STOC 2017
49th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2017)
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49th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2017), June 19–23, 2017, Montreal, Canada

STOC 2017 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aaronson, Scott STOC '17: "The Computational Complexity ..."
Abolhassani, Melika STOC '17: "Beating 1-1/e for Ordered ..."
Agarwal, Naman STOC '17: "Finding Approximate Local ..."
Allen-Zhu, Zeyuan STOC '17: "Finding Approximate Local ..." STOC '17: "Katyusha: The First Direct ..."
Alman, Josh STOC '17: "Probabilistic Rank and Matrix ..."
Ambainis, Andris STOC '17: "Quantum Algorithm for Tree ..."
Anari, Nima STOC '17: "A Generalization of Permanent ..."
Andoni, Alexandr STOC '17: "Approximate Near Neighbors ..."
Angel, Omer STOC '17: "Local Max-Cut in Smoothed ..."
Angelidakis, Haris STOC '17: "Algorithms for Stable and ..."
Anshu, Anurag STOC '17: "Exponential Separation of ..."
Arora, Sanjeev STOC '17: "Provable Learning of Noisy-or ..."
Artmann, Stephan STOC '17: "A Strongly Polynomial Algorithm ..."
Arvind, V. STOC '17: "Randomized Polynomial Time ..."
Azar, Yossi STOC '17: "Online Service with Delay ..."
Babaioff, Moshe STOC '17: "The Menu-Size Complexity of ..."
Babichenko, Yakov STOC '17: "Communication Complexity of ..."
Balkanski, Eric STOC '17: "The Limitations of Optimization ..."
Ball, Marshall STOC '17: "Average-Case Fine-Grained ..."
Bansal, Nikhil STOC '17: "Faster Space-Efficient Algorithms ..." STOC '17: "Algorithmic Discrepancy Beyond ..."
Barak, Boaz STOC '17: "Quantum Entanglement, Sum ..."
Bavarian, Mohammad STOC '17: "Hardness Amplification for ..."
Ben-Aroya, Avraham STOC '17: "An Efficient Reduction from ..."
Błasiok, Jarosław STOC '17: "Streaming Symmetric Norms ..."
Bouland, Adam STOC '17: "The Computational Complexity ..."
Brakerski, Zvika STOC '17: "Non-interactive Delegation ..."
Braverman, Vladimir STOC '17: "Streaming Symmetric Norms ..."
Bubeck, Sébastien STOC '17: "Local Max-Cut in Smoothed ..." STOC '17: "Kernel-Based Methods for Bandit ..."
Bullins, Brian STOC '17: "Finding Approximate Local ..."
Cai, Jin-Yi STOC '17: "Holographic Algorithm with ..."
Cai, Yang STOC '17: "Simple Mechanisms for Subadditive ..."
Calude, Cristian S. STOC '17: "Deciding Parity Games in Quasipolynomial ..."
Canetti, Ran STOC '17: "Equivocating Yao: Constant-Round ..."
Cevher, Volkan STOC '17: "An Adaptive Sublinear-Time ..."
Chakrabarty, Deeparnab STOC '17: "Subquadratic Submodular Function ..."
Chang, Yi-Jun STOC '17: "Exponential Separations in ..."
Charikar, Moses STOC '17: "Learning from Untrusted Data ..."
Chattopadhyay, Eshan STOC '17: "Non-malleable Codes and Extractors ..."
Chawla, Shuchi STOC '17: "Stability of Service under ..."
Chen, Xi STOC '17: "Addition Is Exponentially ..." STOC '17: "Beyond Talagrand Functions: ..."
Chestnut, Stephen R. STOC '17: "Streaming Symmetric Norms ..."
Christiani, Tobias STOC '17: "Set Similarity Search Beyond ..."
Chuzhoy, Julia STOC '17: "New Hardness Results for Routing ..."
Cohen, Gil STOC '17: "Towards Optimal Two-Source ..."
Cohen, Michael B. STOC '17: "Almost-Linear-Time Algorithms ..."
Coja-Oghlan, Amin STOC '17: "Information-Theoretic Thresholds ..."
Curticapean, Radu STOC '17: "Homomorphisms Are a Good Basis ..."
Dagan, Yuval STOC '17: "Twenty (Simple) Questions ..."
Dahlgaard, Søren STOC '17: "Finding Even Cycles Faster ..."
De, Anindya STOC '17: "Optimal Mean-Based Algorithms ..."
Dell, Holger STOC '17: "Homomorphisms Are a Good Basis ..."
Devanur, Nikhil R. STOC '17: "Stability of Service under ..."
Doron, Dean STOC '17: "An Efficient Reduction from ..."
Dughmi, Shaddin STOC '17: "Bernoulli Factories and Black-Box ..."
Durfee, David STOC '17: "Sampling Random Spanning Trees ..."
Eenberg, Kasper STOC '17: "DecreaseKeys Are Expensive ..."
Ehsani, Soheil STOC '17: "Beating 1-1/e for Ordered ..."
Eldan, Ronen STOC '17: "Kernel-Based Methods for Bandit ..."
Elkin, Michael STOC '17: "Distributed Exact Shortest ..."
Esfandiari, Hossein STOC '17: "Beating 1-1/e for Ordered ..."
Fan, Zhou STOC '17: "How Well Do Local Algorithms ..."
Feige, Uriel STOC '17: "Approximate Modularity Revisited ..."
Feldman, Michal STOC '17: "Approximate Modularity Revisited ..."
Filmus, Yuval STOC '17: "Twenty (Simple) Questions ..."
Forbes, Michael A. STOC '17: "Succinct Hitting Sets and ..."
Foster, Nate STOC '17: "The Next 700 Network Programming ..."
Fu, Zhiguo STOC '17: "Holographic Algorithm with ..."
Gabizon, Ariel STOC '17: "Twenty (Simple) Questions ..."
Ganesh, Arun STOC '17: "Online Service with Delay ..."
Garg, Ankit STOC '17: "Algorithmic and Optimization ..."
Garg, Jugal STOC '17: "Settling the Complexity of ..."
Garg, Shashwat STOC '17: "Faster Space-Efficient Algorithms ..." STOC '17: "Algorithmic Discrepancy Beyond ..."
Ge, Rong STOC '17: "Provable Learning of Noisy-or ..." STOC '17: "Online Service with Delay ..."
Ghaffari, Mohsen STOC '17: "On the Complexity of Local ..."
Gharan, Shayan Oveis STOC '17: "A Generalization of Permanent ..."
Gishboliner, Lior STOC '17: "Removal Lemmas with Polynomial ..."
Gonczarowski, Yannai A. STOC '17: "Efficient Empirical Revenue ..." STOC '17: "The Menu-Size Complexity of ..."
Grandoni, Fabrizio STOC '17: "Surviving in Directed Graphs: ..."
Guo, Heng STOC '17: "Uniform Sampling through the ..."
Gupta, Anupam STOC '17: "Online and Dynamic Algorithms ..."
Gurjar, Rohit STOC '17: "Linear Matroid Intersection ..."
Gurvits, Leonid STOC '17: "Algorithmic and Optimization ..."
Haeupler, Bernhard STOC '17: "Synchronization Strings: Codes ..."
HajiAghayi, MohammadTaghi STOC '17: "Beating 1-1/e for Ordered ..."
Hartline, Jason D. STOC '17: "Bernoulli Factories and Black-Box ..."
Hazan, Elad STOC '17: "Finding Approximate Local ..."
Holmgren, Justin STOC '17: "Non-interactive Delegation ..."
Holroyd, Alexander E. STOC '17: "Stability of Service under ..."
Hoza, William M. STOC '17: "Targeted Pseudorandom Generators, ..."
Im, Sungjin STOC '17: "Efficient Massively Parallel ..."
Italiano, Giuseppe F. STOC '17: "Decremental Single-Source ..."
Iwata, Satoru STOC '17: "A Weighted Linear Matroid ..."
Jain, Sanjay STOC '17: "Deciding Parity Games in Quasipolynomial ..."
Jerrum, Mark STOC '17: "Uniform Sampling through the ..."
Ji, Zhengfeng STOC '17: "Compression of Quantum Multi-prover ..."
Joglekar, Pushkar S STOC '17: "Randomized Polynomial Time ..."
Kabanets, Valentine STOC '17: "A Polynomial Restriction Lemma ..."
Kalai, Yael STOC '17: "Non-interactive Delegation ..."
Kane, Daniel M. STOC '17: "A Polynomial Restriction Lemma ..."
Kapralov, Michael STOC '17: "An Adaptive Sublinear-Time ..."
Karczmarz, Adam STOC '17: "Decremental Single-Source ..."
Karlin, Anna R. STOC '17: "Stability of Service under ..."
Kelner, Jonathan STOC '17: "Almost-Linear-Time Algorithms ..."
Khot, Subhash STOC '17: "On Independent Sets, 2-to-2 ..."
Khoussainov, Bakhadyr STOC '17: "Deciding Parity Games in Quasipolynomial ..."
Kim, David H. K. STOC '17: "New Hardness Results for Routing ..."
Kleinberg, Robert STOC '17: "Bernoulli Factories and Black-Box ..." STOC '17: "Beating 1-1/e for Ordered ..."
Knudsen, Mathias Bæk Tejs STOC '17: "Finding Even Cycles Faster ..."
Kobayashi, Yusuke STOC '17: "A Weighted Linear Matroid ..."
Kokainis, Martins STOC '17: "Quantum Algorithm for Tree ..."
Kol, Gillat STOC '17: "Time-Space Hardness of Learning ..."
Kopelowitz, Tsvi STOC '17: "Exponential Separations in ..."
Kothari, Pravesh K. STOC '17: "Sum of Squares Lower Bounds ..." STOC '17: "Approximating Rectangles by ..." STOC '17: "Quantum Entanglement, Sum ..."
Krauthgamer, Robert STOC '17: "Streaming Symmetric Norms ..."
Krishnaswamy, Ravishankar STOC '17: "Online and Dynamic Algorithms ..."
Krzakala, Florent STOC '17: "Information-Theoretic Thresholds ..."
Kuhn, Fabian STOC '17: "On the Complexity of Local ..."
Kumar, Amit STOC '17: "Online and Dynamic Algorithms ..."
Kuperberg, Greg STOC '17: "The Computational Complexity ..."
Kupferman, Orna STOC '17: "Examining Classical Graph-Theory ..."
Kyng, Rasmus STOC '17: "Sampling Random Spanning Trees ..."
Łącki, Jakub STOC '17: "Decremental Single-Source ..."
Laekhanukit, Bundit STOC '17: "Surviving in Directed Graphs: ..."
Larsen, Kasper Green STOC '17: "DecreaseKeys Are Expensive ..."
Lee, Yin Tat STOC '17: "Subquadratic Submodular Function ..." STOC '17: "An SDP-Based Algorithm for ..." STOC '17: "Kernel-Based Methods for Bandit ..." STOC '17: "Geodesic Walks in Polytopes ..."
Li, Wei STOC '17: "Deciding Parity Games in Quasipolynomial ..."
Li, Xin STOC '17: "Improved Non-malleable Extractors, ..." STOC '17: "Non-malleable Codes and Extractors ..."
Liu, Jingcheng STOC '17: "Uniform Sampling through the ..."
Lokshtanov, Daniel STOC '17: "Lossy Kernelization ..."
Lu, Zhenjian STOC '17: "A Polynomial Restriction Lemma ..."
Lucier, Brendan STOC '17: "Beating 1-1/e for Ordered ..."
Ma, Tengyu STOC '17: "Provable Learning of Noisy-or ..." STOC '17: "Finding Approximate Local ..."
Makarychev, Konstantin STOC '17: "Algorithms for Stable and ..."
Makarychev, Yury STOC '17: "Algorithms for Stable and ..."
Manurangsi, Pasin STOC '17: "Almost-Polynomial Ratio ETH-Hardness ..."
Martens, Wim STOC '17: "Optimizing Tree Pattern Queries: ..."
Martin, James B. STOC '17: "Stability of Service under ..."
Marx, Dániel STOC '17: "Homomorphisms Are a Good Basis ..."
Maus, Yannic STOC '17: "On the Complexity of Local ..."
Mehraban, Saeed STOC '17: "The Computational Complexity ..."
Mehta, Ruta STOC '17: "Settling the Complexity of ..."
Meka, Raghu STOC '17: "Approximating Rectangles by ..."
Meunier, Pierre-Étienne STOC '17: "The Non-cooperative Tile Assembly ..."
Minzer, Dor STOC '17: "On Independent Sets, 2-to-2 ..."
Moitra, Ankur STOC '17: "Approximate Counting, the ..."
Montanari, Andrea STOC '17: "How Well Do Local Algorithms ..."
Moran, Shay STOC '17: "Twenty (Simple) Questions ..."
Mori, Ryuhei STOC '17: "Sum of Squares Lower Bounds ..."
Moseley, Benjamin STOC '17: "Efficient Massively Parallel ..."
Mukhopadhyay, Partha STOC '17: "Randomized Polynomial Time ..."
Nanongkai, Danupon STOC '17: "Dynamic Spanning Forest with ..."
Naor, Assaf STOC '17: "The Integrality Gap of the ..."
Natarajan, Anand STOC '17: "A Quantum Linearity Test for ..."
Nazarov, Fedor STOC '17: "Trace Reconstruction with ..."
Nederlof, Jesper STOC '17: "Faster Space-Efficient Algorithms ..."
Nguyen, Danny STOC '17: "Complexity of Short Presburger ..."
Nguyen, Huy L. STOC '17: "Approximate Near Neighbors ..."
Niazadeh, Rad STOC '17: "Bernoulli Factories and Black-Box ..."
Nikolaenko, Valeria STOC '17: "Practical Post-quantum Key ..."
Nikolov, Aleksandar STOC '17: "Approximate Near Neighbors ..."
Nimavat, Rachit STOC '17: "New Hardness Results for Routing ..."
Nisan, Noam STOC '17: "Efficient Empirical Revenue ..." STOC '17: "The Menu-Size Complexity of ..."
O'Donnell, Ryan STOC '17: "Optimal Mean-Based Algorithms ..." STOC '17: "Sum of Squares Lower Bounds ..." STOC '17: "Efficient Quantum Tomography ..."
Oliveira, Igor C. STOC '17: "Addition Is Exponentially ..." STOC '17: "Pseudodeterministic Constructions ..."
Oliveira, Rafael STOC '17: "Algorithmic and Optimization ..."
Olver, Neil STOC '17: "A Simpler and Faster Strongly ..."
Pagh, Rasmus STOC '17: "Set Similarity Search Beyond ..."
Pak, Igor STOC '17: "Complexity of Short Presburger ..."
Pandurangan, Gopal STOC '17: "A Time- and Message-Optimal ..."
Panigrahi, Debmalya STOC '17: "Online and Dynamic Algorithms ..." STOC '17: "Online Service with Delay ..."
Panolan, Fahad STOC '17: "Lossy Kernelization ..."
Peebles, John STOC '17: "Almost-Linear-Time Algorithms ..." STOC '17: "Sampling Random Spanning Trees ..."
Peikert, Chris STOC '17: "Pseudorandomness of Ring-LWE ..."
Peng, Richard STOC '17: "Almost-Linear-Time Algorithms ..."
Peres, Yuval STOC '17: "Trace Reconstruction with ..." STOC '17: "Local Max-Cut in Smoothed ..."
Perkins, Will STOC '17: "Information-Theoretic Thresholds ..."
Pettie, Seth STOC '17: "Exponential Separations in ..."
Pitassi, Toniann STOC '17: "Strongly Exponential Lower ..."
Poburinnaya, Oxana STOC '17: "Equivocating Yao: Constant-Round ..."
Raghavendra, Prasad STOC '17: "Strongly Refuting Random CSPs ..." STOC '17: "Approximating Rectangles by ..."
Raja, S. STOC '17: "Randomized Polynomial Time ..."
Ramanujan, M. S. STOC '17: "Lossy Kernelization ..."
Rao, Anup B. STOC '17: "Almost-Linear-Time Algorithms ..." STOC '17: "Sampling Random Spanning Trees ..."
Rao, Satish STOC '17: "Strongly Refuting Random CSPs ..."
Raz, Ran STOC '17: "Time-Space Hardness of Learning ..."
Razenshteyn, Ilya STOC '17: "Approximate Near Neighbors ..."
Regev, Oded STOC '17: "Pseudorandomness of Ring-LWE ..." STOC '17: "A Reverse Minkowski Theorem ..."
Risteski, Andrej STOC '17: "Provable Learning of Noisy-or ..."
Robere, Robert STOC '17: "Strongly Exponential Lower ..."
Robinson, Peter STOC '17: "A Time- and Message-Optimal ..."
Rosen, Alon STOC '17: "Average-Case Fine-Grained ..."
Roughgarden, Tim STOC '17: "Why Prices Need Algorithms ..."
Rubinstein, Aviad STOC '17: "The Limitations of Optimization ..." STOC '17: "Communication Complexity of ..."
Rudra, Atri STOC '17: "Answering FAQs in CSPs, Probabilistic ..."
Sabin, Manuel STOC '17: "Average-Case Fine-Grained ..."
Sachdeva, Sushant STOC '17: "Sampling Random Spanning Trees ..."
Safra, Muli STOC '17: "On Independent Sets, 2-to-2 ..."
Sankowski, Piotr STOC '17: "Decremental Single-Source ..."
Santhanam, Rahul STOC '17: "Pseudodeterministic Constructions ..."
Saranurak, Thatchaphol STOC '17: "Dynamic Spanning Forest with ..."
Saurabh, Saket STOC '17: "Lossy Kernelization ..."
Scarlett, Jonathan STOC '17: "An Adaptive Sublinear-Time ..."
Schramm, Tselil STOC '17: "Strongly Refuting Random CSPs ..."
Scquizzato, Michele STOC '17: "A Time- and Message-Optimal ..."
Servedio, Rocco A. STOC '17: "Optimal Mean-Based Algorithms ..." STOC '17: "Addition Is Exponentially ..."
Shahrasbi, Amirbehshad STOC '17: "Synchronization Strings: Codes ..."
Shapira, Asaf STOC '17: "Removal Lemmas with Polynomial ..."
Sherman, Jonah STOC '17: "Area-Convexity, ℓ ..."
Shpilka, Amir STOC '17: "Succinct Hitting Sets and ..."
Sidford, Aaron STOC '17: "Subquadratic Submodular Function ..." STOC '17: "Almost-Linear-Time Algorithms ..."
Singer, Yaron STOC '17: "The Limitations of Optimization ..."
Sivan, Balasubramanian STOC '17: "Stability of Service under ..."
Song, Zhao STOC '17: "Low Rank Approximation with ..."
Steinhardt, Jacob STOC '17: "Learning from Untrusted Data ..."
Stephan, Frank STOC '17: "Deciding Parity Games in Quasipolynomial ..."
Stephens-Davidowitz, Noah STOC '17: "Pseudorandomness of Ring-LWE ..." STOC '17: "A Reverse Minkowski Theorem ..."
Steurer, David STOC '17: "Quantum Entanglement, Sum ..."
Stöckel, Morten STOC '17: "Finding Even Cycles Faster ..."
Straszak, Damian STOC '17: "Real Stable Polynomials and ..."
Sun, He STOC '17: "An SDP-Based Algorithm for ..."
Sun, Xiaorui STOC '17: "Efficient Massively Parallel ..."
Syrgkanis, Vasilis STOC '17: "Fast Convergence of Learning ..."
Tal, Avishay STOC '17: "Time-Space Hardness of Learning ..." STOC '17: "Formula Lower Bounds via the ..."
Talgam-Cohen, Inbal STOC '17: "Why Prices Need Algorithms ..." STOC '17: "Approximate Modularity Revisited ..."
Ta-Shma, Amnon STOC '17: "An Efficient Reduction from ..." STOC '17: "Explicit, Almost Optimal, ..."
Thierauf, Thomas STOC '17: "Linear Matroid Intersection ..."
Touchette, Dave STOC '17: "Exponential Separation of ..."
Umans, Chris STOC '17: "Targeted Pseudorandom Generators, ..."
Valiant, Gregory STOC '17: "Learning from Untrusted Data ..."
Vasudevan, Prashant Nalini STOC '17: "Average-Case Fine-Grained ..."
Vazirani, Vijay V. STOC '17: "Settling the Complexity of ..."
Végh, László A. STOC '17: "A Simpler and Faster Strongly ..."
Vempala, Santosh S. STOC '17: "Geodesic Walks in Polytopes ..."
Venkitasubramaniam, Muthuramakrishnan STOC '17: "Equivocating Yao: Constant-Round ..."
Vidick, Thomas STOC '17: "A Quantum Linearity Test for ..." STOC '17: "Hardness Amplification for ..."
Vishnoi, Nisheeth K. STOC '17: "Real Stable Polynomials and ..."
Vladu, Adrian STOC '17: "Almost-Linear-Time Algorithms ..."
Volk, Ben Lee STOC '17: "Succinct Hitting Sets and ..."
Vyas, Nikhil STOC '17: "Faster Space-Efficient Algorithms ..."
Waingarten, Erik STOC '17: "Beyond Talagrand Functions: ..." STOC '17: "Approximate Near Neighbors ..."
Wang, Ruosong STOC '17: "Exponential Separations in ..."
Wei, Fan STOC '17: "Local Max-Cut in Smoothed ..."
Weismantel, Robert STOC '17: "A Strongly Polynomial Algorithm ..."
Wigderson, Avi STOC '17: "Algorithmic and Optimization ..."
Williams, Ryan STOC '17: "Probabilistic Rank and Matrix ..."
Witmer, David STOC '17: "Sum of Squares Lower Bounds ..."
Wong, Sam Chiu-wai STOC '17: "Subquadratic Submodular Function ..."
Woodruff, David P. STOC '17: "Low Rank Approximation with ..."
Woods, Damien STOC '17: "The Non-cooperative Tile Assembly ..."
Wright, John STOC '17: "Efficient Quantum Tomography ..."
Wulff-Nilsen, Christian STOC '17: "Fully-Dynamic Minimum Spanning ..."