Directed Isoperimetric Theorems ..."
Blanc, Guy STOC '23: "Lifting Uniform Learners via ..." STOC '23: "Subsampling Suffices for Adaptive ..."
Błasiok, Jarosław STOC '23: "A Unifying Theory of Distance ..."
Blauth, Jannis STOC '23: "An Improved Approximation ..."
Blikstad, Joakim STOC '23: "Fast Algorithms via Dynamic-Oracle ..."
Brakensiek, Joshua STOC '23: "Generic Reed-Solomon Codes ..." STOC '23: "SDPs and Robust Satisfiability ..."
Brakerski, Zvika STOC '23: "Lattice Problems beyond Polynomial ..."
Brandão, Fernando G.S.L. STOC '23: "Mind the Gap: Achieving a ..."
Bressan, Marco STOC '23: "The Complexity of Pattern ..."
Breuckmann, Nikolas P. STOC '23: "NLTS Hamiltonians from Good ..."
Bringmann, Karl STOC '23: "Stronger 3-SUM Lower Bounds ..."
Brodal, Gerth Stølting STOC '23: "External Memory Fully Persistent ..."
Bubeck, Sébastien STOC '23: "The Randomized 𝑘-Server ..."
Bucić, Matija STOC '23: "Towards the Erdős-Gallai ..."
Buhai, Rares-Darius STOC '23: "Algorithms Approaching the ..."
Bun, Mark STOC '23: "Stability Is Stable: Connections ..."
Buss, Sam STOC '23: "On the Consistency of Circuit ..."
Cai, Jin-Yi STOC '23: "The Complexity of Counting ..."
Cai, Linda STOC '23: "Pandora’s Problem with Nonobligatory ..."
Cai, Yang STOC '23: "On the Optimal Fixed-Price ..."
Campbell, Earl T. STOC '23: "Mind the Gap: Achieving a ..."
Caragiannis, Ioannis STOC '23: "Computing Better Approximate ..."
Chakrabarty, Deeparnab STOC '23: "Directed Isoperimetric Theorems ..."
Chan, Timothy M. STOC '23: "Fredman’s Trick Meets Dominance ..."
Charikar, Moses STOC '23: "A Characterization of List ..."
Chattopadhyay, Arkadev STOC '23: "Randomized versus Deterministic ..."
Chechik, Shiri STOC '23: "Approximate Distance Sensitivity ..."
Chen, Lijie STOC '23: "When Arthur Has Neither Random ..."
Chen, Sitan STOC '23: "Learning Polynomial Transformations ..."
Chen, Xi STOC '23: "Streaming Euclidean MST to ..." STOC '23: "Complexity of Equilibria in ..."
Chen, Xiaoyu STOC '23: "Streaming Euclidean Max-Cut: ..."
Chen, Yeyuan STOC '23: "Range Avoidance, Remote Point, ..."
Cheraghchi, Mahdi STOC '23: "Parameterized Inapproximability ..."
Cherapanamjeri, Yeshwanth STOC '23: "What Makes a Good Fisherman? ..."
Choudhary, Keerti STOC '23: "Approximate Distance Sensitivity ..."
Christ, Miranda STOC '23: "The Smoothed Complexity of ..."
Christiansen, Aleksander Bjørn Grodt STOC '23: "The Power of Multi-step Vizing ..." STOC '23: "Improved Dynamic Colouring ..."
Christodoulou, George STOC '23: "A Proof of the Nisan-Ronen ..."
Chuzhoy, Julia STOC '23: "A New Deterministic Algorithm ..."
Ciardo, Lorenzo STOC '23: "Approximate Graph Colouring ..."
Coester, Christian STOC '23: "The Randomized 𝑘-Server ..."
Cohen, Edith STOC '23: "Optimal Differentially Private ..."
Cohen, Gil STOC '23: "Approximating Iterated Multiplication ..." STOC '23: "Random Walks on Rotating Expanders ..."
Cohen, Sarel STOC '23: "Approximate Distance Sensitivity ..."
Cohen-Addad, Vincent STOC '23: "Streaming Euclidean MST to ..."
Coladangelo, Andrea STOC '23: "Quantum Depth in the Random ..."
Correa, José STOC '23: "A Constant Factor Prophet ..."
Coudron, Matthew STOC '23: "Quantum Depth in the Random ..."
Cristi, Andrés STOC '23: "A Constant Factor Prophet ..."
Dahiya, Yogesh STOC '23: "Randomized versus Deterministic ..."
Dalzell, Alexander M. STOC '23: "Mind the Gap: Achieving a ..."
Das, Debarati STOC '23: "Weighted Edit Distance Computation: ..."
Daskalakis, Constantinos STOC '23: "What Makes a Good Fisherman? ..."
Derakhshan, Mahsa STOC '23: "Stochastic Minimum Vertex ..."
Diakonikolas, Ilias STOC '23: "A Strongly Polynomial Algorithm ..."
Dikstein, Yotam STOC '23: "New High Dimensional Expanders ..."
Dinur, Irit STOC '23: "Good Quantum LDPC Codes with ..."
Dong, Dingding STOC '23: "Nearly All 𝑘-SAT Functions ..."
Doron, Dean STOC '23: "Almost Chor-Goldreich Sources ..." STOC '23: "Approximating Iterated Multiplication ..."
Dreier, Jan STOC '23: "First-Order Model Checking ..."
Durvasula, Naveen STOC '23: "Stochastic Minimum Vertex ..."
Dütting, Paul STOC '23: "Multi-agent Contracts ..."
Efremenko, Klim STOC '23: "The Rate of Interactive Codes ..."
Eldan, Ronen STOC '23: "Noise Stability on the Boolean ..." STOC '23: "An Optimal “It Ain’t Over ..."
Ellis, David STOC '23: "An Analogue of Bonami’s ..."
Ezra, Tomer STOC '23: "Multi-agent Contracts ..."
Feldman, Michal STOC '23: "Multi-agent Contracts ..."
Fischer, Nick STOC '23: "Stronger 3-SUM Lower Bounds ..."
Forster, Sebastian STOC '23: "Deterministic Incremental ..."
Friedrich, Tobias STOC '23: "Approximate Max-Flow Min-Multicut ..." STOC '23: "Approximate Distance Sensitivity ..."
Fu, Hu STOC '23: "Pandora Box Problem with Nonobligatory ..."
Gaboardi, Marco STOC '23: "Stability Is Stable: Connections ..."
Gao, Xun STOC '23: "A Polynomial-Time Classical ..."
Garg, Jugal STOC '23: "Approximating Nash Social ..."
Ghaffari, Mohsen STOC '23: "Faster Deterministic Distributed ..."
Gheorghiu, Alexandru STOC '23: "Quantum Depth in the Random ..."
Ghosal, Riddhi STOC '23: "Hard Languages in NP ∩ coNP ..."
Gilbert, Jacob STOC '23: "Weighted Edit Distance Computation: ..."
Gollakota, Aravind STOC '23: "A Moment-Matching Approach ..."
Golovnev, Alexander STOC '23: "Lattice Problems beyond Polynomial ..."
Golowich, Louis STOC '23: "A New Berry-Esseen Theorem ..."
Golowich, Noah STOC '23: "Planning and Learning in Partially ..."
Gopalan, Parikshit STOC '23: "A Unifying Theory of Distance ..."
Gopi, Sivakanth STOC '23: "Generic Reed-Solomon Codes ..."
Grunau, Christoph STOC '23: "Faster Deterministic Distributed ..." STOC '23: "Parallel Breadth-First Search ..."
Gu, Shouzhen STOC '23: "An Efficient Decoder for a ..."
Gu, Yuzhou STOC '23: "Optimal Bounds for Noisy Sorting ..."
Gunn, Sam STOC '23: "Commitments to Quantum States ..."
Guo, Zeyu STOC '23: "Extractors for Images of Varieties ..."
Gupta, Meghal STOC '23: "Efficient Interactive Coding ..." STOC '23: "Binary Error-Correcting Codes ..."
Guruswami, Venkatesan STOC '23: "A Near-Cubic Lower Bound for ..." STOC '23: "Binary Error-Correcting Codes ..." STOC '23: "Parameterized Inapproximability ..." STOC '23: "SDPs and Robust Satisfiability ..."
Haeupler, Bernhard STOC '23: "Maximum Length-Constrained ..." STOC '23: "Parallel Breadth-First Search ..."
Haghtalab, Nika STOC '23: "Stochastic Minimum Vertex ..."
Hajiaghayi, MohammadTaghi STOC '23: "Weighted Edit Distance Computation: ..."
Hatami, Hamed STOC '23: "A Borsuk-Ulam Lower Bound ..."
Hatami, Pooya STOC '23: "Depth-𝑑 Threshold Circuits ..."
He, Xiaoyu STOC '23: "Approximating Binary Longest ..."
Hershkowitz, D. Ellis STOC '23: "Maximum Length-Constrained ..."
Hirahara, Shuichi STOC '23: "Capturing One-Way Functions ..." STOC '23: "A Duality between One-Way ..." STOC '23: "Hardness Self-Amplification: ..."
Hopkins, Max STOC '23: "Stability Is Stable: Connections ..."
Hopkins, Samuel B. STOC '23: "Robustness Implies Privacy ..."
Hosseini, Kaave STOC '23: "A Borsuk-Ulam Lower Bound ..."
Hoza, William M. STOC '23: "Depth-𝑑 Threshold Circuits ..."
Hsieh, Min-Hsiu STOC '23: "Good Quantum LDPC Codes with ..."
Hu, Lunjia STOC '23: "A Unifying Theory of Distance ..."
Huang, Yizhi STOC '23: "Parallel Discrete Sampling ..." STOC '23: "Range Avoidance, Remote Point, ..." STOC '23: "NP-Hardness of Approximating ..."
Huang, Zhiyi STOC '23: "Tight Conditional Lower Bounds ..."
Huiberts, Sophie STOC '23: "Upper and Lower Bounds on ..."
Hung, Shih-Han STOC '23: "Certified Randomness from ..."
Hurley, Eoin STOC '23: "Uniformly Random Colourings ..."
Husić, Edin STOC '23: "Approximating Nash Social ..."
Ilango, Rahul STOC '23: "A Duality between One-Way ..." STOC '23: "NP-Hardness of Approximating ..." STOC '23: "Indistinguishability Obfuscation, ..."
Ilyas, Andrew STOC '23: "What Makes a Good Fisherman? ..."
Impagliazzo, Russell STOC '23: "Stability Is Stable: Connections ..."
Ishai, Yuval STOC '23: "Hard Languages in NP ∩ coNP ..." STOC '23: "Succinct Computational Secret ..."
Issac, Davis STOC '23: "Approximate Max-Flow Min-Multicut ..."
Jalan, Akhil STOC '23: "Extractors for Images of Varieties ..."
Jambulapati, Arun STOC '23: "Chaining, Group Leverage Score ..."
Jayaram, Rajesh STOC '23: "Streaming Euclidean MST to ..."
Jeffery, Stacey STOC '23: "Multidimensional Quantum Walks ..."
Jeronimo, Fernando Granha STOC '23: "The Power of Unentangled Quantum ..."
Jiang, Haotian STOC '23: "Resolving Matrix Spencer Conjecture ..."
Jiang, Shaofeng H.-C. STOC '23: "Streaming Euclidean Max-Cut: ..."
Jiang, Yonggang STOC '23: "Finding a Small Vertex Cut ..."
Jiang, Zhile STOC '23: "Computing Better Approximate ..."
Jin, Ce STOC '23: "Removing Additive Structure ..."
Jin, Chi STOC '23: "Optimistic MLE: A Generic ..."
Jones, Chris STOC '23: "Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds ..."
Ju, Nathan STOC '23: "Commitments to Quantum States ..."
Kachlon, Eliran STOC '23: "The Round Complexity of Statistical ..."
Kalai, Yael STOC '23: "Boosting Batch Arguments and ..." STOC '23: "Quantum Advantage from Any ..."
Kamath, Gautam STOC '23: "Robustness Implies Privacy ..."
Kane, Daniel M. STOC '23: "A Strongly Polynomial Algorithm ..."
Kesselheim, Thomas STOC '23: "Multi-agent Contracts ..."
Khanna, Sanjeev STOC '23: "On Regularity Lemma and Barriers ..."
Khot, Subhash STOC '23: "On Approximability of Satisfiable ..." STOC '23: "On Approximability of Satisfiable ..."
Kindler, Guy STOC '23: "An Analogue of Bonami’s ..."
Kiss, Peter STOC '23: "Sublinear Algorithms for (1.5+𝜖)-Approximate ..."
Kitagawa, Fuyuki STOC '23: "Obfuscation of Pseudo-Deterministic ..."
Klivans, Adam R. STOC '23: "A Moment-Matching Approach ..."
Kociumaka, Tomasz STOC '23: "Weighted Edit Distance Computation: ..."
Kol, Gillat STOC '23: "The Rate of Interactive Codes ..."
Korb, Alexis STOC '23: "Hard Languages in NP ∩ coNP ..."
Korhonen, Tuukka STOC '23: "An Improved Parameterized ..."
Kothari, Pravesh K. STOC '23: "A Near-Cubic Lower Bound for ..." STOC '23: "A Moment-Matching Approach ..." STOC '23: "Algorithms Approaching the ..." STOC '23: "Privately Estimating a Gaussian: ..."
Koucký, Michal STOC '23: "Locally Consistent Decomposition ..."
Koutsoupias, Elias STOC '23: "A Proof of the Nisan-Ronen ..."
Kovács, Annamária STOC '23: "A Proof of the Nisan-Ronen ..."
Krauthgamer, Robert STOC '23: "Streaming Euclidean Max-Cut: ..."
Kretschmer, William STOC '23: "Quantum Cryptography in Algorithmica ..."
Krishnaswamy, Ravishankar STOC '23: "Online Unrelated-Machine Load ..."
Krogmann, Simon STOC '23: "Approximate Distance Sensitivity ..."
Kumar, Nikhil STOC '23: "Approximate Max-Flow Min-Multicut ..."
Kumar, Rajendra STOC '23: "Lattice Problems beyond Polynomial ..."
Kushilevitz, Eyal STOC '23: "Hard Languages in NP ∩ coNP ..." STOC '23: "Succinct Computational Secret ..."
Landau, Zeph STOC '23: "A Polynomial-Time Classical ..."
Lange, Jane STOC '23: "Lifting Uniform Learners via ..."
Lanzinger, Matthias STOC '23: "The Complexity of Pattern ..."
Lau, Lap Chi STOC '23: "Cheeger Inequalities for Directed ..."
Le, Hung STOC '23: "A Unified Framework for Light ..."
Lee, James R. STOC '23: "Spectral Hypergraph Sparsification ..."
Lee, Yin Tat STOC '23: "Upper and Lower Bounds on ..."
Lei, Rex STOC '23: "Stability Is Stable: Connections ..."
Levi, Amit STOC '23: "Streaming Euclidean MST to ..."
Li, Huan STOC '23: "On Regularity Lemma and Barriers ..."
Li, Jerry STOC '23: "Learning Polynomial Transformations ..."
Li, Jiatu STOC '23: "Unprovability of Strong Complexity ..." STOC '23: "Range Avoidance, Remote Point, ..." STOC '23: "Indistinguishability Obfuscation, ..."
Li, Jiawei STOC '23: "Pandora Box Problem with Nonobligatory ..."
Li, Ray STOC '23: "Approximating Binary Longest ..."
Li, Shi STOC '23: "Online Unrelated-Machine Load ..."
Li, Wenzheng STOC '23: "Approximating Nash Social ..."
Li, Yuanzhi STOC '23: "Learning Polynomial Transformations ..."
Li, Zeyong STOC '23: "Lattice Problems beyond Polynomial ..."
Lidický, Bernard STOC '23: "Nearly All 𝑘-SAT Functions ..."
Lieutier, André STOC '23: "Hausdorff and Gromov-Hausdorff ..."
Lifshitz, Noam STOC '23: "An Analogue of Bonami’s ..."
Lin, Ting-Chun STOC '23: "Good Quantum LDPC Codes with ..."
Lin, Wei-Kai STOC '23: "Doubly Efficient Private Information ..."
Liu, Allen STOC '23: "A New Approach to Learning ..."
Liu, Daogao STOC '23: "Pandora Box Problem with Nonobligatory ..."
Liu, Qinghua STOC '23: "Optimistic MLE: A Generic ..."
Liu, Qipeng STOC '23: "Memory-Sample Lower Bounds ..."
Liu, Siqi STOC '23: "Local and Global Expansion ..."
Liu, Tianren STOC '23: "Succinct Computational Secret ..."