STOC 2016
48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2016)
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48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2016), June 19–21, 2016, Cambridge, MA, USA

STOC 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aaronson, Scott STOC '16: "Separations in Query Complexity ..."
Abboud, Amir STOC '16: "The 4/3 Additive Spanner Exponent ..." STOC '16: "Simulating Branching Programs ..."
Ambainis, Andris STOC '16: "Separations in Query Complexity ..."
Applebaum, Benny STOC '16: "Algebraic Attacks against ..."
Aronov, Boris STOC '16: "Almost Tight Bounds for Eliminating ..."
Asharov, Gilad STOC '16: "Searchable Symmetric Encryption: ..."
Assadi, Sepehr STOC '16: "Tight Bounds for Single-Pass ..."
Aziz, Haris STOC '16: "A Discrete and Bounded Envy-Free ..."
Babai, László STOC '16: "Graph Isomorphism in Quasipolynomial ..."
Balodis, Kaspars STOC '16: "Separations in Query Complexity ..."
Bansal, Nikhil STOC '16: "Lift-and-Round to Improve ..."
Bassily, Raef STOC '16: "Algorithmic Stability for ..."
Baswana, Surender STOC '16: "Fault Tolerant Subgraph for ..."
Bateni, MohammadHossein STOC '16: "A PTAS for Planar Group Steiner ..."
Belovs, Aleksandrs STOC '16: "A Polynomial Lower Bound for ..." STOC '16: "Separations in Query Complexity ..."
Ben-David, Shalev STOC '16: "Separations in Query Complexity ..."
Bender, Michael A. STOC '16: "Contention Resolution with ..."
Bernstein, Aaron STOC '16: "Deterministic Decremental ..."
Bhattacharya, Sayan STOC '16: "New Deterministic Approximation ..."
Blais, Eric STOC '16: "A Polynomial Lower Bound for ..."
Bodwin, Greg STOC '16: "The 4/3 Additive Spanner Exponent ..."
Boutsidis, Christos STOC '16: "Optimal Principal Component ..."
Brandt, Sebastian STOC '16: "A Lower Bound for the Distributed ..."
Braverman, Mark STOC '16: "Communication Lower Bounds ..." STOC '16: "Parallel Algorithms for Select ..." STOC '16: "Constant-Rate Coding for Multiparty ..."
Braverman, Vladimir STOC '16: "Beating CountSketch for Heavy ..."
Cai, Yang STOC '16: "A Duality Based Unified Approach ..."
Chakraborty, Diptarka STOC '16: "Streaming Algorithms for Embedding ..."
Chattopadhyay, Eshan STOC '16: "Non-malleable Extractors and ..." STOC '16: "Extractors for Sumset Sources ..." STOC '16: "Explicit Two-Source Extractors ..."
Chechik, Shiri STOC '16: "Deterministic Decremental ..."
Chen, Sitan STOC '16: "Basis Collapse for Holographic ..."
Chen, Xi STOC '16: "Near-Optimal Small-Depth Lower ..."
Chestnut, Stephen R. STOC '16: "Beating CountSketch for Heavy ..."
Choudhary, Keerti STOC '16: "Fault Tolerant Subgraph for ..."
Chuzhoy, Julia STOC '16: "Improved Approximation for ..."
Cohen, Aloni STOC '16: "Watermarking Cryptographic ..."
Cohen, Gil STOC '16: "Two-Source Dispersers for ..."
Cohen, Michael B. STOC '16: "Geometric Median in Nearly ..."
Cohen-Addad, Vincent STOC '16: "Approximating Connectivity ..."
Colin de Verdière, Éric STOC '16: "Approximating Connectivity ..."
Czumaj, Artur STOC '16: "Relating Two Property Testing ..."
Daniely, Amit STOC '16: "Complexity Theoretic Limitations ..."
Dasgupta, Sanjoy STOC '16: "A Cost Function for Similarity-Based ..."
Daskalakis, Constantinos STOC '16: "A Size-Free CLT for Poisson ..."
David, Roee STOC '16: "On the Effect of Randomness ..."
De, Anindya STOC '16: "A Size-Free CLT for Poisson ..."
Demaine, Erik D. STOC '16: "A PTAS for Planar Group Steiner ..."
Devanur, Nikhil R. STOC '16: "The Sample Complexity of Auctions ..." STOC '16: "A Duality Based Unified Approach ..."
Diakonikolas, Ilias STOC '16: "The Fourier Transform of Poisson ..."
Dobzinski, Shahar STOC '16: "Breaking the Logarithmic Barrier ..."
Dughmi, Shaddin STOC '16: "Algorithmic Bayesian Persuasion ..."
Efremenko, Klim STOC '16: "Constant-Rate Coding for Multiparty ..."
Emamjomeh-Zadeh, Ehsan STOC '16: "Deterministic and Probabilistic ..."
Emek, Yuval STOC '16: "Online Matching: Haste Makes ..."
Ene, Alina STOC '16: "Routing under Balance ..."
Evra, Shai STOC '16: "Bounded Degree Cosystolic ..."
Feige, Uriel STOC '16: "On the Effect of Randomness ..."
Feldman, Michal STOC '16: "The Price of Anarchy in Large ..."
Fenner, Stephen STOC '16: "Bipartite Perfect Matching ..."
Fischer, Orr STOC '16: "A Lower Bound for the Distributed ..."
Fomin, Fedor V. STOC '16: "Exact Algorithms via Monotone ..."
Fraigniaud, Pierre STOC '16: "Parallel Exhaustive Search ..."
Frieze, Alan STOC '16: "Separating Subadditive Euclidean ..."
Ganor, Anat STOC '16: "Exponential Separation of ..."
Garg, Ankit STOC '16: "Communication Lower Bounds ..."
Gaspers, Serge STOC '16: "Exact Algorithms via Monotone ..."
Gavinsky, Dmitry STOC '16: "Entangled Simultaneity versus ..."
Gelles, Ran STOC '16: "Constant-Rate Coding for Multiparty ..."
Goldenberg, Elazar STOC '16: "Streaming Algorithms for Embedding ..."
Goldreich, Oded STOC '16: "Matrix Rigidity of Random ..."
Goyal, Vipul STOC '16: "Textbook Non-malleable Commitments ..." STOC '16: "Non-malleable Extractors and ..."
Gurjar, Rohit STOC '16: "Bipartite Perfect Matching ..."
Guruswami, Venkatesan STOC '16: "Repairing Reed-Solomon Codes ..."
Haah, Jeongwan STOC '16: "Sample-Optimal Tomography ..."
Haeupler, Bernhard STOC '16: "Constant-Rate Coding for Multiparty ..."
Hajiaghayi, MohammadTaghi STOC '16: "A PTAS for Planar Group Steiner ..."
Hall, Chris STOC '16: "Ramanujan Coverings of Graphs ..."
Hansen, Thomas Dueholm STOC '16: "Simulating Branching Programs ..."
Harris, David G. STOC '16: "Distributed (Δ+1)-Coloring ..."
Harrow, Aram W. STOC '16: "Sample-Optimal Tomography ..."
Hazan, Elad STOC '16: "The Computational Power of ..."
Henzinger, Monika STOC '16: "New Deterministic Approximation ..." STOC '16: "A Deterministic Almost-Tight ..."
Hirvonen, Juho STOC '16: "A Lower Bound for the Distributed ..."
Holmgren, Justin STOC '16: "Watermarking Cryptographic ..."
Hopkins, Samuel B. STOC '16: "Fast Spectral Algorithms from ..."
Hsu, Justin STOC '16: "Do Prices Coordinate Markets? ..."
Huang, Zhiyi STOC '16: "The Sample Complexity of Auctions ..."
Immorlica, Nicole STOC '16: "The Price of Anarchy in Large ..."
Ivkin, Nikita STOC '16: "Beating CountSketch for Heavy ..."
Ji, Zhengfeng STOC '16: "Classical Verification of ..." STOC '16: "Sample-Optimal Tomography ..."
Kamath, Gautam STOC '16: "A Size-Free CLT for Poisson ..."
Kane, Daniel M. STOC '16: "The Fourier Transform of Poisson ..." STOC '16: "Super-Linear Gate and Super-Quadratic ..."
Kapralov, Michael STOC '16: "Sparse Fourier Transform in ..."
Karger, David R. STOC '16: "Enumerating Parametric Global ..."
Kaufman, Tali STOC '16: "Bounded Degree Cosystolic ..."
Kayal, Neeraj STOC '16: "On the Size of Homogeneous ..."
Keller, Barbara STOC '16: "A Lower Bound for the Distributed ..."
Kempe, David STOC '16: "Deterministic and Probabilistic ..."
Khanna, Sanjeev STOC '16: "Tight Bounds for Single-Pass ..."
Khot, Subhash STOC '16: "Candidate Hard Unique Game ..."
Kim, David H. K. STOC '16: "Improved Approximation for ..."
Klein, Philip N. STOC '16: "Approximating Connectivity ..."
Kol, Gillat STOC '16: "Exponential Separation of ..." STOC '16: "Interactive Compression for ..."
Kopelowitz, Tsvi STOC '16: "Contention Resolution with ..."
Kopparty, Swastik STOC '16: "High-Rate Locally-Correctable ..."
Koren, Tomer STOC '16: "The Computational Power of ..."
Korman, Amos STOC '16: "Parallel Exhaustive Search ..."
Kothari, Robin STOC '16: "Separations in Query Complexity ..."
Koucký, Michal STOC '16: "Streaming Algorithms for Embedding ..."
Krinninger, Sebastian STOC '16: "A Deterministic Almost-Tight ..."
Kudekar, Shrinivas STOC '16: "Reed-Muller Codes Achieve ..."
Kumar, Santhosh STOC '16: "Reed-Muller Codes Achieve ..."
Kutten, Shay STOC '16: "Online Matching: Haste Makes ..."
Kyng, Rasmus STOC '16: "Sparsified Cholesky and Multigrid ..."
Lee, Troy STOC '16: "Separations in Query Complexity ..."
Lee, Yin Tat STOC '16: "Sparsified Cholesky and Multigrid ..." STOC '16: "Geometric Median in Nearly ..."
Lempiäinen, Tuomo STOC '16: "A Lower Bound for the Distributed ..."
Levey, Elaine STOC '16: "A (1+epsilon)-Approximation ..."
Li, Shi STOC '16: "Improved Approximation for ..."
Li, Xin STOC '16: "Non-malleable Extractors and ..." STOC '16: "Extractors for Sumset Sources ..."
Li, Yang STOC '16: "Tight Bounds for Single-Pass ..."
Li, Yi STOC '16: "On Approximating Functions ..."
Lokshtanov, Daniel STOC '16: "Exact Algorithms via Monotone ..."
Lovett, Shachar STOC '16: "Algebraic Attacks against ..."
Lucier, Brendan STOC '16: "The Price of Anarchy in Large ..."
Ma, Tengyu STOC '16: "Communication Lower Bounds ..."
Mackenzie, Simon STOC '16: "A Discrete and Bounded Envy-Free ..."
Mao, Jieming STOC '16: "Parallel Algorithms for Select ..."
Marx, Dániel STOC '16: "A PTAS for Planar Group Steiner ..."
Mathieu, Claire STOC '16: "Approximating Connectivity ..."
Meierfrankenfeld, David STOC '16: "Approximating Connectivity ..."
Meir, Or STOC '16: "High-Rate Locally-Correctable ..."
Miller, Gary STOC '16: "Routing under Balance ..." STOC '16: "Geometric Median in Nearly ..."
Moitra, Ankur STOC '16: "How Robust Are Reconstruction ..."
Mondelli, Marco STOC '16: "Reed-Muller Codes Achieve ..."
Montanari, Andrea STOC '16: "Semidefinite Programs on Sparse ..."
Morgenstern, Jamie STOC '16: "Do Prices Coordinate Markets? ..."
Moshkovitz, Dana STOC '16: "Candidate Hard Unique Game ..."
Nanongkai, Danupon STOC '16: "New Deterministic Approximation ..." STOC '16: "A Deterministic Almost-Tight ..."
Naor, Moni STOC '16: "Searchable Symmetric Encryption: ..."
Nguyen, Huy L. STOC '16: "Communication Lower Bounds ..."
Nikolov, Aleksandar STOC '16: "Maximizing Determinants under ..."
Nishimaki, Ryo STOC '16: "Watermarking Cryptographic ..."
Nissim, Kobbi STOC '16: "Algorithmic Stability for ..."
O'Donnell, Ryan STOC '16: "Efficient Quantum Tomography ..."
Oliveira, Igor C. STOC '16: "Near-Optimal Small-Depth Lower ..."
Pachocki, Jakub STOC '16: "Routing under Balance ..." STOC '16: "Geometric Median in Nearly ..."
Pandey, Omkant STOC '16: "Textbook Non-malleable Commitments ..."
Pegden, Wesley STOC '16: "Separating Subadditive Euclidean ..."
Peng, Pan STOC '16: "Relating Two Property Testing ..."
Peng, Richard STOC '16: "Sparsified Cholesky and Multigrid ..."
Perry, William STOC '16: "How Robust Are Reconstruction ..."
Pettie, Seth STOC '16: "Contention Resolution with ..."
Pfister, Henry D. STOC '16: "Reed-Muller Codes Achieve ..."
Pitassi, Toniann STOC '16: "Poly-logarithmic Frege Depth ..."
Psomas, Christos-Alexandros STOC '16: "The Sample Complexity of Auctions ..."
Puder, Doron STOC '16: "Ramanujan Coverings of Graphs ..."
Raz, Ran STOC '16: "Exponential Separation of ..."
Razenshteyn, Ilya STOC '16: "Weighted Low Rank Approximations ..."
Reingold, Omer STOC '16: "Constant-Round Interactive ..."
Richelson, Silas STOC '16: "Textbook Non-malleable Commitments ..."
Rodeh, Yoav STOC '16: "Parallel Exhaustive Search ..."
Roditty, Liam STOC '16: "Fault Tolerant Subgraph for ..."
Rogers, Ryan STOC '16: "Do Prices Coordinate Markets? ..."
Ron-Zewi, Noga STOC '16: "High-Rate Locally-Correctable ..."
Rossman, Benjamin STOC '16: "Poly-logarithmic Frege Depth ..."
Roth, Aaron STOC '16: "Do Prices Coordinate Markets? ..." STOC '16: "Watch and Learn: Optimizing ..."
Rothblum, Guy N. STOC '16: "Constant-Round Interactive ..."
Rothblum, Ron D. STOC '16: "Constant-Round Interactive ..."
Rothvoss, Thomas STOC '16: "A (1+epsilon)-Approximation ..."
Roughgarden, Tim STOC '16: "The Price of Anarchy in Large ..."
Rubinstein, Aviad STOC '16: "Beyond Matroids: Secretary ..."
Rybicki, Joel STOC '16: "A Lower Bound for the Distributed ..."
Sachdeva, Sushant STOC '16: "Sparsified Cholesky and Multigrid ..."
Saha, Chandan STOC '16: "On the Size of Homogeneous ..."
Santha, Miklos STOC '16: "Separations in Query Complexity ..."
Saptharishi, Ramprasad STOC '16: "Efficiently Decoding Reed-Muller ..."
Saraf, Shubhangi STOC '16: "High-Rate Locally-Correctable ..."
Şaşoğlu, Eren STOC '16: "Reed-Muller Codes Achieve ..."
Saurabh, Saket STOC '16: "Exact Algorithms via Monotone ..."
Sawin, William F. STOC '16: "Ramanujan Coverings of Graphs ..."
Schneider, Johannes STOC '16: "Distributed (Δ+1)-Coloring ..."
Schramm, Tselil STOC '16: "Fast Spectral Algorithms from ..."
Segev, Gil STOC '16: "Searchable Symmetric Encryption: ..."
Sen, Subhabrata STOC '16: "Semidefinite Programs on Sparse ..."
Servedio, Rocco A. STOC '16: "Near-Optimal Small-Depth Lower ..." STOC '16: "Poly-logarithmic Frege Depth ..."
Shahaf, Ido STOC '16: "Searchable Symmetric Encryption: ..."
Sharir, Micha STOC '16: "Almost Tight Bounds for Eliminating ..."
Shi, Jonathan STOC '16: "Fast Spectral Algorithms from ..."
Shpilka, Amir STOC '16: "Efficiently Decoding Reed-Muller ..."
Sidford, Aaron STOC '16: "Routing under Balance ..." STOC '16: "Geometric Median in Nearly ..."
Singh, Mohit STOC '16: "Maximizing Determinants under ..."
Singhal, Vikrant STOC '16: "Deterministic and Probabilistic ..."
Smith, Adam STOC '16: "Algorithmic Stability for ..."
Smotrovs, Juris STOC '16: "Separations in Query Complexity ..."
Sohler, Christian STOC '16: "Relating Two Property Testing ..."
Song, Zhao STOC '16: "Weighted Low Rank Approximations ..."
Spielman, Daniel A. STOC '16: "Sparsified Cholesky and Multigrid ..."
Srinivasan, Aravind STOC '16: "Lift-and-Round to Improve ..."
Steinke, Thomas STOC '16: "Algorithmic Stability for ..."
Stemmer, Uri STOC '16: "Algorithmic Stability for ..."
Steurer, David STOC '16: "Fast Spectral Algorithms from ..."
Stewart, Alistair STOC '16: "The Fourier Transform of Poisson ..."
Su, Hsin-Hao STOC '16: "Distributed (Δ+1)-Coloring ..."
Suomela, Jukka STOC '16: "A Lower Bound for the Distributed ..."
Svensson, Ola STOC '16: "Lift-and-Round to Improve ..."
Syrgkanis, Vasilis STOC '16: "The Price of Anarchy in Large ..."
Tal, Avishay STOC '16: "Matrix Rigidity of Random ..."
Tan, Li-Yang STOC '16: "Near-Optimal Small-Depth Lower ..." STOC '16: "Poly-logarithmic Frege Depth ..."
Tavenas, Sébastien STOC '16: "On the Size of Homogeneous ..."
Thierauf, Thomas STOC '16: "Bipartite Perfect Matching ..."
Tzamos, Christos STOC '16: "A Size-Free CLT for Poisson ..."
Uitto, Jara STOC '16: "A Lower Bound for the Distributed ..."
Ullman, Jonathan STOC '16: "Algorithmic Stability for ..." STOC '16: "Watch and Learn: Optimizing ..."
Urbanke, Rüdiger STOC '16: "Reed-Muller Codes Achieve ..."
Vaikuntanathan, Vinod STOC '16: "Watermarking Cryptographic ..."
Valiant, Gregory STOC '16: "Instance Optimal Learning ..."
Valiant, Paul STOC '16: "Instance Optimal Learning ..."
Vohra, Rakesh STOC '16: "Do Prices Coordinate Markets? ..."
Volk, Ben Lee STOC '16: "Efficiently Decoding Reed-Muller ..."
Wattenhofer, Roger STOC '16: "Online Matching: Haste Makes ..."
Wein, Alexander S. STOC '16: "How Robust Are Reconstruction ..."
Weinberg, S. Matthew STOC '16: "Parallel Algorithms for Select ..." STOC '16: "A Duality Based Unified Approach ..."
Wichs, Daniel STOC '16: "Watermarking Cryptographic ..."
Williams, Ryan STOC '16: "Simulating Branching Programs ..." STOC '16: "Super-Linear Gate and Super-Quadratic ..."
Williams, Virginia Vassilevska STOC '16: "Simulating Branching Programs ..."
Woodruff, David P. STOC '16: "Communication Lower Bounds ..." STOC '16: "Optimal Principal Component ..." STOC '16: "Weighted Low Rank Approximations ..." STOC '16: "On Approximating Functions ..." STOC '16: "Beating CountSketch for Heavy ..."
Wootters, Mary STOC '16: "Repairing Reed-Solomon Codes ..."
Wright, John STOC '16: "Efficient Quantum Tomography ..."
Wu, Xiaodi STOC '16: "Sample-Optimal Tomography ..."
Wu, Zhiwei Steven STOC '16: "Watch and Learn: Optimizing ..."
Xia, Mingji STOC '16: "Base Collapse of Holographic ..."
Xu, Haifeng STOC '16: "Algorithmic Bayesian Persuasion ..."
Young, Maxwell STOC '16: "Contention Resolution with ..."
Yu, Huacheng STOC '16: "Cell-Probe Lower Bounds for ..."
Yu, Nengkun STOC '16: "Sample-Optimal Tomography ..."
Zhong, Peilin STOC '16: "Optimal Principal Component ..."
Zhu, Leqi STOC '16: "A Tight Space Bound for Consensus ..."
Zuckerman, David STOC '16: "Explicit Two-Source Extractors ..."

266 authors

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