STOC 2019
51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2019)
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51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2019), June 23–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA

STOC 2019 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aaronson, Scott STOC '19: "Gentle Measurement of Quantum ..."
Abboud, Amir STOC '19: "Dynamic Set Cover: Improved ..."
Addanki, Raghavendra STOC '19: "Dynamic Set Cover: Improved ..."
Alistarh, Dan STOC '19: "Why Extension-Based Proofs ..."
Alon, Noga STOC '19: "Private PAC Learning Implies ..."
Alrabiah, Omar STOC '19: "An Exponential Lower Bound ..."
Anari, Nima STOC '19: "Log-Concave Polynomials II: ..."
Arora, Atul Singh STOC '19: "Quantum Weak Coin Flipping ..."
Aspnes, James STOC '19: "Why Extension-Based Proofs ..."
Assadi, Sepehr STOC '19: "Polynomial Pass Lower Bounds ..."
Avron, Haim STOC '19: "A Universal Sampling Method ..."
Babai, László STOC '19: "Canonical Form for Graphs ..."
Babichenko, Yakov STOC '19: "The Communication Complexity ..."
Bădescu, Costin STOC '19: "Quantum State Certification ..."
Balkanski, Eric STOC '19: "An Optimal Approximation for ..."
Bansal, Nikhil STOC '19: "On a Generalization of Iterated ..."
Becchetti, Luca STOC '19: "Oblivious Dimension Reduction ..."
Bekos, Michael STOC '19: "Planar Graphs of Bounded Degree ..."
Bender, Michael A. STOC '19: "Achieving Optimal Backlog ..."
Bernstein, Aaron STOC '19: "Distributed Exact Weighted ..." STOC '19: "Decremental Strongly-Connected ..."
Beyhaghi, Hedyeh STOC '19: "Optimal (and Benchmark-Optimal) ..."
Bitansky, Nir STOC '19: "Weak Zero-Knowledge Beyond ..."
Bohdanowicz, Thomas C. STOC '19: "Good Approximate Quantum LDPC ..."
Boroujeni, Mahdi STOC '19: "1+ε Approximation ..."
Brakensiek, Joshua STOC '19: "Bridging between 0/1 and Linear ..." STOC '19: "CSPs with Global Modular Constraints: ..."
Bresler, Guy STOC '19: "Learning Restricted Boltzmann ..."
Bringmann, Karl STOC '19: "Approximating APSP without ..."
Bubeck, Sébastien STOC '19: "Competitively Chasing Convex ..."
Bulín, Jakub STOC '19: "Algebraic Approach to Promise ..."
Bury, Marc STOC '19: "Oblivious Dimension Reduction ..."
Canetti, Ran STOC '19: "Fiat-Shamir: From Practice ..."
Canonne, Clément L. STOC '19: "The Structure of Optimal Private ..."
Capalbo, Michael STOC '19: "Explicit 𝑁-Vertex Graphs ..."
Chakrabarty, Deeparnab STOC '19: "Approximation Algorithms for ..."
Charalampopoulos, Panagiotis STOC '19: "Almost Optimal Distance Oracles ..."
Charikar, Moses STOC '19: "Efficient Profile Maximum ..."
Chattopadhyay, Arkadev STOC '19: "The Log-Approximate-Rank Conjecture ..."
Chekuri, Chandra STOC '19: "Parallelizing Greedy for Submodular ..."
Chen, Lijie STOC '19: "Bootstrapping Results for ..."
Chen, Lin STOC '19: "Unconstrained Submodular Maximization ..."
Chen, Sitan STOC '19: "Beyond the Low-Degree Algorithm: ..."
Chen, Xi STOC '19: "Testing Unateness Nearly Optimally ..."
Chen, Yilei STOC '19: "Fiat-Shamir: From Practice ..."
Chen, Yu STOC '19: "Polynomial Pass Lower Bounds ..."
Choudhuri, Arka Rai STOC '19: "Finding a Nash Equilibrium ..."
Chuzhoy, Julia STOC '19: "A New Algorithm for Decremental ..."
Coester, Christian STOC '19: "The Online 𝑘-Taxi Problem ..."
Cohen, Michael B. STOC '19: "Solving Linear Programs in ..."
Cohen-Addad, Vincent STOC '19: "Oblivious Dimension Reduction ..."
Conte, Alessio STOC '19: "New Polynomial Delay Bounds ..."
Crosson, Elizabeth STOC '19: "Good Approximate Quantum LDPC ..."
Czerwiński, Wojciech STOC '19: "The Reachability Problem for ..."
Dadush, Daniel STOC '19: "On Approximating the Covering ..."
Daga, Mohit STOC '19: "Distributed Edge Connectivity ..."
Dalirrooyfard, Mina STOC '19: "Graph Pattern Detection: Hardness ..."
Daskalakis, Constantinos STOC '19: "Regression from Dependent ..."
Diakonikolas, Ilias STOC '19: "Degree-𝑑 Chow Parameters ..."
Dikkala, Nishanth STOC '19: "Regression from Dependent ..."
Ding, Jian STOC '19: "Capacity Lower Bound for the ..."
Dobzinski, Shahar STOC '19: "The Communication Complexity ..."
Dudek, Bartłomiej STOC '19: "Computing Quartet Distance ..."
Durfee, David STOC '19: "Fully Dynamic Spectral Vertex ..."
Dvir, Zeev STOC '19: "Static Data Structure Lower ..."
Ellen, Faith STOC '19: "Why Extension-Based Proofs ..."
Ene, Alina STOC '19: "Submodular Maximization with ..."
Farach-Colton, Martín STOC '19: "Achieving Optimal Backlog ..."
Farhadi, Alireza STOC '19: "Lower Bounds for External ..."
Feldman, Moran STOC '19: "Unconstrained Submodular Maximization ..."
Feng, Weiming STOC '19: "Dynamic Sampling from Graphical ..."
Filos-Ratsikas, Aris STOC '19: "The Complexity of Splitting ..."
Fitzsimons, Joseph STOC '19: "Quantum Proof Systems for ..."
Förster, Henry STOC '19: "Planar Graphs of Bounded Degree ..."
Forster, Sebastian STOC '19: "Dynamic Low-Stretch Trees ..."
Ganesh, Arun STOC '19: "Optimal Sequence Length Requirements ..."
Gao, Yu STOC '19: "Fully Dynamic Spectral Vertex ..."
Garg, Jugal STOC '19: "A Strongly Polynomial Algorithm ..."
Gawrychowski, Paweł STOC '19: "Almost Optimal Distance Oracles ..." STOC '19: "Computing Quartet Distance ..."
Gelashvili, Rati STOC '19: "Why Extension-Based Proofs ..."
Gharan, Shayan Oveis STOC '19: "Log-Concave Polynomials II: ..."
Ghodsi, Mohammad STOC '19: "1+ε Approximation ..."
Gilyén, András STOC '19: "Quantum Singular Value Transformation ..."
Gishboliner, Lior STOC '19: "Testing Graphs against an ..."
Goldberg, Paul W. STOC '19: "The Complexity of Splitting ..."
Goldreich, Oded STOC '19: "Testing Graphs in Vertex-Distribution-Free ..."
Golovnev, Alexander STOC '19: "Static Data Structure Lower ..."
Gopi, Sivakanth STOC '19: "CSPs with Global Modular Constraints: ..."
Goranci, Gramoz STOC '19: "Dynamic Low-Stretch Trees ..." STOC '19: "Fully Dynamic Spectral Vertex ..."
Goyal, Navin STOC '19: "Non-Gaussian Component Analysis ..."
Grandoni, Fabrizio STOC '19: "Oblivious Dimension Reduction ..." STOC '19: "Dynamic Set Cover: Improved ..." STOC '19: "O(log² k / ..."
Gronemann, Martin STOC '19: "Planar Graphs of Bounded Degree ..."
Guo, Chenghao STOC '19: "Settling the Sample Complexity ..."
Gupta, Anupam STOC '19: "The Number of Minimum k-Cuts: ..."
Guruswami, Venkatesan STOC '19: "Bridging between 0/1 and Linear ..." STOC '19: "CSPs with Global Modular Constraints: ..." STOC '19: "An Exponential Lower Bound ..."
Hadar, Uri STOC '19: "Communication Complexity of ..."
Haeupler, Bernhard STOC '19: "Near-Linear Time Insertion-Deletion ..."
Hajiaghayi, MohammadTaghi STOC '19: "1+ε Approximation ..." STOC '19: "Lower Bounds for External ..."
Hansen, Thomas Dueholm STOC '19: "Faster k-SAT Algorithms ..."
He, Kun STOC '19: "Quantum Lovász Local Lemma: ..."
Helmuth, Tyler STOC '19: "Algorithmic Pirogov-Sinai ..."
Henzinger, Monika STOC '19: "Distributed Edge Connectivity ..."
Holmgren, Justin STOC '19: "Fiat-Shamir: From Practice ..." STOC '19: "The Parallel Repetition of ..."
Huang, Zhiyi STOC '19: "Settling the Sample Complexity ..."
Hubáček, Pavel STOC '19: "Finding a Nash Equilibrium ..."
Jain, Vishesh STOC '19: "Mean-Field Approximation, ..."
Ji, Zhengfeng STOC '19: "Quantum Proof Systems for ..."
Jin, Yaonan STOC '19: "Tight Approximation Ratio ..."
Kalai, Yael Tauman STOC '19: "How to Delegate Computations ..."
Kamath, Chethan STOC '19: "Finding a Nash Equilibrium ..."
Kamath, Gautam STOC '19: "The Structure of Optimal Private ..."
Kane, Daniel M. STOC '19: "Degree-𝑑 Chow Parameters ..."
Kaplan, Haim STOC '19: "Faster k-SAT Algorithms ..."
Kapralov, Michael STOC '19: "A Universal Sampling Method ..." STOC '19: "An Optimal Space Lower Bound ..."
Karbasi, Amin STOC '19: "Unconstrained Submodular Maximization ..."
Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi STOC '19: "Polylogarithmic Approximation ..."
Kayal, Neeraj STOC '19: "Reconstruction of Non-degenerate ..."
Kempa, Dominik STOC '19: "String Synchronizing Sets: ..."
Khanna, Sanjeev STOC '19: "Polynomial Pass Lower Bounds ..." STOC '19: "A New Algorithm for Decremental ..."
Khurana, Dakshita STOC '19: "Weak Zero-Knowledge Beyond ..."
Kociumaka, Tomasz STOC '19: "String Synchronizing Sets: ..."
Koehler, Frederic STOC '19: "Mean-Field Approximation, ..." STOC '19: "Learning Restricted Boltzmann ..."
Kothari, Robin STOC '19: "Exponential Separation between ..."
Koutsoupias, Elias STOC '19: "The Online 𝑘-Taxi Problem ..."
Krachun, Dmitry STOC '19: "An Optimal Space Lower Bound ..."
Krokhin, Andrei STOC '19: "Algebraic Approach to Promise ..."
Kumar, Akash STOC '19: "Random Walks and Forbidden ..."
Künnemann, Marvin STOC '19: "Approximating APSP without ..."
Kuszmaul, William STOC '19: "Achieving Optimal Backlog ..."
Kyng, Rasmus STOC '19: "Flows in Almost Linear Time ..."
Laekhanukit, Bundit STOC '19: "O(log² k / ..."
Larsen, Kasper Green STOC '19: "Lower Bounds for External ..."
Lasota, Sławomir STOC '19: "The Reachability Problem for ..."
Lazić, Ranko STOC '19: "The Reachability Problem for ..."
Lee, Euiwoong STOC '19: "The Number of Minimum k-Cuts: ..."
Lee, Yin Tat STOC '19: "Competitively Chasing Convex ..." STOC '19: "Solving Linear Programs in ..."
Leroux, Jérôme STOC '19: "The Reachability Problem for ..."
Li, Jason STOC '19: "Planar Diameter via Metric ..." STOC '19: "The Number of Minimum k-Cuts: ..."
Li, Qian STOC '19: "Quantum Lovász Local Lemma: ..."
Li, Shi STOC '19: "O(log² k / ..."
Li, Yuanzhi STOC '19: "Competitively Chasing Convex ..."
Limaye, Nutan STOC '19: "A Fixed-Depth Size-Hierarchy ..."
Linhares, André STOC '19: "Approximation Algorithms for ..."
Liu, Jingbo STOC '19: "Communication Complexity of ..."
Liu, Jingcheng STOC '19: "Private Selection from Private ..."
Liu, Kuikui STOC '19: "Log-Concave Polynomials II: ..."
Livni, Roi STOC '19: "Private PAC Learning Implies ..."
Lombardi, Alex STOC '19: "Fiat-Shamir: From Practice ..."
Lovett, Shachar STOC '19: "DNF Sparsification beyond ..."
Low, Guang Hao STOC '19: "Quantum Singular Value Transformation ..." STOC '19: "Hamiltonian Simulation with ..."
Lu, Pinyan STOC '19: "Tight Approximation Ratio ..."
Makarychev, Konstantin STOC '19: "Performance of Johnson-Lindenstrauss ..."
Makarychev, Yury STOC '19: "Performance of Johnson-Lindenstrauss ..."
Malliaris, Maryanthe STOC '19: "Private PAC Learning Implies ..."
Mande, Nikhil S. STOC '19: "The Log-Approximate-Rank Conjecture ..."
Mazowiecki, Filip STOC '19: "The Reachability Problem for ..."
Mchedlidze, Tamara STOC '19: "Planar Graphs of Bounded Degree ..."
McKay, Dylan M. STOC '19: "Weak Lower Bounds on Resource-Bounded ..."
McMillan, Audra STOC '19: "The Structure of Optimal Private ..."
Meka, Raghu STOC '19: "Pseudorandom Generators for ..."
Moitra, Ankur STOC '19: "Learning Restricted Boltzmann ..." STOC '19: "Beyond the Low-Degree Algorithm: ..." STOC '19: "Spectral Methods from Tensor ..."
Montecchiani, Fabrizio STOC '19: "Planar Graphs of Bounded Degree ..."
Moran, Shay STOC '19: "Private PAC Learning Implies ..."
Mozes, Shay STOC '19: "Almost Optimal Distance Oracles ..."
Murray, Cody D. STOC '19: "Weak Lower Bounds on Resource-Bounded ..."
Musco, Cameron STOC '19: "A Universal Sampling Method ..."
Musco, Christopher STOC '19: "A Universal Sampling Method ..."
Nakos, Vasileios STOC '19: "Stronger L2/L2 Compressed ..."
Nanongkai, Danupon STOC '19: "Breaking Quadratic Time for ..." STOC '19: "Distributed Exact Weighted ..." STOC '19: "Distributed Edge Connectivity ..."
Narayanan, Shyam STOC '19: "Optimal Terminal Dimensionality ..."
Nelson, Jelani STOC '19: "Optimal Terminal Dimensionality ..."
Nguyễn, Huy L. STOC '19: "Submodular Maximization with ..."
Nirkhe, Chinmay STOC '19: "Good Approximate Quantum LDPC ..."
Nisan, Noam STOC '19: "The Communication Complexity ..."
O'Donnell, Ryan STOC '19: "Quantum State Certification ..." STOC '19: "Fooling Polytopes ..."
Opršal, Jakub STOC '19: "Algebraic Approach to Promise ..."
Pach, János STOC '19: "Planar Point Sets Determine ..."
Panageas, Ioannis STOC '19: "Regression from Dependent ..."
Paneth, Omer STOC '19: "Weak Zero-Knowledge Beyond ..." STOC '19: "How to Delegate Computations ..."
Panigrahi, Debmalya STOC '19: "Dynamic Set Cover: Improved ..."
Parter, Merav STOC '19: "Planar Diameter via Metric ..."
Peng, Richard STOC '19: "Flows in Almost Linear Time ..." STOC '19: "Fully Dynamic Spectral Vertex ..."
Perkins, Will STOC '19: "Algorithmic Pirogov-Sinai ..."
Pietrzak, Krzysztof STOC '19: "Finding a Nash Equilibrium ..."
Polyanskiy, Yury STOC '19: "Communication Complexity of ..."
Potechin, Aaron STOC '19: "On the Approximation Resistance ..."
Probst, Maximilian STOC '19: "Decremental Strongly-Connected ..."
Qi, Qi STOC '19: "Tight Approximation Ratio ..."
Quanrud, Kent STOC '19: "Parallelizing Greedy for Submodular ..."
Raftopoulou, Chrysanthi STOC '19: "Planar Graphs of Bounded Degree ..."
Raz, Ran STOC '19: "Oracle Separation of BQP and ..."
Razenshteyn, Ilya STOC '19: "Performance of Johnson-Lindenstrauss ..."
Regts, Guus STOC '19: "Algorithmic Pirogov-Sinai ..."
Reingold, Omer STOC '19: "Pseudorandom Generators for ..."
Risteski, Andrej STOC '19: "Mean-Field Approximation, ..."
Roland, Jérémie STOC '19: "Quantum Weak Coin Flipping ..."
Rosen, Alon STOC '19: "Finding a Nash Equilibrium ..."
Rothblum, Guy N. STOC '19: "Fiat-Shamir: From Practice ..." STOC '19: "Finding a Nash Equilibrium ..." STOC '19: "Gentle Measurement of Quantum ..."
Rothblum, Ron D. STOC '19: "Fiat-Shamir: From Practice ..."
Rubin, Natan STOC '19: "Planar Point Sets Determine ..."
Rubinstein, Aviad STOC '19: "An Optimal Approximation for ..." STOC '19: "Near-Linear Time Insertion-Deletion ..."
Sachdeva, Sushant STOC '19: "Flows in Almost Linear Time ..."
Saha, Barna STOC '19: "Dynamic Set Cover: Improved ..."
Saha, Chandan STOC '19: "Reconstruction of Non-degenerate ..."
Saranurak, Thatchaphol STOC '19: "Breaking Quadratic Time for ..." STOC '19: "Distributed Edge Connectivity ..."
Schaeffer, Luke STOC '19: "Exponential Separation between ..."
Schweitzer, Pascal STOC '19: "A Unifying Method for the ..."
Schwiegelshohn, Chris STOC '19: "Oblivious Dimension Reduction ..."
Seddighin, Saeed STOC '19: "1+ε Approximation ..."
Sellke, Mark STOC '19: "Competitively Chasing Convex ..."
Servedio, Rocco A. STOC '19: "Fooling Polytopes ..."
Seshadhri, C. STOC '19: "Random Walks and Forbidden ..."
Shahrasbi, Amirbehshad STOC '19: "Near-Linear Time Insertion-Deletion ..."
Shapira, Asaf STOC '19: "Testing Graphs against an ..."
Sharan, Vatsal STOC '19: "Memory-Sample Tradeoffs for ..."
Shayevitz, Ofer STOC '19: "Communication Complexity of ..."
Sherif, Suhail STOC '19: "The Log-Approximate-Rank Conjecture ..."
Sherstov, Alexander A. STOC '19: "Near-Optimal Lower Bounds ..."
Shetty, Abhishek STOC '19: "Non-Gaussian Component Analysis ..."
Shi, Elaine STOC '19: "Lower Bounds for External ..."
Shiragur, Kirankumar STOC '19: "Efficient Profile Maximum ..."
Shpilka, Amir STOC '19: "Sylvester-Gallai Type Theorems ..."
Sidford, Aaron STOC '19: "Efficient Profile Maximum ..." STOC '19: "Memory-Sample Tradeoffs for ..."
Sidiropoulos, Anastasios STOC '19: "Polylogarithmic Approximation ..."
Singer, Yaron STOC '19: "An Optimal Approximation for ..."
Sinha, Sandip STOC '19: "Local Decodability of the ..."
Smith, Adam STOC '19: "The Structure of Optimal Private ..."
Song, Zhao STOC '19: "Stronger L2/L2 Compressed ..." STOC '19: "Solving Linear Programs in ..."
Sreenivasaiah, Karteek STOC '19: "A Fixed-Depth Size-Hierarchy ..."
Srinivasan, Srikanth STOC '19: "A Fixed-Depth Size-Hierarchy ..."
Stolman, Andrew STOC '19: "Random Walks and Forbidden ..."
Su, Hsin-Hao STOC '19: "Towards the Locality of Vizing’s ..."
Su, Yuan STOC '19: "Quantum Singular Value Transformation ..."
Sun, Nike STOC '19: "Capacity Lower Bound for the ..."
Sun, Xiaoming STOC '19: "Quantum Lovász Local Lemma: ..."
Swamy, Chaitanya STOC '19: "Approximation Algorithms for ..." STOC '19: "Approximation Algorithms for ..."
Tal, Avishay STOC '19: "Oracle Separation of BQP and ..." STOC '19: "Exponential Separation between ..." STOC '19: "Pseudorandom Generators for ..."
Talwar, Kunal STOC '19: "Private Selection from Private ..."
Tan, Li-Yang STOC '19: "Fooling Polytopes ..."
Tang, Ewin STOC '19: "A Quantum-Inspired Classical ..."
Tang, Zhihao Gavin STOC '19: "Tight Approximation Ratio ..."
Tardos, Gábor STOC '19: "Planar Point Sets Determine ..."
Tell, Roei STOC '19: "Bootstrapping Results for ..."
Tripathi, Utkarsh STOC '19: "A Fixed-Depth Size-Hierarchy ..."
Ueckerdt, Torsten STOC '19: "Planar Graphs of Bounded Degree ..."
Ullman, Jonathan