STOC 2022
54th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2022)
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54th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2022), June 20–24, 2022, Rome, Italy

STOC 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abbe, Emmanuel STOC '22: "Binary Perceptron: Efficient ..."
Abboud, Amir STOC '22: "Hardness of Approximation ..."
Agarwal, Pankaj K. STOC '22: "Deterministic, Near-Linear ..."
Agarwal, Rachit STOC '22: "Optimal Oblivious Reconfigurable ..."
Aggarwal, Divesh STOC '22: "Rate One-Third Non-malleable ..."
Aharonov, Dorit STOC '22: "Hamiltonian Complexity in ..."
Allamigeon, Xavier STOC '22: "No Self-Concordant Barrier ..."
Ameli, Afrouz Jabal STOC '22: "Breaching the 2-Approximation ..."
Amir, Daniel STOC '22: "Optimal Oblivious Reconfigurable ..."
Anagnostides, Ioannis STOC '22: "Near-Optimal No-Regret Learning ..."
Anari, Nima STOC '22: "Entropic Independence: Optimal ..."
Andrews, Robert STOC '22: "Ideals, Determinants, and ..."
Anshu, Anurag STOC '22: "An Area Law for 2D Frustration-Free ..." STOC '22: "Distributed Quantum Inner ..."
Arad, Itai STOC '22: "An Area Law for 2D Frustration-Free ..."
Arunachalam, Srinivasan STOC '22: "Positive Spectrahedra: Invariance ..."
Asadi, Vahid R. STOC '22: "Worst-Case to Average-Case ..."
Assadi, Sepehr STOC '22: "Brooks’ Theorem in Graph ..." STOC '22: "Deterministic Graph Coloring ..."
Bafna, Mitali STOC '22: "Hypercontractivity on High ..."
Bakshi, Ainesh STOC '22: "Low-Rank Approximation with ..." STOC '22: "Robustly Learning Mixtures ..."
Balliu, Alkida STOC '22: "Distributed ∆-Coloring Plays ..."
Bansal, Nikhil STOC '22: "Flow Time Scheduling and Prefix ..." STOC '22: "The Power of Two Choices in ..."
Beimel, Amos STOC '22: "Dynamic Algorithms against ..."
Bender, Michael A. STOC '22: "On the Optimal Time/Space ..."
Ben Yaacov, Inbar STOC '22: "Explicit Binary Tree Codes ..."
Bercea, Ioana Oriana STOC '22: "An Extendable Data Structure ..."
Bhangale, Amey STOC '22: "On Approximability of Satisfiable ..."
Bhargava, Vishwas STOC '22: "Fast, Algebraic Multivariate ..."
Björklund, Andreas STOC '22: "The Shortest Even Cycle Problem ..."
Blanc, Guy STOC '22: "The Query Complexity of Certification ..."
Bonnet, Édouard STOC '22: "Twin-Width IV: Ordered Graphs ..."
Brakerski, Zvika STOC '22: "Quantum Garbled Circuits ..."
Brandt, Sebastian STOC '22: "Distributed ∆-Coloring Plays ..."
Braverman, Vladimir STOC '22: "Sublinear Time Spectral Density ..."
Bringmann, Karl STOC '22: "Almost-Optimal Sublinear-Time ..." STOC '22: "Hardness of Approximation ..."
Bulatov, Andrei A. STOC '22: "Complexity Classification ..." STOC '22: "On the Complexity of CSP-Based ..."
Cai, Yang STOC '22: "Computing Simple Mechanisms: ..."
Carlson, Charlie STOC '22: "Computational Thresholds for ..."
Cassis, Alejandro STOC '22: "Almost-Optimal Sublinear-Time ..."
Cen, Ruoxu STOC '22: "Edge Connectivity Augmentation ..."
Chan, Timothy M. STOC '22: "Hardness for Triangle Problems ..."
Chang, Hsien-Chih STOC '22: "Deterministic, Near-Linear ..." STOC '22: "Almost-Linear ε-Emulators ..."
Chase, Gilad STOC '22: "Approximate Polymorphisms ..."
Chattopadhyay, Eshan STOC '22: "Extractors for Sum of Two ..."
Chawla, Shuchi STOC '22: "Pricing Ordered Items ..."
Chen, Andrew STOC '22: "Deterministic Graph Coloring ..."
Chen, Sitan STOC '22: "Kalman Filtering with Adversarial ..."
Chen, Xi STOC '22: "On the Complexity of Dynamic ..." STOC '22: "New Streaming Algorithms for ..."
Cherapanamjeri, Yeshwanth STOC '22: "Uniform Approximations for ..."
Chi, Shucheng STOC '22: "Faster Min-Plus Product for ..."
Chou, Chi-Ning STOC '22: "Linear Space Streaming Lower ..."
Chuzhoy, Julia STOC '22: "A Subpolynomial Approximation ..."
Clarkson, Kenneth L. STOC '22: "Low-Rank Approximation with ..."
Cohen, Gil STOC '22: "Explicit Binary Tree Codes ..."
Cohen-Addad, Vincent STOC '22: "Towards Optimal Lower Bounds ..." STOC '22: "Improved Approximations for ..." STOC '22: "Bypassing the Surface Embedding: ..."
Coladangelo, Andrea STOC '22: "Deniable Encryption in a Quantum ..."
Cornelissen, Arjan STOC '22: "Near-Optimal Quantum Algorithms ..."
Coy, Sam STOC '22: "Deterministic Massively Parallel ..."
Cubitt, Toby S. STOC '22: "Computational Complexity of ..."
Czumaj, Artur STOC '22: "Deterministic Massively Parallel ..."
Dadush, Daniel STOC '22: "A New Framework for Matrix ..."
Daskalakis, Constantinos STOC '22: "Near-Optimal No-Regret Learning ..." STOC '22: "Fast Rates for Nonparametric ..."
Davies, Ewan STOC '22: "Computational Thresholds for ..."
Deligkas, Argyrios STOC '22: "Constant Inapproximability ..."
Deng, Yuan STOC '22: "Approximately Efficient Bilateral ..."
Diakonikolas, Ilias STOC '22: "Robustly Learning Mixtures ..." STOC '22: "Clustering Mixture Models ..." STOC '22: "Learning General Halfspaces ..."
Dinur, Irit STOC '22: "Locally Testable Codes with ..."
Dixon, Peter STOC '22: "Pseudodeterminism: Promises ..."
Dobzinski, Shahar STOC '22: "On the Hardness of Dominant ..."
Duan, Ran STOC '22: "Maintaining Exact Distances ..." STOC '22: "Faster Min-Plus Product for ..."
Efremenko, Klim STOC '22: "Circuits Resilient to Short-Circuit ..."
Englert, Matthias STOC '22: "Improved Approximation Guarantees ..."
Esfandiari, Hossein STOC '22: "Improved Approximations for ..."
Eskenazis, Alexandros STOC '22: "Learning Low-Degree Functions ..."
Even, Guy STOC '22: "An Extendable Data Structure ..."
Evra, Shai STOC '22: "Locally Testable Codes with ..."
Fan, Zhiyuan STOC '22: "The Exact Complexity of Pseudorandom ..."
Farach-Colton, Martín STOC '22: "On the Optimal Time/Space ..."
Farina, Gabriele STOC '22: "Near-Optimal No-Regret Learning ..."
Fearnley, John STOC '22: "Constant Inapproximability ..."
Feldheim, Ohad N. STOC '22: "The Power of Two Choices in ..."
Filmus, Yuval STOC '22: "Approximate Polymorphisms ..."
Filtser, Arnold STOC '22: "Locality-Sensitive Orderings ..."
Fischer, Manuela STOC '22: "Deterministic (1+𝜀)-Approximate ..."
Fischer, Nick STOC '22: "Almost-Optimal Sublinear-Time ..."
Fishelson, Maxwell STOC '22: "Near-Optimal No-Regret Learning ..."
Focke, Jacob STOC '22: "Counting Small Induced Subgraphs ..."
Fomin, Fedor V. STOC '22: "Fast FPT-Approximation of ..."
Forbes, Michael A. STOC '22: "Ideals, Determinants, and ..."
Gao, Yu STOC '22: "Faster Maxflow via Improved ..."
Gaubert, Stéphane STOC '22: "No Self-Concordant Barrier ..."
Ghaffari, Mohsen STOC '22: "Hop-Constrained Expander Decompositions, ..."
Gharan, Shayan Oveis STOC '22: "An Improved Approximation ..."
Gharibian, Sevag STOC '22: "Dequantizing the Quantum Singular ..."
Gheissari, Reza STOC '22: "Low-Temperature Ising Dynamics ..."
Ghosh, Sumanta STOC '22: "Fast, Algebraic Multivariate ..."
Ghoshal, Suprovat STOC '22: "A Characterization of Approximability ..."
Giakkoupis, George STOC '22: "Expanders via Local Edge Flips ..."
Giocanti, Ugo STOC '22: "Twin-Width IV: Ordered Graphs ..."
Girish, Uma STOC '22: "Parallel Repetition for All ..."
Goldwasser, Shafi STOC '22: "Deniable Encryption in a Quantum ..."
Golovnev, Alexander STOC '22: "Worst-Case to Average-Case ..." STOC '22: "Linear Space Streaming Lower ..."
Golowich, Noah STOC '22: "Near-Optimal No-Regret Learning ..." STOC '22: "Fast Rates for Nonparametric ..."
Gosset, David STOC '22: "An Area Law for 2D Frustration-Free ..."
Grandoni, Fabrizio STOC '22: "Breaching the 2-Approximation ..." STOC '22: "A PTAS for Unsplittable Flow ..."
Grunau, Christoph STOC '22: "Undirected (1+𝜀)-Shortest ..."
Gupta, Meghal STOC '22: "Interactive Error Correcting ..." STOC '22: "The Optimal Error Resilience ..."
Gur, Tom STOC '22: "Worst-Case to Average-Case ..." STOC '22: "Hypercontractivity on High ..."
Guruswami, Venkatesan STOC '22: "Algorithms and Certificates ..."
Haeupler, Bernhard STOC '22: "Hop-Constrained Expander Decompositions, ..." STOC '22: "Undirected (1+𝜀)-Shortest ..." STOC '22: "Circuits Resilient to Short-Circuit ..."
Haitner, Iftach STOC '22: "On the Complexity of Two-Party ..."
Hajiaghayi, Mohammad T. STOC '22: "Improved Communication Complexity ..."
Halldórsson, Magnús M. STOC '22: "Near-Optimal Distributed Degree+1 ..."
Hamoudi, Yassine STOC '22: "Near-Optimal Quantum Algorithms ..."
Harms, Nathaniel STOC '22: "Randomized Communication and ..."
Hastings, Matthew B. STOC '22: "Optimizing Strongly Interacting ..."
He, Zhiyang STOC '22: "Breaking the nk ..."
Herman, Tal STOC '22: "Verifying the Unseen: Interactive ..."
Hieronymi, Philipp STOC '22: "A Strong Version of Cobham’s ..."
Hollender, Alexandros STOC '22: "Constant Inapproximability ..."
Holmgren, Justin STOC '22: "Parallel Repetition for All ..."
Hopkins, Max STOC '22: "Hypercontractivity on High ..."
Hopkins, Samuel B. STOC '22: "Efficient Mean Estimation ..." STOC '22: "Matrix Discrepancy from Quantum ..."
Huang, Shang-En STOC '22: "Byzantine Agreement in Polynomial ..."
Huang, Zhiyi STOC '22: "The Power of Multiple Choices ..."
Husfeldt, Thore STOC '22: "The Shortest Even Cycle Problem ..."
Ilango, Rahul STOC '22: "Robustness of Average-Case ..."
Impagliazzo, Russell STOC '22: "Reproducibility in Learning ..."
Irani, Sandy STOC '22: "Hamiltonian Complexity in ..."
Ivanisvili, Paata STOC '22: "Learning Low-Degree Functions ..."
Ivkov, Misha STOC '22: "List-Decodable Covariance ..."
Jain, Vishesh STOC '22: "Entropic Independence: Optimal ..." STOC '22: "Approximate Counting and Sampling ..."
Jambulapati, Arun STOC '22: "Improved Iteration Complexities ..." STOC '22: "Faster Maxflow via Improved ..."
Jansen, Bart M. P. STOC '22: "Lossy Planarization: A Constant-Factor ..."
Jayaram, Rajesh STOC '22: "New Streaming Algorithms for ..."
Jerbi, Sofiene STOC '22: "Near-Optimal Quantum Algorithms ..."
Jia, He STOC '22: "Robustly Learning Mixtures ..."
Jiang, Haotian STOC '22: "A New Framework for Matrix ..."
Jin, Ce STOC '22: "Tight Dynamic Problem Lower ..."
Kalachev, Gleb STOC '22: "Asymptotically Good Quantum ..."
Kalai, Yael Tauman STOC '22: "Circuits Resilient to Short-Circuit ..." STOC '22: "Interactive Error Correcting ..."
Kamath, Gautam STOC '22: "Efficient Mean Estimation ..."
Kamath, Pritish STOC '22: "Circuits Resilient to Short-Circuit ..."
Kamber, Amitay STOC '22: "Combinatorics via Closed Orbits: ..."
Kane, Daniel M. STOC '22: "Robustly Learning Mixtures ..." STOC '22: "Clustering Mixture Models ..." STOC '22: "Learning General Halfspaces ..."
Kanukurthi, Bhavana STOC '22: "Rate One-Third Non-malleable ..."
Kaplan, Haim STOC '22: "Dynamic Algorithms against ..."
Karczmarz, Adam STOC '22: "Subquadratic Dynamic Path ..."
Karlin, Anna R. STOC '22: "An Improved Approximation ..."
Kaski, Petteri STOC '22: "The Shortest Even Cycle Problem ..."
Kaufman, Tali STOC '22: "Hypercontractivity on High ..." STOC '22: "Combinatorics via Closed Orbits: ..."
Kazeminia, Amirhossein STOC '22: "Complexity Classification ..."
Kempa, Dominik STOC '22: "Dynamic Suffix Array with ..."
Khot, Subhash STOC '22: "On Approximability of Satisfiable ..."
Khoury, Seri STOC '22: "Hardness of Approximation ..."
Kim, Eun Jung STOC '22: "Directed Flow-Augmentation ..."
Klein, Nathan STOC '22: "An Improved Approximation ..."
Kleinberg, Robert STOC '22: "Optimal Oblivious Reconfigurable ..."
Koch, Caleb STOC '22: "The Query Complexity of Certification ..."
Kociumaka, Tomasz STOC '22: "Dynamic Suffix Array with ..."
Koehler, Frederic STOC '22: "Entropic Independence: Optimal ..." STOC '22: "Kalman Filtering with Adversarial ..."
Kol, Gillat STOC '22: "Circuits Resilient to Short-Circuit ..."
Kolla, Alexandra STOC '22: "Computational Thresholds for ..."
Kongsgaard, Daniel STOC '22: "Clustering Mixture Models ..."
Kontonis, Vasilis STOC '22: "Learning General Halfspaces ..."
Korhonen, Tuukka STOC '22: "Fast FPT-Approximation of ..."
Kothari, Pravesh K. STOC '22: "Robustly Learning Mixtures ..." STOC '22: "List-Decodable Covariance ..." STOC '22: "Algorithms and Certificates ..."
Kowalski, Dariusz R. STOC '22: "Improved Communication Complexity ..."
Kratsch, Stefan STOC '22: "Directed Flow-Augmentation ..."
Krauthgamer, Robert STOC '22: "Almost-Linear ε-Emulators ..."
Krishnan, Aditya STOC '22: "Sublinear Time Spectral Density ..."
Kuhn, Fabian STOC '22: "Near-Optimal Distributed Degree+1 ..." STOC '22: "Distributed ∆-Coloring Plays ..."
Kulkarni, Janardhan STOC '22: "Online Edge Coloring via Tree ..."
Kumar, Mrinal STOC '22: "Fast, Algebraic Multivariate ..."
Kumar, Pankaj STOC '22: "Brooks’ Theorem in Graph ..."
Kuszmaul, John STOC '22: "On the Optimal Time/Space ..."
Kuszmaul, William STOC '22: "On the Optimal Time/Space ..."
Landau, Zeph STOC '22: "Distributed Quantum Inner ..."
Lange, Jane STOC '22: "The Query Complexity of Certification ..."
Larsen, Kasper Green STOC '22: "Towards Optimal Lower Bounds ..."
Le, Hung STOC '22: "Locality-Sensitive Orderings ..."
Lee, Euiwoong STOC '22: "A Characterization of Approximability ..."
Lee, Yin Tat STOC '22: "Faster Maxflow via Improved ..."
Le Gall, François STOC '22: "Dequantizing the Quantum Singular ..."
Lei, Rex STOC '22: "Reproducibility in Learning ..."
Levi, Amit STOC '22: "New Streaming Algorithms for ..."
Li, Jason STOC '22: "Breaking the nk ..." STOC '22: "Edge Connectivity Augmentation ..." STOC '22: "Undirected (1+𝜀)-Shortest ..."
Li, Jerry STOC '22: "Clustering Mixtures with Almost ..." STOC '22: "Clustering Mixture Models ..."
Li, Jiatu STOC '22: "3.1no(n) ..." STOC '22: "The Exact Complexity of Pseudorandom ..."
Li, Shuangping STOC '22: "Binary Perceptron: Efficient ..."
Liao, Jyun-Jie STOC '22: "Extractors for Sum of Two ..."
Lifshitz, Noam STOC '22: "Hypercontractivity on High ..."
Limaye, Nutan STOC '22: "Set-Multilinear and Non-commutative ..."
Liu, Allen STOC '22: "Clustering Mixtures with Almost ..."
Liu, Hongyang STOC '22: "Simple Parallel Algorithms ..."
Liu, Mingmou STOC '22: "On the Optimal Time/Space ..."
Liu, Siqi STOC '22: "Hypercontractivity on High ..." STOC '22: "Testing Thresholds for High-Dimensional ..."
Liu, Yang P. STOC '22: "Online Edge Coloring via Tree ..." STOC '22: "Improved Iteration Complexities ..." STOC '22: "Faster Maxflow via Improved ..."
Liu, Yunchao STOC '22: "Distributed Quantum Inner ..."
Livne, Ron STOC '22: "Locally Testable Codes with ..."
Lokshtanov, Daniel STOC '22: "Fixed-Parameter Tractability ..."
Lovett, Shachar STOC '22: "Hypercontractivity on High ..."
Lubotzky, Alexander STOC '22: "Locally Testable Codes with ..."
Majid, Mahbod STOC '22: "Efficient Mean Estimation ..."
Makarychev, Konstantin STOC '22: "Explainable k-Means: ..."
Manohar, Peter STOC '22: "Algorithms and Certificates ..."
Mansour, Yishay STOC '22: "Dynamic Algorithms against ..."
Mao, Jieming STOC '22: "Approximately Efficient Bilateral ..."
Matsakis, Nicolaos STOC '22: "Improved Approximation Guarantees ..."
Mazor, Noam STOC '22: "On the Complexity of Two-Party ..."
Melissourgos, Themistoklis STOC '22: "Constant Inapproximability ..."
Minzer, Dor STOC '22: "Approximate Polymorphisms ..." STOC '22: "On Approximability of Satisfiable ..."
Mirrokni, Vahab STOC '22: "Improved Approximations for ..."
Mitrović, Slobodan STOC '22: "Deterministic (1+𝜀)-Approximate ..."
Mittal, Kunal STOC '22: "Parallel Repetition for All ..."
Mittal, Parth STOC '22: "Brooks’ Theorem in Graph ..."
Mohanty, Sidhanth STOC '22: "Testing Thresholds for High-Dimensional ..."
Mohapatra, Chandra Kanta STOC '22: "Fast, Algebraic Multivariate ..."
Moitra, Ankur STOC '22: "Kalman Filtering with Adversarial ..."
Mömke, Tobias STOC '22: "A PTAS for Unsplittable Flow ..."
Mossel, Elchanan STOC '22: "Approximate Polymorphisms ..."
Mousavi, Hamoon STOC '22: "Nonlocal Games, Compression ..."
Mozes, Shahar STOC '22: "Locally Testable Codes with ..."
Mukherjee, Anish STOC '22: "Subquadratic Dynamic Path ..."
Musco, Christopher STOC '22: "Sublinear Time Spectral Density ..."