STOC 2020
52nd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2020)
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52nd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2020), June 22–26, 2020, Chicago, IL, USA

STOC 2020 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aamand, Anders STOC '20: "Fast Hashing with Strong Concentration ..."
Abboud, Amir STOC '20: "New Hardness Results for Planar ..."
Alekseev, Yaroslav STOC '20: "Semi-algebraic Proofs, IPS ..."
Alev, Vedat Levi STOC '20: "Improved Analysis of Higher ..."
Alweiss, Ryan STOC '20: "Improved Bounds for the Sunflower ..."
Ambainis, Andris STOC '20: "Quadratic Speedup for Finding ..."
Ameli, Afrouz Jabal STOC '20: "Breaching the 2-Approximation ..."
Amos, Ryan STOC '20: "One-Shot Signatures and Applications ..."
Andoni, Alexandr STOC '20: "Parallel Approximate Undirected ..."
Anshu, Anurag STOC '20: "Entanglement Subvolume Law ..."
Applebaum, Benny STOC '20: "Better Secret Sharing via ..."
Arad, Itai STOC '20: "Entanglement Subvolume Law ..."
Assadi, Sepehr STOC '20: "Separating the Communication ..." STOC '20: "Exploration with Limited Memory: ..."
Balkanski, Eric STOC '20: "A Lower Bound for Parallel ..."
Bansal, Nikhil STOC '20: "Online Vector Balancing and ..."
Behnezhad, Soheil STOC '20: "Stochastic Matching with Few ..."
Beimel, Amos STOC '20: "Better Secret Sharing via ..."
Bender, Michael A. STOC '20: "Contention Resolution without ..."
Berenbrink, Petra STOC '20: "Optimal Time and Space Leader ..."
Bhandari, Siddharth STOC '20: "Improved Bounds for Perfect ..."
Bienkowski, Marcin STOC '20: "Unbounded Lower Bound for ..."
Bitansky, Nir STOC '20: "Post-quantum Zero Knowledge ..."
Borgs, Christian STOC '20: "Efficient Sampling and Counting ..."
Brakensiek, Joshua STOC '20: "Constant-Factor Approximation ..."
Bringmann, Karl STOC '20: "Top-𝑘-Convolution and the ..."
Byrka, Jarosław STOC '20: "Unbounded Lower Bound for ..." STOC '20: "Breaching the 2-Approximation ..."
Cao, Nairen STOC '20: "Efficient Construction of ..."
Chakraborty, Sayantan STOC '20: "Improved Bounds for Perfect ..."
Chan, Timothy M. STOC '20: "Approximating Text-to-Pattern ..."
Chattopadhyay, Eshan STOC '20: "Extractors for Adversarial ..." STOC '20: "XOR Lemmas for Resilient Functions ..."
Chayes, Jennifer STOC '20: "Efficient Sampling and Counting ..."
Chechik, Shiri STOC '20: "Constant Girth Approximation ..." STOC '20: "Distance Sensitivity Oracles ..."
Chen, Lijie STOC '20: "Strong Average-Case Lower ..." STOC '20: "Sharp Threshold Results for ..."
Chen, Sitan STOC '20: "Learning Mixtures of Linear ..." STOC '20: "Efficiently Learning Structured ..."
Chen, Xi STOC '20: "Smoothed Complexity of Local ..."
Chen, Xue STOC '20: "Testing Noisy Linear Functions ..."
Cherapanamjeri, Yeshwanth STOC '20: "Algorithms for Heavy-Tailed ..."
Chia, Nai-Hui STOC '20: "Sampling-Based Sublinear Low-Rank ..." STOC '20: "On the Need for Large Quantum ..."
Christodoulou, George STOC '20: "On the Nisan-Ronen Conjecture ..."
Chung, Kai-Min STOC '20: "On the Need for Large Quantum ..."
Coester, Christian STOC '20: "Unbounded Lower Bound for ..."
Cohen, Sarel STOC '20: "Distance Sensitivity Oracles ..."
Cohen-Addad, Vincent STOC '20: "New Hardness Results for Planar ..."
Cook, James STOC '20: "Catalytic Approaches to the ..."
Coudron, Matthew STOC '20: "Computations with Greater ..."
Dadush, Daniel STOC '20: "A Scaling-Invariant Algorithm ..."
Dagan, Yuval STOC '20: "Interaction Is Necessary for ..."
De, Anindya STOC '20: "Testing Noisy Linear Functions ..."
Derakhshan, Mahsa STOC '20: "Stochastic Matching with Few ..."
Dudek, Bartłomiej STOC '20: "All Non-trivial Variants of ..."
Edmonds, Alexander STOC '20: "The Power of Factorization ..."
Efremenko, Klim STOC '20: "Interactive Error Resilience ..."
Eldan, Ronen STOC '20: "Concentration on the Boolean ..."
Feldman, Moran STOC '20: "The One-Way Communication ..."
Feldman, Vitaly STOC '20: "Private Stochastic Convex ..." STOC '20: "Interaction Is Necessary for ..." STOC '20: "Does Learning Require Memorization? ..."
Feng, Weiming STOC '20: "Fast Sampling and Counting ..."
Filmus, Yuval STOC '20: "AND Testing and Robust Judgement ..."
Fineman, Jeremy T. STOC '20: "Efficient Construction of ..."
Fomin, Fedor V. STOC '20: "Hitting Topological Minors ..."
Gavinsky, Dmitry STOC '20: "Bare Quantum Simultaneity ..."
Gawrychowski, Paweł STOC '20: "All Non-trivial Variants of ..."
Ge, Rong STOC '20: "Estimating Normalizing Constants ..."
Georgiou, Marios STOC '20: "One-Shot Signatures and Applications ..."
Ghaffari, Mohsen STOC '20: "Polylogarithmic-Time Deterministic ..."
Gharan, Shayan Oveis STOC '20: "An Improved Approximation ..."
Giakkoupis, George STOC '20: "Optimal Time and Space Leader ..."
Gilyén, András STOC '20: "Sampling-Based Sublinear Low-Rank ..." STOC '20: "Quadratic Speedup for Finding ..."
Golan, Shay STOC '20: "Approximating Text-to-Pattern ..."
Goldenberg, Elazar STOC '20: "Does Preprocessing Help in ..."
Golovnev, Alexander STOC '20: "Data Structures Meet Cryptography: ..."
Goodman, Jesse STOC '20: "Extractors for Adversarial ..."
Göös, Mika STOC '20: "Automating Cutting Planes ..."
Gosset, David STOC '20: "Entanglement Subvolume Law ..."
Goyal, Vipul STOC '20: "Extractors for Adversarial ..."
Grandoni, Fabrizio STOC '20: "Breaching the 2-Approximation ..."
Grier, Daniel STOC '20: "Interactive Shallow Clifford ..."
Grigoriev, Dima STOC '20: "Semi-algebraic Proofs, IPS ..."
Gross, Renan STOC '20: "Concentration on the Boolean ..."
Guo, Chenghao STOC '20: "Smoothed Complexity of Local ..."
Guo, Heng STOC '20: "Fast Sampling and Counting ..."
Guo, Siyao STOC '20: "Data Structures Meet Cryptography: ..."
Gupta, Anupam STOC '20: "Caching with Time Windows ..." STOC '20: "The Karger-Stein Algorithm ..."
Guruswami, Venkatesan STOC '20: "Optimally Resilient Codes ..." STOC '20: "Arikan Meets Shannon: Polar ..."
Haeupler, Bernhard STOC '20: "Optimally Resilient Codes ..."
Hajiaghayi, MohammadTaghi STOC '20: "Stochastic Matching with Few ..."
Harrow, Aram W. STOC '20: "Classical Algorithms, Correlation ..."
Hatami, Pooya STOC '20: "XOR Lemmas for Resilient Functions ..."
Helmuth, Tyler STOC '20: "Efficient Sampling and Counting ..."
Hirahara, Shuichi STOC '20: "Unexpected Hardness Results ..."
Hirsch, Edward A. STOC '20: "Semi-algebraic Proofs, IPS ..."
Holden, Dhiraj STOC '20: "Non-signaling Proofs with ..."
Holm, Jacob STOC '20: "Fully-Dynamic Planarity Testing ..."
Hopkins, Samuel B. STOC '20: "Algorithms for Heavy-Tailed ..."
Horel, Thibaut STOC '20: "Data Structures Meet Cryptography: ..."
Hosseini, Kaave STOC '20: "XOR Lemmas for Resilient Functions ..."
Huang, Lingxiao STOC '20: "Coresets for Clustering in ..."
Huang, Zhiyi STOC '20: "Online Primal Dual Meets Online ..."
Huiberts, Sophie STOC '20: "A Scaling-Invariant Algorithm ..."
Ikenmeyer, Christian STOC '20: "Implementing Geometric Complexity ..."
Jambulapati, Arun STOC '20: "Positive Semidefinite Programming: ..."
Jeffery, Stacey STOC '20: "Quadratic Speedup for Finding ..."
Jeż, Łukasz STOC '20: "Unbounded Lower Bound for ..."
Jiang, Haotian STOC '20: "Online Vector Balancing and ..." STOC '20: "An Improved Cutting Plane ..."
Jiang, Zhihao STOC '20: "Approximately Stable Committee ..."
Jin, Ce STOC '20: "Sharp Threshold Results for ..."
Kalai, Yael Tauman STOC '20: "Non-signaling Proofs with ..."
Kallaugher, John STOC '20: "Separations and Equivalences ..."
Kandasamy, Umangathan STOC '20: "Implementing Geometric Complexity ..."
Karger, David R. STOC '20: "A Phase Transition and a Quadratic ..."
Karlin, Anna R. STOC '20: "An Improved Approximation ..."
Kathuria, Tarun STOC '20: "Algorithms for Heavy-Tailed ..."
Khandeparkar, Hrishikesh STOC '20: "Separating the Communication ..."
Kiayias, Aggelos STOC '20: "One-Shot Signatures and Applications ..."
Klein, Nathan STOC '20: "An Improved Approximation ..."
Klein, Philip N. STOC '20: "New Hardness Results for Planar ..."
Kling, Peter STOC '20: "Optimal Time and Space Leader ..."
Knudsen, Jakob Bæk Tejs STOC '20: "Fast Hashing with Strong Concentration ..."
Knudsen, Mathias Bæk Tejs STOC '20: "Fast Hashing with Strong Concentration ..."
Kociumaka, Tomasz STOC '20: "Approximating Text-to-Pattern ..."
Kokainis, Martins STOC '20: "Quadratic Speedup for Finding ..."
Kol, Gillat STOC '20: "Interactive Error Resilience ..."
Kopelowitz, Tsvi STOC '20: "Contention Resolution without ..." STOC '20: "Approximating Text-to-Pattern ..."
Koren, Tomer STOC '20: "Private Stochastic Convex ..."
Koroth, Sajin STOC '20: "Automating Cutting Planes ..."
Koucký, Michal STOC '20: "Constant Factor Approximations ..."
Koutsoupias, Elias STOC '20: "On the Nisan-Ronen Conjecture ..."
Kovács, Annamária STOC '20: "On the Nisan-Ronen Conjecture ..."
Kumar, Amit STOC '20: "Caching with Time Windows ..."
Kuszmaul, William STOC '20: "Contention Resolution without ..."
Łącki, Jakub STOC '20: "Walking Randomly, Massively, ..."
Laddha, Aditi STOC '20: "Strong Self-Concordance and ..."
Lai, Ching-Yi STOC '20: "On the Need for Large Quantum ..."
Lai, Kai-Yuan STOC '20: "Three-in-a-Tree in Near Linear ..."
Lau, Lap Chi STOC '20: "Improved Analysis of Higher ..." STOC '20: "A Spectral Approach to Network ..."
Leake, Jonathan STOC '20: "On the Computability of Continuous ..."
Lee, Euiwoong STOC '20: "The Karger-Stein Algorithm ..."
Lee, Holden STOC '20: "Estimating Normalizing Constants ..."
Lee, Yin Tat STOC '20: "Strong Self-Concordance and ..." STOC '20: "Solving Tall Dense Linear ..." STOC '20: "Positive Semidefinite Programming: ..." STOC '20: "An Improved Cutting Plane ..."
Li, Jason STOC '20: "Faster Parallel Algorithm ..." STOC '20: "The Karger-Stein Algorithm ..."
Li, Jerry STOC '20: "Learning Mixtures of Linear ..." STOC '20: "Positive Semidefinite Programming: ..." STOC '20: "Efficiently Learning Structured ..."
Li, Tongyang STOC '20: "Sampling-Based Sublinear Low-Rank ..."
Li, Wenzheng STOC '20: "A Polynomial Lower Bound on ..."
Li, Xin STOC '20: "Extractors for Adversarial ..."
Lifshitz, Noam STOC '20: "AND Testing and Robust Judgement ..."
Lin, Han-Hsuan STOC '20: "Sampling-Based Sublinear Low-Rank ..."
Liu, Mingmou STOC '20: "Lower Bound for Succinct Range ..."
Liu, Paul STOC '20: "A Polynomial Lower Bound on ..."
Liu, Yang P. STOC '20: "Constant Girth Approximation ..." STOC '20: "Faster Energy Maximization ..."
Lokshtanov, Daniel STOC '20: "An Exponential Time Parameterized ..." STOC '20: "Hitting Topological Minors ..."
Lovett, Shachar STOC '20: "XOR Lemmas for Resilient Functions ..." STOC '20: "Decision List Compression ..." STOC '20: "Improved Bounds for the Sunflower ..."
Lu, Hsueh-I STOC '20: "Three-in-a-Tree in Near Linear ..."
Lu, Jianfeng STOC '20: "Estimating Normalizing Constants ..."
Mahabadi, Sepideh STOC '20: "Non-adaptive Adaptive Sampling ..."
Martin, Barnaby STOC '20: "QCSP Monsters and the Demise ..."
Mehraban, Saeed STOC '20: "Classical Algorithms, Correlation ..."
Menda, Sanketh STOC '20: "Computations with Greater ..."
Mertz, Ian STOC '20: "Automating Cutting Planes ..." STOC '20: "Catalytic Approaches to the ..."
Meunier, Pierre-Étienne STOC '20: "The Program-Size Complexity ..."
Miller, Carl A. STOC '20: "The Impossibility of Efficient ..."
Minzer, Dor STOC '20: "AND Testing and Robust Judgement ..."
Misra, Pranabendu STOC '20: "An Exponential Time Parameterized ..."
Mitrović, Slobodan STOC '20: "Walking Randomly, Massively, ..."
Mitzenmacher, Michael STOC '20: "Dynamic Algorithms for LIS ..."
Mohanty, Sidhanth STOC '20: "Explicit Near-Ramanujan Graphs ..." STOC '20: "Lifting Sum-of-Squares Lower ..."
Moitra, Ankur STOC '20: "Efficiently Learning Structured ..."
Mossel, Elchanan STOC '20: "AND Testing and Robust Judgement ..."
Mukhopadhyay, Sagnik STOC '20: "Weighted Min-Cut: Sequential, ..."
Munagala, Kamesh STOC '20: "Approximately Stable Committee ..."
Nakos, Vasileios STOC '20: "Top-𝑘-Convolution and the ..."
Nanongkai, Danupon STOC '20: "Weighted Min-Cut: Sequential, ..."
Natura, Bento STOC '20: "A Scaling-Invariant Algorithm ..."
Nederlof, Jesper STOC '20: "Detecting and Counting Small ..." STOC '20: "Bipartite TSP in O(1.9999ⁿ) ..."
Nikolov, Aleksandar STOC '20: "The Power of Factorization ..."
Nir, Oded STOC '20: "Better Secret Sharing via ..."
Norouzi-Fard, Ashkan STOC '20: "The One-Way Communication ..."
O'Donnell, Ryan STOC '20: "Fooling Gaussian PTFs via ..." STOC '20: "Explicit Near-Ramanujan Graphs ..."
Onak, Krzysztof STOC '20: "Walking Randomly, Massively, ..."
Padmanabhan, Swati STOC '20: "Positive Semidefinite Programming: ..."
Panigrahi, Debmalya STOC '20: "Caching with Time Windows ..."
Panolan, Fahad STOC '20: "Hitting Topological Minors ..."
Paredes, Pedro STOC '20: "Explicit Near-Ramanujan Graphs ..."
Park, Sunoo STOC '20: "Data Structures Meet Cryptography: ..."
Perkins, Will STOC '20: "Efficient Sampling and Counting ..."
Peter, Naty STOC '20: "Better Secret Sharing via ..."
Pettie, Seth STOC '20: "Contention Resolution without ..."
Pilipczuk, Michał STOC '20: "An Exponential Time Parameterized ..."
Pitassi, Toniann STOC '20: "Automating Cutting Planes ..."
Porat, Ely STOC '20: "Approximating Text-to-Pattern ..."
Price, Eric STOC '20: "Separations and Equivalences ..."
Probst Gutenberg, Maximilian STOC '20: "New Algorithms and Hardness ..."
Raghavendra, Prasad STOC '20: "Algorithms for Heavy-Tailed ..." STOC '20: "Lifting Sum-of-Squares Lower ..."
Rasmussen, Peter Michael Reichstein STOC '20: "Fast Hashing with Strong Concentration ..."
Razenshteyn, Ilya STOC '20: "Non-adaptive Adaptive Sampling ..."
Regnault, Damien STOC '20: "The Program-Size Complexity ..."
Ren, Hanlin STOC '20: "Strong Average-Case Lower ..."
Riazanov, Andrii STOC '20: "Arikan Meets Shannon: Polar ..."
Rojas, Cristobal STOC '20: "How to Lose at Monte Carlo: ..."
Rotem, Omer STOC '20: "Constant Girth Approximation ..."
Rotenberg, Eva STOC '20: "Fully-Dynamic Planarity Testing ..."
Rozhoň, Václav STOC '20: "Polylogarithmic-Time Deterministic ..."
Rubinstein, Aviad STOC '20: "Does Preprocessing Help in ..." STOC '20: "Constant-Factor Approximation ..."
Russell, Katina STOC '20: "Efficient Construction of ..."
Saha, Barna STOC '20: "Does Preprocessing Help in ..."
Saks, Michael STOC '20: "Constant Factor Approximations ..."
Sankowski, Piotr STOC '20: "Walking Randomly, Massively, ..."
Saurabh, Saket STOC '20: "An Exponential Time Parameterized ..." STOC '20: "Hitting Topological Minors ..."
Sawlani, Saurabh STOC '20: "Near-Optimal Fully Dynamic ..."
Saxena, Raghuvansh R. STOC '20: "Separating the Communication ..." STOC '20: "Interactive Error Resilience ..."
Schaeffer, Luke STOC '20: "Interactive Shallow Clifford ..."
Seddighin, Saeed STOC '20: "Dynamic Algorithms for LIS ..."
Servedio, Rocco A. STOC '20: "Fooling Gaussian PTFs via ..." STOC '20: "Testing Noisy Linear Functions ..."
Shahrasbi, Amirbehshad STOC '20: "Optimally Resilient Codes ..."
Shangguan, Chong STOC '20: "Combinatorial List-Decoding ..."
Shmueli, Omri STOC '20: "Post-quantum Zero Knowledge ..."
Sidford, Aaron STOC '20: "Constant Girth Approximation ..." STOC '20: "Solving Tall Dense Linear ..." STOC '20: "Faster Energy Maximization ..."
Singer, Yaron STOC '20: "A Lower Bound for Parallel ..."
Singla, Sahil STOC '20: "Online Vector Balancing and ..."
Sinha, Makrand STOC '20: "Online Vector Balancing and ..."
Sokolov, Dmitry STOC '20: "(Semi)Algebraic Proofs over ..."
Soleimanifar, Mehdi STOC '20: "Classical Algorithms, Correlation ..."
Song, Zhao STOC '20: "Learning Mixtures of Linear ..." STOC '20: "Solving Tall Dense Linear ..." STOC '20: "An Improved Cutting Plane ..."
Srinivasan, Srikanth STOC '20: "A Robust Version of Hegedus’s ..."
Starikovskaya, Tatiana STOC '20: "All Non-trivial Variants of ..."
Stein, Clifford STOC '20: "Parallel Approximate Undirected ..."
Svensson, Ola STOC '20: "The One-Way Communication ..."
Talwar, Kunal STOC '20: "Private Stochastic Convex ..."
Tamo, Itzhak STOC '20: "Combinatorial List-Decoding ..."
Tan, Li-Yang STOC '20: "Fooling Gaussian PTFs via ..."
Tang, Ewin STOC '20: "Sampling-Based Sublinear Low-Rank ..."
Tang, Zhihao Gavin STOC '20: "Towards a Better Understanding ..."
Tetali, Prasad STOC '20: "Efficient Sampling and Counting ..."
Thorup, Mikkel STOC '20: "Fast Hashing with Strong Concentration ..." STOC '20: "Three-in-a-Tree in Near Linear ..."
Tian, Kevin STOC '20: "Positive Semidefinite Programming: ..."
Traub, Vera STOC '20: "An Improved Approximation ..." STOC '20: "Reducing Path TSP to TSP ..."
Tripuraneni, Nilesh STOC '20: "Algorithms for Heavy-Tailed ..."
Tzameret, Iddo STOC '20: "Semi-algebraic Proofs, IPS ..."